Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We Take No Prisoners - Galactic Alliance Dominion of Kiffex/Kiffu

Location: The Black Mercury
Objective: ????
Allies: ????
Enemies: ????

"Are they really that afraid of me?" Kentarch asked. "To go through all this trouble in bringing me in?" The Sith made it clear he was speaking of his other captors and not [member="Marcello Matteo"]. As the Jedi smiled the Sith remained unmoved by the events unfolding. When Marcello informed Kentarch they blow the ship up, Kentarch tilted his head in amusement. "I'm out numbered, outgunned, outmatched. And your telling me if I move funny they will vape all of us. Tell me will your Alliance use this caution when they launch an offensive against the rest of the One Sith?"

The Jedi spoke to the soldiers as they finally got things moving. They had swept his ship, but there was nothing to find, not even a transceiver. When the Jedi ordered him to stand Kentarch complied. His hands were bound in front of him, then they attached the stun cuffs around his ankles. He did not say anything afterwards, his gaze still straight forward. He waited for their next move.

Catherine Romanov

Location: The Stormvault, a maximum security prison, Trostlos Waste, Kiffex
Objective: A
Allies: [member="Jacen Voidstalker"], [member="The Revenant"]
Enemies: [member="Vittras Zerga"]
Posts: [2/20]

Quinn had been terribly busy dealing with the prisoners that had turned into rabble in the prison courtyard. Her staff had been working overtime, swinging and smacking with timed precision and calculated strokes. But the next thing that happened totally catch her unaware. One moment bad-assery was being dealt to the deserving prisoners, taking names as she did so, the next, an intense burning sensation, unlike anything she had ever felt before. Without proper armour, the burn stung even more. She glanced down at the source of the injury that had made her fall to one knee. She was still up, but barely, simply using her staff as a crutch. A blaster shot, that must have been what it was.

The auburn-haired padawan started to see a couple of the other prisoners crowding around her, sneering at her sudden misfortune when they were suddenly struck by blaster bolts as well, sending them collapsing to the the ground. Except for the fact that it seems like their was fatal instead. Well, sucks to be them. The source of the shots became known to her as one of the long dark-haired Kiffaar prisoners made his way to her at great speed, rifle in hand. He proceeded to grab her by the shoulder, pulling her in an attempt to make her stand. Quinn gave a cry of pain as the brute forced her to stand. She eventually managed to stand, propped up by her staff and the brute's rough and forceful grip.
Location: The Stormvault, a maximum security prison, Trostlos Waste, Kiffex
Objective: A
Allies: N/A
Enemies: [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] [member="The Revenant"] [member="Quinn Byrne"]
Post: 9/20

Zerga pulled the auburn-haired woman closer and towards himself, making her stand infront of him. The Kiffar then wrapped his left arm around her neck from the back, locking her head in place just underneath his chin. The grip tightened just enough to immobilize her, ample chest firmly pressed against her back to provide support when standing. The technique he utilized would be familiar to anyone proficient in Teras Kasi. Once he caught his prey, Vittras skimmed the perimeter to take note of two approaching Jedi.

"Be still and you'll live." he half-whispered to the woman, his warm breath grazing against her face. He really didn't want to hurt her; despite having done some gruesome deeds during his time as convict and prison fugitive, Vittras could never bring himself to hurt women. Besides, this one smelled so fine, of meadows and spring. The barrel of the blaster was pressed against her temple.

"How the khark do you know my name, Khaareji?!?" Zerga shouted back, eyes narrowing at incoming forces -
"Go to hell with your fowl magicks, Jedi scum!"
Not the first time Vittras had experienced mental manipulation by a Force sensitive; he knew all about it. The Sith who murdered his wife had penetrated into his cerebrum, merely to relive the emotion felt when he scooped out the child from mother's womb with a lightsaber. Even the darksider was taken aback by the amount of pain the Kiffar had felt. Vittras Zerga died on that summer day.

