Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We Are One (Dominion dom of Bimmiel and Gravlex Med)

Saverok could recongize the stance well. He had gutted too many Jedi not to know that this was Soresu. " Soresu?! You disgrace your own kind! Using jedi Tactics!" his Legs gave bend and his large body leaped into the air, arms raised over head ready to crush the Pureblood [member="Darth Rage"] below. There was no doubt that the Gen'dais movements were enhanced by the force. His aura oozed of the darkside which was raw in power.

" I'll crush you into dust."

The boys reaction would determine his fate.
Rage watched the Gen'dai prepare to strike. His face grew grim as the ball of muscle threatened him. The beast legs bent and launched him into the air. He was incredibly fast. The pureblood could not believe something so giant could move so quickly. Rage had to use the force to speed his movements. As the beast careened through the air Rage stepped to the side and attempted to bring his blade down atop the beast in a vertical sweep.

Post 2/25
Location: Bimmiel

Bartic sat in the back of a vehicle and waited for the cameraman's signal, "I'm Bartic Myth'rand, CEO of the Corellian Engineering Corporation, coming live from the front lines on Bimmeil, this vehicle we are ridding in is the passenger variant of the PGV-35 Tauntaun, it has a crew of two, a driver and a co-driver who acts as a gunner for the heavy laser canon turret."

The vehicle stops and Bartic gets out, another similar looking vehicle with a large turret on the back of it is parked nearby, "This here is the standard configuration for the support variant, in addition to the co-driver's turret this version supports a weapon pod where the passenger compartment would normally be. In place of twelve soldiers this one carries two repeating laser cannons and re-loadable launching systems for two concussion missiles in addition the the driver and co-driver the support variant has two additional crew members to fire and monitor the additional weapons."

[member="Cedric Grayson"] | [member="Vorian Adasca"] | [member="Darth Rage"] | [member="Xiarr Sair"] | [member="Dune Rhur"]
Sensory acuity boomed surging about Saveroks body. He could see the pureblood move at a slower motion of speed than most other species could believe. " You move in slow motion for me. Heheh." He chuckled leaning back slightly. The superheated plasma blade glancing against his chest plate and following through up to his duraplast helmet. The tip of the blade charred the outer most portion of his flesh. A fresh cut revealed the monsters true body within. Landing with a violent impact to the ground Saverok turned his head to [member="Darth Rage"] and opened his mouth.

A powerful and unnatural force escaped his mouth traveling toward the Sith pureblood in full. Force Bellow. Not wishing to waste time Saverok charged back into the fray with a sprint and a large armored fist raised ready to strike.
Rage's blow glanced off the beast armor. He felt it melt through the armor like butter, but it was not enough to bring down the massive creature. As the monster landed his maw opened wide. He released a terrible bellow that shook the Sith to his core. His hands shot to his ears and he chest became heavy. A pain like no other shot through his body. It felt as though his organs were liquefying. Then the beast charged again. A big meaty fist reared back and Rage felt it impact with his face. The Sith pure blood went sprawling backwards and he felt his jaw come loose. He tried to move his jaw and tasted the distinct taste of copper. Rage raised his hand and an arc of lighting spewed forth to envelop the Gen'dai's body.

"Gahhh!" He shrieked in pain. His muscle-ly body he could feel seizing up and constricting. Jerking himself about he grit his teeth. This was not what he really wanted or expect but the trickier the situation the more he came alive. " Ttthhisss is waattt iimm taalking about. HAHAHA!" his chuckle quickly shifted into a full out laugh. Convulsions in his body grew more and more sudden. A cracked duraplast helmet revealed the beasts eyes rolling to the back of his head. By appearence it seemed he was getting weaker but his Darkside presence said the opposite.

Dark Rage.

A red glow suddenly engulfed his eyes and rage over took him. Rage that motivated him to fight through the pain and ill effects of sith lightning. Such Resolve was frightening.

