Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Welcome to the Jungle [Horde, Mando, Circe, Others]

It was... a bit loud, to say the least. Amongst the blaring noises of screams and blaster fire was the ever-noticeable sound of heavy footsteps. Someone was charging, hoping to pound another fighter into oblivion. Unfortunately, that other fighter was me. However I wasn't just a little Nexu, barely able to handle myself. Despite my nonthreatening appearance I was tough. Maybe not terribly strong physically (even with the exo-suit), but I had speed, flexibility, and agility. So when several-hundred pounds (my rough estimate) came charging at me, I didn't simply stand there. Despite his bulk, the man was fast, I'd give him that. Seeing as I was surrounded by a few Vong I was unable to just dash to the side. Instead I leaped up and back, doing a flip before skidding across the floor. Moments later a blade was pointed right at me. Hmph. "I've heard Mandalorians are some of the toughest people in the galaxy. This will be a fun fight." I meant what I said. Whether or not I won, it would be an interesting test of skill. Igniting both of my sabers I entered a neutral stance. Savan had yet to teach me any traditional forms. Instead I relied on what experience and Holonet tutorials had taught me.
Smirking I leaped forward and started a flurry of attacks. The strength behind them was mostly created by the suit. The speed, on the other hand, was purely Morganian specialty. I wasted no time trying to see if my hits were blocked or not, instead unleashing a fury of hits, trying to keep out of range at the same time. Not the easiest thing, and I was bound to slip up eventually. All I knew was that I had to break his shield, somehow. I wondered how much it could take before shutting off. I couldn't risk using an EMP due to my reliance on my own armor. If my mercs weren't all busy or dead, I'd request assistance. For now I was on my own (besides for the occasional Vong who might attempt to assist).

MEANWHILE THE MERCS were not doing so well... They had managed to take down a couple Mando troops, along with terminating a few force-sucking-lizards. But they had suffered major casualties. All of the lizard-killers were now dead (thanks to a smart Mando who knew about armor weak-points) except for one lone man. The defense force had been cut down to two wusses. One regained his senses and decided that being shot by a Mandalorian was better than being stabbed by a pissed-off lass with a lightsaber. So he turned to the nearest tube and started firing. The tubes were no match for repeated blaster fire. They shattered, sending lizards scampering around. Within a minute three more of the bastards were dead. Esker (the last of the first group) had just finished stabbing his blade into the neck of a Mando when something caught his attention.

Cowering in a corner was a scared mercenary. Two Mandos were in front of him, blasters aimed at his face. "P-please! D-Don't k-kill me! I got a wi-wife and ki-kids! I'll do any-anything!" He begged, groveling on his knees. A chuckle was heard from behind a Beskar helm. Two seconds later and the pathetic mercenary was lying on the ground, blood pooling out from a stub that used to be his neck. The man had deserved his fate- the fate of a coward. Esker scoffed before lobbing a thermal grenade at the two killers before returning to shooting lizards. It was boring work. But he to didn't want to have a lightsaber run through his abdomen.
@[member="Garrus Garon"]

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
@[member="Garrus Garon"] @[member="Vanessa Nacht Seele"]

Basaba moved more and now she saw it the source of the problems and one who had been leading the now dead ones. Not much of a problem since the Field Marshall was smirking while she spoke on the coms to Garrus and perched. The sight of her shoulder cannons activating again to line up a shot. "Vod little girl wants to use swords made for force powers. Show her why she has already lost." Then Basaba jumped again and looked at the ones next to her. The vong while she came down with one of the knives and decloaked standing in full armor before the blades sank into the exposed section of the armor. The hiss came before the wet pop from the gas expanding under the skin. Her smirk became a sneer though watching and preparing while the thought of what to best use came then she settled for firing the cannon from her shoulder as it spun up releasing a shot aimed for the woman's back. With the planet being Myrkr force precognition was useless and she could finish off with a beskad.
...she was quick Garrus would give her that and as she leapt backwards the Mandolorian would skid to a halt to ensure he didn't lose his footing when the target he'd intended to smash into was no longer there. As she came to her footing Garrus would raise his Beskad towards her just as he had intended and listen to what she said..."Will it?"...the voice from beneath his helm questioned openly as though he were already gauging his opponent. He'd already seen that she had two lightsabers so when she ignited them again and took a neutral stance he remained undaunted. Only the sound of Besaba's voice coming over the comm in his helm would have shifted his focus the smallest amount and while he did not respond the mature warrior was ready for this battle. He sincerely hoped that his opponent was as well...

