Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Weekend Treasure Hunt Infinity: At Last We Will Have Revenge (Open to All)

The pawns played their part. They knew nothing of the true interests of their employers, or of the malevolent greed they had stirred. Caliginous presences egressed from the shadows, stretching forth fingers trembling with awakened power to take all that which glittered. The Valley of the Jedi was no place for pawns. They were removed from the board. The nature of the game had changed. Those quivering fingers now played at Dejarik, moving monsters in place of men.

The Sekairo-class stealth transport settled into a deep ravine, hidden from watching eyes. Hydraulics hissed and the ramp extended, disgorging a series of creatures each stranger than the last.

Black eyes glared at the rocky terrain, at the ravine's rippling lines of sandstone sides and at the sky above. A Herglic stepped forth from the darkness of the bay, form armored all in black, though he bore no helm.

"It is a long way to the temple on foot," he said in an oily voice of fathomless depths, "We will take the speeder bikes."

This valley radiated power, a swirling nexus. Orcus drank greedily from the overflowing font, stretching muscles that ached for release; to become the eye of the storm, centered in the midst of hallowed ruination. He inhaled deeply. The arid air felt unnaturally pure to a being used to the brine-scented winds of Giju.

The prospects of treasure lapped at the shores of his mind, images of what he might do with untold wealth. What wonders he might build.

The Sith Lord clambered onto a speeder bike and revved the throttle before whipping off, wind clawing at his face as he sailed toward the temple.

[member="Grundark"] | [member="Graze"] | [member="Broxin"] | [member="Tyro Ventari"] | [member="Darth Adekos"] | [member="Niysha"]
Niysha had no idea what she was getting into, but at least she knew that she had no idea. The machinations of Sith Lords - at least the ones that could think of more than tearing things apart with a laser sword - were too deep even for her to properly comprehend. For instance, she had no earthly idea why she was on a shuttle with a bunch of rather unpleasant sentients and following the orders of a talking whale. She had absolutely not the faintest clue why she was in one of the most dangerous places in the galaxy, the Valley of the Jedi. To be frank, the ambient Force energy was giving her a splitting headache as it overwhelmed her senses. Her Sight was blurry, as if through a heat haze.

Lastly, she couldn't fathom what their actual purpose was. But then, she was here as a learning experience. Were she more snide, she would have put that in quotation marks, but it was true. From an objective point of view, she would inevitably learn something here. This was an incredible place, she was surrounded by uncanny people, and they were doing something she'd never quite expected she'd do. This far outside her comfort zone, it would take a feat of incredible and willful ignorance to learn nothing at all.

There were few human-sized creatures in the shuttle, and each of the larger sentients probably needed a speeder to itself. Niysha would likely double up with her master, but that was fine. Miraluka were crappy pilots. Something about the whole "no eyes" thing made flying things stressful in the best of situations, and having her Sight overwhelmed by the most powerful Force nexus in the galaxy was not the best of situations.

"I'll need to ride with a partner, my lord," she explained quietly to [member="Darth Adekos"] as the rest of the critters filed out. "Whether with you or another. This place is...obstructing me." She wanted to say "overwhelming," but that might make her appear weak. Not the best first impression to make on a new master.

[member="Hion the Herglic"] | [member="Grundark"] | [member="Graze"] | [member="Broxin"] | [member="Tyro Ventari"]​
[member="Hion the Herglic"] | [member="Grundark"] | [member="Graze"] | [member="Broxin"] | [member="Tyro Ventari"] | [member="Niysha"]

Darth Adekos would have preferred to just send the Tionese Whiteguard out here again, but Darth Orcus had insisted that some things require a more personal touch. Orcus had taken the liberty of inviting along some of his employees. Big, hulking brutes. Orcus had also brought along his apprentice, so Adekos had figured he should bring his as well. She had yet to construct her own lightsaber or learn how to do... Anything, really, but this would provide some valuable field experience. Besides Hion, there were three high-profile mercenaries that were quite literally made of muscle. She would be safe. Although now there was the dilemma of which speeder she should ride on...

He thought about suggesting Tyro's speeder for his own personal amusement. However, that apprentice simply looked too punchable. Adekos was a carefully restrained man and he had never felt the urge to punch a child. That is, until his eyes settled on Tyro and his annoyingly, perfectly coiffed hair. It was an unmistakable calling; a near overwhelming desire to simply punch this person in the face and be done with them forever. Not even repeatedly. Not even to knock them unconscious. Just punch them. Once. One punch. That was it. It baffled Adekos as to why he would feel such an urge. Some form of sorcery was at work here. He couldn't be alone in this.

