Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Welcome To The Bluehawk (Bluehawk Crew Only)


Anzat's How it's Done
"That's correct," Aeron replied bluntly. He seemed to examine the woman, head to toe, before reaching out slowly to shake her hand. He gripped her slender palm firmly and shook like a pro.

As she headed inside, Aeron took one last look at the spaceport, cracked his neck, then walked up the ramp, following Serana a few paces behind. Right now, he was sizing every aspect of the ship and its crew up. Soon he would make the important decision of staying or leaving and that depended on 1) Immediate company and 2) paycheck.

He remained quiet as he followed Serena to the bridge.
In Umbris Potestas Est
Reaching the bridge, Vitor smiled at his commander. He knew that he wasn't the one she loved, but she must have had an inordinate amount of trust in him in order to give him the captaincy of the ship.

We're all set, Serana.

Serana Onyx

The Shadow's Sister
As Serana reached the bridge of the new ship, she was a little overwhelmed. She did it. She had a crew around two hundred men strong along with a command crew of seven (including herself). She smiled as Vitor said his comment. She knew he would do anything for her. But she wasn't going to let that stop them from having a friendship.

She walked over to the front window of the deck. It was just like the old Star-Destroyers. Along the floor were trenches with computers all inside them. Along the walls were more. The room was slightly crowded. It was to be expect, this was Bluehawks maiden voyage after all.

She walked over to one of the comm specialists. "Activate the ship wide comm."

The man pressed a button and nodded at her. "Everyone," she started. "You are all here because you are the strongest, the brightest, and most intelligent men and women in the galaxy. From here we begin a voyage that will make us all legends. I know some of you have doubts, but don't. We will always win. I have faith. I spent my life building this, and now we will all reach fame."

Serana thanked everyone one last time and the comm was deactivated. "Vitor," She said to Vitor, who was standing behind her. "Why don't you take the helm... XO."

Serana made Vitor her XO (executive officer) so he had just as much power as she did. Though she had the say in everything he did. She trusted him enough. She turned and saw @[member="Aeron Darklighter"] also with them. She approached. "We need a security chief," she said with a smile. "You seem uniquely qualified for the position," she said with a small chuckle.


Anzat's How it's Done
Although her speech was a bit cliched, Aeron did feel himself admiring her enthusiasm. Just slightly.

He stood dead still behind her, gazing over the trenches and the viewports lining the bridge walls. It reminded him exactly of a Star Destroyer's bridge, though he had never been on one. When Serena approached him, he shifted his red lenses towards her. His helmet was intimidating in both design and the fact that it never changed. It was always a scowl being displayed which, in Aeron's mind, was a perfect substitute for his face.

"Consider the position occupied by yours truly," He responded to Serena in a sinister yet re-assuring tone.

Serana Onyx

The Shadow's Sister
Serana nodded @[member="Aeron Darklighter"]. "Report to the armory. You can get your security teams ready and get schedules and stuff of the likes ready."

Serana returned to @[member="Vitor Imperiuse"], who asked where to. She flipped on her comm to @[member="Wolan Tsomcren"]. "I assume we potted for Hoth?"


Anzat's How it's Done
No more words escaped the filters of Aeron's helmet as he nodded sternly, pivoted on his heel and set off towards the armory. As he marched along the corridors, he found himself pondering on how long this ragtag group of mixed professionals would hold together. Not too long, he concluded, marching by a small group of what appeared to be engineers.

Upon reaching the armory, Aeron was thoroughly disappointed. Inspecting the various lockers, chests and wall mounts resulted in a deep, unsatisfactory, sigh. More guns, he mentally demanded. Picking up a nearby datapad and letting his rifle hang by its shoulder strap, he immediately ordered more devices designed specifically for murder. Aeron then billed Serena directly.


And now that he was the ship's resident police chief, he began calling down various mercenaries with particularly brutal backgrounds and assigning them detailed shift paterns, patrol routes and scheduled shakedowns of what Aeron deemed to be lesser individuals.

