Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Welcome to the Jungle! [OS - Republic Invasion of Kashyyyk]

Location: Northeastern Branch, Late as normal!
Objective B: Break into the Stronghold...
Allies: [member="Reverance"] [member="Vrag"] [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Cryax Bane"]
Enemies: [member="Shule Windspeaker"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Ayden Quell"] | [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] | [member="Varus Shatterstar"] | [member="Marakai Al'Orren"] | [member="Sochi Ru"] | [member="Meeristali Peradun"]​

Death Become Me

The Roaring sound of a Commander BARC speeder sounded in the Distance, Mounted on top was the Bruteish Monster Kezeroth the Malevolent... and he was in a numbing mood. Passing Sith soliders in a flash he zoomed across the land leaving a trail of dust from his replusors, A single glowing eye examined the stronghold that he had signed up to destroy or capture. The Defenses were Solid but it seemed that some of the Forces had already broken into the Fortress. Braking mid way he stopped himself from going off a cliff and watched as the Military might of the Sith marched strong. As they marched the Crimson Armored Gen'dai beated his chest and looked to the sky letting out a thundering roar!


The Sith troopers rallied in the sound of roar. This was war! The BARC Speeder roared once more and down the cliff side he went heading towards [member="Keira Ticon"], his apprentice. It seemed she had found herself a match amongst the chaos but who was it? From this distance He could not tell at all. Racing past most of action to get to front Kezeroth drew his LJ-50 Concussion Rifle and rested it on the bike and began to fire at the artillery and wall posted republic scums. Purple bolts of sonic energy zoomed through the air at the speed of sound and exploding apon contact with the wall in 500 unit radius. Destruction. Closing in the Gen'dai caught glimpse of who it was Keria was fighting.... [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]. The same Twi'lek he had met on that trash of a planet. Time slowed as he watched them both duke it out, He thoughts sped and his eyes searching the area taking note of who was around. Snapping out of his trance and leaping off the BARC speeder Kezeroth landed few meters away from their battle and dropped his Rifle letting it hang from its sling. Reaching behind him he pulled out his power hammer "Bone Crusher" and flipped the switch causing the hammer to ignite in a glow of Purple Energy. Charging into the chaos that was Wookie rampage verus Droids and Yuuzhan Vong, Kezeroth began to swing his power hammer about in a fashion of wide sweeps. Wookies moaned, Vong moved out of the way and droids who stood by were crushed and sent flying under the power of the Repulsor generators in the Weapon itself.

The Face mask folded back and Kezeroth could taste the ruin around him. His pupils large and his blood pumping in the conflict. Holding his Hammer in both hands he ceased to swing and drew his head back some. Darkside Energy flowed about and rapidly exploded out in a Force Scream, Loose items on the battle field rattled and moved as the waves of sound hit them. The Scream or Roar could be heard for miles around.
Location: The Southwestern Branch
Objective: Objective B
  • Capture / Destroy the Republic Stronghold
  • Do all of the things
Allies: The One Sith
  • [member="Reverance"]
  • [member="Mordecai Zambrano"]
  • [member="Darth Adekos"]
  • [member="Dredge"]
  • [member="Cryax Bane"]
  • [member="Darth Praelior"]
Enemies: The Republic
  • [member="Shule Windspeaker"]
  • [member="Aaralyn Rekali"]
  • [member="Sochi Ru"]
  • [member="Kiyron "]
Music: Letting Them Fall by Abominable Putridity

Great swaths of soldiers fell with every descent of his crimson blade, carving mighty canyons in chests, hacking off limbs, or completely bisecting men and women cleanly in half. Despite the mass amount of carnage and brutality that befell the entire battlefield, there was relatively little blood actually being shed, save for those blown apart by artillery fire or by the vile weapons of the Yuuzhan Vong, but the path Vornskr was making through the enemy lines held only bodies and assorted limbs. Little blood. Still, while Vornskr would have preferred to bathe in the blood of his foes as he trudged onward, no one could deny the cutting power of his lightsaber, and with his phrik armor securely fastened to his body he was like a walking tank. So, when something hit him in the back with enough force to almost make him lunge forward head over heels, he was quite surprised, but also relieved that someone was actually posing a challenge to him in this fight.

So, using the momentum given to him by the kinetic pellet that struck his armored back with an audible dull ping, Vornskr flung himself forward into a combat roll. His lightsaber was held close to his chest, and the lightsaber at a horizontal angle so that he would not cut himself during the roll, and he even managed to take out a few soldier's legs in the meantime. As his body came to a stop, the Sith made sure that his feet were firmly touching the ground as it did, and with a great roar he conjured forth a bubble of shimmering emerald energy around his body for five yards out in every direction. This not only bowled over anyone standing within that range, but also caught and deflected energy-based attacks that should happen to strike the surface. Kinetic-based weapons, however; would strike the surface and stick to it like glue, and as the Republic soldier unloaded his entire fifty-round clip at the Sith Lord, the screen of pellets continued to grow.

