Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Weakness for Fluffy Things (Nixius Ikon)

Kari was running through the streets of Naboo, with a strange man hot on her heels. The little kitsune had gotten a feeling that someone was following her, and when she turn to check the man had tried to grab her. The half-blind girl had broken into a sprint trying desperately to get away from the would-be kidnapper and so far her efforts were going well. At least until she tripped on an unidentified object that happened to fall on her left side, the one she was now blind on thanks to a speeder accident. She fell, skidding across the pavement and scrapping up both her arms, her cheek, and her knees. She tried to scramble to her feet but felt someone grab her ankle a drag her into a near by alley. The white haired girl screamed desperately. "Ahh!!! H-help! Please! Someone!" she cried, trying to squirm and kick her way free, but whoever grabbed a hold of her was much stronger than she was. They grabbed her around the waist, putting their other hand over her mouth to shut her up as she struggled in vain to get away. [member="Nixius Ikon"]
Nixius had been racing when something caught his eyes a female running as someone chased her he looked up then back before sighing. Why did this always happen to him turning the swoop he roared towards the alley way suddenly spinning it onto the side he did two things drawing a pistol he shot the man in the shoulder before he reached out catching the female's flailing arm and pulling her up and into the swoop onto his lap as he pushed the throttle forward aiming towards the starport deciding it was time to leave. Sighing the young man looked down at the female in his lap and smiled softly. "Are you ok?"

[member="Kari Tovan"]
Kari curled her tails around herself protectively, her ears laying almost flat against her head due to how afraid she was. The kitsune gasped when she was suddenly pulled into someone's lap. She looked up, blushing into the face of [member="Nixius Ikon"]. The young foxgirl nodded her head. "Y-y-yeah I'm okay. Th-thank you for s-s-saving me," She stuttered, hiding her face behind her long white her. The white dress she wore was slightly torn and the various scrapes she had acquired were still bleeding, leaving red stains on her dress and anything else they touched. A bruise was forming around her ankle as well, but other than that she was okay.
Nixius looked around as he flashed over the wall of the starport stopping beside a modified Bora-class light freighter landing the swoop outside of it the young man held the girl in one arm as he vaulted out of the swoop turning it off as he raced up the ramp of the Bora. Walking into it he called out sharply and the two men that worked as his mechanic and bodyguards stepped out looking towards him before moving forward to take the young woman from him.

[member="Kari Tovan"]
Kari was still to scared to bother fighting as she was handed off to Nixius's two guards. She was in shock still from what had happened. Her left hand drifted up to her face though and her eyes grew wide. The eye patch she normally wore was gone. It must have gotten torn off in the struggle. She glanced around, hoping it would magically appear. When she realize it was nowhere to be seen she used her finger to comb her hair over the left side of her face, hiding the scars and her eye from view. "Uh... Could... C-could you try to f-f-find my eyepatch? Or get me a n-new one? I-i-if it's not t-too much tr-trouble that is!" she whispered softly, hoping someone would hear her. The shy little fox was afraid to ask, but she hated not having it. Kari was a bit ashamed of the scars that marred her otherwise pretty features and she tried to keep them covered at all times. [member="Nixius Ikon"]
Nixius nodded as he lead the way to the medbay the bodyguard on the ship carrying the young woman to it and setting her on the table. Nixius walked in and started to pull things out looking at her when she asked for an eyepatch the young man searched before shrugging and tearing a strip off his shirt off and holding it out to her the black silk strip long enough to cover one of her eyes. "Will this work?"

[member="Kari Tovan"]
Kari nods, taking the strip of cloth and gently tying it so that it covered the injured part of her face. "Th-thank you. I can g-get a new one l-later. S-sorry about your shirt though... I-i-i think I might have b-bled on it. Do you want me to g-get a new one for you?" she asked, an apologetic tone in her voice as she hung her head in shame. She had severely inconvenienced this man by almost getting herself kidnapped and she felt bad. He probably had a million other things to be doing that were more important than saving her. "S-sorry for bothering you. I-i-i hope helping me didn't mess up y-your plans for the day or s-s-something," she apologized once again, blushing a bit. [member="Nixius Ikon"]
Nixius laughs loudly as she apologizes and reaches out petting the top of her head gently his fingers brushing her ears softly as his hand goes back and forth on the top of her head. "It is fine I was going to lose that race anyway I was two lengths behind. Are you ok though? Why was that guy doing that do you? Why do you have ears and five tails?" The young man started to rattle off questions his head tilted to the side as he did.