" Im going to enjoy killing you." he said while walking forward slowly fightning the current of lightning. [member="Darth Rage"]

post 5​
Post 3/25
Location: Bimmiel

Bartic stood in front of a large hover tank when the camera operator signalled the feed was live, "I'm Bartic Myth'rand, CEO of the Corellian Engineering Corporation, coming live from the front lines on Bimmeil, this lovely floating piece of machinery here is a PGV-44 Wampa. It was originally built to destroy large sith-spawn, however without the need for that it has been re-purposed as an anti-fortification weapons system, the main heavy mass driver cannon has the ability to shred enemy emplacements."

The camera panned to look at an old cathedral, clearly showing several enemy combatants in defensive positions.

"Observe this fortified cathedral, it has survived the initial bombing raids mostly intact but it will not survive today, a unit of three vehicles and it's supporting infantry will easily be able reduce it and it's defenders to dust. OPEN FIRE!"

[member="Rakieh Atur"]

Rakieh Atur

The Watchman's Apprentice
Amidst taking note of the chaos outside his confinement and focusing on all things his mind could possibly focus on, all things suddenly went silent. All the death that had surrounded him, all the chaos ensuing that he was finally becoming in touch with through the Force almost disappeared in an instance. An uncomfortable silence ensued as he looked around and inspected the surroundings of his confinement.

There was a boom in the nearby distance, or nearby as he could tell. The walls surrounding his temporary shell shook as dust and debris fell from the roof, some crashing down nearly on top of his cage, causing him to stand in shock. A second boom shook the walls once more, causing them to begin to crumble around him. It was before the third boom that Rakieh had forced the front bars of his door open in haste, fear that the roof might collapse above him, and the fear was not unjustified. As the third boom had struck, the entire front face of his area of confinement had crumbled upon him, crashing and breaking upon contact with the cell he was in. Dust collected in a cloud around him, making it hard to breath, and as it cleared and his breath came back to him as clean as it was once before, his focus and connection around him came back, and closer than he imagined stood proud three vehicles and its surrounding support, headed by a man he had never seen before.

If he had eyes, they would be wide to match the raising of his eyebrows in surprise.

"... My thanks. These, uh... fireworks are quite the show."

[member="Bartic Myth'rand"] | [member="Cedric Grayson"]
I am wrath. I am retribution given form.

The silver blade hissed as it carved through flesh and armor, the turn of its length signalling the death of yet another foe. Cedric had grown rather skilled in the use of the blade, and batted away bolts of energy that came for him with relative ease. Any man that drew too close found a blade shoved through their chest - any warrior that sought to slay the Archlord from a distance found their own means of offense to be their end. Bodies fell all about the Jedi Lord, those of his enemy far outnumbering his allies.

"Reason is something lost to the damned, Master Rhur." The youth muttered as he dropped another Gammorean. "I only wish we could save them rather than slay them." He continued, an obvious overture of remorse in his voice as he stared down at the body beneath his feet.

"Vorian, let's see what this temple has to offer," Cedric muttered as he marched toward the building in question. It was there that Bartic and his new acquaintance awaited, though the Archlord knew of either. He only sought an end to the conflict.

[member="Vorian Adasca"], [member="Dune Rhur"], [member="Bartic Myth'rand"], [member="Rakieh Atur"]
The tides of battle like they've ever been seen, the crimson bursting from the dashing of the swaths of foes standing in opposition. The defiance made it easier, not that taking life was any problem. Making no mention, no verbal communication towards his allies, Abraxas ripped and tore through the Arch-Enemy like the innocents of his past genocides. The time of being part of an entity that only saw him as a mere instrument of war... it only added to the fuel in which the Sith used to slaughter in the name of the Dominion.

He hadn't changed, nothing about the warrior was any different now than when he was a servant of the Sith's mockery of a unified cause. He was still very much the same monstrosity that lived for disembowelment of anything that moved, essentially.

Death followed him, like a cloud. His crimson blade a surgeon's tool.

For the Dominion.

