Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Weekend Treasure Hunt 14: This Is Spaarti (wide open)

Location: Laboratory; Fifth Floor
Objective: Download the Research Notes of Rave Merrill
...the laboratory was everything that Ronan had hoped for upon locating it on the schematics he'd downloaded from one of the terminals in the facility and decided that it appeared to be one of the main chambers on this level. While many may have been drawn to the Spaarti Cloning Tubes that this facility offered Ronan had no such ideations. Instead he would proceed towards the large workstation which boasted a terminal on it where data would have been recorded for later review. In his trek he only paused to accept the grenade that Vilaz had scooped up and offered back to him causing him to reply..."It would have been better if you'd left it."...but there was no sense explaining why Ronan had dropped it now so he stowed it away on his person once again...

...while Vilaz was searching the laboratory Ronan circled around the work station and took a seat behind the terminal. The Disruptor Rifle he'd been carrying was slung over his shoulder where it would remain easily accessible while he placed his hands on the holographic keyboard serving the terminal and began to type in root commands. While he wasn't a slicer Ronan did have some idea as to what he was looking for amongst the data stored on this terminal...research data and notes on the process of cloning a variety of different creatures, humanoid and otherwise...

...until now the Assassin hadn't paid much attention Vilaz comment about splitting their loot fifty/fifty however he would look up from the terminal long enough to perform a basic scan of the surrounding area. Looking towards a far wall Ronan would have noticed what appeared to be a small cylinder device that could easily fit in the palm of a hand causing him to mention...
"Perhaps you will start with that."...likely a lightsaber which Ronan had no interest in acquiring for himself as his attention went back to the screen of the terminal... it turned out accessing the terminal was relatively simple, he discovered several files containing what he believed would be useful data and the research notes of Rave Merrill's pertaining to the cloning process of Sithspawn as well as a few files on Terentatek genetic manipulation as well, however these files were encrypted and Ronan doubted he had the time to decrypt them here and now. Instead of leaving empty handed however Ronan would take the datapad he carried and interface it with the terminal before beginning a steady download of information from one device to the other. The Data was immense but Ronan would be able to copy the files he'd selected and a few others that looked interesting which amounted to roughly 25% of the information on this terminal...

...steepling his fingers together while he watched the data transfer continue he'd have looked for Vilaz again before mentioning...
"A Cloning Cylinder maybe? I'm told they're quite expensive and a possible key to immortality." least in the sense that Vilaz could clone himself if that idea appealed to him at all. Of course there was the matter of moving the cylinders, even one of them, which is why Ronans interest in them was abstract at best...
[member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]
Location: Fifth Floor; Central Quadrant; Laboratory
Objective: Loot

There was no interest that had caught the Mandalorian's eyes. There were only computer terminals that were the most seen objects in the room. He was expecting weapons and firearms within this building, yet again this was a cloning/research facility. Not a military base in Fringe Space. And he was acting selfish right now. He was just looking treasure just for himself and not searching for ways that could help the vode. After the Mandalorians were pushed out of Teta all of the proud Warriors of Mandalore looked for ways to terminate the One Sith and their massive technology that also had a mix of Vong technology. Last time he had heard of the Vong they were defeated by the Mando'ade and the New Republic and were never heard of or seen again which is how the Redneck interpreted that part of history that the Mandalorians were involved in. And he had come this far in this infested facility to obtain nothing from it. He looked back at the computer terminals and remembered that this facility was used by the famous, Rave Merrill. Data would be within these terminals and it could bring new ways for the Mandalorians to create new weapons and technology that could overcome and be at the same level as the One Sith's technology. Though, he would get on one of the terminals after he would seek what Ronan had said to him. He walked towards the far wall that Ronan had mentioned to him and noticed a small cylinder that his eye caught sight of. It looked like the shape of the hilt of a lightsaber. Thing is he sucked at utilizing sword like weapons because he was not the greatest at sword fights; however, it could be useful in a near future. He could have it for some little project or such that could be a new addition to Vilaz's armory. After a brief observation that was a common weapon amongst dar'jetti and jetti he clung it on his utility belt and began walking to one of the computer terminals