If there were snipers waiting for them down the trail they would undoubtedly be compelled to fire on Tyro rather than literally anyone else, even if they were paid to ignore him. This was Adekos' sinking suspicion.

At any rate, to send her with one of the mercenaries would just be insulting. This left one option. "You'll ride with me, I suppose."

The Umbaran mounted his own speederbike, pausing to make sure his helmet was secured. Biking was perilous and now he would have to be extra careful. If he managed to kill his own apprentice thanks to reckless driving and her cracking her skull open on the ground, he'd never live it down. Once she was on-board, he gunned the bike and took off after Hion.
Chapter 2

Harm had somehow made it from Paradise to his ship with the statue. That Wookiee bouncer was a definite god-send when the wacky gungan started grenading the place.

The guardian class corvette had left Zeltros smoothly, and the statue was secure in a locker. Once he had looked it over, he saw some galactic coordinates. When he put them into his nav comp he found that his next stop was the Ruusan system. Nothing stopped him from leaving the Zeltros system, nor from entering the Ruusan system, but he entered far enough out to not read on any but the longest range scanners. He didn't want to be jumping into a trap. Once he had a good scan of the system, he did a quick hop closer in, then lit off his insystem engines and made for the planet.

He scanned the planet, cross-referenced the coordinates on the statue, and saw a decrepit temple complex as the target of the coordinates. His gut was telling him to be wary, and doing so had likely cut the lead he had on his pursuer, though he didn't yet know that the lovely, scantily clad waitress was pursuing him. He set the ship to automatically land about a kilometer away from the temple, then went to get his armor on.

[member="jorus merrill"] [member="karen roberts"]
[member="Aeri Vyn"]
[member="Jorus Merrill"]


Location: Kessels Pride, On the Bridge, Hyperspace
Objective: Finding prizes!

Jack plugged the chip into the nav computer, and it was scanned rather quickly, providing a heading and a set of coordinates. With a grin he began to flip switches and press buttons. Changing heading in hyperspace was tricky, a wrong move could get your ship torn apart, or rammed into a supernova you had no knowledge of.

"What're you doing?" Asked Alleria

"Changing course.... annnnddd done."

There was a little bit of creaking in the hull as the extreme stress of gravity fields and such tweaked them. Jack held his breath for a minute, counting, and then it was over. They were on their way to the new coordinates. But there was still the problem of the Agent woman outside.

"What're we gonna do with her?" Ferlin asked.

"Could space her?"

"No no one's getting spaced, besides we don’t have time. Just turn down the CO2 scrubbers. That oughtta knock her out. Leave enough oxygen so she can live though."

They were on the way !
Grumbling at his speeder bike as it sunk for a moment under his weight Grundark, they were already made large enough for a Herglic, but still he could swear he could hear the machine straining under him. Pressing down the accelerator he was unsure of where he was going, but he didn't really need to know, just follow the Herglic. As the wind whipped his ears flat against the back of his head he decided he didn't like speeder bikes, it was incredibly uncomfortable having your ears exposed so. The sound of rushing wind deafened him to just about everything else as he kept his eyes on the two Sith ahead of him.

Mentally he made a note that the entire galaxy simply needed to be larger, all of this nonsense centered around these tiny humans just seemed silly. What the galaxy needed was more ceiling space, and bigger chairs. On that thought he made himself focus back up towards the two leaders, chairs were the bane of Grundark, and quite possibly the thing he hated most in life. Everybody was always sitting, not Grundark, nope always standing, or hunched under a low ceiling. One day he'd be in charge of something, and that day, oh yes that day would be the day of extra large chairs and four meter ceilings. Maybe even a bed that was off the floor. Oh yes, one day that would all be his. For now though he was a simple apprentice who was going to learn under the only one who had cups big enough to drink out of.

[member="Darth Adekos"] @Niysha @Hion the Herglic [member="Graze"] [member="Tyro Ventari"] [member="Broxin"]
Tyro did not have the same problem as his larger companions. Indeed he would have been comically small on the large chopper designed to hold a herglic. Instead he piloted a wave skimmer a simple design meant for aquatic fun, but fast with a sleek profile. Unfortunately there was very little water on this dry planet. For Tyro it was stifling having been raised predominantly on a water world. Orcus must be positively cotton mouthed. Tyro jumped onto the speeder and watched as Orcus revved his engine and rode off into the distance.