[member="Cedric Grayson"] | [member="Vorian Adasca"] | [member="Dune Rhur"]
Post 4/25
Location: Bimmiel

Bartic continued speaking into the camera as the lone Miraluka wandered forward across the former no man's land, "As you can see there is only one survivor, a lucky break, not one shot was needed from the infantry to completely eliminate the position. with a little work an engineering corps could turn the new open area into a landing pad, forward operations base, or anything else that might be needed."

The cameraman signalled that the recording was cut and Bartic snapped into commander mode, "MEDIC! Help this man now!"


[member="Rakieh Atur"] | [member="Cedric Grayson"]
Post 1


Some thrived on it, feeding from the pain and anguish and wrath. Some abhorred it, mourning the loss of life, and finding ways to end it when they could. While the act of combat was not one she was well practiced in, it was one she could find a twisted sort of joy from. Pain, anger, those she could feed on, those she could use to her advantage. With a small smile, she stepped from the shuttle's doors onto the soft earth, her crimson blade activating as she walked towards the crowd. Fear washed over her, and her smile widened. They were afraid. Scared of the sight of her. Still, the first few bolts flew, and she caught them, flicking then away in random directions, her slow, methodical walk towards them unchanging as Dominion troops spilled from the ship behind her.

As cultists fell, she drank it in. Death had such a sour taste.
Rage watched as the creature fought through his lightning. His eyes took on an ominous red glow and Rage knew he was dealing with something else all together. Rage got to his feet maintaining the flow of lightning as he did so. Rage moved ever closer to the beast, lightning still flowing from his hand. Rage brought his saber up with his other hand and swung at the beast knees horizontally.

Cedric watched with something akin to horror as the temple was bombed from afar. It was not for a desire to see the decrepit building stand, but for those that were within. There were undoubtedly prisoners that had suffered at the hands of the enemy from sometime within. As a group of such men stumbled out from the flames, Cedric prepared to make a call for the artillery to stop. Fortunately, someone had spared the operators his wrath and ordered them to cease operation already.

With his mind interconnected with so many others, one might have thought the Archlord would have trouble focusing on any single subject. Contrary to that, he had grown rather skilled at compartmentalizing his mind. Part of it encouraged his warriors, and the other lingered upon the temple.

A young Miraluka was taken up by medical personnel. Cedric could make out Bartic barking his orders.

"We need to see what is within before the damned temple burns down," he explained to both [member="Abraxas"] and [member="Grace Darkson"]. He came marching up to Bartic's side a moment later, blade in hand, the other fiddling with his comlink.

"Myth'rand, what was that?" He asked, gesturing toward the burning holes that the artillery strike had left in the building's flank.

[member="Bartic Myth'rand"], [member="Rakieh Atur"]
Post: [01/20]

High above the world of Bimmiel hung a singular Yuuzhan Vong carrier among the varied assortment of Sith and Alliance vessels. Though size was a factor in its aesthetic effect, there was an attention grabbing aura to it. The whole vessel was alive; living and breathing while smaller lifeforms called it their home. Coralskippers buzzed about with hivemind-like tenacity and it bristled to life the moment Judas stepped back aboard it.

"Alegar!" The exile snarled as he stormed the bridge with a scowl. "Why are we not on the ground yet?"

A taller, lankier being approached him with a cursory, toothy grin. "I was awaiting your orders, my Lord. I was unsure if you had decided to throw your lot in with these... these infidels." His words were harsh, guttural, and carried an accent not of this galaxy. They tended to hate learning Galactic Basic.

Judas furrowed his brow at that for a moment, then let it rest. Alegar was no moron and Judas had observed him growing in competence with each passing battle they entered. A good leader - a good warrior.

"Fetch me my things, Subcommander."

Alegar moved quickly, angling past several squads of Chazrach and their Yuuzhan Vong handlers. Judas followed as well, closing in to facilitate easier access. First was the armor, slipping on perfectly as if it were crafted solely for his frame. The sword came to rest upon his side and the heavy, towering shield remained tight in his grasp.

