Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Welcome back Hot-head."

[member="Felicity Mason"]

"I can't lie about now can i..." She patted the ground he just sighed and went to go sit down beside her. "You know, talking about this isn't actually making it better, so i can safely say anyone that has said that before is lying." His smile remained but he went back to looking over at the side of the garden and away from her. Yes, he had wished and still did that he could be with her, but he cant and he knows that very well.
Without seeking permission first, she leaned her head on his shoulder. Owain might be jealous of this. She smiled at that. She liked making him jealous. It meant he did care.

"Well, when ever you feel really bad about it, [member="Glyph"]," she said, letting her eyes drift shut, "Just remember that you're the one that broke up with me, not the other way around."
[member="Felicity Mason"]

"Thanks for the reminder... also Felicity i meant what i said when i broke it, you cant have both..." With that his hand came up, hesitating but leaning her against the tree and not him. It caused him more pain to be reminded her was the one that broke it off, more pain knowing it wouldn't happen again, and her putting her head on his shoulder and saying that was something that simply stung.
"I don't want both, [member="Glyph"]," she sighed, moving her head so she was no longer teasing him, "I just want him."

She placed both hands in her lap, gazing up once more through the lazy spring trees. She was hurting him, and on some level, it felt really good. But enough was enough. She could only push him so far.

"I loved you, Glyph. On some level, I always will. Maybe some day you'll find a girl you can love back unconditionally, and maybe she'll love you too. That is... I hope you find someone. I really do."
[member="Felicity Mason"]

"Look Fel, i understand you are trying to make me feel better, but you know how i feel and i know how you feel in persisting... i am still an Empath..." He looked at her, visibily hurt now as he started to stand up and dust himself off. "I never once wanted to abandon you, nor did i want to ruin any friendship. Again because you truly were and are the only one i have but you are leaving again and we both know this. You love owain and we both know this. So take advice from me fore once... learn to spare feelings." He started off towards the door and waved to her without looking. "And yes, i still do."
She stood up, took a step to follow him, but she stopped. His word hit her like a brick wall. Her lips parted to shoot something harsh back at him, but she couldn't even manage that. Before she could manage a retort. He waved. She waved back.
And that was that.

[member="Felicity Mason"]

"Oh right... i forgot." He turned around with a smile and grabbed a book from his cloak and walked back over to her before speaking. "I heard your old one got ruined, decided you probably would need a new one hot head. Make sure not to break this one, after all i will have to get you another one if you do. And remember, ill always be around if you need help my friend." He smiled and waited for her to take it, the stupid smile back again.
She turned her back, facing the tree. He certainly knew how to make her feel bad. Still, he had a point, such a point that she could not argue.

His voice behind her made her turn around again. A book was shoved into her hand. She blinked, staring first at it, then him. A new diary. A new diary! She grinned, leaned in and pressed her lips against his cheek without warning.

[member="Felicity Mason"]

He blinked reddening and looking off to the side with a half confused look but also half happy smile. "Uh right so, im going to uh go now... right." He turned to leave but he did want to stay and talk to his friend, his feet not moving as he spoke. "By the way, you don't believe anything the Sith told you right..." He looked behind himself again and at her, worried for her again but more for the fact that the Sith had actually convinced her of anything. If it had, then he wasn't sure what would happen in the future.
She frowned, holding the diary close to her chest. The Sith? Why was he asking about that now? She tilted her head to the side, eyebrows raised.

"What do you mean exactly? He wasn't always incorrect. I mean, I am a little bit spoiled, even you must admit that," she giggled, leaning against the treebark, careful not to stain her pale yellow dress, "What exactly are you referring to?"

[member="Felicity Mason"]

"Never trust a Sith Fel, they only lie and betray you..." He smiled at her and turned, to lean against a wall he was near, eyes bearing down on her as she stood there. His head tilting to the side as he looked at the journal and then her again as a sad smile hit him. "I really hope you find a good life too Felicity, like i said you are always a friend no matter where i or you are... and do tell Owain that if he doesn't protect you ill skin him." He smiled and turned, but the words had left him almost as cold as ice, he was utterly serious, smile or not that if Owain was there and ran like a coward in the face of danger that glyph would find and skin the raven haired man. "Happy Birthday Hot head."
Never trust a Sith. He didn't realize how insulting that was. Didn't he know that her Father had been a Sith? Her brother as well? She chose to ignore it for the moment. Now he was threatening Owain. It made her giggle again.

"I'll be sure to tell him. I'm sure he will feel very threatened."

[member="Felicity Mason"]

He smiled at her and knew very well what half her family had been in the past, and could tell she was thinking about it when she frowned and without warning he walked toward and leaned in close before simply patting her on the head. "Seeya, oh and don't get hurt again, or your mother will be forced to teach me how to heal so that i can fix you up next time for her." He smiled, patted her head one more time, and started to turn and leave slowly. Again though, he seemed completely serious. "We are still friends as i said Fel, and i would hope you would come to me when you need help or are looking for one, if not i think i would be very sad." His feet started to bring him out of the garden.

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