Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Welcome to the Jungle! [OS - Republic Invasion of Kashyyyk]

Location: Hangin' on teh edge
Objective: Objective B
  • Capture / Destroy the Republic Stronghold
  • Fight Shule
Allies: The One Sith
  • [member="Reverance"]
  • [member="Mordecai Zambrano"]
  • [member="Dredge"]
  • [member="Cryax Bane"]
  • [member="Darth Adekos"]
  • [member="Darth Praelior"]
Enemies: The Republic
  • [member="Shule Windspeaker"]
  • [member="Aaralyn Rekali"]
  • [member="Sochi Ru"]
Music: Feel Good Inc. by Gorillaz

Vornskr returned, and harder than before. He fell upon Shule with the absolute ferocity of Form V, utilizing wide yet fast and powerful strokes in a two-handed grip, constantly countering and pushing the offensive. But this time Shule retaliated with a familiar form, one that used Vornskr's own darkness against him, and the battle between them rose to a mighty crescendo as they wailed on eachother. Blow for blow, strike for strike, parry for parry they danced along the knife's edge, each one wholly concentrated on each other as they fought with tooth and nail to gain superiority over the other. Perhaps Shule did not seek that superiority, but he would need to in order to topple a behemoth like the Epicanthix Sith Lord. However; the Sith had a way to counter the strengths of Form VII, one that had tipped the scales in his favor during his final duel with the former Jedi Grandmaster, [member="Kiskla Grayson"].

That advantage laid with the pair of gauntlets he wore snug over each hand, made from Mandalorian Iron and tempered by Sith Alchemy applied by the wandering alchemist Warren [member="Valik"], which gave it the mystical property to absorb the Force in a radius of about five meters around the wearer. Now, this hadn't come into play due to the lack of Force powers actually being used against the Sith so far in their duel, but Form VII relied heavily on a constant stream of Force energy into it's bladework. Now, that strength was being twisted and warped by the powers of Vornskr's Shuk'orok, and that Force meant to empower Shule's blade was now being siphoned into the gauntlets, and from there flowing into the Sith Lord. Together it made for one strange superconducting loop, with Shule drawing on Vornskr's darkness and his own Force to empower his fighting, while Vornskr absorbed the Force given off by Shule to empower his own darkness.

They would no doubt fight for quite some time, but Vornskr was waiting patiently for his opportunity to strike. Perhaps it would come in the form of a bladelock between their blades, in which the Sith would then detach a free hand away from his blade to unleash a torrent of Sith Lightning right at Shule. Or, perhaps Vornskr would not get to that opportunity, and would instead attempt to let loose with his lightning whenever something almost as good came about. Or, again maybe he would just momentarily disengage, back away, and then unleash it regardless of the risk of Shule raising a defense against his torrent.
Location: Beaches of the City
Objective A: Take it
Allies: Somewhere around I'm sure
Enemies: [member="Veino Garn"] and Friends.

The clashing blades left a sparkling aura between the two duelists. The Jedi defended against his attack and his return strike was quick. James reacted by dropping the orange blade in his left hand and summoning a vibroblades from his person. It flew to deflect the saber with James' hand meeting it to ad his strength to the defense.

With the deflection moving to the Jedi's opposite, James jumped horizontally towards attack to get over it. When he landed, crouched, the next attack would be aimed for his legs. The white blade zoomed in at the knees.

Talon Vosra

Location: Space
Objective: Carrier down going to Objective 1 for aid
Allies: [member="Ryan Korr"] | [member="Jack Rand"] | [member="Thane Drexel"] | [member="Sressechka"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Arcis"] | [member="Selka Ventus"] | [member="Colrenn"] | [member="Yurzhoc Shai"] [member="Darth Carach"] [member="Darth Venefica"]
Forces: 1 Stealth X Starfighter

Talon watched as the Rassalion broke off and jumped to hyperspace. His hands pushed his yoke forward dropping low and away from the Carrier's battered frame. He could feel swirling ripples in the force, danger, lives winling out en masse, [member="Corvus Raaf"] and [member="Kian Karr"] were in need. He could feel it.

"Vosra to Korr." He said over the comm, "Carrier down I'm heading dirtside to help."

He angled his ship and searched for his two friends on the planet below. They weren't together. He needed to make a choice or maybe try a more direct approach. He reached put for their minds and simply asked.