...Garrus already knew that she was fast, Vanessa revealed that much to him when she leapt out of the way of his charge, so as she leapt back in and began with a flurry of blows this was no surprise. Blocking all of the lightsaber blows would be impractical, beyond that Garrus wasn't sure if he could because she was definitely faster than him, but he was a skilled melee combatant which meant he would defend well. The Beskad in his right hand stretched out to parry the lightsaber in Vanessa's left hand, Garrus always made sure to keep himself square with her, and occasionally he would also parry the lightsaber in her right had with the sword as well. Often enough however the energy shield that covered Garrus would flare to life when Vanessa landed a blow against him. Each hit would drain just a little bit of the massive energy supply that fed the shield designed to absorb such attacks. Was Garrus allowing Vanessa to hit him on purpose or was she legitimately getting through and hitting the shield?

...she was throwing her flurry of blows, just as had been explained, and Garrus would parry with his Beskad, just as explained, until he didn't. He waited until Vanessa made a blow with the lightsaber in her left hand and then instead of meeting it squarely like he had been Garrus would shift his body. Adjusting himself Garrus drew his left side backwards until he was standing on a forty-five degree angle which meant that he could use the angle of his body and the momentum of Vanessa's flurried blows to carry that blow onwards and past him, on his left side, when it met no resistance. In concordance wth that Garrus would actually reach out with his left hand so that he could take Vanessa by the left forearm as he made that last maneuver and then, using her own momentum against her again, he would pull her forwards to offbalance her completely and send her sprawling ahead. As he reeled her in like a fish on a hook the Warrior was kind, even though she was his enemy, and lifted his left leg so that he could hip check her and send her head over heels onto her backside while releasing his hold on her arm. A pivot on his right foot to follow the hip check and Garrus was now facing Vanessa once more with his Beskad extending out towards her again...

...the fact Besaba had fired a shot off at Vanessa's back, likely while she was being tossed due to the hip check, was only icing on the cake... that they were essentially back where they had begun, assuming everything had went to plan, Garrus would have let his helmed head tilt before he asked...
"Another pass?"...the Warrior was actually not as amped as one might expect, he viewed dueling as much more than mere combat, but he added..."Next time it won't easy."...fair warning, he'd let Vanessa throw her hands into the air and walk away right now...
@[member="Vanessa Nacht Seele"]@[member="Basaba Willamina"]​
@[member="Ordo"] @Mandos

"Done," was all Betna said as he cranked the heat up in @[member="Circe Savan"]'s cell. He set it to 150 degrees and keyed the commlink again for the other Mandalorians to hear. "Lockdown in T-Minus Two Minutes."
@[member="Arrbi Betna"] @People @Someone to fight

Preliat stood in the middle of a lot of dead Vong, then sat down in a separate cell block."Cook the plant."He said, standing up slowly. He rolled his shoulders, dropping the empty shotgun. He still had his Westar-34s, and smiled beneath his helmet, walking along, tearing through the Vong troopers, the little that were remaining after the onslaught.

Taskmaster simply floated down into one of the large holes bore out by the Vong, powering up its forward shields. It's infra-red optics scanned the dusty halls of the prison for targets it simultaneously lifting up it's Z-24 Rotary Blaster in its right hand and unleashing a constant hail of fire down the halls that immediately tore through a couple of unwitting Mandolorian guards. Even in the confined spaces, the droid lacked all human faults and could effectively scope targets for its M-19 Falcon sniper rifle, firing three suppressive but highly lethal rounds down towards different targets engaging Dredge's unit. It then struck the wall, sprinkling more debris down the corridor as it proceeded to travel in solitude out of sight behind the impossible-to-breach cover of the volley of rotary fire. Only the eerie light hum of repulsorlift engines as it elegantly floated down the halls towards initially gave itself away. A Mandolorian personnel managed to cross paths with it, but was summarily suppressed and killed by zeroed in sniper fire. It finally found an access panel which it could use to begin lifting doors and locks and most importantly Circe's air condition controls one by one. Breaking codes and rerouting data, it was only a matter of time.... Electronic infrastructural security was never the Mandolorians' strong suite.