A curious stare followed Adekos who was offering his underling a ride on his speeder. If that man got in the way Tyro would kill him. He had come to that conclusion the moment Orcus invited him on this trip. He didn't like the way the man looked down the nose at him, especially given the fact that Tyro was better than him. Tyro had heard the stories, at thirty two that man hadn't even graduated from being an acolyte. He was a mope playing at being tough. Tyro merely smiled at the man whenever he saw Adekos's head facing in his direction. The polite sort of smile he'd give people to mask his true feelings.

Without any fanfare or foolery he set his speeder into motion and followed Hion, the greatest sith in this party.

[member="Hion the Herglic"] | [member="Grundark"] | [member="Graze"] | [member="Broxin"] | [member="Darth Adekos"] | [member="Niysha"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
A lonely Santhe Challenger bore down on the planet Ruusan. At the controls of the opulent ship, a woman with dusty violet skin cried in silence. Through the Force, she'd felt the reverberation of her sister's passage. Their bond had snapped, carrying with it a vivid impression of Zathul's final moments. A crew of smugglers or paramilitary, a Zeltron operative, a couple of Herglics. They'd beaten her to death while trying to keep her from each other.

Zathul had been carrying something, and she'd been cagier than normal about this particular bit of courier work. Zathul's allegiances had run the gamut, though Shambleau had often suspected a Blackguard connection. She'd once caught her sister with a crude carving of a Whiphid.

Whatever Zathul had gotten herself into, she was unquestionably dead now. And though Shambleau couldn't care less about her sister's errand, there would assuredly be a reckoning.

[member="Aeri Vyn"] [member="Hion the Herglic"] [member="Jack Raxis"]
Seated on his speeder, Graze reflected on the last mission he and his leader had undertaken. They had been on a space station, in search of a Hapan noblewoman whose gun of command now rested against the side of Orcus' newest protege, [member="Tyro Ventari"]. The battle had been difficult, and Graze was forced to defend himself against a compatriot whose mind was twisted by the Hapan's weapon. Two Herglic soldiers died that day, one by Graze's hand, one by his lack of foresight. His stomach clenched as a fresh wave of guilt swept over him, Koh's final moments playing through his mind.

The speeder veered off course.

It took a moment for Graze to realize that he no longer rode immediately behind [member="Hion the Herglic"], but even as he noticed the widening gap between himself and his party, he couldn't bring himself to correct it. His thoughts had become too entrenched in the memory of what he perceived to be his greatest failure. Though his glacier eyes betrayed nothing, and although his leader seemed yet to have realized it, Graze felt keenly the loss of his comrades, as well as his role in their deaths. Koh's life was destroyed because of the shark's inability to protect him, to remind him of who he was. Kahn's was taken in battle by a guard, and Graze had left his body in order to complete the mission. Kahn had not been retrieved. Graze had failed in his duty as a leader, and he was struggling not to do so again.

This thought created a rift in the film that had overtaken his mind, and Graze was reminded of the mission he had come to this planet for. His men and his boss needed him to be in control; they needed him focused. He could not allow them to be harmed. Not again. He quickly turned his bike back toward Lord Orcus and sped onward into the dust.

[member="Grundark"] | [member="Broxin"] | [member="Darth Adekos"] | [member="Niysha"] | [member="Lady Shambleau"]


Disney's Princess

The X-Wing/r dropped out of Lightspeed nearer the system star. It's pilot took a moment to run a long range sensor sweep and to com the Holonet buoy for news and updates. Oh. Well well. Popular system today. Multiple pings in the last few hours. At least a dozen vessels had dropped from the Hyperspace corridors in this sector alone. Interesting. Either there was an ATC bazaar going on or somebody was having Ruusan themed wedding today? Though, neither seemed as likely.

She churned up her engines and made for the planet's surface. Confident she was in the right place.


On the outskirts of the Valley of the Jedi, Roberts knelled down and pulled out her viewfingers. From high top this rise she could get a pretty good view of things going on down there. Clad in a green flight suit, smudged with dry red paint, the waitress of Zeltros frowned into her goggles. This was definitely where all the activity was headed,

"Mm. Busy day indeed. Ugh, poo. And good luck finding a single bronzium statue in all this static. Good grief."