"Hey kids need a hand?" He angled for the city as he flew feeling that was likely the more likely place but the atmosphere was still in the distance. He had time to adjust.
Location: Kachiro City
Allies:[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Directly Engaging:[member="Darth Nephthys"] - at least for this post

I felt a grasp around my neck that was choking me slowly. Then in a instant my body shot back straight into the splintered tree. I slid down and landed arm first on the ground.

I stared at [member="Darth Nephthys"] as she was looking around for something or someone. As she looked at the top of the tree I knew what they were after. The only thing of importance [member="Corvus Raaf"].

I looked at my opportunities to stall the Sith as much as possible. I saw a bunch of logs positioned to the left of me and the Sith to the right. I used telekinesis to lift the log though it was extremely heavy. When it was in the air I had to aim it with amazing precision, the one thing I had little of.

When I aimed it up I yelled "Hey Sith" when she looked at me I said "Fetch the stick" then threw it with all of the force and strength I could muster.
Location: North Eastern Branch
Objective: B
Allies: [member="Reverance"] [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Xenia Nastassia"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Mordecai Zambrano"] [member="Darth Adekos"] [member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Darth Hauntruss"] [member="Dredge"] [member="Vrag"] [member="Keira Ticon"]
Primary Opponent: [member="Varus Shatterstar"]
Enemies: [member="Shule Windspeaker"] [member="Kana Truden"] [member="Ayden Quell"] [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] [member="Marakai Al'Orren"][member="Sochi Ru"] [member="Meeristali Peradun"] [member="Dak Canton"] [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] [member="Kiyron"] [member="Seamus Valik"]

NPC Slicers:
Location: Rogue unmarked space station in the skies over the Stronghold
Controller: Cryax Bane
NPCs: Red Raven organic slicers [5]
Objective: Going back to jamming secondary commlink channel
Opponents: ([member="Kian Karr"] and his slicing team)

Cryax had made a baby steps in the progress of slicing through the radar network of the Stronghold, but this wasn’t your typical script-kiddie hack. This slice was tough, and the faster he went, the more mistakes he made. Mistakes he then had to undo. Not to mention all the blaster fire whizzing by his head which really karked up his focus. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw [member="Keira Ticon"] rush towards the Jedi warrior ([member="Varus Shatterstar"]) who had marked him, and then the bastard leapt right over her only to keep running towards him. The man had a vendetta more savage than a spurned lover, and the Chiss began to wonder if this grudge was personal.

Suddenly the Jedi Knight pounded his fist to the ground and the whole branch rippled. Waves of power spread out around them, knocking askew anything and everything in its radius. As the enormous branch shook beneath him, Cryax was knocked on his ass. Luckily, he was wearing his Browncoat Datalogger which was strapped to his wrist, so his Datapad wasn’t going anywhere, and his Czerka slugthrower was slung over his shoulder. At this point, the only thing he would lose would be pride as he landed flat on his back, his tailbone hitting the Wroshyr brand with a painful thud.

As Cryax scrambled to his feet, he heard Acid’s singsong voice over his comms again. “Wazzup boss? Everything seems to be hunky dory here in space so we went back to jamming comms, and secondary comm channel’s almost jammed unless they bring in some really talented people ([member="Kian Karr"]). Oh, and can we get better candy bars in the vending machine next time? These ones suck.”

In his peripheral vision, he saw [member="Xenia Nastassia"] firing wildly at the Jedi Knight rushing towards them, and once he got his bearings, Bane bent on one knee, aimed right for the Jedi’s face, and joined her, unloading with his slugthrower until he was completely out of ammo.