Now, Vornskr was not a telekinetic master like Shorn or Siobhan, but that didn't mean that he had a good knowledge of that aspect of the Force. Thus, he would apply that knowledge right now, and as the last pellet crashed into his bubble-like shield, he exerted his will upon the entire group of them. With subtle movements of his hands, the pellets rose from the surface of the shield, and began to whirl and coalesce until they formed a spinning maelstrom of ammunition. Then with a grunt and a wave of his hands, the Sith Lord send these mini-projectiles of death into the Republic lines in a pattern similar to how the unknown assailant attacked Vornskr, as a wide spreading randomized screen. No doubt a good number of these would miraculously miss their intended targets, but others would hit home and deal massive amounts of inner kinetic damage upon impact. Perhaps not killing outright, but definitely messing up any soldier they happened to slam into.

Then, with a thunderous groan of strained wood, the entirety of the massive branch he and his forces were climbing onto began to shake violently. A quick analysis of the current situation brought forth two possibilities; either the branch was starting to finally suffer the effect of the fighting on top of it, or someone somewhere was degrading it's structural integrity. So, with a great haste, Vornskr dispelled his shield, and used the Force to augment his speed to barrel through the Republic soldiers in front of him, determined to discover the cause of the tremors.
Location: Beach front warzone
Objective: A Take the tree
Allies: [member="Darth Carach"] [member="Darth Nephthys"] [member="Qun Vell"] [member="Spark Finn"] [member="Alicia Drey"]
Enemies: [member="Meric Nadun"]

Taeli scowled as she cut down one Graug warrior, but that was when she noticed a strange occurrence happening. While the original 2000, well those that were still alive, were still fighting as hard as they could against the Sith onslaught, the reinforcements that had been coming their way to reinforce their position had stopped and were turning back. Hmm curious. . .

She was interrupted from further thought as a Graug blade skidded off her sleeve's armor and he was swiftly beheaded for his attempt at killing her. She might enjoy a good fight, her Mandalorian blood from her mother guaranteeing that, she didn't care for mindless butchery for the sake of mindless butchery. Lightning lanced from her fingertips as she fried several more Graug as her forces continued to advance and push back the dwindling Graug defenders.

NPC Forces:
Location: Beach front war zone
Controller: Darth Arcanix
NPCs: 9254 Sith troopers, 12,256 Vong troopers 4 rakamats
Opponents: [member="Meric Nadun"]'s Graug forces

The Sith troopers and Vong warriors were suffering casualties, but their vast numbers were causing far more on the enemy Graug side as they were overwhelmed by the mix of forces and their Sith Lady commander tearing a bloody swathe through them. The Graug were still giving as good as they got, but it was infeasible for them to hold out much longer against 10 to 1 odds, or even worse the Graug forces fell, else every one of them would die and the Sith would sweep up the beach. Even now, the rakamats were opening firing upon the defensive wall, explosive bits of molten coral impacting against the walls and ramparts, killing more Republic and allied defenders.

More reinforcements were hopefully on the way though so the Sith advance could sweep right into the city and begin fighting their way up the giant tree. The subalterns and commanders knew that Darth Arcanix wanted to secure the secret hyperspace routes the Wookiees kept within the city, to both expand Sith operation zones and to allow secure convoys to travel along them without fear of being attacked by pirates or enemy forces.
Location: Space
Objective: C – Destroyin’ the destroyer
Allies: [member="Thane Drexel"] | [member="Jack Rand"] | [member="Sressechka"] | [member="Talon Vosra"] | [member="Keanu Shan"] | [member="Kotkas Adelaar"]
Enemies: Sithing Ducks

Aqulia followed the rest of the squadron as they made almost entirely unhindered progress in the space between the two ships. “I got your six," she shared over the intercom, freeing her comrades up to engage the carrier whilst she focused on the arrival of any enemy fighters – and those nasty cannons on the carrier that would vaporise them, given half a chance.

Changing the ship’s trim to attack mode – she still got goosebumps when the wings opened into that iconic position, she started to loop around the capital ship, exercising her trigger finger as she did.

“For the families,” she cried as she doubled up single-file, and deactivated her sensors and diverted all shields to the fore of her ship. It seemed now was the time for the attack run and - right on cue, a new song came on. Nothing relevant, just a good tune…

ObjectiveB - Protect Stronghold
Location: Meeting old enemies
Allies: [member="Flint Dexen"]
Enemies: [member="Reverance"]
Special Equipment: Lumen Mk. I

He had heeded her call. The familiar presence of the man who had bested her approached her rapidly until she found him standing atop of the branches on the nearby trees. Silence hung between them as her eyes wandered up to meet his questioning gaze. Oh she certainly had him at a disadvantage, and the respect from before was still very much there.

“Jedi Master Kana Truden of the Galactic Republic...” She bowed before retrieving her own saber from the designated clip-on of her armor. “... And you are Reverance. Lord of the One Sith and a worthy adversary.”

