Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We can rebuild her...whether she wants it or not

Amara Zarides

Clones just wanna have fun!
[member="Enyo Typhos"]

“Yes, mother,” Amara said, pouting.

She couldn’t stay sulky for long, and so she peered at her sister. “I’m going to get more socks. Purple ones. Maybe those socks with the individual toes! And maybe we can get a hat for Vess. She’d look good in a hat.”

She considered what sort. “Hmm…beret or porkpie hat?”

“So, when are we leaving? I need to take a shower, get something to eat, fold my laundry…get some sleep maybe.”
[member="Amara Zarides"]

Enyo shook her head. "I will never understand why you have such a fixation with, of all things, socks," she muttered. She would not admit that it was kind of adorable. That was out of the question. "We're leaving tomorrow morning. So do your chores and don't stay up too long." Yes, big sister, of course, big sister.

Amara Zarides

Clones just wanna have fun!
[member="Enyo Typhos"]
Amara huffed. “It’s simple! I get cold feet!” She gave her sister a hug. “I promise I won’t stay up late. Well, not a promise exactly, but I intend not to stay up late. It would be a desirable outcome for me to sleep.”

With Enyo out of the room Amara went about doing her chores. Sometimes she’d randomly move furniture around just to confuse the droids. She’d also found some posters and put them on the wall. Unfortunately she’d not found any black paint to cover the walls in.

It was as she was snuggling into her nightclothes and socks that there was a knock at the door.


“Oh hi, Big K! Couldn’t sleep?” she joked.
He gave her a puzzled look. “I wanted to see how you were. We were very proud of your efforts in the mission.”
“Aww, that’s sweet! Come in!” she said. She didn’t show any apprehension. No, if she showed any of that he would suspect, and he might use her programming to reveal her plan.
He sat beside her, took her hand. “You know, I do have other programming if you needed to relax….”
“Really? That’s great! Did you bring the games?”
“Well, I’m not good at Pazaak, but I reckon I could bluff my way to a Nine Jawa’s Terrace victory. Or how about Galactic Gamble? I keep trying to get Enny to play that, but she doesn’t like it.”
“No, no, I meant…other programming,” Kress hinted, giving her a kiss.
Amara went bright red. “Oh…oh…ah. Well, that’s very nice, but won’t Vess be upset?”
“I do not understand.”
“Never mind. Ah, well, you see Kress, you’re a great robot and I’m sure that you’re very fun…but you see I’m not really into you.”
“Would you prefer Vess?”
“Nah, I think my sister has her. But no, what I mean is…it’s not you, it’s me. I think we should see other organics. I like you as a friend. I’m very supportive of your existence choices.”
Kress stared at her, then rose. “My apologies if I offended you.”
“You haven’t. You’re my third favourite individual in the galaxy.”
“Who is the second?”
“Autie Moira. She’s a bit crusty, but I know she loves me deep down, even to the depth of her memory core.”
“That’s…highly unlikely,” Kress commented. “Very well, I shall see you tomorrow.”
“Have a good night!”

When he was gone, Amara flopped onto the bed, breathing out rapidly. So…this explained a few things, especially with how her sister had used to react with Vess. Robots of negotiable affection. Very clever from Archangel…but Amara was not in the mood for that. Not even for mechanical…anatomy.
[member="Amara Zarides"]

Enyo was considerably less eccentric than her sister. Her room did not have posters. Indeed, it lacked a personal touch. The clone was on edge and, inevitably, brooding. That seemed to come naturally to her. Soon she was in her nightclothes and sitting on her bed. She tried to read a book, but found it hard to concentrate. So she ended staring at the ceiling. There was a crack in it.

Her mechu-deru senses tingled and she tensed. Then she heard a knock on the door. Vess. She knew who it was even before the door opened and the blonde crossed the threshold. The HRD seemed to have a unique signature she could detect with her new, expanded senses that were attuned to mechanical beings.

