Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Weekend Treasure Hunt 3: What We Leave Behind

LOCATION: Exiting cell basement

Mrrew raised raised his eyebrows in suprise as someone appeared out of nowhere, and started beating the feth out of the mandalorians. The Togorian blinked several times, slowly lowering his stolen shattergun. "Well then.... err." Mrrew glanced over to Noah Corek, still trying to search his mind for where he's seen him before, before the Togorian turned to the stairway; and, without another word, started up it. They had to have stashed his gear around here somewhere, and he wanted ot get it before one of the other escapeees did.

[member="Trayce Verati'is"] | [member="Aeron Kreelan"] | [member="Noah Corek"] |

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Mrrew"] [member="Aeron Kreelan"] [member="Trayce Verati'is"] [member="Basaba Willamina"]
Exiting Basement Cells, Entering the Armory
Noah decided that they waited too long and aimed and blasted the last mercs head off before Aeron could. "Well, I'm glad to see someone that I know is here." Noah said to Kreelan as he began to rifle through the pockets and pouches of the dead soldiers, grabbing a couple more knives, some scattergun shells and two thermal detonators. He also found one of the soldiers was carrying his Hekler'Kok R-2. Picking it up, Noah dusted it off and made sure it was fine before slinging it over his back. He then heard Basaba on the radio. "Well, its me, Aeron and two other guys who I've not got their names yet. But there isn't anyone else down here for you to kill, so I guess meet us in the armory and we'll formulate a plan on how to exactly escape from the little mess we've landed ourselves in." Noah told her over the comms and he began to ascend the stairs, hoping that everyone else would follow.
Trayce turned around and faced the Togorian, and simply looked him up and down, affirming that he was a formidable warrior, just as he had suspected. He turned to face the same way Mrrew did, and started walking back up the stairs, not caring if he was followed or not, simply wanting to get out of this place with his own ship. He reached the top of the stairs and turned back to the others, then looked at Noah and Mrrew with his same cold demeanor. "If you want to tag along, you may. If not, then good luck." Trayce turned and started down the hallway again, looking for any indication of where his cloak might be stashed, and so in the most logical move, started trying to unlock every door he came across. Though the only other door he found was at the end of a hallway, and as he opened it, he found nothing but a single lockbox. He hoped against hope that this was the box that contained his cloak. As he saw it was locked, he quickly brought out the extra key card he had taken from one of his fallen enemies, and inserted it into the lock, then hefted the lid open. He saw inside was, miraculously, his black cloak, which he immediately picked up and dressed in, thankful to have it back on him. "Now, let's find us a ship to escape on."

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
[member="Noah Corek"] [member="Aeron Kreelan"]

Basaba heard it and she looked at the stuff she had plus the equipment while going to a window. "There is another building across the way. Meet you there." Basaba backed up, her eyes flicking at the window and then running as she jumped tucking her body in. Crashing through it and rolling as she landed on the ground to reduce some of the impact. She popped up decloaking and firing an underbarrel shell into the mans chest. Her face going cold and switching to blaster as she moved firing into the chests of the enemies coming out. "Move."
Northern Building, Ground Floor - Road Checkpoint, Heading towards Hangar

Trayce looked over his shoulder and left the room, his cloak billowing behind him as he sped up to a sprint, and ran into Noah on the stairs, stopping and giving him a nod before he turned towards the hall, seeing a pair of Mandalorians bring heavy rifles to their eyes, giving him just barely enough time to dodge before they opened fire, their blaster bolts glancing off of the wall next to him, and one of them hitting his left arm before he was back inside the room. The searing pain was a shock, and Trayc'es breath burst from his lungs in a loud gasp, which was quickly replaced with a low growl.

They hit me... They hit ME? THEY WOULD DARE TO HIT ME?!?!

His breath came in hisses of inhalation and exhalation, and his fists curled up so tightly that he couldn't feel his palms. He slowly stood up, and closed his eyes, focusing on the pain and rage it brought, on his anger at them having injured him, and with his left arm now held inside his robe, he darted from the room once more, this time not stopping the sprint. He was one step ahead, constantly watching his opponents' torsos to predict where they would fire, shifting, ducking, and sliding just before they would fire, dodging bolts sometimes by millimeters. Before he reached them both, one bolt sizzled past him but grazed his right shoulder, not debilitating it, but still causing injury. This didn't matter though, not anymore, because now they were both less than a meter away, directly to Trayce's right and left.