"You are right, this is not what I want." he countered sardonically - "I want an unmarked ship and transponder to get out of Azurbani system."
He was unaware the gun was made useless. Nonetheless, a single, well placed Teras Kasi move could snap the woman's neck in half. Yet Vittras had another plan; this Jedi was so keen on entering his mind, so Zerga would let him in. If he wanted the Kiffar to drop the gun, he'd have to delve deep into his consciousness and break his will. The imagery and the sensory overload he had in store for the Jedi....was also the key to his freedom.
"Make me." he challenged in a derisive tone and smiled, snow white teeth flashing in the sunlight.
Objective: BYOO
Allies: [member="Marcus Itera"], [member="Julius Sedaire"]
Enemies: [member="Lucas Gravois"]

There was a momentary break in combat. Darius used it to regain some semblance of sense. He had never really thrown down with an actual Sith before: pirates, stomtroopers, and Nightsisters yes, but never Sith. It wasn't all that different from fighting the sisters, truth be told, though this opponent was far stronger physically than any warrior he had dealt with all on his own. His command of the force was enough to send him stumbling numerous times as well. he would need to re-think things.

His gaze shifted over to Marcus. The soldier rained blaster bolts down on the Sith, forcing the warrior to fall back somewhat. The padawan was content to let him suffer it for the moment, though the arrival of Julius quickly shifted his mindset. His master's words were pointed. this was a test.

He turned to face Marcus. "Stop soldier." A simple order. He had no right to be ordering the man around, and he knew it, but this was something he...well, something he needed to do. He turned back to the Sith.

"If you try to escape, they'll just shoot you in the back," he frowned, "Just you and me. C'mon!"
Objective: BYOO
Post: 3/20

"Give me your lightsaber, boy."

Audren still couldn't believe his luck. The first person he'd asked had been one willing to teach him: that kind of thing never happened to him. He'd followed the older man into the back room and sat across the table from him. Because he wasn't really thinking, the hilt was halfway extended before he caught himself. The sudden hesitation was obvious, and hints of annoyance and amusement crossed the teacher's face. The barest hints of an embarrassed blush colored the Sephi's skin, and he handed over the hilt with its emitter facing away from either of them. Meanwhile he gathered the Force, preparing to react if the old man turned on him. That would be more in keeping with his normal luck.

The Kiffar didn't attack him though, didn't even put his hand close to the ignition switch. There was a...twist? the Force, and the man's face tightened before he opened his eyes and spitted the Jedi with his gaze.

"This weapon has done some very bad things. But not recently. You took it from the woman who forged it in darkness and killed her with it. It's killed beings since then too, but always with reason."

The Padawan nodded. It was an accurate assessment, one the man could not have known beforehand.

"I've tried to mold it more to me, but there are times when the old feel comes back. Not the greatest fit even now."

"That's the feel. Tell me the facts. The history."

"What you've stated, taking it from the woman and killing her with it, is the earliest that I know of it."

"Even after all this time....what do you see of it, through your Force?"

The first part was muttered, the Sephi barely caught it. The second, the question, was clearly stated, and an answer clearly expected. Not a canned one either.

As requested, Audren focused on the lightsaber hilt. The man that held it carried cables of his own, some of which intertwined with those connected to the hilt. Even as he watched though, the two sets separated. There were tendrils from some parts more than others: the crystal, the power cell, the igniter. Tangles of them in places, some lighter and some darker. And as always, the threads fading off into time. All of this was stated as he saw it rather than as a summary afterwards. Focused on the hilt as he was, the Jedi didn't even notice the look of thoughtfulness cross the elder's face.

"And what happens if you trace the fading threads?"

Same as he'd done before, the Padawan began tracing the thread back. An image revealed itself to one side- a face he'd caught when trying this before. Human or near enough, longish brown hair, a red Sith eye, scars down the cheek, and stylized tattoos around the mouth. When he moved past that point however, following the thread, it fizzled out. Again, he stated this as he saw it happen. The entire thing was accompanied by the feeling of corruption, one that made him want to throw up. He left that part out though, a lecture on facts versus feelings wasn't what he wanted.
[member="Vittras Zerga"] [member="The Revenant"] [member="Quinn Byrne"]

Jacen Voidstalker was a practical man. He wasn't always prone to emotional outbursts, but he certainly did not enjoy the sight of his Padawan held up by the escapee. His lightsaber snapped off and he held up both hands, palms outwards.