"Hey there. I wanted to check up on you. See how you were doing," the blonde HRD spoke softly, using her most human tone. She moved with a dancer's grace when she crossed the distance. "You don't mind if I sit down, do you?"
"No, no, come here. I'm fine. Ready for the mission tomorrow. I'm looking forward to some action. I don't even miss my organic parts. I feel stronger, more focused," Enyo replied with feigned nonchalance. It did not escape her attention that the black BDUs Vess was wearing showed off her muscles and ample curves. Enyo envied her for her ability to look so perfect and effortlessly change her appearance. Somehow, she had the impression that Vess' bosom had grown.
"I'm so glad to hear you say that. We have no doubt that you'll do well. We're proud of you and you've harnessed your implants faster than we anticipated. I'm impressed. But you've been through a horrible ordeal. I'm here to help you." Her tone was so caring, her smile dazzling.
"I...appreciate that, Vess. You've always been a...good friend." The words tasted like acid on her tongue, but they still left her lips. I'm going to kill Moira and Maelion. I just have to figure out what to do to get it done, she thought. I may keep you around and make you my puppet. The thought suddenly popped into her mind. Vess' hand felt so real and soft on Enyo's chest.
"I can help you a lot more. The body heals, but the mind and soul take longer. Will you let me help you?" Her breath was like a gentle caress. The HRD's other hand threaded through Enyo's scarce brown hair, which was still being regrown, then she planted a kiss on her bruised lips.
Enyo wanted to crush the bot. Imprint her will on her. Enslave her and all of Archangel the same way they'd enslaved her. But she had to play along, lest they suspect. They'd taught her how to lie and deceive. So she seemed to hesitate for a moment, then return the kiss. "Please. I don't want to think of Korriban tonight. I just want to forget and not feel this weight on my shoulder. I want you," she pulled the robot closer, capturing her lips.
"Good girl. I can make you feel better. This is just between the two of us." The kiss soon turned heated and Enyo pulled Vess down onto the bed with her. The door slammed shut. Fade to black!

Amara Zarides

Clones just wanna have fun!
[member="Amara"] Zarides

It was a very long night…five weeks of real time for a start! A lot had happened in that time.
Amara would need to get Enyo a masterhood present at some point. And get herself up to knight – though she much more wanted to be a rook…she was a bit odd.

Still, the morning came and Amara bounced upright, got dressed and hustled down to the landing pad actually on time!
She would mercilessly tease Enyo if she arrived with Vess and looked a little sleep deprived!
[member="Amara Zarides"]

For her part, Enyo probably needed to get Amara a couple pairs of socks. Differently coloured ones with cute nerfs on them. Anyhow, a lot of time had passed, but the clones were still in the same place, so they really needed to get a move on.

Regardless, for a change it was Enyo who was not quite on time. In all fairness, she was only two minutes late, but that was still a new record for her. Amara could probably her hear sister before she could see her, since her droid-like body clanked and whirred a bit. Archangel could probaby afford less crude cybernetics, but had made the deliberate decision of outfitting her with limbs that made her mechanical nature obvious.

"Good morning, sister. Did you sleep well? I hope you're adequately prepared. We have an important mission ahead of us," Enyo spoke in her usual big sister tone that managed to be both sweet and mildly lecturing. The effect was a bit undermined by the fact that she looked moderately sleep-deprived. Vess followed in her wake and looked as impassive as she normally did when she was not trying to seduce or trick someone. "Come on, let's get going." The Lightbringer awaited them.

Amara Zarides

Clones just wanna have fun!
[member="Enyo Typhos"]
Amara threw a cheeky salute.
“Yes, ma’am, all present and correct for duty, ma’am!”

She picked up her bag and headed on board. As she did, she gave Enyo a nudge in the ribs.
“Had trouble sleeping, or did you play too many games of snap with Vess, eh?” she asked in an ingratiating way she knew would deeply embarrass her sister.

“You know, Kress came along to see me, but he left disappointed. Well, I don’t suppose he was disappointed, but you know what I mean.”

Vess was taking position in the pilot’s chair. Amara plopped herself in the co-pilot’s seat without asking permission. That left Enyo to take the navigator role.

“Morning, Vess! I have something for you!” Reaching into her bag she produced a slightly crumpled blue hat. Where had it come from? Who knew, but the trilby was being offered to the probably bemused HRD with a smile.
[member="Amara Zarides"]

Predictably, Enyo's coloured considerably, making her look If [member="Coryth Elaris"] were present, she could probably sympathise, since certain people kept embarrassing her with thinly veiled innuendo!

"I have no idea what you're talking about, sister. Do focus on the task at hand," Enyo said in her best prim and proper tone as she tried to recover a modicrum of dignity. This one is starting to think she speaks with a British accent.