Slicer Objective
Cryax Bane

Slicing into Stronghold Radar
Completion: [][][][][] 40%
-NPC Portion- Legion Yun'Do - something is DEFINITELY awry in the stronghold!!!
Location: Stronghold
Objective: Objective B. I rolled a 17 on a d6. Sorry gais, don't know how that happened.
Allies: [member="Darth Praelior"], [member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Vrag"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Darth Adekos"]
Enemies: [member="Kian Karr"], [member="Sochi Ru"], [member="Shule Windspeaker"], [member="Dux Kotass"], [member="Marakai Al'Orren"], [member="Gherron Vael"], [member="Ayden Quell"], [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"], [member="Rael sul B'an"], [member="Layna Akhora"], [member="Seamus Valik"], [member="Kiyron"]
19, 037 Vong total (with all the goodies, including awaiting draxus)
--14, 150 - 600 = 13,500 Crab Armor - Marching and completely regrouped. They at the door now, which really should be pretty rough at this point considering...ya know...blast bugs.
--4,500 - 500 = 4,000 Crab Armor - dropping into the stronghold now
--1,000 Vondun skerr draxus - have actually dropped from near orbital Savan Carrier
--577 - 250 = 327 Ooglish Noxokk - almost all dead now, keep going gais, I am said they dead and stuff ;)
--370 - 150 = 210 Vaghrokka and Vong (220 each) - Behold, the ultimate plan! Also, die Sochi Ru! Blasphemous jumper jeedai thing!
-5 Grokata - Esophogitis likely, recommend immediate doctor visits - just kiddin, these guys do this for a livin...get rurl.
-20 Thrall Herders - Defending Grokata.
-19 Sliviliths - Just keep swimming, just keep swimming
-12,000 Blackblades - *harbinger voice* Assuming direct control. (Kaine doesn't wan't to NPC so I'm running his dudes, pm if this is an issue).

Theme: [member="Taheera Sollo"]
Hey Siths...
Do you wanna kill a wookiee?
Come on lets go and fight
I never see you anymore
Come climb the fort
It's like you fear their might-
We used to be best frenemies
And now we're not
I wish you would kill those pubs!-
Do you wanna kill a wookie?
It doesn't have to be a wookie.
~it could be pubbbbbbbbbs

Do you wanna kill a wookie?
Or stabby stab some wookie thralls
I think some company is overdue
I've started climping up
the wroshyr trees and through the walls-
(Hang in there, Sith!)
It gets a little lonely
All these dead yuuzhan vong,
Just watching the vong fly by-

Please, I know you're out there,
Pubs are showing how they don't relent
They say "surrender now", and were screaming back
Vong go stabby and hack, just let us in!!!!!
We only have each other
It's just you and us
What are we gonna do?

Do you wanna kill a Wookiee?
Lets go and kill some wookiees.

Map for reference:
Inside the Stronghold:

[member="Gherron Vael"], [member="Sochi Ru"]: You know what happens when you are in the middle of a vong barrage and you start talking out plans and what not? Yeah, that Vong barrage keeps on trucking. Now, I'm no doctor, but that base of the structure isn't looking too good. The Ooglith Noxokk have run low on forces, cut just to under a third, meaning that 750 singularity mines from this specific group had carved away chunks on the interior of the fort. Add that with the losses of the once vaghrokka mounted Vong, a majority of the losses leading to singularity mines being abruptly tossed into the stronghold interior, that's a nearly doubling of the singularity mines. Not long ago, 75 singularity mines were enough to assuage the departure of the entirety of the southwestern highway branch, with the well placed lightsaber strike of a Jedi. Compared to this, that was a drop in the bucket. For those paying attention, this might draw notion of that final moment, right before the can opener pops the top - except backwards. The base of the stronghold began to squeal and moan against the departure of the structural integrity, potentially caving in on itself before crashing to the ground beneath. If not now, the simple weight of the vong above it plus the continued chomping of singularity mines all but made such devastating prospect a certainty.

[member="Sochi Ru"]: Upon biot communication devices (villips), after seeing the flipping of a certain jedi and certain chitter chatter, the whole of the remaining vaghrokka mounted vong turned their attention to this Togruta and her scheming scheminess. Say what you will, blast bugs are a heck of a deterrent. And so is a plasma eel. And so the jedi would find 220, once waste wrapped, plasma eels raining down upon her and who ever protected her. Of course, between this and the vaghrokka still rampaging and the sudden shaking of the base of the structure, this turn of attention might be somewhat unexpected. Either way, as plasma eels flew true, they progressed with thud fire.

[member="Gherron Vael"]: "HNGNGNNGGGGGH" They slobbered with great detest. Vong lashed out with amphistaffs and the butt ends of emptied carbines as they attempted to persuade the dirty filthy pesky hobbits....err, pubs, from their attempts at capture. Not the Vong way, they would shake their head as they fell upon knee, searching the horizons for that price of pain. Even against certainty of capture, they would go out swinging against their captors, amphistaffs dry heaving from the release of their inner acidic bile (10 VONG TO GRYFFINDOR...ER, GHERRON!)