She holstered her DL-44 pistol and placed both hands on the viewfinders. Scanning the valley for any sign of [member="Harmon Taldan"] , Dey, or her lovely missing statue. Alas. All she seemed to notice from up here were the dust trails and new arrivals. Hardly the wedding party she had been expecting. Bah. Ah well. That's why she left the high heels back in the cockpit. They wouldn't have gone with the bridesmaid's dresses anyway.

"I hate this planet already."

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
The climate did indeed plague Orcus, leaving his mouth with a lovely parched sensation. He smacked his lips. Soon the dust kicked up from the swoop left him in need of a shower. He glared at the terrain and imagined relaxing in a beach chair on some tropical isle, the muggy conditions soothing irritated skin. Perhaps a froufrou drink in one hand and a hand of pure sabacc.

Ah yes, such would be the life of leisure, but with new acolytes to train, an expanding series of enterprises to run, a treasure to steal, and terrorists to murder, Orcus was absolutely swamped.

A glance behind showed him Adekos' apprentice riding double, arms wrapped around her master. He snorted and shook his weighty head. Never had a repining fool entertained such a series of beautiful women, yet not known what to do with their advances. "Woe is me, unloved. Least among the Sith." Rumor had it Carach had plucked them off, one by one. Best not to chide the poor fellow. He had a good head for business, if not for women.

Their speeders quickly covered the distance to the abandoned temple. Orcus dismounted and wiped the grime from his mouth with a flipper. A miserable planet, though not quite so unpalatable as Korriban.

He stared up at the enormous structure, doubting very much that it was indeed truly empty.

"Best to go inside, before undesirables arrive," he rumbled to the cadre of Sith and mercenaries who soon gathered 'round. "Rules of engagement are... kill what you wish, take what you can."

The Herglic stomped forward, into the shadow of the temple.

[member="Graze"] | [member="Grundark"] | [member="Darth Adekos"] | [member="Tyro Ventari"] | [member="Broxin"] | [member="Niysha"]

Elanor Wraith

Missed me, Missed me, now we got a history!
Location: Onboard what was a dropship
Destination: Valley of the Jedi, Ruusan

'It isn't the fall that kills you, it's the landing.'

Eleanor hated few things as bitterly as the did that little phrase, mostly because it was singing through her mind incessantly as the dropship dropped out of Orbit. [member="Ayden Cater"] yelled for her to strap in, and far be it from Eleanor to ignore the Lord Protector's advice, she wasn't READY to strap in.

Not the fall it's not the fall it's not the fall it's the landing not the fall

Eleanor frantically scrambled about, gathering the tools of her trade, trying to pack them securely into their cases and carriers as the ship screamed into the atmosphere, as was normal. Then a sudden, bad-sounding thing rocked the vessel. Calipers went flying, brushes battered her face, Eleanor shrieked into the comms. "I HAVE DELICATE EQUIPMENT IN HERE!"

Half of it wasn't even hers, it was on loan from the university. And if she couldn't afford her own tools, there was no way she'd be able to replace the school's equipment, to say nothing of what that'd do to her reputation. But despite her protests, alarms, the sudden shifting of gravity, and the Lord Protector's disturbingly even-headed warning was enough to compel Eleanor into a seat with many, many belts designed for host such an emergency - with her calipers and trowel in a death grip.

Not the fall the landing not the fall the landing not the fall the CRUNCH.

Carrying a tripod under one arm and a trunk loaded with archeological surveying equipment behind her, Eleanor emerged from the dropship with slightly singed, tousseled hair sitting under a cracked and uneven pith helmet. She acknowledged Ayden's directions with a quiet grumble and nod, pulled her precious equipment free of the dropship, and then took a deep breath. She'd survived. It wasn't the fall OR the landing, though she suspected that it might be the explosion if they didn't hurry. Eleanor popped a pill into her mouth and gave Ayden a somewhat put-out look. "I have a heart condition, you know." The young woman complained, though she didn't let that stop her from bounding back up into the ship to start dragging out the essentials that WEREN'T her tools - like food and water.
[member="Aeri Vyn"]
[member="Jorus Merrill"]
[member="Lady Shambleau"]
@Karren Roberts


Location: Kessels Pride, On the Bridge, Valley of Dem Jedi
Objective: Scanning the System...