Yet the blaster at his hip switched from stun to lethal mode at a telekinetic press. He was a practical man after all. Stun rings were often inexact a bolt between the eyes ensured your target was down and out in an instant.

If he hadn't sensed Gabriel's work on the blaster, he would have followed the same tack. For now he prepared to use the Force to hold the man in place, but he waited for Gabriel to talk. The escapee needed to hear just once voice now, not get agitated by both of them talking at him.

Nubica Felidae

We are well and truly forked...

She followed him up a very long flight of steps — their first taste of their host’s imposition on her guests. She would never climb such an obstacle herself. No doubt she had teams of litter-bearers or repulsorsleds to take her wherever she willed. By forcing visitors to do what she would not, before they even entered her domain, and to suffer for it, she automatically placed them at a lower social level.

Nubica was fit. She didn't break stride as they climbed briskly to the guard level, overtaking several other parties along the way. There were three entrances with weapons emplacements mounted over each. Her companion picked the leftmost at random. Four armoured Gamorrean guards awaited them, two outside and two inside. Their deep-set eyes regarded every being who approached with equal amounts of suspicion. Behind them, one of the parties they'd overtaken was forcibly pushed back down the stairs, screaming plaintively.

"Are you sure you want to do it this way?" she asked him.

"This is the easy part," he told her. "Watch."

The guards crossed vibroaxes as they approached. Her comrade stopped obediently and addressed them in a calm voice.

"You don't need to see our documents. We have the required authorisation."

The axes parted, allowing them through.

"Two down," his vocoder crackled.

He repeated the mind trick on the other side of the entrance. Again the axes parted and they walked through. One door up, a loud party of Ortolans did the same, but with official IDs.

"Don't look so smug," Nubica said to him. "I can see it even through your mask."

The sandy-haired escapee laughed, harshly. The teen staggered to a stand. "You're a pathetic whelp of a girl." He sneered, gaze panning to the fallen blaster rifle on the ground.

"Don't," the teen warned but he was already sprinting for the weapon. She staggered to intercept. She wouldn't make it in time. Built up energy exploded from her fingertips in the force, toward the convict's chest. With a surprised snarl, he flew backward, slamming into a tree with a snap-crunch, body thumping to the ground.

Body shaking, she fell to her knees. A loud roar brought her attention to the rise. A squadron of Alliance soldiers spilled out of a transport. Back-up had finally arrived. The wound on her chest burned like hot-fire. The trembling only grew worse. Blackness began to creep over her vision. She heard them saying something but couldn't pick up the words. She felt them carrying her to the transport but she was already out, submerged into a nightmarish unconsciousness.


Location: Surface of Kiffex | Exact Location Unknown
Objective: D - Handle Personal Business
Allies: The Galactic Alliance
Enemies: Enemies of the Galactic Alliance
Post: [ 07/20 ]

The girl got to her feet and started moving out of there. She would have to wait until Darrick did his thing, but until then, she would have plenty of time, she thought. She wouldn't have the time to fly off the planet or anything, so she did think a good thing to do would be to get familiar with the planet itself.

After all, it was her first time on the planet, at least she believed it to be.

As she moved around the nature, she tried to keep her eyes open for anything interesting that she could find. The nature reminded another planet she'd been to, but she didn't remember what planet it was.

It made her feel nostalgic. Maybe if she moved to the plant altogether, she would feel better about her life and everything. After all, living in Sith space was not a fun thing. She was always in danger, her apartment was rather depressing...

Maybe she could make a home on that planet?

Nubica Felidae

We are well and truly forked...

A silver protocol droid stepped out in front of them, backed up by a pair of bug-eyed TT-2G guard droids. "This way, please. I will assign you quarters sufficient to your needs."

"That's okay," she said. "We know our way around."

"If you'll only allow us to verify your IDs," said the droid more insistently, "Then I will ensure that you are accommodated appropriately."

"Really, you don't need to worry."

"No worry at all, honored guests. You must allow us to show you the proper hospitality."

Heavy emphasis on the word must prompted her partner to look up. Weapons emplacements on the interior side of the wall had tracked to target them. The Gamorreans clearly weren't the only barriers to entry to the castle.