On top of the Stronghold:
[member="Kian Karr"]: The vong within the canopy continued to dive further and further in, the yanking can-cells continuing to provide frustration as singularity mines thinned the canopy. From a distance, one might even be able to see through the top at this point, a total of 500 singularity mines popping out in the death throes of vong clinging to life and branch alike. Like beautiful imploding flowers, the mines would each carve away sinking orbs, 2 meters across. Vicious little devils.

Northern Highway Branch:
[member="Seamus Valik"]: For a full squadron of Catamarans, they would meet the angry descent of 4 sliviliths, bred upon alderaan. Mon-Con, Crom-Dom, Lon-Jon, and Som-Dop. Together, they were quite the mens choir. However, they were also an intense hatred and built up boredom from just floating around and doing nothing. They would descended upon the vehicles, intent on crushing them and flinging them around like childrens play things. The grenade exploded, sending several of the vong warriors to their death. Of course, the log hit some, but overall, it was a good death. Nature begets nature, sort of thing. Now, Vonduun Skerr Kyrric aren't born in the state of equipment: it's not as if they drop from trees in the shapes of vong warriors, to fit perfectly upon body in armor. The species goes through a long process, molting if you will, to allow proper fitting to specific warriors. This process is quite time consuming, paneling the beast for sections of the body. While arduous, it allowed for the perfection of the armor that the galaxy was so accustomed. After all, you don't really think the Vong would put warriors out on the field without inappropriate armor, do you? Anywhoo, the front line pushed forward and Kraetos shields brandished dual amphistaff heads to spit acid across the distance, easily clearing even 20 meters, all aimed towards Seamus Valik. It would be like a warm shower, a really really warm shower. From behind, blast bugs would fire directly on his position as well as littering the area around him in expected egress. The Grokata shot another 75, likely to their doom, but the distance was close enough to land them upon wall. Their armored brethren, previously shot against the trunk to scale, breached the parapets and entered the stronghold (40 total). By now, the very outside walls of the structure would be strongly decayed and the fortitude of the entrance to the stronghold would be under serious scrutiny. Those 40 would strike out with amphistaffs, spitting acid in a giant 360 degree angle, spanning 20 meters out in every direction.

Southwestern Branch:
Blackblades continue their ascent up the wall, the armor soaking up all sorts of damage. For those TOO WEAK AND STUPID to not kick their boot spikes in properly, they would fall to the ground below. 2 km's...that's a long time to scream. Good thing people really should be distracted by the sudden disruption of the structures ability to hold it's base in treble.

Savan Class Carrier:
What, ya'll didn't think this thing just disappeared, did ya? Aboard the ship, a captain looks upon a map of green and blue and red and yellow. A young man, quite green around the ears approaches.
"Sir, what is this?
"Spatial analysis of the Kashyyyk jungle surface." The captain turned cold blue eyes to the young man, as if expecting the next question.
"Is that possible sir, given the thick canopy?"

"A multi-beam laser system has been developed since before we were capable of intergalactic travel. It sends several returns, spanning from upper canopy to bare earth. It relays the penetration and time of travel back to us, so that we may draw the landscape in reference to anthropological uses. Even in the densest of canopies and tends to do better than in shallower microtopgraphies. We implement these as soon as we enter atmo." He paused, leaning over the map, and eyed the kid once more. "Tell me son, what's your job here? Cause there's a broom closet over there and I'm thinking maybe you should get to scrubbing." With that, he waved the kid off to find his way about cleaning the vessel. He obviously didn't need to be around the far more technologically advanced systems such as the controls for a space capable carrier. With the press of a red button, the 1000 Vonduun Skerr Draxus were released from their pods into atmospheric descent. Their destination: catch it next time on...whatever this drama is called.

PC Portion - Reverance - For Kana Truden and Flint Dexen
Location: Umm, Kashyyyk?
Objective: Beat up this Jedi for real
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: [member="Kana Truden"], [member="Flint Dexen"]

He tilted his head as his opponent began the strikes towards him. Now, this was a first, he considered, as the form III practitioner initiated their next scuffle. Her first strike was aimed in her hemisphere (although using two hands destroys this concept), towards his left waist. Of course, his gut reaction was the simple downward rotation of the left blade, facing the emitter towards the ground. With the feigned attack, instinctively, he merely raised his right elbow two inches and rotated the wrist so the right handed bladed would deflect the attack to the right shoulder. It was a difficult proposition, the Soresu fighter gaining one up in a situation such as this, against a Jar'kai practitioner. That's what he was thinking anyway, until the blade twirled for the third part of this act, aiming to come around and hit upon shoulder.