Her legs positioned themselves on the ready as the right leg pulled back and exposed her left leg. Her hands hung themselves by her hips in anticipation and her entire body hunched in excitement. The man had hurt her, injured her before and something about this setup made her want to fight him. Not to injure but to see him do it. He had been formidable and she had been stupid, it had been a learning experience and she was eager to show him what she had taken from his ‘advice.’

She smirked like the idiot she was. “Well then, Lord Reverance. Just like last time I will give you the honors of starting this dance.”

With her saber at the ready and mind on what was at hand she remained hunched. Her fingers waved like a cowboy waiting for the signal at a showdown and her eyes squinted as if the sun itself were radiating the foreboding light of doom upon her surroundings.

Someone was going down today and it wasn’t the newly appointed Jedi Master.
Location: Stronghold, one of many branches.
Objective: Objective B.
Allies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Vrag"] | [member="Darth Adekos"] | [member="Keira Ticon"]
Enemies: [member="Meeristali Peradun"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Marakai Al'Orren"] | [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

Location: Stronghold, one of many branches.
Controller: Xenia Nastassia
NPCs: NN-2 Front Droids [2] [1 damaged; in combat] NN-K Infiltration Droid [1]
Objective: Objective B; slice into enemy systems.
Opponents: [member="Meeristali Peradun"] | [member="Kian Karr"]


The noise of Detox's blaster continued to 'pew-pew' against the harsh noises of much more crude weaponry. Pulling slowly back, and dragging enemies into the death trap of proximity, it began to thin out the less unique incoming killers. Jedi, beastly Jedi, a lot was being asked of it, to be fair. Front droids fell back with a put off motion, then readied their aim, also falling back. The first NN-2 to establish contact was also the furthest from Detox, and the closest to the front lines. Claws like razors, thick and powerful-- but this was a droid built to sustain itself even in war. Against any opponent. Bracing itself and deflecting the change of weight, the droid used its own weapon like a shield-turned-melee-weapon, gripping it more like a bat than rifle. Without a doubt, even with one droid placed in critical condition, the others were built, designed, and programmed for the elimination of Jedi and their kind. Specifically those bound to close ranged and lightsaber combat.

[member="Cryax Bane"] had wasted no time in cutting across the tree's branch and falling upon her position. The turret continued to provide substantial cover, the repetitive thudding against it only the stuff of random blaster fire-- it was doubtful men of either party were placing broken down turrets in their sights. Moving as quickly as possible, Xenia connected the data-pads and the information sync began. Three percent, ten percent, sometimes it would load a large bunch of information all at once, only to sit idle for another few seconds. Ninety nine-- one hundred-- upload complete. And not a second too soon, either, a rather terrifying explosive noise detonating just beyond the turrets backside, fraying most of its metallic shell and almost exposing the bodies which hid there. Not for a second wanting to end up as the helpless victim to wookie attack, Xenia activated an even more rapid pace of movement, cluttered fingers spreading over the complicated numerical values covering her pad.

"Central core hard drive, automated response, signal retrieval, it's all here. Cryax, we need to run a network scan, whatever they're using to control these turrets-- let's steal it."

Xenia understood the importance of this kind of information. Cryax probably understood the significance. With a central hard drive, essentially the heart and brain of the machine all in one, they could easily find themselves a way into other hidden networks. "We'll need to clean this thing down for information, I'm starting my network scan now-- here, take this." Her left hand protruded, offering a small chip, nearly the size of her pinky fingernail. A plug in of sorts, fitted to one of the numerous small outlets along one's data-pad. To anyone with the technical know how she could only assume Cryax had, a connection device. Something which would allow each of their data-pads to work in unison, share information in real time, a vital part of any cooperative heist. Her voice was a bit coarse with the prolonged use of volume, but she was no stranger to strain. Various screens began to pop up on her data pad, entrance screens and various common place blocks against cyber intrusion, erected to pose a threat against those much less skilled than herself.

Auto Defense Access Param Input:
> Access Encoding// ? [Enc_42468_auto_injekt]


> (?) Login// Encryption [ _Run]
> (?) Bypass_Code [ _Run]

Database Information Request:
> (?) Zetrov_le4ch [ _Run]


She moved quickly, charging through things. "Ha-- found a network-- oh! Attaching myself... now--" but her face fell and she began frowning. A series of pop up defenses, a bit bulkier than what she could rapidly derail herself began to plague her data-pad's screen. "Oh, so there iiiss someone on the other side, I was beginning to think this was all us-- think you can cut through these firewalls? They're using language I'm not familiar with, it's dated." Instead, she would be forced to create their counter attack. It had been a long time since she had dabbled in anything quite this technical before, though it was certainly comfortable to her. Additionally, she was no stranger to the design of malicious malware, the kinds of viruses designed to suck defenses away and reveal all which the enemy wanted so badly to keep hidden. Now, there were perhaps two races being waged, both against time. Cryax's defense and offensive combinations, tearing through firewalls and offering his own cyber protection, and Xenia's conjuring of a digital terror.