@[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] @[member="Arrbi Betna"] @[member="Ordo"] @[member="Basaba Willamina"] @Mandolorians​
@[member="IBIS-01 Taskmaster"]

A warning blip appeared on Betna's HUD as control systems starting reporting coding issues and various other glitches. The Mandalorian frowned and was about to put it down to a system problem, something that he'd need to reboot to fix, when he realized it was moving from system to system. It was almost like the series of coding problems and data shunts was spreading out as if searching. Betna frowned hard then beneath his helmet. A 'glitch' that spread out in what appeared to be a searching pattern was either the weirdest glitch he'd ever seen or a slicer. He set the shotgun down to free his hands up. It might be a glitch, but it might not be. He'd deal with the problem anyways. Ret'lini. Just in case.

Quickly, he turned to the nearest console and, using his darkvision setting on his helmet, began accessing control nodes within the system. He shut them off one by one and rebooted each, swapping out firewalls and shunting access ports around like a game of chutes and ladders. As that was nearing completing, he used his security override to immediately initiate emergency lockdown. All doors and all cells were now completely sealed as per emergency conditions pre-programmed into the complex's systems and hard drives. He was about to leave the air circulation system on, but shut it down as well. Mandos had a two hour breathing window if the air ran out. The others? As far as he knew, they didn't.

Betna then turned to another control console and began immediately shutting down power throughout the complex. He started with access panels mounted on the walls and in utility areas, then moved on to secondary consoles located here and there at crucial security nodes throughout the facility. Satisfied that a hacker would literally be required to hardwire themselves into the literal wiring of the system, which would leave them very vulnerable to a cyber attack, or take the actual control room, he then sat back. As an afterthought, he hit one last control on the console before picking up his shotgun once more.

The temperature in Circe's cell rose up to roughly 170 degrees.
@[member="Arrbi Betna"]​
The human brain had one fundamental flaw; it could only process information on a linear scale and was only capable, as far as anyone knew, of processing single trains of thought at a time. It could not parallel process. However, Taskmaster was a purely inorganic think tank made to command whole infrastructures, and also did not suffer the same limitations an organic mind did. As expected, someone noticed small discrepencies in the system that were non-harmful, and though it became apparent that they were trying to correct it by rewriting the system in different points, the Taskmaster was faster and systematically pushed through each new encryption and rerouting as fast as new ones could be repeatedly generated. Finally, the system was locked down and the IBIS droid was shut out....
During its quick adventure through the system infrastructure, it took copies of data and functions, also copying different methods of access throughout its build. No one system was ever built without that one way back in; if a developer locked themselves out, they'd have a permanently faulty system. There was always a way in. In a matter of seconds, Taskmaster began routing power from its lift cores into the system, keeping the panel live even if it meant risking the compromise of its location. It took a few moments, but a short while after everything went on lockdown, it started acting up again.
First, the cell holding Circe plummeted in temperature. Then, moments later, the system seemed to reboot itself back to default settings. Everything went dead as it began cycling through its different systems and starting each one up in succession.
Taskmaster also took the liberty of copying a small version of the deterrent broadcast signal array during his stay in the system. As long as it was in the same facility or proximity as Circe, the collar would receive false signals and be disarmed.
Taskmaster had not integrated himself into the system yet, but if the need came, safety hardlocks within its physical construction were designed in its multimillion dollar design to cut off all external access routes. It would potentially cut off the replicated broadcast signal, but as long as the original signal never died, it wouldn't be a current risk. The droid may have been a terrible weapon platform unable to take its weight in kills, but it was an excellent command and infrastructure mechanism with superior design to a helmet system.
Break heard the fight ringing through the halls he would have to hurry to her. Again breaking into the airvents he crawled through silently following Circes scans of the compound to their maximum security cell where they were surely holding her quickly he moved getting closer to his target he finally he reached her cell. while he himself could not feel the heat sensors were going up she wouldnt last in this heat much longer first break would have to undo her restraints. The field holding her was easy enough blasting them with a charged plasma shot was enough to knock those out letting her fall to the ground with a heavy THUD next were the cuffs, quickly he activated his plasma cutter attachment cutting her free from her bondages noticing the collar it was easy to tell what this thing was. An explosive rigged to a transmitter. probably meant for something along the lines of what was happening now. if he interrupted the signal BOOM. if he takes her away before the signal is jammed. BOOM. if he makes a wrong move. BOOM. so many things could go wrong... if he couldnt just burn up the detonator with the plasma cutter once again the plasma enough to fry it rendering it useless. using a computers precision he fried the detonator which might as well make the collar nothing but a heavy gaudy piece of junk. "WAKE UP CIRCE WE HAVE TO MOVE!"