"Of course," she told the droid, suppressing the slightest sign of concern in her voice. "We don't want to make a fuss."
Location: The Stormvault, a maximum security prison, Trostlos Waste, Kiffex
Objective: A
Allies: [member="Jacen Voidstalker"], [member="Khyon Drogo"]. [member="Quinn Byrne"], [member="Mordecai Tal'kyr"], [member="Bishop Janson"] other Hounds
Enemies: Prisoners, [member="Vittras Zerga"] (for now)
Post: 6/20

"Khaareji? Words spoken to me before, by my mothers clan." He narrowed his eyes to the man, extinguishing the lightsaber. A symbolic gesture meaningless for those who knew of Gabriel's lightsaber and its enhanced ignition, for use with aggressive trakata. Tilting his hands out, submissively, he stopped pacing towards the man, the blaster no longer a threat to the woman. Though Vittras still stood as reasonable means for worry. "Member of the Zerga clan, son of Zoltan. Once a member of the Guardians, you were charged with the murder of your wife and unborn child." He read the description of the dossier from his memory, the crime scenes and pictures attached were brutal in every regard. The sort of sickening recollection that reminded him of his own fate, murdering his wife and children in a fate of hysteria or whatever popular name the pyschologists might come up with.

Closing his eyes, once more, he could feel the mans anger, like a strong tornado smacking the cellar door open to reveal the foundation beneath. And intent on ending this without the death of the padawan, Gabriel trudged into that cellar to appraise what lied covered in dust and debris, to see what could be used. He pictured the man, ambition and eager to become someone important. He pictured the garb of a Jedi Watchmen, the imagery of a pregnant wife and the pleading of a Jedi to bolster the ranks at the cost of a budding family. And he saw the darkened silhouette of a man, steeped in the darkside, who committed atrocities against Vittras and his wife. Dark robes, dark intent, the man pushed himself against the woman to the screams of a Guardian. To the sounds of such screams, life was pulled from the carcass, just to be dashed all the same. Pain flooded his emotions and mind but not as something foreign or unknown. He, too, felt the unending venture into the darkness of his own mind. Memories trapped like images in unbreakable frames, transparisteel covering the switch, playing endlessly for the idle to consider. On Sullust, those thoughts were the only thing that kept him company next to the sound of a boiling planet, turning over on itself as molten spewed from the depths. And he imagined it was the same for Vittras, stuck in a cell to see such images played over and over again.

The mind holds on to traumatic events, kept clear for the memory of the wound it formed. And for such things, it was the sort of wound that never stopped aching. But it could heal, with proper urging. Opening his eyes, Gabriel continued to hold his hand forward, as he opened the man to his own memories. But it wasn't of the women's death, it was instead of the life that preceded it. The tragedy that gave their life breath, the time that passed in love, all absent the ideas that in the future, it would all be ripped away. He showed the man a child, crying in a garden, and a small girl wiping those tears from tattooed cheeks. "Zharia knows that you didn't take her life. As do I. Do you think this is what she would have wanted for you?" Gabriel tilted his head. "You are angry and confused. But you wont kill someone innocent. Let her go, I can help you." Perhaps he could, kindred spirits mired in similar fates. But the prison Gabe lived in was far larger then the one held here on Kiffex.

Nubica Felidae

We are well and truly forked...

It was risky but necessary. They’d come too far to stop, and going back – given the firepower on show – was not an option.

So Nubica put her hand on the droid’s shoulder. She pulled the Force to her and channelled a stream of ionic energy poured into the electrical systems. It was not a crippling attack, and the proximity of her hand to the droid’s plating meant the purple stream was not visible for more than a metre or so.

The result was as hoped. The droid was stunned. Not broken. Not destroyed. Just temporarily put out of action. It stood to attention as Nubica chatted to it, as if holding a two-way conversation.

She looked up and smiled at the Gamorreans. ”Seems we got the green light to proceed. This droid has bigger fish to fry coming up the stairs apparently. Important dignitaries. Stand to your best attention, you need to put on a good show.”

And she looked to her accomplice and walked briskly away from the group.