> (?) Central_Defense [_Error]
File_Report// File_Type [_Missing]
Status:// Active

Slicer Objective(s):
Slicers-- Cryax & Xenia

1. Virus coding. It was only a matter of time before Xenia was able to construct a coded monster virus, built to be launched into Republic command and fry them from the inside, thereby gaining access to previously encrypted, enemy files. Fast fingers continued to pile coded number atop coded number. Such things were rarely very quickly created, relatively speaking, and even after completion it would require an entry point-- one Cryax would have to clear primarily himself.
Virus Creation Completion: [][][] 30%

2. Back door access point. Additionally, it would not be long before [member="Cryax Bane"] ripped through the enemy's cyber defenses, with as much help as Xenia might could offer. And when that time came, they would be granted access to a much more central grouping of networks; with a virus' aid. All the hardwired information. Schematic details, troop layout information, channel access sequences, and pseudo-administrative control over each section.
Back door access established: [][] 20%
Location: Attacking a carrier's bridge
Objective: 3 - Destroy the Sith Carriers
Allies: [member="Jack Rand"] | [member="Talon Vosra"] | @Than Drexel
Enemies: [member="Darth Arcis"] (target) | [member="Colrenn"] | [member="Yurzhoc Shai"] | [member="Selka Ventus"]

Forces: 12 Stealth Xs

Each of the XJ-7 Stealth-Xs had a payload total of six. Though a vibrant explosion already tore through the gloom of space with a blinding light, this fight had just yet begun.

"Aurek Lead to Besh Flight, keep the bandits off Aurek Flight," Korr ordered over the encrypted comm channel.

The coral skippers swarming through skies of permanent night might be unaware of the Stealth Xs positioning, but the Sith knew they were out there, somewhere.

"Aurek Flight, commence attack run. Push it up."


Four Stealth Xs cut invisibly through space, s-foils locked as they dove sharply underneath the analog carrier. Korr wore a frown of intense concentration as he brought his X-wing out of the dive and pointed the nose toward the underside of the Sith vessel. The Sith had detonated their explosives prior to impact. A Force user was on board, perhaps several.

"Aurek Lead to Aurek Flight, dumb fire."

Just as the exterior life support systems on the underside of the carrier came into view, Korr fired his payload. Rather than guiding the single Shadow Bomb all the way to the target and risk having the unseen opponent pick up on the manipulation, Korr loosed a strong Force Push that sent the shadow bomb careening toward the carrier's hull. Without Korr's invisible hand guiding the bomb, the Sith would have no way to detect the incoming projectiles. The Force Push was not only an indirect application, but brief.

The method was crude, but given the warhead's ridiculous payload, 'almost' on target would likely prove good enough.

Those factors, combined with the fact that they were now attacking a completely different section of the ship, would perchance take the Sith by surprise... and four more Shadow Bombs, each pushed rather than guided, might rip the life support to shreds.
Location: Beach front warzone
Objective: A Defend the Tree
Allies: Jedi and Pubs
Enemies:@[member='Darth Arcanix']

As I woke up I found that I surrounded on all sides by Sith forces that had pushed up. The good thing was that they thought I was dead so it gave me a perfect drop on them. I used the force to stealthy grab my lightsaber that had flew a couple of meters away from the explosion. Once it had touched my hand I quickly did a sarlaac sweep and took out two Vong and Sith troopers. I then jumped away towards the enemy line so I could achieve my goal. I had to take down the Sith commanding the army if the army was to retreat.

I cut my way through the middle of the Sith line when I stopped in front of a female sith,[member="Darth Arcanix"]. I rose my lightsaber to her and said "Drop you weapon Sith, I won't ask you again". Another duel with a sith but this one might be a llitle more powerful.
Location: Kachirho City
Objective: A
Allies: Pubs and I have no idea
Enemies: [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Faye Terrik"] [member="Khan Ra"]

In response to the Sith’s crimson plasma blade, Elizie finally pressed the ignition button and the emerald beam of pure energy sprang to life, coming from the hilt she held in her right hand as she assumed the opening stance of Makashi, first performing a Makashi salute to her opponent by bringing the blade vertically up to her face and swinging down in a flourish before placing one of her legs in front of the other to allow for quick lunge forward or retreat and dodge. Waves of darkness washed off the female Sith, and while the young Padawan was fairly well protected from the influence of the Dark Side by her faith in the Light Side of the Force that burned like a candle and cast away all darkness, many soldiers were not so lucky, their fearful minds broken and enslaved by the Sith. Elizie did her best to ignore it and while her opponent focused on bending several minds of the soldiers, the white-haired Jedi focused on the Force, drawing its energy into her body and moving the power into her left hand, prepared to quickly unleash a series of telekinetic attacks.

