Caught off guard by the racing away of his opponents, and arrival of two new, Damien didnt react for a moment. But then he felt the tug against his Spirits, taking the few he had that were allies and nearly removing all before he too noticed the Force Drain moving his way...
Reaching out with the Force, The Hammer gripped the nearest body he sensed that held a little life in it, one than was abandoned upon seeming dead. Hurling the body forward it intercepted the Force Drain momentarily, while Damien ripped his Bodo Baas Gunbelt free and slid it along the ground. In it lay a dozen or more random grenades, with the majority being flashbang or incindiary. Oh that also didnt take into note the dual Betty pistols and counted ammo, which to could be used as a last minute explosive.
Choosing that very moment to take off, he slipped back through the recently entered door and into the long hall. Wielding the third and final of his pistols now, with no more ammo, therefore three overpowered shots alone, and Nox's saber, he was still ready.
Oh did I mention the pulled pin?
Racing back down the hall, he headed for his awaiting crew and ship.
[member="Jared Ovmar"] [member="Darth Janus"]