Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We used to be proud of what we do [Silver Jedi Order]

Bullets and bolts alike flew back and forth from both parties, rounds sputtering into the mud and off of dry logs, moving debris about the battlefield. Asaraa and her marines had good position with their cover, however the seemingly endless number of combatants chaotically running back and forth through the thick brush on the hill was providing difficult opposition for the skilled rangers.

Enemy fire was not absent from the trio of Draven, Marl, and Sky'ito. The darkness that was their battlefield illuminated rapidly and in short bursts, caused from their enemies and allies weapon fire. The dropship's spotlight did a once-over on the hill where the battle unfolded, attempting to provide ranger positions with an idea of where some of the multi-specied scavengers where located at. Suddenly, a round from a shoulder-mounted launcher roared by the drop ship, detonating mid-air to the direct left of the wing. The ship rocked, the pilot and copilot within doing their best to maintain their altitude after taking the brute of the impact from the concussive blast.

"Kark!" The pilot exclaimed as he recovered, pulling up the nose of the transport just in time to avoid the treeline. The ship roared away momentarily, moving to hopefully make another pass when they turn around.

From the opposite hill of the combat, overlooking the short 'valley' that the convoy's wreckage rested in, emerged a singe Sky-fall ground vehicle, the frame of the jeep broke through the brush and stopped suddenly on a rock perch so the body would face directly at the hill across from them. The ranger on the emplaced weapon in the bed of the vehicle yanked the charging handle of the emplacement back, gripping the triggering mechanism to begin engaging the scavengers from a different angle. The four other raiders suddenly appeared from the brush as well, using the cover of night to crawl onto the rocks, logs, and destroyed terrain that littered their side of the hill. Valkren advanced ahead of the group, staying low as well until he located a suitable firing position with ample view over the battlefield that it seemed his allies were fighting at, up-hill at that.

"Engage! Call out your targets and watch for friendlies! It looks like it's getting pretty hairy down there." As his men confirmed their orders, he'd shift his position, shouldering his weapon to aim down it's sights. The special forces officer's extensive training would pay off once again as his rounds would be accurate and successful for the most of the current firefight. However, Valkren was sure to find the 'bad guys' and not his own people. With no communication to the rescue strike team, he was sure that the possibility of them mistaking him and his men as enemies would arise.

At this moment, he could only hope for the best.

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Sefain Gatholil"] | [member="Marl"] | [member="Draven Dursden"] | [member="Roona Osmari"]

Roona Osmari

Blaster gripped tightly in her right hand, Roona stepped out from behind her tree trunk cover. The immediate area was free of enemies; most of the action was being drawn towards the center of the wreckage. The sharpshooter knew that this was her chance to move. Crouching as low as she could, she took off. Her boots were heavy with mud and didn’t move easily through the marshy area, but she summoned her strength to keep going.

Ducking down behind some wreckage, she leveled her blaster and fired off a couple of shots. Roona gritted her teeth, but watched with a sense of satisfaction as her shadowy targets fell down and stirred no more. Her gaze flickered towards the center of the action; the fire fight was quick thick. The spotlight above illuminated the hilly area in the distance, but that helpful light soon wavered as the craft took a hit.

Looking up momentarily, Roona let out a few Ysannan curse words before pressing on again.

Breathing hard, she made it up to the next patch of wreckage. Her trigger finger was working hard, firing the blaster in hand quickly and efficiently. Roona was now fairly close to the others and the fight didn’t seem to be letting up just yet. But as she narrowed her sharp gaze, she thought she spotted shots hitting hostiles from a different position. Her heart pounded. It could only mean…

Sinking down to a knee, she dropped the blaster and exchanged it for her rifle. Moving to lift the weapon, she groaned at the pain in her shoulder and opted to use the wreckage itself to steady the barrel the best she could. Placing her eye up to the scope again, she could see several figures moving on the hill – eerily illuminated by her night vision. Just as she thought, enemies were falling – a couple bodies she could easily identify now as Trandoshan went down.