As several blaster shots barked behind her back, some soldiers mentally broken and attacking anything in sight while others changed the direction of their weapons from the Sith to their former comrades, the Sith finally attacked, alongside her remaining trooper, lunging the tip of her blade towards the teenage Arkanian. This positively revealed the woman’s chosen form of lightsaber combat was Makashi as well. Noting that, Elizie chose to take several quick paces back while also sidestepping to completely avoid the mock attacks. Footwork was the most important aspect of Makashi, one that allowed her to quickly dodge or get out of her opponent’s range. The superior reach of the form would not be much of an advantage to either Force user, given both of them used the same style. So far, Elizie’s blade remained pointed towards the ground.

It was time to strike. Elizie moved further back, setting her plan in motion. As the Sith released the attack aimed at her torso, the witch also had to come closer to the Jedi. The previous sidestepping of the Padawan ensured the Sith soldier now happened to be behind the black-haired woman. While the first swing of the Sith cut through nothing but air, the second attack was interrupted as Elizie brought her blade up in a diagonal arch that caught the slash, hitting the Sith’s saber from the side and changing its direction to harmlessly cut next to Elizie’s right side. In that moment, the young Arkanian reached out with her left hand, as if intending to grab something. Instead of using the old tactic and directing her telekinesis at the Sith, Elizie yanked the Sith trooper behind her, using the Force to pull the man towards her. Of course, the Sith stood in the way, just as the Arkanian hoped.

The impact of her own soldier hitting her back was not meant to topple the Sith, more like to distract her. Elizie also intended to use the fact her opponent was apparently left-handed. The Arkanian’s parry of her last attack left their blades locked to the Sith’s left, leaving the right side of her body completely exposed. Using the distraction of the Sith trooper being pulled towards the Sith’s back, Elizie made a quick diagonal cut from right to left, bringing her blade downwards towards the Sith’s right knee to deliver a light cut through flesh and bone.

Location: Flanking Darth Venefica’s main force
Controller: Elizie Adasca
Forces: 60 Wookiees, 60 Republic soldiers
Objective: Ambush the attackers
Opponents: Nightshade squadron
Location: Base of tree base
Objective: Get past Dredge's defenses/find reinforcements
Allies: [member="Rael sul B'an"]
Enemies: [member="Dredge"]

This was definitely not Gherron's day. He thinks he's going up up against a Sith, and instead he picks the hulk of Sith. Surrounding the two Jedi were several graug forces, too many to count, their blasters ready. A large channel of fire came in his direction. Wasn't that just his luck? He seemed to be running out of options. "Rael, barrier, NOW!" It was all he could think of in a moment's notice. As he yelled the last word, he would call deep into the force, putting his hands up to build up a wall of the force around them. With the combined strength of the two, it would hopefully be enough to shelter them until they could think of something better, or their enemies ran out of ammo.
Location: Space
Objective C: Destroy Sith Carrier
Allies: [member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Aqulia Audax"]
Enemies: [member="Colrenn"] [member="Selka Ventus"]

Thane got a saving grace shot from Aquila as she came up on the Sith Fighters and distracted the pilots enough for Thane to wiggle out of the chase. He redirected towards the Comm Array. Firing one Proton Torpedo and following it up with a heavy burst of laser cannon fire.

"Echo-1, Fox 1"

The torpedoe lanced out, the trail of light blue dotting its location until it hit the Comm Array. Then the stream of laser fire putt a few holes in the satellite dish on the carrier. Thane arced off course to come around for another run at the carrier. Thane kept an eye on his radar in case someone else tried to sneak up on him.


The Second Seal, broken.
NPC Part

LOCATION: Northeastern branch
ALLIES: [member="Reverance"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Xenia Nastassia"] | [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Darth Hauntruss"] | [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] | [member="Dredge"] | [member="Keira Ticon"]
ENEMIES: [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Ayden Quell"] | [member="Varus Shatterstar"] | [member="Marakai Al'Orren"] | [member="Meeristali Peradun"] | [member="Dak Canton"] | [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] | [member="Book"]

FORCES: 5,000 Sith troopers + 150 (retreating) | 5k incoming | 10k further away


The massive carrier was quite a ways away, but the Sith forces had been ready and willing when the order for mobilization came, jumping into dropships to be deployed to the northeastern branch. These men and women had been trained for brutal, unrelenting warfare from day one, and there was no greater suffering than being held back from the bulk of the fighting, forced to watch as your brothers and sisters mowed down the enemy lines.

When the reinforcements landed, the soldiers poured out like a black swarm, pushing to the front in an organized, but unstoppable assault. They came in many platoons, but together they stood a five thousand (5000) strong, and compared to their opposition, the Sith troopers were rested, fresh, and — most importantly — bloodthirsty. What little remained of the initial force (150) started falling back as the newcomers replaced them, retreating to the edge of the battlefield to receive medical aid and catch their breaths after the incessant offensive. The five thousand moved along the branch like a horde of darkness, firing without pause as they advanced on the Republic.

