Hakora was left behind after his leader, [member="Vulpesen"] had ignored his joining the members of his order and left him to fend off himself against the technobeasts. To Hakora's knowledge, he knew nothing about the man let alone that this man was the father of his forgotten niece and nephew. Hakora held two traditional samurai katans one in each hand which were met with the the blade arm of two separate technobeasts. Like a beautiful, well rehearsed dance the two brought their other arms going for stabs to Hakora's chest. Hakora did a front flip over the two blades breaking his locked position. He then pivoted once he hit the ground and sent both blades into the heads of the beasts and then ripped them out with such force that if they were human it would be a mess and gruesome act. He then slashed his retreating blades in a scissor motion to slice them in half for good measure.
Hakora sighed at his fallen attackers and sheathed his blades. He then made his way into the building for the holocrons listening as he heard the fighting. As he moved, he could hear the sounds of all the people fighting to get the holocrons. Hakora warded off a few technobeasts, but was given much time to think about things in his life. Nothing in his life seemed to add up. Why had he left the Rebel Alliance to join the Vitae Order? How did he meat his master? Why did it seem like the leader of the Vitae Order despised his existence? Hakora questioned these things, but his mind had this misty feel about it that kept things a mystery. He scaled the building making his way to the top noticing fallen technobeats from the people who were ahead of him, this made Hakora's ascent easy.
After a hour of fighting, wounds and climbing Hakora made it to the top. He had seen no holocrons, but areas that suggested that they had been captured. Hakora wondered why these holocrons that did not seem that important or that great with more downfalls then help were so well guarded. Hakora walked a long the top and on his way he only saw the tongue holocron which didn't interest him. He began to leave until he heard the rumbling of something large. He turned and saw a large, old door beginning to open and could hear the faint sound of tribal drums, but it seemed to be only the imitation created by mechanics for possible added effect to the large
beast came out of the room that was larger and the most terrifying thing he had seen since entering this place. Hakora looked at his blades in fear as his own body was smaller than this monster which meant his swords were nothing against this beast. Nevertheless, Hakora drew his swords as the beast came at Hakora with terrifying speeds.
Hakora lunged backwards as one of the beast's fists smashed into the ground where Hakora previously was sending dubree everywhere. Hakora lunged back forward running up the arm, but was quickly swatted off and sent into a wall. The beast was fast and sent his fist following Hakora and smashing him even further into the wall sending Hakora's blood everywhere and causing him to scream in pain. The beast does not let up until the arm of the beast begins to erupt in lightning and then from the hand back cracks begin to form until finally the arm explodes sending pieces everywhere. Hakora's body falls to the ground and it is very evident that even though a normal human would have been killed, Hakora is still alive, but something is off. As he lays on his knees on the ground, red lightning is sparking from his body and licking the ground lick an animal who can't get enough of the taste.
When Hakora was crushed by the beast all that was going through his head was, "Why? Why am I here and why am I going to die here?!" It is hard to explain the stress death can put on a person, but the mental stress of a certain death is unbearable and some even sweat blood. This amount of mental stress put pressure on Hakora's mind breaking through the crack that was created in Hakora's memory wipe and shattering it which erupted all his memories, good and bad and released itself in a powerful force lightning/ Force Repulse.
Hakora remembered who he was again, but that is what happens when a Knight tries to do a Force Wipe which is a very advanced techniche; it doesn't stick. Hakora slowly stood to his feet once again, but with a new resolve. His questions from before were now answered, all but one, "Why had Vulpesen left Hakora behind?" The one armed beast came at Hakora, but this time Hakora came at it with a new strength. He dropped one sword and sent a strong force push into the beast making it double back as Hakora lept in the air. Harnessing the force in the form of lightning he fused it to his sword and brought down on the beast making his blade longer and strong as he sliced through the beast to destroy it.
Hakora stood there, hurt and needing aid, but he had to escape. Hakora summoned his ship and left for the Vitae Order to speak to the leader.