"The hell you dropped it for?" the Rally Master asked the Assassin getting on the topic of the grenade he dropped earlier. Really unusual to drop your own grenade and not using it. A waste of ammunition. Imagine if he had not grenades and he needed one desperately and he remembered that he left one on the ground not used. Major facepalm right there. Every bullet counts. The Bounty Hunter then stopped at one of the computer terminals and placed his primary weapon on the side of the work station, so it wouldn't interfere with what he'd be doing as of now. Hands concealed by the indestructible crushgaunts he was given when promoted to the rank of Rally Master the Bounty Hunter began typing in the holographic keypads that were connected to the computer that was in front of him. Data was what he was looting and searching for and nothing more. He began looking at files that contained complex notes from Rave Merrill of sithspawn, cloning, and many more. "Bullseye," he said to himself and grabbed his datapad from his belt and then began downloading the files containing precious data that a Sith Lord would kill for. Though, there was little storage o his datapad so he chose the most interesting and most compex files that could be used for the vode's advantage.

Download began and the files in the computer began transferring over to the Mandalorian's datapad. Then he heard his fellow treasure hunter mentioning about cloning cylinder and that it could bring immortality. He agreed that they cost a lot of money, but immortality? "The hell you mean by that?" He asked with a confused face that was concealed by his buy'ce as he was looking at the figure of Ronan. He had heard of the Clone Wars, but none of those clones fro the Fett genome could take a blaster bolt and still live as if nothing had hit them. No way that one could cheat Death at all.

[member="Ronan Dyre"] [member=Jorus Merrill]
Location: Fifth Floor, Southern Quadrant; Corridor
Objective: Leaving the Laboratory with items in tow
...tapping was heard as Ronan continued to work the holographic keyboard of his terminal only looking up once to state..."Don't worry about it." reply to Vilaz question as to why he'd dropped the grenade. The Assassin wasn't a terribly social creature, he hasn't here to make friends, he had a specific job he intended to complete and then he would leave this forgotten moon and the facility they were in now behind. Once the datapad had finished downloading the encrypted files off the terminal Ronan would detach it and stand straight so that he could move around the laboratory once again. There wasn't much else here however he wanted to check around the Spaarti Cloning Tube that occupied one corner of the room for one more thing he might have been able to use...

...during his short trek across the laboratory he'd have turned his head to look at Vilaz briefly while responding...
"Imagine being able to look yourself in the face for the rest of eternity."...the sounded like an aspect of immortality to him and while cloning wasn't true immortality according to the definition there were those who might argue it was fundamentally the same. Perhaps the notion would be lost on Vilaz but Ronan had long ago considered it himself. Laying a hand on the glasteel of the cloning tube when he was within arms reach of it he looked into its confines, imagining what life would have been like on the other side when you woke up as clone, then he pushed his thoughts aside and resumed his search. Near the cloning tube Ronan discovered a case which he'd place on a counter before snapping open...

...leaning closer he let a smile touch the corner of his mouth, he'd found exactly what he was looking for and there wasn't bound to be many of these laying around. Memory tapes designed for flash learning. Ronan fingered his way through them looking for any that might be associated with Rave Merrill and her research or useful skills that might be considered valuable. Taking several tapes, two or three, he'd have closed the case and tossed it across the room hoping to scatter the rest of the contents before taking the grenade that Vilaz had handed back to him and moving back towards the work station....

...the grenade was primed, Ronan set it down on the work station at which point he'd look at Vilaz...
"You have forty-five seconds to finish your download."...that was how long the grenade was primed for before detonation and Ronan had taken care to ensure the simple push of a button wouldn't deactivate the explosive. Now that his business was done he'd retrieve his Disruptor Rifle, shouldering it, then he made his way out of the laboratory and into the adjacent corridor they'd entered through leaving Vilaz to his own devices...
[member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Location: Floor III West

The turbolift came to a stop. The third floor. He could hear things outside of his door. The doors opened, two sithspawn, dog-like creatures, jumped at him, jaws ready to rip him to pieces. He was ready too though. Without even thinking about it, he pulled the trigger. Red energy bolts slammed into the black dogs fell to the cold floor.

He grimaced, stepping over the pair. A sign read "Genetics" then in some language he didn't understand it said something else. His eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Walking the halls, cautious as ever his boots echoed with each step. And then he saw them.

Behind a thick pane of glass, no doubt transparisteel, he watched as clones of Gilamar Skirata were moved about in their tubes. All of them different ages, only a few were the age the old man was when he died. His heart sped up, to the point that it caused him pain. He gasped and gripped his chest, using the wall for support.

His weapon clacked on the ground and sweat took his face. What was Rave trying to do?