"Oh, did he? I see. I'm sure he'll get over it, being an HRD and all that," she added, sounding just a bit suspicious. She could imagine why Kress had come to Amara's room at night, though it pleased her that he'd left 'disappointed'. The thought of some robot touching her sister made her feel murderous. Actually, this applied to anyone touching her!

Anyhow, Enyo took the navigator position and...navigated things. Since it was thus obviously running at maximum efficiency, there was nothing stopping the Lightbringer from shooting into the cold void and making the jump into hyperspace. It woudl be a bit till they arrived on Coruscant. Hyperspace travel tended to go as fast as the plot demanded.

Amara Zarides

Clones just wanna have fun!
[member="Enyo Typhos"]

Amara grinned wolfishly. “Oh yes ma’am, of course ma’am,” she replied innocently.

Vess meanwhile, unsure what to do with the gift, placed it to the side with a puzzled look.

With the hyperspace jump complete, Amara popped up from her seat and wandered to the back. There she decided to doze off.

As usual she slept almost upside down, legs up the wall, head down.

When the ship came up for reversion she headed back to the cockpit. Unfortunately her sister had stolen the co-pilot’s chair! Bad Enyo!

“Take us in low,” she ordered authoritatively. “We’re heading for a certain commercial district which used to contain a crime lord’s residence. He left when the Sith did, but apparently there’s stuff there for us to find.”
[member="Amara Zarides"]


With barely a ripple, the Lightbringer emerged from hyperspace and manifested in the system of Coruscant. It would remain in a stationary position, cloaked and far out of sensoe range, so the trio boarded a shuttle to take them planetside. Unsurprisingly, Enyo snatchec the co-pilot seat while Amara was otherwise occupied. A warship loomed large in orbit, standing sentinel above the planet and inspecting as many ships as it could.

"This is Coruscant Flight Control," a voice crackled over the communications device. "Please acknowledge."

"This is the Shuttle Starbird," Vess replied evenly as while Enyo transmitted a false ID. It contained a code that would ensure that certain customs officers would look the other way. "Looking for landing clearance. Forwarding destination and ID now."

"One moment, Starbird...," the Flight Control officer replied. For a moment, the comms fell silent before coming back to life. "We have received. You're authorised to land. Forwarding flight path now. Do not leave the designated flight path without clearance. Understood?" In the same instant, a light lit up on the shuttle's command console. A series of waypoint marker appeared on the computer display.

"Acknowledged, Flight Control. Proceeding on the designated flight path," Vess confirmed, adjusting the course as she steered the ship towards the first waypoint marker. They moved right under the nose of the imposing warship.

"So far so good." Enyo gazed out of the transport's viewing port, taking in the massive ecumenopolis when the ship pierced the planet's atmosphere. The clone closed her eyes and gently pulled at the tangled web of power. With every moment that passed, her Force Signature grew smaller and smaller, buried under metaphorical layers of earth and concrete that made her appear mundane. It did not reach microscopic levels, but the layers of deception would make it more difficult for a Jedi to discern her true nature. She inhaled and used a cloth to wipe some sweat from her brow. The ship pierced the planet's atmosphere and the metropolis of Coruscant grew bigger by the second during their descent. What she saw did not impress her.

"Look at it, 'the beating heart of the Galaxy', 'the Galactic centre'," she said mockingly, looking at the tall spires and skyline of the city.
"It's just as much of a cesspit as Nar Shaddaas. Here, the criminals just wear fancy, synthsilk robes and hide their daggers while convincing you to leap to your own damnation in the sweetest language possible," she added.

Clouds hung in the air with a gentle breeze, the sun bathed the massive towers of duracrete and transparisteel in bright light. Wherever she looked, she could see skyscrapers, domes, shops and residential areas as far as the naked eye could perceive. The splendid city was teeming with life. So many sentient beings were crammed into such a small space. The logistics involved in keeping the populace fed had to be mind-boggling. It would be a nightmare if Coruscant were cut off from major agriworlds.

Most of the destruction caused by the Sith Wars had been repaired, at least in the better parts of town. Air speeders dashed between the spires at a mind-boggling speed, moving to destinations unknown to anyone save their occupants. Maintenance droids crawled over the exterior of towers, polishing the clear surfaces to a state of perfection. But it did not seem majestic to her. She could see beyond the pretty exterior.