He spied a vibro knife attached to the leg holster of the one to his left, an unlucky thing now that he had to spin to swipe it away, but his anger gave him clarity, and he spun and snatched the knife with his right hand while his left foot whipped out from his crouch to trip the other warrior. Tracyed felt the handle in his hand, and held it the way an assassin would, plunging it into the same leg he took it from. The mandalorian warrior shrieked and fell to one knee, not having enough time to bring his rifle up before the blade was sent up and into his jaw, his blood gushing out and covering the Sith's hand. trayce smiled malevolently, and with one pull, ripped it down from the man's throat, swung it in a reverse arc, and slashed the Mandalorian whom he had just tripped in the jugular vein, his death gurgles short and unintelligible.

Trayce stood slowly, favoring his injured arm but still holding the knife to his side, and looked up towards the door that would lead into the main road, and eventually to the hangar, his way to escape. His eyes now burned a bright yellow, with red rimming the edges, matching the blood dripping dwon his sleeves and hands, and he opened the door with the key card, hungry for more conflict. "I will kill them all. Every. Last. Fething. One of them."
LOCATION: Armory, Ground floor

Mrrew didn't follow the black cloaked man as he left the building, rather he began to rummage through the Armory that had been left open, looking for his own weapons. Lots of fun stuff, some armor that wouldn't fit him, more shatterguns like the one he already looted, and a trench knife that he pocketed, but not his own equipment. The Togorian growled under his breath when he finished searcihng the armory, and stepped past the others back in the direction of the stairwell. There was an upstairs to this building, and if it continued the armory, his equipment might be there. So Mrrew began hiking up the steps, growling under his breath.

[member="Noah Corek"] | @everyoneelse
North Building - Enroute Second Floor - Barracks, Vaults

While they were being gung-ho for shooting at things ( let’s face it as soon as she saw Basaba, Aaron knew how this was going to go down ) the Prex used the time to don a bit of gear. Mainly that armor.

Good thing what she was wearing was skin tight, made putting everything on top of it easier. Plus, gave her the ability to gather two of the scatter guns on thigh holsters.

However, she still wanted her discblade back -- and she was not going to go anywhere without it first.

“Let’s move to the second floor,” she’d say nodding towards another stairwell. Same as always, she took point.

Up she would go, holding her rifle up. A few volleys of the anti material rifle sent more rogue Mandalorians for cover or falling in loud thuds to the floor. Good.
Outside the North Tower - Road Checkpoint

Trayce dropped into a low crouch and hurried across the open area until he reached a low wall, pressing his back against it and holding the knife in a reverse grip, ready to stab or slash whoever approached him, which seemed to be the lone guard hurrying towards the entrance, probably after having heard the sounds of fighting and death from his comrades, though he didn't even get within two meters before Trayce leaped out and slipped the knife between one of the gaps in his chest armor, feeling him struggle for a handful of seconds before he went limp, his last breath sighed out in a ragged gasp. Trayce let him fall with a loud thud, and then quickly, and quietly, moved on, moving as fast as he could in his crouched position, until he reached the small post that served as the halfway point between the North and South towers, and this is where he finally saw the Southern tower, which looked like it was large enough to house a ship or two. He peeked over the edge of the small wall to see two mandalorians resting inside, obviously asleep from their relaxed poses, the cameras on the outside of the road leading to the outpost clear except for the occasional swoop bike delivery. Trayce smiled evilly as he contemplated how easy this was going to be, and he quietly vaulted over the thin separation, crept up to the two mercenaries, and with deadly precision stabbed twice, once for each man, and watched as they died instantly. He then decided to have a bit of fun, and set off the alarm at the edge of the road, hoping to draw as many warriors away from the South building as possible, and after only thirty seconds, watched as fourteen men and women raced out of the building, headed straight for the far edge of the camp, and away from him.