Serana Onyx

The Shadow's Sister
@[member="Wolan Tsomcren"] @[member="Vitor Imperiuse"]

OOC: I am trying to work something out. I believe it will be you plotting the courses and then Vitor being the one to actually fly the ship. You will also act as a adviser to him, telling him which course would be the best and so on.
Caben sat in the empty diner alone. His eyes scanned the data pad he had placed in front of him. He was looking at a document for hire. A woman by the name of Serana Williams had posted the ad. Caben had been looking to get off planet for a few days now and her ship looked promising.

Scanning for contact information, Caben marked the spot with his finger, and pulled a comlink out of the pack laying beside him in the booth. Punching in the numbers, Caben pulled the communication device up to his lips.

(Hello, Captain Williams. My name is Caben Mar. I saw your ad over the holonet and was wondering if you are still in the process of hiring. If so, I would be glad for the chance to speak with you. I am an experienced soldier and would welcome the opportunity to be apart of your crew. I hope to hear from you soon, and if I don't, then I wish you the best of luck. Stay safe out there, Captain.) ~ End transmission

Serana Onyx

The Shadow's Sister
Serana was sitting in her office/cabin aboard the ship. It was decent size. Larger then the other cabins. She didn't care much for it. Half the room was an office. The half had a desk that had a HoloNet terminal. Next to it was a weapons bench along with a mannequin that wore her armor.

The other half was just a queen sized bed and a large dresser that held her out of combat uniforms.

Serana sat there at her desk half asleep. She was woken by the sound of a small beep. She saw a new message from a unknown person. She pressed the button her the terminal and the message played.

She was surprised that people still wanted in. She liked it. She decided to reply.

<<Hello @[member="Caben Mar"]. I understand you wish to join up. We are currently un-route to Hoth but I will leave in a transport and meet you where ever you wish. I cannot let a unknown man onto my ship. Surely you understand. Please respond as soon as you recieve this. End transmission>>
@[member="Serana Williams"] {I regretfully inform you my love that I am currently stuck on Kashyyyk attacking its stations with the Star Wolves, I just dropped from the ship and had enough time to contact you. I miss you my love, and as soon as I am done sacking Kashyyyk I will make headlong for you.}
Miles had rounded up the entire station in under 5 minutes, they never suspected he would jump 100 meters from a ship to take the station. To add to the greatness of this attack, Miles had done so without a single shot fired.
Caben sat back against the padded booth as he listened intently to the message. It sounded like they'd already left; unfortunate. Caben had been worried that he'd sent the message too late, but was happy to have been able to receive a meeting with the leader of the Bluehawk, regardless. He prepared to send another message.

<<Captain, good to hear from you so quickly. I'm grateful for the opportunity you're giving me, and I look forward to meeting you in person. I apologize if you are, understandably, inconvenienced by my untimely request. It sounds as if The Bluehawk is already well underway; I hope I'm not pulling you away from anything important. In any case, I am currently located on Coruscant within the senate district. There's a small diner I've become fond of just a couple blocks from the starport. >>

Caben admired the room as he spoke. It was a quaint little diner called, Kik's Kitchen. Clean, inviting, and with a nice view of the senate building outside it's wide windows, the establishment had become one of Caben's favorite places on Coruscant. He made it a priority to stop by at least once every time he visited the capital of the Republic.

<< It's a nice, public place if you'd like to have our meeting there. Food isn't bad, either. I'll be sending you the coordinates, as well as my personal dossier for your review, along with this message.
Again, thank you for your time, Captain, and I look forward to meeting you in person. End transmission>>
As all members that were at the time on Coruscant were ready to leave, Wolan took the pilot's seat, and began maneuvering the ship out of space dock. The ship was relatively new, and far better than any Republic gear slung his way. Wolan was beginning to hate the Republic, and particularly it's Senate. He longed for the day when he could force choke Arken Serifen, make him pay for the one crime the young Rattataki warlord really, really hated: the dominance on non-force users over force users.

"Alright, Captain we are out of space dock", Wolan said, maneuvering away from port. "We are ready for jump in 5".

Wolan then maneuvered the ship out, maneuvering it towards a free area in space ready for jump into hyperspace.

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