The Kessels Pride reverted hard, throwing Jack against the controls. The Hyperdrive seemed like it might be a bit wonky. He made a mental note to have her tuned up after this trip. Bad hyperdrives were bad for business. Really bad.

"Alleria begin scans."

"Aye Cap'n."

Ferlin was snoozing on the deck on top of the dead space witch in barbaric fashion. Dak was sleeping in the corner and the hold was still mostly de-pressurized. As they ripped through the atmosphere flame adorned them, making them appear to be a small meteor. Jack pushed the engines to their limit, right below critical mass.

"Detecting multiple lifeforms."

"We got a heading?"

"Six by mark twelve eight. Adjust?"

"I'm on it. Take gunner controls and stay fresh on the cannons. Whatever is down here we're gonna do a fly by first and map it."

The Pride roared again, levelling off as Jack sailed her through the valley. His eyes could just barely make out a hard structure ahead. some kind of stone and vine encrusted thing. The force was tugging at him, ruffling his feathers and begging him to come closer.

"Stay sharp, let's check out that thing..."
[member="Karen Roberts"] [member="jorus merrill"]

Not trying for subtlety anymore, after a flipping Gungan had gone berserk on Zeltros, Harm was wearing his armor openly. His helmet was on, though he had it vented to let in the air around him for the moment. He carried his assault loadout, he still didn't have any melee weapons, but he was being cautious and was out in the open.

He'd decided to hoof it over the terrain to the temple, he lost time, but he gained security for his ship, and more time to reconnoiter the temple. There were a lot of people around, and he got some funny looks for his armor, but he didn't really care.

He paced up to the temple, then slipped inside to start looking around.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

Shambleau's Santhe Challenger, a chrome teardrop, burned its way through the atmosphere of Ruusan and made a wide pass around the area. Others were here, poking around the run-down Jedi academy and the Valley of the Jedi itself. Her employer had made it very clear that screwing around with the Valley's nexus was likely to bring all manner of pain and attention.

The immediate area had been environmentally reclaimed, but left fallow for too long, and the desert encroached through the old ring of trees. She touched down among them, right at the edge of the sand, then pulled a balaclava over her face and donned long gloves. She was fine in the dark or even on a foggy day, but too much natural light would freeze her solid. She put on dark shades and left the Challenger, keeping to the shadows of the trees. Up ahead, the trees met a series of craggy caves. If she did this right, she'd be able to get overwatch on both the Valley's entrance and the old academy. In theory, these people were all chasing a treasure ship. It had better be worth killing Shambleau's sister.

Off to her right, bouncers ambled around in the dunes. She had the distinct feeling they were watching her. Her employer had specified that the bouncers were sentient in their way, and not to be harmed unless necessary. Shambleau had no intention of pissing them off.
[member="Lady Shambleau"] (in cliffs)
[member="Jack Raxis"] (flying)

[member="Elanor Wraith"]
[member="Ayden Cater"]

[member="Harmon Taldan"]
[member="Hion the Herglic"]
[member="Darth Adekos"]
[member="Tyro Ventari"]

Taldan hadn't picked the right moment. It was pretty clear that the Techno Union strike force which was just entering the old Academy had situational dominance. In turn, their approach was likewise visible to the watcher in the cliffs.

The Jedi had withdrawn from Ruusan in good order, leaving little behind. Little, at least, that they'd understood. In this particular case, fragments of stone and nullification resin made a trail from a hole in a vault's wall, all the way to the front door. A bloody old four-fingered handprint and some ragged glyphs marked the wall beside the front door. For one who could read ancient Sith, the scratched glyphs said the following.


Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
The trees rose into a set of craggy cliffs that enfolded the Valley of the Jedi. Despite good climbing gloves and boots, Shambleau's hands and feet were getting sore by the time she crossed the chasms to the Valley. Separate from the Academy, the Valley had been rebuilt and renovated more than once. Now it was a colosseum of sorts, with gigantic statues, surrounding a vertical streamer of blue light that became a whirling horizontal disc. She looked down through a gap in the stone roof, through that disc of light, and decided that Raxis' ship might wind up here eventually. And it was here she would have her revenge.