@[member="IBIS-01 Taskmaster"] @[member="Vanessa Nacht Seele"] @[member="Preliat Mantis"] @[member="Arrbi Betna"] @[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]
@[member="IBIS-01 Taskmaster"]

Betna watched the systems go back online and sighed. Seems like someone wasn't getting the hint. This was HIS house. This was HIS battleground. He quickly typed a message that would be very easily spotted by whoever was hacking his system.

"I'd appreciate it if you disengage from my system. If you do not comply within thirty seconds, I'll shut off the comms and personally EMP this entire facility. You know what that'll do. You were in the system. Oh, and by the way, I can do that manually."

The Mandalorian then stood up and made his way to the comm generator with two men in tow, all the while bouncing a thermal detonator in the palm of his hand.
As the blade came down on the Overlord's shoulder it had sliced through the Amphistaff's skin a material that could take light sabers like nothing and imbedded itself past the crab armor and into the shoulder bone of the Yuuzhan Vong Supreme Overlord. The cut was deep and it had disabled his left arm almost completely he would need a shaper of healer to fix the damage that had been done there. Thankfully the blade was only impeded on the bones and missed the major blood vessels in the Vong's body so he wasn't going to bleed out in a matter of seconds. The pain was great but Dredge loved every second of it, pain was the only meaning of life and through death we are set free from our lives of suffering. The second amphistaff moved to hit the man who had attacked him but soon it as we'll had fallen under duress from Mandalore himself. The weapon crashed and was temporarily disrupted it was indeed a dark moment for the Yuuzhan Vong overlord. The black blood dripped from the blade as it remained in his body, he was going to make the insufferable oaf pay for what he had just done, but in a matter of moments he had gone from four weapons to two and one was currently fighting to remain conscious from the hits that it had taken. He was going to have to fight hard if he was to make it out alive from this one. <HUNTERS NOW!!> the personal escort of the overlord himself Vaas and other three elite warriors sprung into action to defend their lord aiming at nearby mando troops the warriors began to shoot down the guards of the facility before cloaking back into cover so they could continue the fight. Taking his own fighting claw the overlord pushed the blade up and out of his body before turning around and dropping to the floor. As he dropped the fighting claw he picked up a thud bug launcher that had been laying at the feet of a nearby wounded Vong warrior. Taking aim while on his back he looked at Mandalore and fired.

The classic "thud" was heard as the giant beetle exited the tube and locked on to the leader. As the bug flew it began to heat showing that it was going to blow quite soon. The recoil sent dredge flying backwards underneath the legs of the field Marshall. Taking his knife he quickly dropped the launcher and aimed the knife at the Achilles' tendons of the mans heel. If successful he would cripple the man as he had crippled dredge's arm. Once dredge had moved back he quickly came up to his feet he didn't bother seeing if his attacks had worked or not he needed to move quickly he had a solid twenty minutes until he bled out and he would have to spend ten of those getting his men out of there. "Horde!! Regroup and reform the perimiter! We are out in one!" Giving the command the horde troops sprung into action to get the job done once more. "Get Commander Savan and go!" He shouted on his comms as a nearby Yuuzhan Vong soldier took a shot to the head to spray more blood onto the man.