This is almost too easy.
LOCATION: Upper floor, north building

There were only two guards in front of the upper armory. .. They didn't last very long. Within two minutes, Mrrew stepped over the two former mandalorians- both with shattergun wounds in their armor- and into the armory. He was dismayed to see it had already been ransacked, Shelves were emptied and cluttered, and a few of the units in a row of lockboxes had been disturbed. He just hoped his equipment was still there. One shot from his looted shattergun later, he was rummaging through one of the lockboxes. He exhaled a sigh of relief as he saw what was inside; his own shattergun, and his bodo bass gunbelt and bandoleir. He has no idea where his sword or blaster pistol was- he'd have to keep ane ye out for them. The thieves were probably using them. But for now, this would have to be enough. It dind't take long for Mrrew to 'get dressed' in the belt and bandoleir, and place his looted shattergun on the belt. Now, to find the rest of his gear.

He started downstairs, to get to the next building.
North Building -- Second floor.

Well, since Basaba cleared this out earlier, it was easy to double check that things were alright. An investigation would reveal a BTI-AG "Sleuth" Analysis Beam that Aeron claimed, and just a bit back a S1 Medical Droid.

“You’re coming with me bud.” she’d tell him, because frankly, well it was nifty. Plus, she could use it as bolt fodder.

Still no discblade.

She did collect another knife, tucking that one in her boot.

“Nothing up there,” she’d say, only to nod towards another entrance downstairs. “Head south.”
Road to South Building - Hangar Bay

Trayce moved quickly, his heart racing, sweat dripping from his face and his grip on the blood-covered vibro knife still firm, he had abandoned all stealth now that he had seen the other mercenaries run off in the direction of the alarm he had sounded, and made his way around to the South Building's entrance, where he found the hangar door open, with no less than six guards inside, where he quickly stopped and pressed himself flat against the outside of the entrance, peeking back around and studying them for only half a minute. There were four women and two men, three of which carried shatterguns, two had anti-matter rifles, and another had only a vibrosword attached to his back. Trayce knew that if he could get close enough to take the vibrosword, he would have little problems with the others, assuming he could reach them too. Thankfully the hangar was also crowded with crates, and hover jacks, several swoop bikes, and also several starships, including a Tengaanalir-Class Patrol Craft, a Terminus-Class Starfighter, and the one that caught his eye immediately, a YTA-1300 all the way at the back. He thought for a minute, taking in the entire room, making sure to note the escape routes if he was caught, and then quickly, and quietly, snuck into the hangar, using the crates and swoop bikes for cover from his enemies' sight. They were starting to spread out, three groups of two, one headed towards the left side of the hangar, another heading to the back, and the other heading directly for the entrance. Trayce maneuvered himself so that one of the swoops hid him from the sight of the duo approaching him, and slowly moved around as they advanced, dashing low to the ground when they had passed and pressed himself against a stack of crates in the middle of the room.

His only problem were the two at the back now, as they were sitting directly in front of the YTA's boarding ramp, talking and looking in the direction he was coming from. "Dammit, if only I had the Dark Side." Trayce muttered under his breath, looking for anything he could use as a distraction. And then it occurred to him, the knife! He drew back his hand, and threw the knife as hard as he could towards the left wall, narrowly making it under the handles of one of the hover-jacks, and hearing a satisfying clang as it struck durasteel, drawing the attention of the mercs at the back and even the ones who were near a pair of hover crafts. As they moved towards the disturbance, Trayce vaulted silently over the crates, weaved through the remaining obstacles, and was, thankfully, greeted with the sight of the boarding ramp lowered, his heart racing from the adrenaline now coursing through his veins.

Hello there beautiful, how would you like to be the vessel of a Sith Assassin? He mused to himself as he strode into the ship, hearing the exclamations of shock and anger from the four that had, undoubtedly by now, discovered the bloody knife.
South Building Ground Floor - Hangar Bay