He wondered why she should would strike at such an armored portion of his body, when his chest was so open. Then he remembered that he was still wearing his cloak. As the assailant hit against the phrik plating of his pauldron, he did two things, simultaneously. First, he flexed the shoulder upward and drew his neck in, an action that would compress the plates of the armor and potentially catch the light saber beneath the panels and ensnare the blade. The second, and far more practical action: His right wrist, lighting quick, jetted downward with a swift drop of his elbow, attempting to strike Kana across the outside of her right elbow, right across the top.

Instinctively, as he swung downward with his right hand, he would extinguish the left blade and rotate the emitter up, prepared to ignite it in the potential that Kana would try to sever head from neck with a horizontal movement of the blade.
Location: Yugwaaargh (Republic Stronghold)
Objective: B - Defend the Stronghold
Allies: [member="Book"], [member="Varus Shatterstar"], [member="Ayden Quell"], [member="Sophia Walsh"], [member="Seamus Valik"], [member="Kana Truden"], [member="Seraphina"] Shel’tah, [member="Layna Akhora"], [member="Meeristali Peradun"], [member="Dak Canton"], @Kiyron, [member="Seamus Valik"]
Enemies: [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Vrag"], [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Xenia Nastassia"], [member="Darth Hauntruss"], [member="Dredge"], [member="Reverance"], [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]


[member="Cryax Bane"]: Struggling to overcome the hacking of one slicer, the Republic slicers allowed themselves to negate their duties to keep the communications from being severed once more. It wasn’t until comms went silent that they realized their mistake.

“Damn!” The commander yelled turning toward one of the slicers to his left. “Get those communications back up…..AGAIN!” He yelled.

“Yes sir, but it will take time!” The slicer said, suddenly very scared about his job security!


[member="Xenia Nastassia"]: Between the loss of communications and their attempts to shut the other hackers out of the system, the Republic slicers were too hard pressed to be able to seize back control of the turrets. The Republic was about to get a costly surprise.

[member="Vrag"]: There were simply too many. Brave soldiers, good technology. It helped….but it only went so far. As the One Sith horde continued to press in the Republic soldiers could do little to stem the flow. Then, with a surge of troops, the Sith drove forward at the center of the line, attempting to split them into smaller fighting forces. The Republic commanders had a choice. They could allow the Sith to split their force, or they could fall back along with the surge, stopping their line from being divided.

The officers went with the latter option, ordering their troops to fall even more ground. The Sith now controlled the entirety of the branch and the Republic forces found themselves pinned between their forces and the walls of the stronghold. They could have pushed into the stronghold, attempting to use the structure to defend from, but with the battle raging in there as well, it was decided that the best place to make the stand was here. They would hold the Sith back as long as they could, hoping for the arrival of further aid.

Their losses were significant, especially when the turrets, once in their control, suddenly began to fire on their Wookie allies. The last communication that went out before the communications failed again was the order to sacrifice the Stinger Speeders by targeting the turrets. As the forces withdrew back, the speeders, what few were left, surged forward targeting the turrets.


In the chaos of battle, Kian and the Sith were split apart by a hail of blaster fire. Kian’s lightsaber battered away bolt after bolt, struggling to keep up with the sheer volume of fire coming at him. He didn’t catch them all. It was then that Kian really began to appreciate his decision to wear his armor. He felt the pain of the impacts, and he knew he would have vicious bruises….assuming he survived the battle.

Then the soldiers were fall back, and Kian kept himself close to the front line as they fell back, doing his best to guard those around him. He couldn’t possibly save them all….but he would try to save as many as he could.

“Fall back, fall back to the walls!” Kian yelled into his comm as he went. Shortly after cutting the communication a burst of static told him the communications were once more out. Damn slicers! Kian thought, bringing his blade down in an overhead slash and cleaving into the chest of a Vong soldier.