[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Location: Floor III West; Gilamar breeding pit

He stood, back up. Something seemingly pulling him up. His mind became clear and his purpose renewed. He had never liked how the old man butted into his life, his thoughts. But whether or not he liked him or not, he was more of a "father" than anything or anyone would ever be, both literally and figuratively. Looking back through the glass his green eyes locked on the grizzled old face of Gilamar Skirata.

Entering the sterile room set off blaring alarms and red flashing lights. He could hear droids running to his location. Cursing, he fired his blaster into the lock console behind him, shutting the blast doors, then a red bolt into the alarm itself, shutting off at least the sound. The air smelled strongly of antiseptic.

As the droids banged on the door and tried to blast their way in, he tapped whipped his datapad out and began giving coordinates for his extraction. The pilot was some kid off the streets, or rather some smuggler and the only hope of him getting out of this place alive was with him. He was a strange reptilian man, a species he had never seen or heard of before. He had been asleep when they landed.

[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Location: Floor III West

He didn't have any fancy tools with him, all he could do is hope his crude methods would keep this husk of a man alive. With his blaster set to high and rapid fire on he blasted through the bolts keeping the tank to the ground and wall. With his Force given strength he pushed the tube towards the end of the room. It was a struggle and the thing was much heavier than it looked.

"You need to lay off the booze old man!" he grunted as he attempted to move the thing.

It seemed the droids had the same idea as Mordecai for just as he pushed the tube to the other wall, the battle droids' blasters finally ate through the metal. A stray bolt shattered one of the other Gilamar tanks, the green liquid draining from the hole. The body within was cold and lifeless. It made him shudder to think that he too was like that once.

"Get the hell out of the way," he shouted, shouldering his blaster rifle and firing, his rifle still on full power. It ate right through the droid's head, melting it. The metal hulk fell to its knees, its blaster still firing, destroying more of the tanks and machines that ran them. Its companion droid didn't even flinch. Firing its own blaster it hit Mordecai square in the shoulder. Cursing under his breath he began to wonder if that smuggler had left him.

[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Victor Thrash

A buzz woke him from his nap. Probably that strange man calling for pick up. Yawning, he stretched out his limbs on the generously sized bed of Mordecai Tal'kyr. Though the ship wasn't exactly the Avalon, it worked for this.

"This is Galen, I have your coordinates, strap on that mask and get ready to move."

The transport lifted off from the surface of the moon and circled the giant station.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
He ducked and rolled, the pain of the blaster bolt still fresh. It was a struggle just to keep the heavy thing raised, let alone fire. But his Mandalorian flash training coupled with his resilience pushed him. The fight was over quickly, but more droids were no doubt on their way.

No more would this Witch haunt Mandalore or its children. Taking thermal detonators he placed them all around the room and even tossed one in the hall. Nothing of this would be left. No longer.

Taking the last grenade from his waistband he strapped his helmet back on and strapped the grenade to the wall.


The wall exploded in a wall of flame, the grenade not nearly as powerful as the thermal detonators that now lay throughout the room. Immediately everything not bolted to the ground began to move towards the gaping hole, most of it would land in the cargo hold of the Niathal-class shuttle that lay in wait. Standing behind the tube that held a clone of his "father" he pushed and pushed until it was safely on board the shuttle. The cargo hatch closed and the room depressurized.

With scrubbed air and a safe place to breathe he took off his helmet as the shuttle sped away from the conflagration of the thermal detonators. Flame engulfed the West Wing of floor three and the explosions rocked the building.
[member="Ronan Dyre"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]
Location: Southern Quadrant; Fifth Floor
Objective: Escape with loot

Don't worry about it? Well, that indeed sounded suspicious, but as long as the man didn't do something hostile or just something that would have him raise his weapon and trigger finger rest on the trigger. The download of the files that were transferring was almost complete and could have finished the exact same time as Ronan, however, he took the time of investigating what Ronan mentioned to him that brought him to the finding of a lightsaber. He hasn't even bothered to check what color the blade was of the weapon. As he waited for the download to be completed he trained his eyes on the assassin that seemed to be done with his own download.

