Cameron Centurion
The First Son
EVE Headquarters
Byblos System
Though it was, perhaps, not the most necessary thing in the world, Cameron had notified his wife of his impending travel to the Byblos System. In all the time that had passed since [member="Amorella Shamalain"]'s ascension to the upper spheres of the company's management, the Sith Lord had never so much as stepped foot on Byblos. In fact, he'd stayed rather definitively removed from any of its interactions. Though he had certainly attended a number of semi-public events with Amorella, they had never truly been the focal point of any guest list. As a couple, the names Cameron Centurion and Amorella Shamalain were very rarely connected. In fact most would only recall the impending arranged marriage of some time ago, prior to Amorella's abdication from the line of succession on Kuat. Even then, it was the name Darth Ashmedai associated with the union. Long had it been since Cameron was any Sith of easy recognition throughout the galaxy for outlandishly criminal or brutal acts.
The limelight was never something that the Sith much cared for. He merely was who he was because it remained an effective way to get results.
Dressed in a tailored blue suit, it was obvious that Cameron carried no weapons. This would have been a foolish pursuit anyways as he had to pass through a number of security measures the same as any other guests to the facility on Byblos. Silver-green eyes took in their surroundings with an almost insatiable thirst. There was, of course, the occasional glance from those nearby. These people stared for their own independent reasons; curiosity, attraction, an-otherwise-nostalgic-reaction to a story or an image from the past. Cameron Centurion did not intentionally exude either threat or disdain for those around him, but the intensity of his neutral, expressionless mask often conveyed precisely that.
Silence enveloped Cameron as he arrived in a well-appointed waiting area. His appointment had not been made specifically as a representative of the Sith Triumvirate, that would not likely have gone over well. Instead, he was here as a private investor, a philanthropist concerned only with the re-establishment of a society on Ruusan. The need for physical masks and suits of armor had always been unnecessary in Cameron's eyes. The greater public had a tendency to believe what they read or was reported. Further more, Cameron Centurion most certainly did maintain a number of investments, and he was technically employed by Arceneau Trade Company. That corporate magnet was enough to spread any level of stories about rather benign interests. Thanks to [member="Danger Arceneau"], it was easy enough to maintain the facade of a former religious leader now working to assist the people of the galaxy through whatever means was actually necessary.
Byblos System
Though it was, perhaps, not the most necessary thing in the world, Cameron had notified his wife of his impending travel to the Byblos System. In all the time that had passed since [member="Amorella Shamalain"]'s ascension to the upper spheres of the company's management, the Sith Lord had never so much as stepped foot on Byblos. In fact, he'd stayed rather definitively removed from any of its interactions. Though he had certainly attended a number of semi-public events with Amorella, they had never truly been the focal point of any guest list. As a couple, the names Cameron Centurion and Amorella Shamalain were very rarely connected. In fact most would only recall the impending arranged marriage of some time ago, prior to Amorella's abdication from the line of succession on Kuat. Even then, it was the name Darth Ashmedai associated with the union. Long had it been since Cameron was any Sith of easy recognition throughout the galaxy for outlandishly criminal or brutal acts.
The limelight was never something that the Sith much cared for. He merely was who he was because it remained an effective way to get results.
Dressed in a tailored blue suit, it was obvious that Cameron carried no weapons. This would have been a foolish pursuit anyways as he had to pass through a number of security measures the same as any other guests to the facility on Byblos. Silver-green eyes took in their surroundings with an almost insatiable thirst. There was, of course, the occasional glance from those nearby. These people stared for their own independent reasons; curiosity, attraction, an-otherwise-nostalgic-reaction to a story or an image from the past. Cameron Centurion did not intentionally exude either threat or disdain for those around him, but the intensity of his neutral, expressionless mask often conveyed precisely that.
Silence enveloped Cameron as he arrived in a well-appointed waiting area. His appointment had not been made specifically as a representative of the Sith Triumvirate, that would not likely have gone over well. Instead, he was here as a private investor, a philanthropist concerned only with the re-establishment of a society on Ruusan. The need for physical masks and suits of armor had always been unnecessary in Cameron's eyes. The greater public had a tendency to believe what they read or was reported. Further more, Cameron Centurion most certainly did maintain a number of investments, and he was technically employed by Arceneau Trade Company. That corporate magnet was enough to spread any level of stories about rather benign interests. Thanks to [member="Danger Arceneau"], it was easy enough to maintain the facade of a former religious leader now working to assist the people of the galaxy through whatever means was actually necessary.