Then Kian felt the touch of his masters mind. We’re hard pressed….we’ve lost the Northeastern bridge. Kian said through the telepathic communication. But defend the city...there are others here to aid us.

Kian hoped he had made the right call….hoped he didn’t need the help. Hoped that they could hold the line, just a little bit longer.

Location: Objective B - Stronghold - [member="Vrag"]’s, Dredge’s, and other Sith Forces on Northeastern Branch.
Controller: Kian Karr
Forces: 3100
Echani Mimic Battle Unit (EMBU) [100]
YVH-1 Droids [100]
Wookie Troops
Mounted troops [200]
Republic Commandos [600]
Kiyron’s reinforcements [1500]
Objective: HOLD THE LINE!.
Opponents: One Sith NPC forces at Stronghold

TAKEN OVER BY [member="Gherron Vael"]
Location: Objective B - Stronghold - [member="Reverance"]’s forces
Controller: Kian Karr
Forces: Under the assault of Vong the forces have faced heavy losses.
YVH-1 Droids [150]
EMRU [150]
Republic Commandos [300]
Wookie Mounted Troops [300]
Wookie Reinforces, both Mounted and Footsoldiers [1000] - arriving
Objective: Counteract the attack of Reverance’s soldiers
Opponents: VONG

Location: Stronghold - Objective B
Forces: NPC slicers
Working to gain back control of communications
Fighting to drive [member="Cryax Bane"] and [member="Xenia Nastassia"] from the system
Opponent: [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Xenia Nastassia"]

Flint Dexen

Wandering Lost Soul
Objective B - Protect Stronghold
Location: Wherever Kana and Reverance are
Allies: [member="Kana Truden"]
Enemies: @Reverance

- - -

Flint grimaced as the Sith nimbly dodged his attack, and his lightsaber nearly sliced off Master Truden's arm. Clearly he needed to plan out his attacks more carefully. Especially with the level of skilled combat that both Kana and the Sith was demonstrating, there would be no room for careless blunders.

As the Jedi Knight carefully observed their opponent, he recieved the message from the Jedi Master. They would strike as a team. She would go first, and then he'd go second. Sounded like a plan.

So Flint let Kana go ahead first, and watched as she attacked the Sith's armor. Flint could tell why, despite being younger than him, she had been promoted to the rank of a master. Something also made him wonder if she had possibly fought against this Sith before.

Flint then saw that the Sith was utilizing his armor to his advantange, by using it to try and ensnare Truden's blade. He detected then the movement of the Sith's right lightsaber. Without hesitation, he quickly stepped forward to block the Sith's right lightsaber with a horizontal parry as the Sith attempted to strike Kana's elbow. 'I'll take care of his right lightsaber...' Flint said to Kana through the Force.

OOC Note: Sorry guys, been sick lately.
Location: Yugwaaargh (Republic Stronghold):
Objective: B - Defend the Stronghold
Allies: [member="Book"] | [member="Varus Shatterstar"] | [member="Ayden Quell"] | [member="Sophia Walsh"] | [member="Seamus Valik"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Layna Akhora"] | [member="Meeristali Peradun"]
Enemies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Vrag"] | [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Xenia Nastassia"] | [member="Darth Hauntruss"] | [member="Dredge"] | [member="Reverance"] | [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] (Primary Target)


I know you feel alone, yeah
And no one else can figure you out
But don't you ever turn away
From the ones that help you down?

Sera watched as [member="Keira Ticon"] disengaged and chased off towards [member="Varus Shatterstar"]. She shrugged, her interest in the girl drifted entirely away as she was more focused on [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"], and Varus would make short work of her if push came to shove, of that she was certain. He had a certain tenacity that commanded strength, one that she would soon come to find if pressed enough. Turning back to Kezeroth as she continued her backwards retreat towards the stronghold she heard his reply in her mind. It was an odd request.

He wanted her to take his speeder and flee. She wrestled with the thought as he continued approaching her. "I can't, Kezeroth. Just as you cannot sacrifice yourself to shield me. I won't have it. I cannot stay here any longer. Your allies, or whatever they may be to you, are too many in number. Whatever it is you are here for, please reconsider it. I take my retreat, but I truly hope that one day I will come to understand what drives you, as I know there is good in you. Be well, mighty friend."