Moving quickly the horde troops or what remained after Kable the defiler had gone on a trigger happy rampage. Quickly began to reshape the perimeter to form what it was once more. "Start exfil now!" As Grutchin swarms began to come down the hole to collect the wounded and take them back to the frigate Dredge picked up a horde rifle and aimed it at the first target he could find Basaba by the looks of it but to him she was just a faceless mando. Taking aim at her he fired from the hip as best he could, the bugs sprayed in her direction looking to injure her somewhat and help out in the fight against the exoskeleton lady. They only needed to buy a bit more time but it would soon be over

@[member="Basaba Willamina"] @Gilmar @[member="Strider Garon"]
@[member="Arrbi Betna"] @[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] @[member="Break"] @[member="Circe Savan"]​
Taskmaster continued to keep the system in its control for a few more moments, opening any exits out and shutting down key paths through the vent system to enable ease of travel. The man specifically said that it had thirty seconds, and it wasn't human - it didn't think in fears or favors. It was a thing of logic and reason, using almost all of that time to perpetuate the entire infrastructure in its favor before locking Mandolorians down in their sectors and disengaging its power connection from the panel which no longer required it. In those last three seconds it engaged its hardlocks and cut off all power except the small signal probe and a passive system that controlled it.​
Even if the Mandolorians could finally regain control, the occupants would already be well on their way out if they were smart and the droid itself... well, it wasn't particular about its own 'life' and the thermal detpacks inside of it would go off if anyone dissected, internally hacked or destroyed it. The technology behind it would be all but annihilated and irrecoverable.​
It simply waited for those final three seconds....​
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
"Eh, what?" Circe opened her eyes, noticing that she was wrinkled. Very wrinkled. Now capable of getting out of her cell, she headed into the nearest air vent, tugging away the cover and crawling into it with the strength she had left. It was still hot, but the temperature was cooling down greatly. She continued to crawl, and crawl, and crawl, until finally, she had reached the service. No buzzsaws, laser grates, toxin systems, or other booby traps were in the tubes, so her ascent to the surface was quick and relatively painless. From the small hole in the ground, she climbed out, tired and worn, the cool air doing wonders to make her feel better. Seeing a nearby ysalamiri, she swatted at it.

"Thank... thank you."

Free. Free at last. Finally free and capable of moving on her own. She noticed a nearby pond, thankfully lacking in radioactivity, and dove in, immediately absorbing the water as every last wrinkle disappeared. With the sunlight as well, she was now back to normal, sans the Force. And now, she needed to get out of here. "Gods, someone get me off this rock!" She sighed, trying to sense with what little Force ability she could use whether anyone was there - it was too much of a buzz to tell.

And she had nothing on either. The clothing she had worn in captivity was shocked into dust by the sudden combination of burning hot heat and cold pond water, shattering horribly. She was cut and bruised. But she was free.

Now if there was a nearby ship...

Static and silence was the only response to greet Rygel Larraq as he waited aboard the bridge of the Skira, smoke trailing from the lit cigarette between his fingers. Junior officers reported the status of the ship and the fleet, someone was running off a list of unresponsive local systems, and another officer reported trace reading of radiation and abnormal electrical activity on the surface of the planet, near the prison.

"All ships, begin containment maneuvers. Formation theta-bravo." Larraq said to the senior officers of his fleet. Pressing a small button on his wrist, Larraq switched the frequency of his communicator to just the Skira. "Bring her in close and break atmosphere. I want the Skira parked three kilometers over Alpha Objective." After switching back to the whole of the fleet, Larraq added "Launch all Bes'uliik Fighter wings. They are to recon the objective and destroy any non-mandalorian forces visible on the surface or in the air. All other fighters are to prep for launch and await orders to do so."

