Kari Tovan
The Little Blizzard
Kari was running through the streets of Naboo, with a strange man hot on her heels. The little kitsune had gotten a feeling that someone was following her, and when she turn to check the man had tried to grab her. The half-blind girl had broken into a sprint trying desperately to get away from the would-be kidnapper and so far her efforts were going well. At least until she tripped on an unidentified object that happened to fall on her left side, the one she was now blind on thanks to a speeder accident. She fell, skidding across the pavement and scrapping up both her arms, her cheek, and her knees. She tried to scramble to her feet but felt someone grab her ankle a drag her into a near by alley. The white haired girl screamed desperately. "Ahh!!! H-help! Please! Someone!" she cried, trying to squirm and kick her way free, but whoever grabbed a hold of her was much stronger than she was. They grabbed her around the waist, putting their other hand over her mouth to shut her up as she struggled in vain to get away. [member="Nixius Ikon"]