Trayce walked calmly down the metal corridor of his soon-to-be ship, now holding his left arm with his right, the pain of his injuries setting in now that the excitement and fury of conflict had dulled down and his escape was assured. He took note of how nice and sleek the ship was, obviously not heavily armed to the teeth, but with three SRB92-S sublight engines, he had speed and maneuverability. The ship was very nice too, obviously newly stolen or bought, whichever he didn't care about, and it was all-in-all the perfect transport for him. Although, he would need to do something about the lack of empty training rooms, he thought. Perhaps re-purpose one of the guest suites, as he didn't expect to have company with him. He found his way to the cockpit in a minute or two, making sure to inspect the craft with some measure of thoroughness before trying to escape, and when he sat down in the captain's chair, it was as if the universe had suddenly shifted from chaotic to peaceful, and he felt at ease. The controls were also simple, and as he started to warm up the ship, the first thing he did was close the exit ramp, and hearing the surprised shouts of the Mandalorians whom he had just fooled was a bonus, his lips curling into a smirk of pride and spite. "Now, you look nice. But can you perform the way I need you to?" Almost as if answering on its own, the ship's engines roared when he toggled it on, and as it lifted up and retracted its landing stands, it felt smooth and controlled. Trayce began to maneuver it out of the hangar, narrowly avoiding the crates and other ships in under him, and seeing on the readouts that the shields were taking a minimal volley of fire from six sources below. After he had successfully angled the ship out of the hangar, he laughed darkly to himself, and turned it around to face the opening of the hangar bay, selecting the weapons systems, and seeing the option to open fire with dual laser cannons, he smiled and confirmed his selection. He only fired five times, but the resounding explosions from the bolts hitting the ground were enough to catch four of the six mercenaries in deadly bursts of flame, killing them instantly, and destroying several crates and swoop bikes. Trayce then decided that he should leave the other ships intact, for the others he had come across, a rare moment of compassion for him. However, he decimated the troop transport with repeated volleys of laser cannon fire, as it wasn't necessary for escape from the planet, and his anger at the mercenaries for capturing him was still hot and raging. After he was satisfied with the burning mess, he piloted the starship around and took off into the atmosphere, setting a course for... Well, anywhere, as long as it was far from this planet.

Course set for Inner Rim. The ship's computer chimed as he punched in the vague coordinates and set the ship to jump to hyperspace. After it had successfully jumped and he felt safe in his new ship, he let go of the control stick, and leaned back, exhaling a sigh of relief.

"Well, I guess this was a nice way to start off my adventures. Now, let's see if I can't find a master with this new craft." He smiled and thought of all the power he would gain, his future was looking very bright indeed.
LOCAITON: En route to south building

It was fairly easy getting to the soth building behind others. The guards were already cleared out, all Mrrew had to do was step over some pre-killed mandaloriajns, and walk on into the south building, keeping his own shattergun high. Every time he came across a injured or dead mandalorian, left behind by the others, he'd stoop down and rummage their bodies for his equipment. It was this way that he found his heavy blaster pistol, which he pocketed, and a thermal detonator. Oh, and a bag of potato chips. He'd save those for later. Mrrew glanced upa t the south building with a smile, his ears twitching every few seconds for the lsightest noise. A massive oopening ont he side of the building sshowed that it was a hangar; exactly what he needed. He'd just ned to get in, get a ship, and get away from wherever the feth he was. Hopeuflly finding his sword in the meantime.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
South Building - Ground Floor - Hangar

Basaba made it into the hanger and watched one of the ships take off, whoever it was she almost wanted to chase him down and wring his neck as she moved quickly searching the ships that were there. The one that caught her eyes wasn't the fastest or the best but dammit she had heart and treating her right looked like she might be with her forever as the cargo doors opened of the Washburn and Basaba ran in closing them. "Noah I have a ship, hurry." She was mvoing up the stairs and towards the cockpit to start her up and leave the planet. There were other ships in the hanger and she trusted them for a worthwhile time while sliding into the seat. "I'm a leaf on the wind." She was startting up the ship and moving it to go and meet them while speaking. "Noah we have an exit, whatever you got or need meet me in the courtyard and be ready we're going to have revenge."
South Building - Top Floor - Hangar/Machine Shop
'Hushaby' ship-mounted ion cannon, unpowered
ECHO Copycat: Hallucin
2x Mace Kinetic Weapons
XR-26 Sensor Jammer
Enough repulsor carts and repulsor jacks to move everything

The south building came next, her S1 Medical droid walking behind her as she went clearing a corridor. The bridge that connected the upper levels from the North to the South had one massive droid blocking her way.

This.. .was going to get interesting.

While she didn’t have a connection to the Force do the the lizards, she did still have her bag of tricks. And well, an anti matter rifle certainly helped at tearing a new one on the Droid’s chassis.

She was determined to find her gear and disc-blade, and even though there were warnings about other prisoners already leaving, she had her one goal in mind.

Aeron entered the second floor of the South building in a wash of more bolts from the anti-matter rifle and a stab or two with the trench knife.