He saw him walked towards the lonely cloning tube that was the only tube in the room. Now he knew what he was getting at. Cloning yourself was the topic that acted like a riddle since he knew that cloning wasn't the key to legit immortality. Cloning was something that Vilaz despised of and wouldn't, voluntarily, do. Now, he would definitely clone Preliat Mantis so that there could be multiple of them and have a Mandalorian Clone Army full of Mantis clones. That would be a sight. An army of the same face that were aggressive and violent whenever dropped in combat. Wonder how Preliat would react to that. But Vilaz giving his own DNA for one to produce as many copies of him. There can only be one Vilaz Munin and one only.

Weird it was to spectate the other known treasure hunter how he was interacting with the cloning cylinder. Really weird. The Rally Master would only take quick glances at one, but not stand in front of one and observe it closely. Moments later Ronan then interacted with some other object that was near him. A suitcase was the object that appeared to catch Roman's eye. What treasures did this suitcase held in it? Documents? Notes? He had his money on the latter. If Ronan wouldn't be rummaging through the suitcase and taking some tapes with. Now after he tossed the suitcase around the room and thankfully sealed Vilaz definitely wanted the whole suitcase and not two or three tapes. He would go fetch it after his download was completed.

While he sat there he noticed Ronan in various ways approaching him with the same grenade that he recovered for him in hand. He finally realized what the explosive device was for when it was primed and Ronan warning him of the remaining time he was given. Now, you don't give Vilaz how much time he was given. And if he were to throw it back at him then it would be a whole game of ping pong throwing the ball to each other until one was unfortunate to receive an explosive to the face. "Whatever," he responded back since his download was near to completion. He could escape the room in not time with avoiding getting blown up. Of course, the man would leave now that he had all his goodies that he searched for and to avoid the detonator he primed. Ten seconds later leaving at thirty five seconds the download was complete he detached his datapad from it and, in a hurry, clung it on his belt and ran over to where the suitcase was tossed with his primary weapon in his right hand. He approached the suitcase and with his free left hand he grabbed it with no time of investigating what it held in it. He would once he got back to his ship and see what booty was in the files and the case. Finally, satisfied with what he had he ran to the entrance of the laboratory with only twenty somewhat seconds remaining.

When he arrived the to the door he stopped and looked back and examined the room. "Ain't no way karking Sith are gunna get a hold of this." He would add more magnitude to the explosion as he primed a thermal detonator leaving him with only two more and threw it to one of the terminals. All the information within that specific computer and around it would be long gone. There were still others, but he wondered if Ronan's grenade had a huge quantity of explosion in it. After he threw his own explosive device he finally exit out of the laboratory and was back in the corridor where he first encountered Ronan.

Wondered if he made it to the turbolift or not as the Bounty Hunter began running through the corridors with his HUD guiding him to reach the lift and escape this infested facility.

[member=Ronan Dyre] [member=Jorus Merrill]
Location: Souther Quadrant; Fifth Floor, Turbolift
Objective: Enroute to the Main Floor
...Ronan had indeed made it back to the turbolift. After leaving ahead of Vilaz he returned to the turbolift, retracing his footsteps in the process to ensure he didn't lose his way, ignoring the temptation of further treasures considering the data he now had in his possession. Once he'd reached the turbolift Ronan had noticed the gaping hole left in the wake of the explosion that the Mandalorian had used to rip through its floor and mindful of his footing he moved around the edge of the lift ensuring he wouldn't fall through. Luckily the turbolift was still, mostly, operational. Outstretching a hand Ronan pressed the button that would have begun the sequence of closing the lift doors and beginning the descent back to the main floor...

...a moment after pressing the button Ronan was rocked as an explosion beneath him tore through the facility. Another explosion followed. Ronan could feel the building rocking from where he stood on the turbolift. He dared a look down the hole in the floor of the turbolift which revealed the flames that had engulfed one of the lower levels, spewing out through the doors of the lift shaft and filling it with an orange glow, then his eyes went front again. Once again Ronan pressed the button on the lift before he heard a familiar response as the doors began hissing shut as the controls responded to his commands...

...there was a moment, perhaps, where the slightest bit of guilt assailed Ronan. When those lift doors closed the Mandalorian might well need to find another way down. It just so happened the guilt that he felt was brief though and when the doors shut Ronan only thought of the payday he would receive upon cashing in on the information he'd taken from this research facility. Ahead of him he watched as the doors hissed shut before the turbolift started its descent down towards the main floor which which take it through the flames rocking the lower levels of the facility. Adjusting his hold on the Disruptor Rifle he didn't perceive there'd be much of a thread ahead of him however he prepared himself for the worst and he waited...
[member="Vilaz Munin"]

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