The appearance of affluence was deceiving. In the shadow of the latter-day Towers of Bable, millions of Coruscanti lived in abject poverty in the under levels, struggling to survive. Down there, the law of the jungle reigned. The strong flourished, the weak endured a boot that kept stomping on their face.

Supreme Chancellors, Sith Emperors and Grand Masters had come and gone, but Coruscant had remained unchanged at the core: A prize the galactic powers had fought over for aeons. These days, its importance was diminished, for the Alliance had elected to keep Sullust as its capital. Perhaps the Jedi templars who pulled the Galactic Triumvirate's strings realised that their puritan morals would be difficult to maintain on a world where the art of graft had been perfected.

The sleek shuttle swept down from the cerulean sky like a great mechanical bird, coming in low to find a landing spot. "So much blood has been spilt for a planet thoroughly lacking in value beyond its name and past glory. And it is crawling with Jedi. Be on your guard."

Amara Zarides

Clones just wanna have fun!
[member="Enyo Typhos"]
Amara looked pained by Enyo’s harsh words. “It’s value is the people that live here and the commercial exchanges it makes,” she said softly.

She’d never been to Coruscant, but then neither had Enyo. They’d obviously drawn very different lessons from what they’d heard about it. If Amara was a little too naïve towards the galactic city, Enyo was perhaps a little too cynical.

Vess said nothing. Of course, if things went Archangel’s way the city would be pure and clean at last…at the cost of every living being.

“But understood. Avoid Jedi. Find objective. Extract and leave,” Amara summarised.

As they came in to land they did so in shadow. At this time the towering building-cliffs above them obscured the sun.

The ramp lowered, and Amara with the others emerged, dressed in common clothes.

Going to the edge of the platform, Amara peered over, giving a little squeak and edging back. They were a good way down…but not even halfway by the look of it!

“Have I ever told you that I have a recurring fear of depths? Heights I can deal with, it’s depth which kills you.”
[member="Amara Zarides"]

Enyo's cynicism was deeply ingrained. She'd absorbed Archangel's indoctrination far more thoroughly than Amara. Her loyalty to the machine cult had died on the killing fields of Korriban, but her fundamental worldview had remained unchanged. Time would tell whether things stayed that way or if she found cause to alter her views.

Regardless, presumably some bribery had ensured that the Port Authority did not follow their projected flight path too closely. They landed in the shadow of towering building-cliffs. Here, the sun was blotted out. Go far enough into the underlevels of Coruscant and you'd encounter people who'd probably never seen sunlight in all their life.

A cold, strong hand gripped Amara when she reached the edge of the platform, steadying her. For this mission, Enyo wore gloves and long sleeves. "Don't look down. Stay close. Take my hand," Enyo spoke firmly. The walk down took a long time. Her Quey'tek meditation remained intact, obfuscating the darkness in her soul by projecting an aura of metaphysical mundanity.

Amara Zarides

Clones just wanna have fun!
[member="Enyo Typhos"]
“Yes, mother,” Amara grumbled, taking Enyo’s hand.

Amara did not possess the skills to cloak her aura. Fortunately it was neither as strong or as dark as her sister’s.

As they walked, Vess was behind them, never leaving them alone for a second. It was clear for this mission that she was their chaperone as much as she was their companion.

Amara began to get an idea. It was something she would have to think carefully about. She just needed some time to talk to Enyo…alone. That might be easier said than done though.

They started to come into the inhabited parts. Amara let go of her sister’s hand.

People…so many people. She’d never seen this many before. Many of them were trying to sell, beg, steal or persuade something to or from her.
She stopped slightly to look around in wonder at all the people, all the noise, all the life. It was frightening, but it was also glorious to the young clone.
[member="Amara Zarides"]

And suddenly people! Beneath her stoic, 'I'm a tough queen and can beat the chit out of you' expression, Enyo was disconcerted. She didn't like crowds, or the noise and the smell that accompanied them. "Amara, stay close." Whereas Amara looked upon them in wonder and seemed mesmerised, Enyo scanned them for potential threats. She could not feel any kinship with people. The way many stared at her angered the clone.

"Miss, could you please spare a few credits, perchance? I'm a war veteran," one poor fellow, who was dressed in rags, was missing an eye and had a very crude cybernetic leg, begged.