The defenders were now boxed in, hard pressed to fend off attacks from both sides; on the outside, the Sith troops systematically continued their offense, while on the inside, the countless Vong forces of lord Reverance threatened to overtake them all. Even the superior reflexes of the Jedi and the sheer endurance of the wookiees couldn't survive very long in the face of such an onslaught.

PC Part
LOCATION: Northeastern branch
  • Kick Dreadguard ass
  • Push forward
ALLIES: Tagged above
ENEMIES: Others tagged above | [member="Book"] (duel-ish)

Rule one of engagement: never stand still.

Or at least it was rule one on her list; who by what creed others fought? She certainly didn't, and even if she had — which, again, she most definitely did not — this was neither the time nor the place to ruminate about such questions. Maybe after she was done smacking the mountain of a soldier around.

The lack of agonized screaming following her strike meant that the man was still alive, and if he was still alive he could shoot back. How unfortunate.

How annoying.

Her saber hissed out of existence as she concluded her sideways step and disappeared back into the ocean of Sith troopers flowing around the two would be fighters. One more advantage to wearing an armor that wasn't readily discernible from that of the troops, not by sight at least; without the traitorous gleam of her red blade, the woman was just one more figure among thousands. Use of the Force would betray her position and tire her out needlessly, so the firrerreo choose to circle around her target instead, using her own troopers as a visual and physical barrier between the two.

Hidden from sight, the Knight shamelessly came at the man once his back was turned, slashing at the tendons at the backs of his knees with a low sideways arc. He might have been wearing phrik-woven plate, but the popliteal fossa was hardly afforded the same kind of protection as his torso. Her muscles whined in protest, but complied nonetheless, and the woman made to pull back into the crowd the second her motion drew to a close.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Location: Kachiro
Objective: A
Allies: [member="Corvus Raaf"] Ξ [member="Tia'Ilandra Shaasa"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Carach"] Ξ One sith

Sanya listened to Corvus words one's Sanya knew herself very well, and the rule of if one draws there saber they must be prepared to take a life but this time the only taking Sanya is interested in is prisoners to face justice for there crimes. as Corvus mediated Sanya followed but in order to clearly think of a plan if they encounter someone the best chance would to stay with the high ground preferably in the trees.

Sanya stood up and looked over to Corvus "I'm going to climb see if I can get a better perspective of what's happening" she put her visor on and activated it. it helped to see further and better in low light.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Location: Space, Near Sith Carrier
Objective: C is for Carrier
Allies: Whoever ([member="Darth Arcis"] etc)
Enemies: Whoever (fighting [member="Talon Vosra"])

Her Angel Eye readout blossomed with StealthX signatures as [member="Ryan Korr"]'s squadron drew close for the attack run. She spat a quad shot at Vosra's oncoming StealthX, but her enemy target lock notifier blinked a second too long for comfort, and she was forced to throw the Rassilon into a hard turn to the left as laserfire perforated the space she'd just been in. Vosra's modified Corellian slip worked, and she cursed, knowing he had the time to chuck another warhead at the carrier. As she settled in behind him, though, cannons switching to rotary fire - heavy laser, heavy laser, twin ion; wash, rinse, repeat - she was fairly sure she could get a couple of shots on target before his attack run broke off entirely. He'd had the entire space of her left turn to let off his ordnance, but the Rassilon could corner better than basically any ship on the market, just as fast as the StealthX.

Or maybe she'd miss entirely. She was far from an ace.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
Location: Kachiro City - Objective A ( Or One)
Objective: OH NO YOU DIDN'T!!!! Get James!
Allies: [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] [member="Sabena Shai"] [member="Veino Garn"]
Enemies: The Stupid Smelly Sith! :p [member="James Mathison"] [member="Darth Vidar"] [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]


She felt it! And went tumbling forward a bit. It was more like she felt the bugger stick an explosive at her back.

Ohhh boy. NOT good!

Sabena would give chase. As would another Jedi. Okay, so they can get him for now.

Beep. Beep! Beep!

Her hands frantically would move behind her. She only had a your average adept use of telekinesis. But what she DID have in spades was electric manipulation.

A bit of use of the Force unstuck the explosive. It came floating in front of her. Her jaw set and tightened as she narrowed her gaze on the beeping explosive.

Beep.Beep.BeepbeepBEEPBEEP --

Manipulating the trigger and combing through the insides of it would bring the explosives beeping to an abrupt halt.

It now floated harmlessly in front of her.

Blue eyes would narrow further.

She had to trust that [member="Sabena Shai"] and the other Jedi could take care of that Imperial. For now -- she started to double back to Sol.
Location: Kachiro City - Objective A ( Or One)
Objective: Be Supportive and stuff
Allies: [member="Kira Liadain"] | [member="Sabena Shai"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Vidar"] | [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Soliael stopped walking.