Location: Surface of Kiffex | Exact Location Unknown
Objective: D - Handle Personal Business
Allies: The Galactic Alliance
Enemies: Enemies of the Galactic Alliance
Post: [ 08/20 ]

The girl sat down to think for a while, but she was obviously disturbed by another person before she could do that.

"His life is over now. Sad, but that's the way is. He will never become a successful criminal again," the man said as he took a seat next to the girl on the grass. "I didn't kill him -- I would never do that to a person. But he is now nothing like he was before."

"So the family secret is safe?" the girl asked.

"Yes, certainly," the man said. He sighed before lying on the ground and looking at the sky. "A simple Mind Trick was what the man needed. But I get it -- you're not a mentalist like I am."

"Oh wow, what a discovery," Lilin replied with a sarcastic tone. "I am a fighter, not an user of the Force."

"Maybe you should try to be one for once."
Location: Black Mercury
Objective: Transport
Allies: [member="Marcello Matteo"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Kentarch"]

"You've left us with just one precautionary measure at hand..." the redhead replied upon seating herself next to Kentarich while Jedi Master Matteo made preparations to jump to hyperspace - "And that is to kill each and every single one of you."
The Hapan kept close, but just out of Kentarch's reach. She sat upright in the copilot chair, wrists strategically placed on arm-rests. Her legs crossed under her skirt, effectively making the saber strapped to her thigh more accessible if need be. The Hapan was alert, but calm.

"Unfortunately, I've never killed anyone and I don't intend to start now." she added with a cryptic smile when the streaks of hyperspace scattered across the viewport. In a few moments, the Sith infiltrator was gliding towards Sullust, along the Rimma Trade route. Marcello seemed uneager to converse more than was neccessary. Besides, the Naboo-born Jedi was here as Tionne's insurance policy.

"The Alliance will not launch an offensive against the One Sith any time soon." she half-whispered, as if not wanting Matteo to hear a word she spoke - "We intend to offer you a deal you won't be able to refuse."
Tionne's smile widened into a half-grin, her gaze drifting away from Kentarch's dark form to the vast plains of subspace. Layers, layers, so many layers....

You'll find out soon enough.

Nubica Felidae

We are well and truly forked...

They left the droid and guards behind and entered the main gates. They were immediately ushered to a desk, behind which sat an ill-looking Hutt with deep pouches under his eyes. He was busy with a noisy group, who appeared to have mislaid one of their passports. This was another setback. Hutts were immune to all forms of Jedi persuasion, so that wasn't going to work this time. Nubica thought frantically. Fighting her way in wasn't an option, given the emplacements and the need for secrecy. Neither was fighting her way out, since there were just as many weapons that way. If she didn't think of something else fast, they would be trapped.

Finally, the Hutt waved for the two Jedi to approach.

Nubica gave the Hutt the fake names they had settled on during the journey. Cupping her hand over a credit chip, she slid it across the desk as though it were some kind of official documentation. Indicating the backs of the noisy group, disappearing in a huddle into the palace proper, she added, "We're with them. "

The jaded eyes of the Hutt regarded her with a mixture of hostility and disdain. There was no way of telling which way he would fall. Was he automatically loyal to his lord, who had placed him in this position of responsibility, or was he bored or drunk enough on his own small power to take up the opportunity she presented? The contents of the credit chip were considerable; they represented everything she had been given to fulfil her mission. If he took it, that would be money well spent.

The Hutt swept up the chip and tucked it into the folds of his body.

"You'd better hurry," he rumbled in Huttese. "They're leaving without you."


Location: Surface of Kiffex | Exact Location Unknown
Objective: D - Handle Personal Business
Allies: The Galactic Alliance
Enemies: Enemies of the Galactic Alliance
Post: [ 09/20 ]

The girl sat in silence, but the man seemed to want to talk.

"You should not be a fighter, Lilin. You should be something completely different." He sighed. "Why? Why did you decide to be a duelist?"

That was a difficult question to answer. She had always thought she was better at using a lightsaber than using the Force. She was not talented at using any Force powers and she thought she would never be able to get better. She had tried and tried, tried so much that he was often left completely exhausted.

But that was not for her.

"I am not a Lancaster, you know that..."

She took a deep breath.