Larraq held the butt of his cigarette between his lips and inhaled deeply as he watched his fleet slowly shift on the forward holodisplay. The Skira raced ahead of the formation, only to be quickly overcome by a swarm of 36 Bes'uliik fighters on their way to the planet below them. Behind the Skira, the rest of the fleet formed up into a circular formation over the planet. The Nexus cruiser aligned its bow to point directly towards the prison below it and fired its maneuvering thrusters until it was in a gestational orbit over the facility. The three Kad'ika cruisers formed a triangle around the larger ship, also pointed at the prison. The two Azalus frigates took their place around the central cruiser and turned the triangle formation into a star pattern. Further out, surrounding the star of frigates and cruisers, five Jehavey'ir corvettes assumed a star shaped pattern between the points of the inner star of ships. Much farther out from this, the six Haran'uliik light frigates created a circular pattern around the inner star formations. The three remaining corvettes formed into a single wing and patrolled the space between the larger ships as they awaited orders for mine deployment in the space over Myrkr.

By the time the formation had formed itself over Myrkr and slowly closed in tight with the planet, the order had been given for the remaining fighter and bomber wings to begin patrolling the space outside of the formation. The overall effect was a blanket of naval ships blockading a major portion of the space over the Myrkr containment facility. And finally, for good measure, interdiction probes were launched in a scattered pattern. Half of the standard complement carried by the Nexus was deployed and now covered an area wide enough to force any ship attempting to exit hyperspace near the prison to drop into realspace directly within the gunsights of the Mandalorian fleet. The same would go for any ship attempting to leave the planet.

From now on, all those that go to and from the planet must do so through the jaws of Rygel Larraq's fleet.

As for Rygel Larraq himeself...

Smoke continued to trail from his cigarette as his junior officers reported their entry of atmosphere over the planet.

"Deploy the first wave of drop pods onto the objective. And notify my as soon as our fighters have obtained a visual report."

@[member="Circe Savan"], @[member="IBIS-01 Taskmaster"], @[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]
His shield was powered. It would take more than just a few hits from a lightsaber to get it to shut off. Even more to actually do any damage to his armor. Hmm. Strategy would be the key for this one. Well, it would have been, if there weren't people close to freeing Circe. All I had to do was help stall these asshats and we'd be good. Finally, it was almost over. My miniature victory was cut short when the first Mando grabbed me before flinging me forward. An extra push prevented me from even attempting a roll. Mid flop someone else shot me, my armor barely enough to take the hit. In the end I fell flat on my ass, probably bruised my back, and embarrassed myself. So much for being a 'knight in shining armor' for Circe. To make matters worse, the first Mando seemed to be asking if I wanted to just give up now. "If I had thought this was going to be easy, I wouldn't have bothered showing up. And I'd love to stick around, go for a few more rounds and all, but I have an appointment with a certain idiot of a plant." I said before putting away my blades. In one quick movement I got back up, gave a little bow, and turned. Using a Vong corpse as a little 'step' I leaped up, exiting via one of the many holes in the ceiling.
Now was the time to find Circe (who had managed to crawl out while the Mandos were distracted). Honestly, it didn't take to long. The surrounding area was so beat up that she was extremely visible. Which was a bad, bad thing. I dashed towards her, throwing off my helm as I did. Within seconds I had pinned her to the ground, a goofy grin on my features. "Never, ever do that to me again. Got it? No more getting captured. I'm not saving your ass a second time." I said, getting oddly serious. "Now, let's get you somewhere safe..." Without another word I picked her up 'bridal' style and looked around, wondering where the nearest intact ship was.
@[member="Circe Savan"] aka my bby
Grozurra held tightly onto the handholds next to his seat as the tiny pod plummeted towards the planet below him. He could already feel the waning on his grasp on the force as the effect of the planet's native lifeforms reached high into the atmosphere. Grozurra had always hated this planet... But there was always a job to do, and he never quite had enough rank to choose where the job ended up taking him.

So he continued to grip tightly onto the handholds as his drop pod closed with the planet. His was just one of 16 such pods being sent in this wave. Each pod holding six Mandalorians, that put the first wave of landing forces at 96 Mandalorians. Grozurra was not in charge of all of them, but he was in charge of a formation of 24 Mandalorian marines. Assuming they all made it to the surface of the planet safely.

Grozurra growled slightly as his drop pod hit turbulence and shook violently.

He always hated these things....

But then the retro-thrusters fired...

And things shook even more violently...

The metal handrail next to Grozurra crumpled under the force of his grip...

Was he still wearing his crushgants?

A red light illuminated the compartments...

Grozurra clenched...