[member="Kari Tovan"]
Kari blushed, biting her lip to keep from making any undignified noises as his hand brushed her ears. It always felt really good when someone pet her ears or tails, almost too good. She blushed even more though when she heard his questions. "All R-r-ruferalahuĂ­n have ears and t-t-tails like I do. W-w-well some have m-m-more tails than me. We g-g-get more as we a-age. Once I-i-i'm full grown I'll h-have n-nine." She explained, looking up at him curiously. "I-i-i guess R-rufers aren't that c-c-common. This is the s-second time someone has tried to k-k-kidnap me. When my p-parents and I g-got in a speeder accident on Nal Hutta I g-got k-k-kidnapped and was a-almost s-sold as a sl-slave." [member="Nixius Ikon"]
Nixius nods as he stops petting her head and looks around stretching a bit before looking at her and smiling. "So you have no where to go? How would you like to travel with us as I become the best Swoop racer in the world?" One thing became clearly quickly Nixius had no shortage of confidence and he was also in charge. The other two chuckled as the walked out and towards their rooms the mechanic going outside and bringing the swoop into the garage part of the ship to work on it.

[member="Kari Tovan"]
Kari blinked at him, her wounds were all bandaged now and the blood had been cleaned off her face, but there were still red spots on her bandages. She tilted her head to the side in confusion. "W-what's a sw-swoop?" she asked curiously, her tails wagging behind her a bit as she sat on a gurney in the med bay. She had never heard of swoop racing before. Then again she was extremely shy and tended to avoid anything that would generate large crowds since people seemed obsessed with trying to touch or kidnap her. [member="Nixius Ikon"]
Nixius stretches taking off his jacket and shirt tossing them in a hamper off to the side revealing toned and lightly scarred skin under his shirt. Looking over he blushes before chuckling and holding a hand out to her lightly. "Come on lets go see if we can find you something to wear till we can buy you new cloths ok?" Nixius walked towards the door deciding to guide her to his room to see if he can find something for her to wear maybe one of his shirts and a coat.

[member="Kari Tovan"]
Kari nods, blushing a bit as she nervously takes his hand and lets him lead her through the ship. One the way to his room though she trips on something off to her left. "Nya!" She lets out an adorable noise of surprise as she tumbles to the floor, still holding onto Nixius's hand, causing him to fall too. The kitsune blushed even more as she scrambled back to her feet. "Ah! I-i-i'm so s-sorry!" she began apologizing immediately, embarrassed at her own clumsiness. He was being so nice to her and how did she repay him? By tripping and pulling him onto the floor. [member="Nixius Ikon"]
Nixius gasps as he feels them start to fall and he pulls her towards him quickly causing her to land on top of him as they both thud onto the ground. Gasping as he hits the metal deck he arches lightly holding her protectively as he stays still for a moment before releasing her and starting to stand up pulling her up as well as he looked at her and nodding. "Fight I forgot about the eye patch my bad Kari I will be more careful." He moves so he is on her left side protecting her from things as he guides her to his room opening the door and guiding her to the bed before moving to a closet and pulling out a shirt and one of his long coats.

[member="Kari Tovan"]
Kari blushed when he apologized to her. "N-no it's okay! Y-y-you don't need to be s-sorry! I should b-be more c-careful!" Kari mumbled, staring down at her feet for a few moments before once again being led down the hall by him. She sat on the edge of his bed, glancing around the room curiously while he looked for something for her to wear. She blushed a bit as she realized she'd have to wear his clothes. [member="Nixius Ikon"]
Nixius pulls out a shirt and coat holding them out to her with a smile as he tilts his head. "I think these will fit I hope they are the right size for you Kari." When she takes them he turns to pull out cloths for himself this time pulling on a new black silk shirt and a black and green coat nodding pleased as he feels the cloths fall smoothly into place.

[member="Kari Tovan"]
Kari blushes as he hands her the clothes, when he turns around she changes quickly. The shirt was really big on her and fell to the middle of her thighs, looking more like a dress than a shirt on her. She blushed a bit more and didn't even bother trying to wear the coat, knowing it would be way to big. She had to keep pulling one side of the collar of the shirt up because it kept sliding down her shoulder. "Th-thanks." [member="Nixius Ikon"]
Nixius looks over and chuckles as he slips over and pulls a pin from his jacket pulling the collar up he holds it so it would stay up before carefully using the pin to keep it that way. Looking at it he finally nods his head pleased and smiles at her before stretching backward yawning a bit. "SO Kari are you hungry? I can see about getting you someplace to sleep after we eat I am starving!" Nixius starts to walk towards the galley calmly going on about his racing and such to her animatedly.

[member="Kari Tovan"]
Kari blushed as he pinned the shirt up. She was still confused as to why he was so determined to take care of her. She nodded when he asked if she was hungry and followed him through the ship, paying avid attention to him discussing his racing, although she had no idea what he was talking about. When they finally reached the galley and got some food she decided to ask the question that had been on her mind since the beginning of his rant about racing. "N-n-nixius? What's a sw-swoop?" [member="Nixius Ikon"]
Nixius blinks and taps his chin before nodding and looking at her as he sits down pulling a data pad over that held the ships menu for its food dispenser. "Do you remember the vehicle I was in when I saved you? That is a swoop. Swoop racing is a semi dangerous sport where you race them at high speeds around a marked course." Nixius looks at her then moves over by her so she could see the menu to pick what she wanted to eat.

[member="Kari Tovan"]

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