The armor clinked slightly, metal plates stopping as he came to a halt. Soldiers all around him were searching every alcove and crook that they could find for any explosives. There was a frown on his face, and the grip on his lightsaber tightened slightly, fingers clipping against the simple metallic cylinder.

Something was wrong.

He could feel it in the air. There was something close, something nearby. His eyes closed, and he tried listening again. The pitter patter of Republic feet, the loud yells, the distant sounds of death and blaster fire.

His eyes slowly opened again just as Kira approached him. Her mouth opened and she moved to speak, but Soliael placed a single finger onto his helmet, crossing where his lips would have been. Kira closed her mouth immediately and stayed silent. Soliael waited for a few moments, then shot his arm straight to the side.

A powerful force push erupted from his palm, strong enough to pin whoever was behind the crates to his left.

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Location: Center Field of Kachirho, en route to the beach.

Allies: [member="Armand Temi"] | [member="Rusken Shaxx"] | @Meric Nadum

Enemies: [member="Darth Vitium"] | Other Sith.

The battle was not yet over. Rusken had arrived with Peacekeeper reinforcements, and Kachirho was in no way captured. Not yet, anyway.

He and his own were needed at the beachhead.

"Rusken, Armand, meet me at the beach. Take the Peacekeepers, we'll try and hold them there." He snapped into the comm.

That was when he felt it. That faint foreboding, albeit familiar presence amidst the darkness just beyond the beach. Silara, the girl from Csilla was here. Graxin had only been a Jedi Knight then, and hadn't yet realized all that he was capable of. He'd kept Silara at bay through cheap tricks and quick thinking.

That wasn't going to work this time around. The girl had grown into a Sith Lord since that time. One that Graxin hadn't had the pleasure of meeting again. A shame really. That would have to change.

A single blade flew toward him. A savage slab of metal sharpened to a point on one side. The Archlord twisted about on one foot to dodge the blade just as its owner charged him.

The Graug's maw was parted to reveal sharp crimson teeth. A dribble of blood trickled down its scaly lips, and dripped down from its bruised chin. Its black eyes were wide with rage.


The cyan blade hissed as it came to life, spearing the Graug from its belly, and spurting out its back. The beast toppled forward just as Graxin stepped back to avoid being crushed.

"The party's started then." The Jedi Master grumbled. He nudged the warm corpse with his boot. When no response came, he turned about toward the beachhead.

To the east, Wookie freedom fighters were looking rather antsy. They had been told to hold the position, to protect their huts as long as needed.

They would be more useful elsewhere.

"Friends. Perhaps it would be best if we moved toward the beachhead?"

The head Wookie, a massive beast of a thing with gray fur stepped forward. It growled some sort of reply, tilted its head toward the beach, and nodded.

"Join me then. Before our force is overwhelmed."

Silara - or whatever her title was now - was out there. The Sith Lords fighting for control of the Graug were already an issue. Graxin had seen what Silara could do firsthand.

She needed to be stopped before even more damage could be wrought.

Elsewhere, the Graug were breaking out into an all out civil war of sorts. Over a thousand of formerly loyal warriors were turning in the Wookies in Kachirho. They were now in combat with the 'loyalist' horde under Warlord Shlurk. The Wookies were wise enough to keep at a distance.

Regretfully, another thousand or more had broken out of the city to join [member="Darth Carach"]'s force. In total, about half the Graug had rallied Carach's banner. The other half was under the domination of Meric Nadun, or remained loyal to Graxin himself.


Location: En route to the beachhead.

Objective: Join Meric's fighting force

Controller: Graxin Rade

Amount: 278 Wookie freedom Fighters,

Location: Great Wroshyr Tree

Objective: Slaughter the heretics.

Controller: Graxin Rade

Amount: 996 Graug Warriors, Shlurk

(Edits made after speaking with Kentarch about the Graug.)

Location: Narrow Northeastern Banch
Objective: B, Disperse Republic forces on Branch, crush [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Layna Akhora"]
Allies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Vrag"], [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Xenia Nastassia"]
Enemies: [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Layna Akhora"][member="Ayden Quell"] [member="Marakai Al'Orren"] [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

The energy swords from the EMBU Droids and then the light flooded in. It burned Hauntruss, she hissed at its presence. Blinded by a sudden deluge of light her concentration in the darkness was broken for a moment and her Smoke Demons faltered. Then when the wookies and republic defences flooded forward she ws pushed back even further. Her riders' advances were slowed and they swivelled about trying to hold formation. Her attack was beginning to stall. Repulsed by [member="Kian Karr"]'s light attack Hauntruss growled and brandished her teeth clenched together like a beast. "YOU!" she barked through the force in a violent sudden spat. She needed to break his focus.