And a resounding whump shook his bones as the drop pod impacted next to its 15 counterparts.

Grozurra stood, growled angrily, and punched open the escape hatch.

The wookiee had landed.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
As requested back when the Vong forces had first appeared insystem, long before they'd even landed, a handful of Mandalorian light transports burst from hyperspace. They formed up with Ember's stealth fighter, breaking geosynch orbit over the place where @[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] had landed, and not far from @[member="Captain Larraq"]'s forces. He commed Larraq.

"This is Rekali. Special bombing run inbound. Shouldn't hurt our boys - crop dust time."

The handful of Mandalorian ships dove into atmo, making for the place where the Yuuzhan Vong forces were attempting to get back onto the frigate. The crop dusters were aiming to chuck a really ridiculous amount of bafforr tree pollen all over the battlefield.

Area of effect anaphylactic shock for the vonduun skerr armor worn by every Vong soldier, resulting in crushing death? Yes please. The Vong might still make it into cover, of course. Some of'em. @[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] and his guards were probably in the best position to escape.

The ships would then claw for space, aiming to keep the high ground and take a stab at intercepting whatever got away. The long wait had given him time to fix his cloak; he left it off, for now.


(((I guess my opponent isn't posting so... :/​
I meant to post sooner but the internet ate my post two times!!!!!! ;n;)))​
When Ashe didn't get flagged for lock or see anyone coming for her, she only assumed they were recalled. Considering the above ground base, structural integrity notwithstanding, was good and dead, she landed her heavy starfighter by the lift and commanded a gunship to land as well. With the flick of her wrist, the canopy split in two places, its metal carapace exposing the foxlike goddess.
"You five, get those damn jammer pods mounted to my outer tier cannons. Now! We don't have a lot of time."
The Vong obliged to orders, quickly pulling out tool sets and dismounting them from under the wing folds. Within a couple of minutes, they were able to all grab the first unit, then the second, and drag them over to the electrum decorated fighter. The cannons dropped dead from their hard latches on the wing pylons, and the Vong had lifted the new system into position under the wings. With a thumbs up, they confirmed to each other that everything was good to go.
A while later, Circe and company arrived suddenly above ground. Ashelotte was stunned at first, happy and shocked to see her lover and fiance free for the first times in weeks. For what seemed like an eternity, she bedded alone, cold, only the sheets to hold her....
"C... Circe...? CIRCE!!!" the cute foxtress screamed, running into her arms.
The vixen clenched the plant in her arms tighter than the thickest vice, planting a deep, quick french kiss in the plant before dragging her by the arm to the fighter waiting meters away. She climbed into the cockpit with a swift, feral vault and held out her arms to pull Circe up towards it since the foldable latter to the cockpit was rather small.
"Circe, love, get in! You'll have to hop in my lap. Let's get off of this karking dead rock, there's a long night waiting for you back home!" she said in a sultry but panicked voice.
Ashelotte didn't even hesitate to drag the plant woman into the cockpit and force her in place on her lap. It was a tight fit but thankfully, these Mnenchei-designed vessels were very spacious thanks to the species' larger physiology. The cockpit quickly enclosed the two in, and just like that, it was off low through the same treeline clearings and slight ravines. Seconds later, when it was away from the base, Ashe gunned the overboost and thrusted straight up into the outer atmosphere. The fighter was completely jammed out of sensors, and as soon as they were out of the inner atmosphere, Ashe only needed to jump the hyperdrive.
Suddenly and all the while, seemingly out of nowhere, the Cruiser (sorry, don't remember which, it says so in my first post here) came back out from the flank of the world and began to intercept the enemy ships. They knew they were going to likely never see tomorrow. They were nervous, and beyond that now. They began opening fire from all points upon the enemy ships, disrupting their formation with physical occupation.

(((Forced Circe with Mark's permission.)))​
@[member="Circe Savan"] @[member="Break"]​
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
She nodded, looking at Vanessa and Aynea.

"Let's get the feth out of here." On board the ship, in Aynea's lap, Circe shifted a bit in order to give her the room she needed to pilot it.

@Ashelotte Saybin @[member="Vanessa Nacht Seele"]

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