A grimace would flash over her face a she was smacked with a beskar gauntlet straight to the face.

Blood everywhere. Yeah that nose was broken. “Karkin’ piece of sheb!”

And the fight ensued.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Spencer Jacobs"]

The final hinge pin worked loose. "Alright, stand back, I'm gonna get you out of here."

Doing this silently wasn't an option, but there were ways to move the thick door with reduced noise. Gripping the handle and bracing her shoulder near the hinges, she pulled while shoving in and sideways. The door skidded across the lintel and toppled against the inside of the frame with a muffled thud.

Ashin poked her head out. The weapons fire they'd heard earlier had apparently done its work with some finality. Dead Mandos littered the hall in various stages of undress; little if any usable gear.

"We're clear," she said, unable to keep worry from her voice. "You doing good?"
North Building
Deep Cells
[member="Ashin Varanin"]

Spencer had kept her eyes closed the entire ordeal. She knew where they were headed, but she never realized it would end up being this bad. The pounding in her head muffled Ashin’s voice for a moment, but when the Master finally focused her mind she listened. Her face pale as she nodded, the last thing she wanted was to slow Ashin down – if something happened she wouldn’t be able to stand herself. Standing from her huddle in the corner, Spencer adjusted the thin utility belt at her waste along with blasters. She had never felt so naked as she did right now, the force was untouchable here and she felt the lack of it to her core.

The girl stifled a cough and choked back some of the creeping bile that worked its way up her throat. Spencer took in a deep breath through her nose, even breathing hurt at this point. “I’m good. Don’t worry about me.” Stepping forward, she looked around as well. Mandos stripped clean, which meant there was probably nothing left for them to gather. “Let’s not worry about picking through these guys and get a move on.” Redness lingered around her yellowish iris, she looked sickly, but she couldn’t let it look like it was affecting her too much. “Let’s get out of here.”

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

[member="Spencer Jacobs"]

The north building's ground floor was a war zone, pillaged to the bone. She didn't bother checking upstairs; they hadn't been carrying much of value when they'd been taken. The priority was getting Spencer off the planet, and that south building looked like a hangar. She scooped up a familiar Mun'Beviin sniper rifle from one of the dead Mandalorians. Six shots, no more. It would have to do.

"Keep your eyes peeled, lover. You're my spotter today. Let's see how quick we can cross the gap."

It looked like maybe forty, fifty metres to that south building, across open ground.
South Building - Top Floor - Hangar/Machine Shop [member="Ashin Varanin"] [member="Spencer Jacobs"]

Aeron went in clearing the top floor of the Southern Building, anti material rifle up and ready for any opponent. Here was another group of rogue mandalorians. A curse would rip through the Icari as she would ensue sending shot after shot from the rifle, then when she ran out of ammo, let the rifle swing down and she pulled up the scatterguns to continue the barrage.

One of them caught her eye. A glint of silver. Her disc-blade. The battle raged on, loud enough for any nearby to hear her going at it.
Almost to South Building
[member="Aeron Kreelan"]
[member="Ashin Varanin"]

Taking a deep breath she nodded, the most important thing besides staying alive was well, keeping Ashin from worrying about her. Adjusting the cloak around her body, she pulled out the small blasters and placed them into her hands after fetching them from one of the bodies they had passed over. There wasn't much ammo in them and she knew it would only have to be used when she truly needed to shoot something. It had been some time since she had used weapons in general and now here she was depending on them with her life. Thumbs clicked the safeties off and she moved in front of Ashin keeping her eyes peeled through the pounding migraine.

It was a good thing the battle up ahead was so loud, nodding her head towards the direction she moved quicker. “There's something a fight up ahead” Without realizing it, Spencer searched for the Force trying to grasp what was going on in there. She reached and came out empty handed. “Remind me to never let the Council sever me the from the Force okay?” A forced laughed escaped her lips as she used it to cover a cough. She tasted blood, but didn't say anything more about it. They both knew in the back of their minds that if she ever lost her connection to the Force forever she would be done for. The cloak on her body was the only thing keeping her together for the time being.

But time wasn't on their side here.

“Your ears are better than mine, can you tell how many?”

Spencer stopped before the entrance to the south building, she pressed her back against the wall and did her best to listen. As she did so, her eyes hunted for a way in and up the building the fastest way possible.

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