She picked her way down a rocky bluff until her boots hit the roof of the stone enclosure. Then she slipped through the gap and eyed the drop below. Twenty feet to a statue's head, but that twenty feet would take her through the disc of foggy blue energy. She bit her lip, eyes narrowed, then let go. The energy efflux sparked through her, her mind expanded as if she'd grabbed a chunk of Nihil smokestone, and her boots hit the statue's head. Shaking, she looked down at her hands and watched blue motes dance around them. The leftover energies faded.

Oh. Oh, my.

She descended the rest of the way, jumping from statue to statue.
[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Lady Shambleau"]

Location: Over the Temple

The scanners had swept the area. Combined with Jacks meagre force sense he counted at least four other life forms here. what the actual significance of the structure itself, or the coordinates were he was not entirely sure. As a Spacer Smuggler, turned Pirate he was not well versed in the history of the Jedi or the Sith. Neither did he much care.

"Ferlin wake up!" Jack barked, stomping his boot to the deck to rouse him.


Ferlin rose from slumber with a roar, drawing his knife and swinging it with abandon.

"Relax Vod, we're here. I need you Alleria to pilot the ship. Keep a steady course. Dak with me, suit up!"

His body was feeling a tad better now. Though it was foolish of him not to heal it properly. No bacta, no force healing. Those kinds of things took time, time the Pirate did not have. As they reached the back of the Kessels Pride, Jack opened the ramp, casting a wary glance around, finding the Zelton agents body still there.

"What should we do with her?" Dak asked.

"Roll her out, kark her! She attacked us and boarded us. She's gotta go kid, besides a woman on a ship is bad luck, didn't ya know?"

"Is what?" Alleria asked, venom in her voice.

Jack chuckled, and rolled the body, letting it drop to the roof of the temple gently. Then he pulled the Mikan out and threw her body unceremoniously from the hold with the help of dak. Both of them reached to their belts, Dak taking a note from Jacks playbook. static lines extended and they clipped their lines into tow hooks on the roof.

About ten feet to the roof, but it would help to have the safety harness, in the case they needed to make an extreme exit.

"Ready kid?"

Dak nodded and as a pair they stepped off, winches un-spooling, falling free to the ziggurat rooftop...
[member="Hion the Herglic"]

Meanwhile, elsewhere, it was not a very good day. Blubbius the Herglic, eminent crime lord -- whale's whale, lady's whale, whale-about-town -- suffered a sudden and catastrophic krill intolerance. That he had quarrelled with Giju's greatest chef was, perhaps, beside the point. The chef, indeed, attended the funeral and sent a kelp bouquet to the widow. For her part, Madame Blubbius wasted no time whatsoever in liquidating certain assets that her husband had used to annoy her. Chief among them was a custom Ruus'ika habitation sphere adorned with fjords and just the most gauche industrial complex. Madame Blubbius was well aware that such a craft would require the backing of a truly galactic government, for various licensing and logistical purposes. Therefore, she donated it to the Herglic Trade Empire (asterisk Techno Union) for certain tax breaks and a nice vacation property on Naboo. The miniature worldcraft massed as much as the largest starships in the galaxy, or more. It was called the D'orq, a grand old Herglic name.

That Monsieur Blubbius' private pod entourage continued to live aboard the D'orq, far out of the sight of Madame Blubbius -- well, that was a minor externality to give, so far as the gentlewoman was concerned. And for her, a side benefit to shoving that monstrosity of a ship out the servants' door.
The Admiralty
Location: Approaching the Valley
[member="Lady Shambleau"]

Ruusan: world of Jeedai, the allure of the Lightside and currently under the scrutiny of numerous organizations. Techno Union was desperately trying its best to put it under its mantle, the Jeedai had all but evacuated the place with the Jedi Temple empty and deserted - for the most part. But there was so much more to study, learn... and perhaps to gain. Keshann was scouting the surrounding area first hand. Even from here he could sense the residual force of the Nexus far off in the distance.

His skin shifted to a slight pinker hue because of it. Temptation, power, desire. It inflamed him with possibilities, and that same lack of restraint and control only fueled his resentment. From pink to a more angry red, the Falleen went, with a frown deepening as Keshann felt his control slip.

"Feth." he whispered, before closing his eyes and counting to ten. Then to twenty. Finally counting back to zero.

From angry red to pinkish salmon back to emerald green. A sigh left him and Thost started walking towards the Valley again, his eyes scouting out the edges of his vision to try and avoid any nasty surprises.

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