Enyo stiffened when she saw the poorly designed leg, then tossed him a few credits before quickly moving away. However, unfortunately for her, this only made organics more interested in her. "Lady, I have talismans! The best in the 'verse."

"Go away."

"Hey, babe, do you wanna buy some deathsticks," one shifty looking fellow with a golden watch tried to put his arm around her. Feeling most vexed by this, Enyo decided to break his arm as if it were a twig. This hurt him and he cried out in agony. "You queen!"

"You don't want to sell me any deathsticks. You want to go home and rethink your life," she spoke sternly. This was probably not the way Obi-Wan wanted to be plagiarised. "Or I'll break your other arm."

Then a lovely, scantily dressed Togruta sauntered over and draped her gorgeous lekku around her shoulder. "Hey, honey, looking for a date? That was so badarse. I'll give you a discount just for the show...and these."

"What?" Enyo looked perplexed, trying to suppress the conflicting feelings that rose up inside her. Her nostrils were filled with the alien's strong perfume and she stiffened.

The hooker's nimble fingers touched her...considerable chest. Enyo was stacked like her sister. "These...and these," she touched her arm. "I love the feeling of cold metal on my skin. Do you have metal legs, too?" she licked across the clone's earlobe.

"I'm not interested. Leave me. Now," Enyo snapped harshly, in a frigid tone.

The alien prostitute pouted a bit, but she probably had other customers! "Ok, suit yourself, honey. If you change your mind, come to the Blooming Rose and ask for Tali. I'll give you the ride of your life," She was so cheeky she blew Enyo a kiss and groped her glorious round tight arse when she strutted away.

Amara Zarides

Clones just wanna have fun!
[member="Enyo Typhos"]
Amara had watched the whole show with amusement. She might be naïve and sheltered, but she knew which way her sister favoured.
Appearing beside Enyo with an impish grin she nudged her.
“So, Tali, Blooming Rose, I’ll make a note for when we’re done!” she said. She took out a piece of paper and theatrically scribbled on it.

Vess ignored the peddlers and merchants. “Come, we are wasting time,” she said flatly.

“Don’t like the competition, hey Vess?” Amara asked genially. It was ‘Embarrass Enyo Day’ today clearly.

Vess ignored her and shepherded them onwards.
[member="Amara Zarides"]

Colour rushed to Enyo's cheeks, turning a bright scarlet. She had not at all looked at how Tali's arse swayed with every step she took. Or been drawn in by her ample bosom. No, not at all. That was the way her mirror acted.

"Shut up, Amara, and stay focused," she said sternly, feeling even more annoyed when Vess interjected. She shot Amara an annoyed glare, then walked onward, payng the peddlers and merchants no further mind. Their target was ahead of them.

But Enyo's mind was elsewhere. Her gaze was focused on Vess. Two against one, and I'm the more advanced model. But we must take her down before she can say the code phrase. Then we vanish, she thought. Slowly, the gears were moving in her mind.

Amara Zarides

Clones just wanna have fun!
[member="Enyo Typhos"]
Amara could barely contain her glee. “Oh, I’m focussed, more than you anyway,” she said.

She let it drop and they walked further into the more decrepit areas of the city. Now there were no merchants, just peddlars and more sinister characters.

Several had approached them, but the flash of lightsabres at their side had dissuaded them to choose easier pickings.

Finally they came to their destination, a large platform suspended over the chasm of buildings below. Droids were diligently patrolling, but the only pathway was broken. If they wanted to reach the floating fortress they’d have to employ a different strategy.

Amara gingerly looked down, and jerked back. She wished she hadn’t.
“We need some way to cross over…and to distract the droids.”

The traffic was not as heavy here, but still solid. “We need a speeder…any ideas?”
[member="Amara Zarides"]

Enyo stared at the floating fortress. To visualise things, the trio was in a massive city. Their target, a hovering platform, lay in the chasm between two enormous buildings. They would need a vehicle to get there, and a way to distract the machines that stood sentinel.

The clone took the scenery in, scanning. This might be the moment for them to dive off a building and hope they'd land on a speeder, but that was a terrible idea for many reasons. However, her eyes took in a speeder that was parked nearby. "We'll take that. Amara, you're the most agile. So you'll distract the droids. No heroics," Enyo decided.