Retracting her saber blades she concentrated momentarily before gathering the required Force energy to leap further up into the Worshyr tree, standing aside [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]. Taking a breath as she looked out over the vast battlefield of soldiers and deceased she exhaled a bit of joy mixed with sadness. "It's good to see you, friend. Any news on how the others are faring?"
Location: Stronghold
Objective: Objective B.
Allies: Jedi/Republic, [member="Varus Shatterstar"]
Enemies: [member="Xenia Nastassia"]

She was having the darndest luck here. First the big guys armor chewed up her shot, now this time she missed except to spray some sparks and a little shrapnel at the woman. That was a bit on the pitiful side if she said so herself. But she couldn't wallow about it. This was war and that meant that she needed to step it up. Her friends, her allies, were counting on her to do more than sit around and contemplate why her aim was off. They needed her to correct it and try again.

But she knew enough not to fire again from where she was. Instead, she turned and crouch walked along the wall. Unfortunately a turret blast hit the wall in front of her and she nearly fell, only barely managing to save herself from falling into the chaos below her. Righting herself, she continued on along the wall, finding a new spot and taking aim once again.

As she sighted in, she noticed that the enemy was all over the wall by this point. She wished that she had a thermal detonator or some other explosive device with which to take a shot at the enemy, but she did not. All she had was her sniper rifle and blaster, and the energy blade she'd taken from one of the fancy droids. Not much help against masses of troops. She finished sighting in and took aim. Slow, deep breath, and squeeze the trigger. The QuietSnipe fired yet another projectile at the distant woman. If nothing else, she could make it harder for her to fight the Jedi that was coming for her.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
Location: Kachiro City - Objective A ( Or One)
Objective: Welp -- this is gonna get interesting.
Allies: [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] [member="Sabena Shai"] [member="Veino Garn"]
Enemies: The Stupid Smelly Sith! :p [member="James Mathison"] [member="Darth Vidar"]
Directly Engaging: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

The blast of energy from the Force push hit Kira dead on. She put up a force bubble, but that can't do much if one goes sliding back. Dust, dirt, branches, leaves, pebbles, and all kinds of mess was sent shoved back -- along with the tiny Jedi Master. Skidding across the ground, both hands went up to protect herself.

She came sliding to a small halt as she set her feet on to the ground. There still was a trickle of blood right under her nose, and just like a kid with nose snotfull of gunk, she kept brushing it off of her face with the sleeve of her robe.

There was a gleam of determination in her eyes; the Angraal crystal kept her focus and gave her clarity. She would grit her teeth.

"Okay Chick-e-dee -- guess we are gonna dance." and just like that, Kira would send another powerful shove of energy through the Force with the intent to freeze her in place with Force Stasis.

Hopefully it will work better now that she actually had line of sight >.>
Objective: Beat up a Sith
Enemies: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] | [member="Darth Vidar"]
Allries: [member="Kira Liadain"] | [member="Sabena Shai"]
Location: Kachiro City
(It has been over 36 Hours, moving on from Vidar)

The spinning ball of a man flew at him, and Soliael shifted.

He used his footing, and his superior agility and strength in the force allowed him to move out of the way in time. Again, he pivoted, using the force to grasp onto the man and throw him. He threw the Sith Lord passed him, tossing him to the side and into a nearby tree. This time he did not target a branch, but a solid wood tree.

It would hurt more.

As soon as he was clear of the man Soliael turned to Kira, through the fog and the distance she spotted her combat with the Witchy woman, smiling slightly as she recognized her.

The bench.

How amusing that was, how small the galaxy seemed at times like this. His muscles flexed, his hand tightened on his lightsaber and Soliael dashed forward. He moved, becoming a blur and dashing towards Kira and the other woman. As soon as he was within range his free hand shot up, weaving invisible latices of the force to wrap themselves around [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] and hold her in place for Kira's stasis.
Location: Kachiro City
Objective: Objective A, get #Rekt
Enemies: [member="Kira Liadain"] | [member="Soliael Devin Talith"]

Anja watched as the Jedi Master defended against her sudden burst of energy before turning her head to the sudden attack; watching as Vidar got knocked away again. As soon as she realized he was reaching out with the force towards her she felt something come over. Senses deluded her as if the fabric of her body committed treason Her sword arm reached up at a rather slow pace, too slow to the point where it was not enough to maintain any of her forms.