And there, in the midst of the chaos was the familiar outline of Katarn armored forms.

“I have a visual on the Raiders – watch for friendlies.” Roona spoke calmly into the comm, but beneath that calm was still a storm of worry. Had they all made it here safely?

[member="Valkren Calderon"], [member="Marl"], [member="Sefain Gatholil"], [member="Draven Dursden"], [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Sukai gave a quick shake of her head, reinvigorating her sense of fight taking an offensive Samurai like stance, "A Riben-Jin always fight to their last breath, though I will try my hardest to make sure that never happens". Even with her armor and sabre stuff the shear number of enemies charging towards was just too much for either of them to handle, even with each other’s help, more with Draven injured and herself 'being injured' in their surprise attacks. "That does should like a viable plan, but us of both of us you are more harmed and less armoured, it would be best for you to make a break for it then me, besides I am much more resilient then I look", yes it was cryptic, but hopefully the other Padawan would see the stern look in her face. Though not knowing his length of training and combat experience of her ally Sukai w knew she had been trained more for combat than anything else, something you got with a solider for a parent, if anyone was able to hold back a tide of blood thirsty bandits it was her.

Before she could act though a dark aura shifted around, coming from the person next to her, the woman raising a quizzical eye upon the other Jedi, "Wait what are y-". Sukai was unable to finish her sentence as the rage induced Jedi leapt forwards, slicing through the nearest enemy with east in a barbaric fashion. It was madness, the man fighting with such ferocity taking a beating that would undoubtedly hurt a great deal, blood spraying everywhere in what appeared to be a pit fight not a military skirmish, 'this guy is an idiot'. Disregarding the man’s words Sukai charged forwards, sending out a blinding flash of force lighting at the group unloading upon Padawan, frying their electronic weapons well as their bodies, her purple sabre coming down in a swift motion, decapitating the lizard on top of Draven.

"You are such an idiot", as more blaster and slug fire came Sukai raised a force shield, grasping a hand around Dravens shoulders, pulling him slowly back to the convoy, "If you can still swing that sabre make sure none of the enemy get close, gees those are some nasty wounds, so much blood, intoxicating". Sukai once again shaking her head, now was not the time to be thinking about a possible lunch, the needed to fall back and fast, putting her 'broken leg' into service, starting into a slight job as she dragged her beaten ally back to the safety of the convoy, the shield holding, but taking a beating in the process.

Fighting with ([member="Draven Dursden"])

[member="Marl"] [member="Sefain Gatholil"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Roona Osmari"] [member="Valkren Calderon"]
A wall of energy danced in front of the Togruta, her lightsaber weaver a pattern of constant defence as she opened herself to the force, trying to track each bolt flying towards her. The young woman was acting as a meat shield for her troopers, soaking up all the fire the trandoshans threw at them, a walking shield to protect her troopers...mostly protecting them. With the sheer amount of firepower that was being thrown around even a Jedi couldn't block all of them. The odd blaster bolt and slug slipped past her, bouncing off the armour of the troops gathered behind her.

The situation was a stalemate, a stalemate leading into a slowly crumbling situation. There were just too many people engaging them, too much firepower levelled against them. It was only a matter of time before someone slipped, exhaustion set in and they were overwhelmed. Or at least that was the future she foresaw until Roona's call, the sighting of the rangers. A grin pulled up the corners of the young woman's mouth as her blade started to spin even faster, bouncing the bolts back at the troopers as she surged forward. "Well the cavalry is here... let's not leave them all the fun!" She could feel the troops behind her surging forward, their morale seeming to race up through the roof as a flurry of blaster bolts shot out around her, almost illuminating the young Togruta within a wall of light, a halo of deadly light that washed out over the trandoshans dropping some of them to the floor as the marines surged forward at the enemy.

[member="Sky'ito Yumi"] | [member="Roona Osmari"] | [member="Valkren Calderon"] | [member="Sefain Gatholil"] | [member="Marl"] | [member="Draven Dursden"]

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