Having said that, she quickly trotted towards the abandoned vehicle. Did speeders in this Galaxy need keys? Could you hotwire them? These were important questions the movies had not answered. Regardless, whatever security mechanisms the craft might have were overridden when she reached out with her mechu-deru, infecting it like a virus.

"Hey, get away from my bike! You queen!" As if acting on automatism, Enyo mechanically pulled out her shatterpistol and fired at the vehicle's apparent pilot when he suddenly came running towards them. It's what Archangel would expect of her. The projectile was silent and moved faster than the speed of sound.

Amara Zarides

Clones just wanna have fun!
[member="Enyo Typhos"]
Amara nodded and was about to head off when she saw what was about to happen. Enyo pulled out her pistol, aiming to gun down the owner of the speeder there and then!
Calling on the Force she used it to knock Enyo’s arm just enough so that the slug tore through the man’s ear rather than his skull.

“Gah! You shot me, you queen!” he cried, falling to the ground in agony.

Amara walked swiftly over and knelt down. Catching the man’s eye she snapped her fingers.


He did. She bandaged his wound and hauled him to the side. He’d wake up but by then they’d be gone.

Standing, she glanced meaningfully at Enyo. She was appalled that her sister had just about murdered a bystander for no reason other than expediency. However, there was no time to deal with that now.

“Let’s go.”

How to distract the droids? They were a long way out on their little island, protected.
It was then that she noticed a gantry far above the vault. If she could get control of the crane she could lower herself down onto it.

She ran up the stairs, grabbed a turbolift, and then hit the emergency stop button at the right time. A slash with the lightsabre and she was soon heading into a crane’s control room. Soon it was swinging into position.

A gulp and she headed out over the bottomless abyss. There was a low guard rail to her sides, but it didn’t make anything easier. Heading to the very end, the wind whipping at her, she dropped down onto the magnetised container grip and activated the controls, lowering herself down.

She was now directly over the platform vault, and as she descended she saw the droids pick her up. She’d got their attention…but she was in a very precarious position. Enyo and Vess better come in soon, because she didn’t want to have to try and reflect bolts whilst standing on a narrow platform over a terrible drop.
[member="Amara Zarides"]

The poor organic went down after Amara redirected Enyo's gun so that he was shot nonfatally. Then she put him to sleep. In other words, she acted as expected. Enyo saw the appalled look on her sister's face, but neither wavered nor responded. Archangel expected her to treat organic life as expedient. Suddenly acting otherwise would arouse suspicion.

When it came to choose between their lives and that of people she did not know, even innocent ones, she chose herself and Amara. Of course, the fact that Enyo simply did not value the lives of others much also played a role. She was selfish to the core.

But now they had a mission to complete. Then, Force willing, they could eliminate Vess and finally be free. Free from Archangel, free from the shackles that kept them in bondage. Through victory, their chains would be broken.

While Amara was performing her heroics and doing a good job getting the droid's attention, Enyo and Vess had boarded the speeder and taken off. Fortunately, no one else took offence to their Grand Theft Speeder action. So the moment Amara descended from the crane, the speeder swept down to the platform.

Even as it landed, Enyo got to her feet and leapt down from the craft. She landed upon the ground with a loud thud. Then the killing began. One hand gripped her lightsabre, igniting the burning beam of violet energy, the other she used as a focal point to strengthen her concentration as she channelled the energies of the Force. Through an act of will, a burst of Force-driven energy, magnetic in nature, exploded forth from the core of Enyo's black soul. It was like a bottled-up storm that could finally be unleashed in all its great and terrible glory.

"Trespassers detected. Initiate termination protocols," one droid declared in its typical mechanical voice, raising its dual wrist blasters. Its voice was less annoying than that of a standard B-1, but not by much. It resembled a super battle droid from the long bygone days of the Clone Wars.

"Affirmative," one of its mechanical brethren spoke. Then they were consumed by the power of the Force. What were droids and their weapons made of? Metal. What did magnetism love to tear apart? You guessed right, metal. Robots were caught inside a tremendous magnetic field and ripped apart.

Enyo marched into the fray, her lightsabre blazing and singing a song of purgation as she engaged the droids that had survived being crushed by the storm of magnetism. Her movements were slow and still jerky, for she was still getting used to her limbs.

She lacked the mobility and agility of her sister, but she was as implacable and methodical as a destroyer droid. Blaster bolts singed her clothes or bounced off her blade, flames kissed her skin, and the clone carved through machines.

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