Hauntruss pin-pointed Kain Karr's advancing figure and pushed the speeder bike to maximum thrust, she hurtled herself down the branch throwing wookie and man aside with the force. She alone blasted ahead. Sending the speeder bike in a single trajectory collision course she then flung her head back and with a back flip launched off her bike. The bike zoomed off like a missile towards Kian Karr and [member="Layna Akhora"] in front of him. As she completed her arc she tossed out her hand with the black hand of the force internally crippled the speeder's engine causing it to explode in a fireball that consumed the space. The radius of the explosion would also free up large space between her and Kian Karr, sending those caught to a fiery death or flinging them off the branch into the abyss. Crackling her light whip she called to her riders, "Cycle around! Grind the forces in hit and run, break them down until they have no one else to block us!" Her riders acknowledge this and in circular movements that ran up the branch and then retreated only to repeat again. The continuous attacks drained the Republic of their closed formations while only subjected light damage to her riders. Like the tide coming in and each time eroding the hard cliff face, there would be no more resistance.

The dark sith lord then focused her attention to Kian's mental presence. He still shun bright but Hauntruss began to surround his light with her darkness, it was only a matter of time before she began to erode it away. "Do NOT think you have bested me already, KEL DOR." Her mind then twisted itself into a looming dark shadow that beckoned her smoke demons, who were previously struggling with the EMBU in physical combat. But this was but their secondary form. It was time to unleash their final form.1

Gathering her darkside pool she hissed gnarled dark speech aloud this time. Every word was a violent offence to the light. Sending tendril spikes of darkness where ever the words could be heard.​
"Kristi savimi! Kristi savimi visa!"2
The Smoke Demons heard their master's call and suddenly their forms became monstrous and vile. Instead of physically defeating their enemies they became large demonic figures with chaotic limbs and protruding spikes of dark force. They then held onto their targets, Wookies, Droids and Republic Soldiers, and began to devour them wholesale. They poured themselves like a dark mist into the pores and openings of their targets and absorb their victim's body by flowing into it and vaporizing it. They could not struggle no more, there was nothing to struggle against. The Smoke Demon's entered the bodies of their targets and then used them against their comrades before entirely destroying the vessel when the emerged. The more the devoured the more powerful and permanent they became3

As this horror played out, Hauntruss then marched herself up the branch towards Kian Karr's possible new position. Any Republic Soldier or Wookie left unconsumed was broken by Hauntruss' whip or very claws that felt out into the force. All the while as she drew near she assaulted [member="Layna Akhora"] and [member="Kian Karr"]'s mind.

1. Wookiepedia, Smoke Demon Absorbing Form
"The creatures could absorb their victim's body by flowing into it and vaporizing it, entrapping within them the victim's soul"

2. Translated from Sith
"Eat them! Eat them all!

3. Wookiepedia, Smoke Demon Absorbing Form
"Then the demon flowed into the body of its victim, who turned translucent, then transparent, and finally faded away. The entire body was turned to smoke and absorbed by the demon."

Hauntruss' Death Dragoon Guard (NPC)
Location: Lead by Hauntruss herself, right by her side
Controller: Darth Hauntruss
Forces: 150 Elite Sith Troopers and Speeders
Objective: Begin repeat hit and run attacks on Republic and Wookie positions, grinding away their cohesive defensive structure
Opponents: Republic/Wookie Forces on the branch

Location: Objective B, NE
Objective: Defend until the end!
Allies: Master Kian, NJO and teh furry locals
Enemies: [member="Darth Hauntruss"], The Sith Forces

Layna had been busy, cutting wide swathes through the crush of Sith forces. She was totally unready for Hauntruss' mental attack. Staggering back under the Sith Lords booming voice, she clutched her head with her left hand. She felt despair well up as the bladk magic began to take its course.

She could only throw herself out of the way when the Sith sent her speeder at them like a missile. As she lay there, winded, she felt the hear of the fireball of explosion behind her. The Padawan grimaced, trying to shake it off a d stand. The Twi'lek had reached a knee when the magic-induced voice in her mind told her 'what's the point, you have already lost.'

She shook her head and mumbled

"No, you're wrong."

Her voice gained strength as she shakily came to her feet.

"We haven't lost. I am still alive. I can still fight. I AM STILL HERE!"

She shouted the last in defiance at Darth Hauntuss, raising her lightsaber.
Location: Arriving to Kashyyyk
Objective: A
Allies: The Galactic Republic
Enemies: The One Sith

"[member="Caleb Brolen"], please inform me of your location," Maria sent a little message to her Padawan with her comlink. She had been a bit late to the invasion, again due to her not spending most of her time in the Ossus temple. Now she had to come and catch up with others of the Republic. And the first thing that came into her mind was her own Padawan fighting at the battle. It was the easiest to go and help him out rather than go and maybe just land in the middle of war.

She was ready for fighting. Even though she hated doing that. Her knowledge of the Force was not as good as most people's, nor was she good with lightsabers, but she kept calm and carried on. There was no need to worry too much, especially because if non-force users can fight those who can use the power, so can she do something against them. Maybe some kind of auras, buffs, force powers would do the deal.

Her ship was in the atmosphere, and had arrived from a completely unexpected side, mostly due to her understanding it was too dangerous to go there through the common ways.

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