No sooner than verifying the youngling's head count, they set off for the grassy meadow that stretched out over gentle rolling hills behind the academy.
Of course they sung funny songs which included all to participate. It were a good way in keeping some from wandering off. Of course the jedi teacher, Marina and staff were vigil in keeping track of the little heads around them as they trekked a bit away from the academy.
Finally coming to where the butterflies seemed to be favoring, they came upon many wild flowers.
The children were eager to look for different flowers and jotting them on their little holo-pads. Some flora, along with bugs had some funny names. many had been given to them by children of yesteryear and seemingly had found themselves passed down through generation somehow. How that happened were certainly a mystery. But Marina, and Zenda did their best to name these mislabeled flora and bugs their proper name. It were amazing as to how quickly the younglings took to naming them properly. But somehow or other, those names of old seemed to remain and take their place alongside the proper names.
Well, as long as the younglings knew the proper names, it were alright for them to keep calling them what they had first come to know them by.
The younglings attention would be short, that was certain. So the lessons were short in term, before the younglings were set free to find and discover new flora and bugs. many took to render them on their touch holo-pads while others simply took to recording them. Either way, it were a successful outing as the younglings were learning at their own pace and given a chance to discover life among the meadow on their own.
Marina couldn't have had a better day than this one. She simply adored children as she saw them as little angels...whether they were mischievous or not.