Yasha Cadera
Taurannik Codex:
Clue One:
Dromund Kaas. I hate this planet. It's little more than a pit of misery and ruins. I can smell the deep and deathly cesspools here, both recent and ancient. It's to the ruins of the never-completed statue of Darth Vowrawn that I seek whispers of Rave's alchemical pursuits. The Slave Rebellion of Dromund Kaas had once been massive, instigated by a member of the Sith: Darth Baras. He died later, of that most common of Sith Killers: Hubris.
Clue Two:
I pull the Sumatiyara into orbit around Mindor and sit back in the copilot seat. Bingo the Naval Droid takes over the controls and Bucket grabs me a thick, long coat. Rave's disappearance doesn't sit right. I burst into sobs while I had a cup of tea, as if the diverted grief of close friends hit me in my glass jaw.
I don't know why, but it put a more industrious alloy of durasteel in my spine. [member="Valik"]
Mindor. It was here that the former Sorcerer of Rhand and Darksight Prophet Cronal had his 'final' stand, if any stand could be final for those of us with uncanny powers and magic bullets. Did Master Skywalker annihilate him as thoroughly in all that? Has Rave given me a clue based on the Rhandites' own missives?
My boots hit the surface and I let my intuition guide me. I have to find the Codex.
I have to find it and keep it safe.
[member="Rave Merrill"]
Clue One:
Dromund Kaas. I hate this planet. It's little more than a pit of misery and ruins. I can smell the deep and deathly cesspools here, both recent and ancient. It's to the ruins of the never-completed statue of Darth Vowrawn that I seek whispers of Rave's alchemical pursuits. The Slave Rebellion of Dromund Kaas had once been massive, instigated by a member of the Sith: Darth Baras. He died later, of that most common of Sith Killers: Hubris.
Clue Two:
I pull the Sumatiyara into orbit around Mindor and sit back in the copilot seat. Bingo the Naval Droid takes over the controls and Bucket grabs me a thick, long coat. Rave's disappearance doesn't sit right. I burst into sobs while I had a cup of tea, as if the diverted grief of close friends hit me in my glass jaw.
I don't know why, but it put a more industrious alloy of durasteel in my spine. [member="Valik"]
Mindor. It was here that the former Sorcerer of Rhand and Darksight Prophet Cronal had his 'final' stand, if any stand could be final for those of us with uncanny powers and magic bullets. Did Master Skywalker annihilate him as thoroughly in all that? Has Rave given me a clue based on the Rhandites' own missives?
My boots hit the surface and I let my intuition guide me. I have to find the Codex.
I have to find it and keep it safe.
[member="Rave Merrill"]