"What your family does and is doesn't mean much to me."

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Allies: [member="Jacen Voidstalker"], [member="Khyon Drogo"]. [member="Quinn Byrne"] [member="Bishop Janson"]
Enemies: Prisoners, [member="Vittras Zerga"]

The scene was tense, fighting had slowed to a halt as they all waited for Zerga's decision. Mordecai and his team moved forward slowly making a wide semi-circle around the courtyard. Blasters still set to stun they waited for something to change, or Mordecai's orders. As much as his birth was directly related to the Force, the young Mandalorian didn't understand it one bit. He tended to let Gil worry about things like that. So how this commando "knew" Zerga didn't commit his crime he would never know, nor care to, but sometimes words like this were all it took to diffuse a situation.


Location: Surface of Kiffex | Exact Location Unknown
Objective: D - Handle Personal Business
Allies: The Galactic Alliance
Enemies: Enemies of the Galactic Alliance
Post: [ 10/20 ]

"Oh wow," was all the man could reply with.

The girl took a look at him. There was seriously nothing that she had inherited from him. It felt as if none of the Lancaster traits had made it to her. As if her mother would have given her no genes whatsoever. She didn't know what to think of that, though. Of course she was more like his father, mainly because she had lived with her longer than she had with her mother.

But still... How come she didn't get the dark hair and the Dark Si-...

Oh wait, she had received the bad things from her mother -- the Dark Side, ruby red eyes... Everything she didn't like about herself had come from the Lancaster bloodline.

And the only thing she would have liked -- talent in the Force -- didn't make it to her.
Allies: [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] [member="Khyon Drogo"] [member="Quinn Byrne"] [member="Mordecai Tal'kyr"]
Enemies: Prisoners @ Vittras Zerga
Janson and his team arrived finally at the courtyard, flanking around the semicircle already set up by Red Team. the prisoners had put up a surprisingly good fight but the situation was more or less quelled. Except for the one he now found himself facing. All he wanted to do at the moment was put a stun bolt into Zerga's head but the situation clearly called for a more delicate touch. A space magic touch apparently. "Any idea whats going on Tal'kyr?", he asked on private comms. "Whats the call?"
Location: The Stormvault, a maximum security prison, Trostlos Waste, Kiffex
Objective: End of the road
Allies: N/A
Enemies: [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] [member="The Revenant"] [member="Quinn Byrne"] [member="Mordecai Tal'kyr"] [member="Bishop Janson"]
Post: 11/20

It had been almost eighteen hours since his last shot. Zerga's hand began to shake, his body aching for another injection of glitterstim. His sensory array was already in a hyper-excited state; when the Jedi infused himself into his consciousness, pain intensified to interstellar proportions. Peering back into the mind of the intruder felt like looking into a mirror, agony exacerbated beyond the point of breaking.

The shards that were Vittras' mind were now sublimed into a fine mist, his persona vaped by sheer potence of emotions shared. He screamed on the inside,his lonesome howl echoing in the void that used to harbour a loving heart. The Kiffar might have died on summer solistice day when Zharia was murdered in cold blood, but continued living as an empty husk. Today he would cease to exist altogether, return to the ashes from which he was molded.

Surrounded by superior forces and Jedi, he had no other choice but to surrender, lay down his blaster and release the woman from his cluthes.

No. He would not return to the Stormvault, nothing there for him but a slow, painful death. Beads of sweat glistened on his dark brow, his breath deepening. Like a cornered animal, he calmed himself, then withdrew his arm from around the woman's neck. Vittras then took a step back and pointed the blaster to his right temple. The Jedi had mangled with his weapon, unintentionally switching it to stun mode as well, but none were aware of this, Vittras included.

"You are right. I won't be killing someone innocent today." the Kiffar said, his gaze lifted to the clear blue sky above them. Two tears ran down his cheeks, one for each soul who's loss he had mourned for years and fell into the dirt of the courtyard. Cerulean eyes closed, ample chest seizing that last breath before a long-winded exhale.

At the pull of the trigger, a laser bolt was delivered to Vittras' skull, aiming to end his life. Almost instantly, the former Kiffu Guardian fell back to the ground, his body slumping against the dust.

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