My vision comes back in front of a new platform. This one is moving, and shifting. there are many obstacles. Blades, trap doors, swinging logs.
"This test is pretty straight forward. Make it to the other side, and try not to die."
"that is so helpful" I say as I take off. Just like speed my agility is really good, so this shouldn't be too hard. I weave through the swinging logs, and reach the end with ease, but just as I am coming out, a final log coming straight for me appears out of the blue. I quickly dive roll under it, but that is when I notice the small holes in the ground, and the glint of metal inside.
"Oh great!" The The log passes over me, and the silver spike begin to slide up. Every thing seems to happen slowly. With all four limbs I push off the ground, and the spikes begin to come up to meet me, I mange to flip myself in air with enough force to just barely clear the spikes and land on the other side. "It's like this place was built to counter what my normal reactions would be. Wait maybe that's because it is. What would be harder than an agility test built against your personal strengths."
I reach the blade section. They are moving horizontally, and vertically. I would normally attempt to weave through them, but they seem to be built so they all cover eachothers openings. So maybe. I jump and land on one of the blades moving vertically, and as another blade comes that would intersect with me, I jump and push off the wall to land on another. That is the secret. It was built on the grounds that I would run directly though, and try to weave through, but if I approach it in a way I would normally never do, then I can get past. I jump down onto the ground, clearing the last blade.
The last obstacle is a large open section of floor that opens right into the darkness. in the middle is a rope. Where my normal straight forwardness would be to use the force and make the jump would probably fail, I devise a different plan. I run at the right wall, and build enough force to run on the side for just a second, getting me some distance, then I push off at the rope. grabbing it, and swinging towards the other side of the wall. I keep pushing off each side until I am close tot the other side of the pit, and I let go with as much momentum as I can get, and head for the other side, but just as i am about to make it, a trap door opens, dropping a portion of the ledge I am heading for away. I begin to fall.