Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Welcome to the Jungle! [OOC] [OS-Rep. Inv. of Kashyyyk]

The thread is up!

It is Sunday morning so expect it to be slow, but that is fine. It allows us to space things out accordingly :)


OOC Notice - PC Template: Please use the following spoilered template when posting, for pcs. It helps other players keep track of who their opponents and allies are as well as their locations. Feel free to deviate from the original template, but be sure to include it in every post. Tip: If you're looking for posts regarding your Objective, press "CTRL+F" and then type in 'Objective: x' to quickly highlight notable posts.


OOC Notice - NPC Template: Please use the following spoilered template when posting for NPCs. Feel free to alter this as you feel necessary, but please make sure your headers have the provided information.


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