Whatever messages sent to him in these moments, they were void. The armor he wore, the ship he stood upon were all void from the Force. The dark jedi boarded a Yorik-trema with a detachment of his best warriors, and dropped feet-first into this halestorm aimed at the capital.

[member="Cedric Grayson"], [member="Grace Darkson"], [member="Abraxas"]

Tyberius Fel

Rightful Galactic Emperor
In a flash of Tyrian purple, more of the heretical cultists fell. Some of them sliced in twine by the burning edge of condensed plasma, but more simply having their own blaster bolts deflected into them courtesy of the Soresu style. He cooperated closely with Rhur and Grayson. The former was his master, and even now, they still fought in a lethal sort of synergy; while Grayson fought with the burning zeal of his father, even though he lacked his immense skill in Vaapad and the force.

"These cults are a ulcer upon the heel of the galaxy."

He dutifully followed Dune Rhur and Cedric after having scorched a burning hole in the pitiful efforts of the defenders. On the way, he briefly spotted the towering figure of Abraxas somewhere in the fray among others.

[member="Cedric Grayson"]
[member="Dune Rhur"]
Post 2

Ashes to ashes.

Her blade danced through the cult's few who dared approach, no doubt aided by those around her who were better suited to the rage of war. There was a measured pace to her movements, an almost calm motion that seemed at odds with the simmering anger rolling away from her. These people would tear down the order they had spent so much, lost so much, to build, and for what? To serve some god who didn't care fr them, spoken of by masters who saw them as pawns and less than sentient. And they were content, even joyful about it. They were weak, deserving nothing close to mercy.

She gave a short nod to [member="Cedric Grayson"] before sprinting for the church. Maybe there were civilians there, who needed someone to help. Or maybe there were more cultists to kill. She hoped for the latter. it would be so much more satisfying.
Post 5/25
Location: Bimmiel

"That was the destruction of a fortified enemy position with no loss of life on our side. That was also a failure in communication," Bartic nodded towards his adjunct, "As I was not informed that they had prisoners in the building."

Bartic could not see anything wrong with his destruction of the fortified cathedral, the enemies held an advantageous position, and now it was but rubble.

"The cultists refused to engage me on any terms that would be defined as advantageous so I made my own terms, they could not resist, and they crumbled."

[member="Rakieh Atur"] | [member="Cedric Grayson"] | [member="Grace Darkson"] | [member="Abraxas"]
The lightsaber hissed at it died in Cedric's hands.

The Archlord observed the destruction from behind the steely visage of his mask; his expression hidden by its unchanging nothingness. The only sign of his mood came in the way he turned toward Bartic, his head tilting forward in something of a half-nod.

"I cannot fault you for that," he intoned. "Continue with the bombardment. The city will fall soon, and I would rather avoid casualties here." The Archlord instructed. With a wave of his will, he placed an ethereal hand on Bartic's shoulder - his presence a reassuring force at the back of the man's mind.

Without another word, he broke off into a jog after [member="Grace Darkson"]. Some of the rubble had been cleared, but one could easily hear the shouts of those trapped within the cells below. "Good to see you're still up and at it Grace." His tone was perhaps a little too cheery for their situation.

With an expression of his telekinetic will, the Archlord began shifting bits of rubble away from the hatch that led to the dungeons below.

[member="Bartic Myth'rand"], [member="Grace Darkson"], [member="Abraxas"], [member="Vorian Adasca"], [member="Judas Foster"], [member="Rakieh Atur"]
Jairdain a simple Jedi padawan had been sent out on a solo mission and been captured by cultists of Primeval. She was transported and held in a cage in darkness. She could see with the Force, but there wasn't much to see. A few other people were with her, but held in separate cages. There was no way for her touch any of them. The lock, she tried to probe with the Force, but couldn't find a way to work it. Perhaps it was made to hold Force users, either way, she was trapped.

There was the sounds of battle not far off and any guard they had was gone, probably pulled away to the fight.

Escape was fruitless for her and she just sat down in the cage awaiting whatever fate was meant for her.

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