She felt as if the world itself was weighing down upon her. The latices wrapped around her almost immediately, furthering their grip. To anyone else this would've been the end, but Anja wasn't done yet. The Host Lord didn't become such with weapons alone; she didn't want to fight for a reason other than self-preservation. In fact little did many know that life was not on the top of the list amongst The Primeval. This was in partial to the debate she had with Soliael only some time ago. The stasis held her still briefly as the will mustered up to break free from some it but with him and her as opponents it would be impossible to break free completely.

"I yield.", she exhaled. "Let's stop the fighting, this world doesn't want it, you don't want it.", she began to speak -- attempting to use her race's natural ability to influence them into distinguishing their hold on her. It was hard enough to fight against their powers to allow herself to speak, if only she could have them hesitate for a brief moment; that window of opportunity.
Location: Yugwaaargh -North Branch
Objectives: Objective Number 2 - Defend the Stronghold at all costs
Allies: [member="Kian Karr"] - [member="Rael sul B'an"] - [member="Book"] - [member="Flint Dexen"] - [member="Ayden Quell"] - [member="Sophia Walsh"] - @Samus Valik - [member="Sochi Ru"] - [member="Kana Truden"] - [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] - [member="Taheera Sollo"] - [member="T-Eya Carn"] - @Marakai Al-Orren - [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] - [member="Shule Windspeaker"] - @Ta'Mur Rokar
Enemies: [member="Cryax Bane"] - [member="Xenia Nastassia"] - [member="Keira Ticon"] - @One Sith

Varus was well aware of the blaster fire from Xenia, though her shots were wild and seemed frantic. That's why he continued to charge at Cryax without giving too much attention to the wild barrage of bolts at his back. He was more wary, however. When he saw Cryax reach his own blaster and prepared to attack. He reached down for one of his sabers to counter the Chiss slicer's attack, but before he felt the cool touch of steel in his palm, Varus felt a burning sensation of a blaster bolt that had struck home against his left shoulderblade.

The moment he felt the pain surge through his left side he skidded to a halt about twenty feet in front of the Chiss. The moment he did he caught himself, his hands coming palm down to the bark beneath him. The moment he stopped himself, however, a transparent barrier raised up around him, covering him from all sides as the Chiss who began firing on him as well.

Blaster bolts rained down on him from both attackers, the color of the bolts washing over the shield and melding together until their ammunition had been exhausted. The second they firing stopped, Varus raised up and broke free from his prison, his voice raising up above the chaos that ensued as he cried out. His voice was deep and filled with the vigor of battle, and as he broke free from his barrier he charged at Cryax Bane once more. As he did either saber jumped to his hands and ignited in a brilliant, violet light burning with vicious intent.
Location: Inside Kachiro City
Objective: Objective A
Allies: [member="Darth Venefica"] | [member="Khan Ra"] | [member="Faye Terrik"]
Enemies: [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Kira Liadain"] | | @Soliael Devin Talith | @Talith | [member="Meric Nadun"] | [member="Anastasia Rade"]

As they entered the city proper she moved to rejoin her mistress quickly scaling some of the smaller buildings to leap across them and move faster toward her location where she’d be seeking the chip. As she moved she encountered light resistance mostly small squads again that were easily dispatched with haste. As she approached her mistress she moved to fall in line next to her as join her movements. She silently followed making sure to keep up as they moved to their target knowing if they succeeded here it'd be a blow to the republic forces.
Location: Northeastern Branch
Objective: B
Allies: [member="Reverance"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Xenia Nastassia"], [member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Mordecai Zambrano"], [member="Darth Adekos"], [member="Dredge"], [member="Vrag"], [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]
Enemies: [member="Shule Windspeaker"], [member="Kana Truden"], [member="Ayden Quell"], [member="Aaralyn Rekali"], [member="Marakai Al'Orren"], [member="Sochi Ru"], [member="Meeristali Peradun"], [member="Dak Canton"], [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"], [member="Varus Shatterstar"]
Primary opponent: Varus Shatterstar

"Diavl!" The burst of the Force should have been expected to some degree, and once again Keira had to remind herself that she was facing someone more skilled than she in all areas. Despite that she wouldn't be making an easy target, no matter if the fight wouldn't necessarily end well for her. Persistence was a virtue she perhaps took too far, but loyalty was another that went hand-in-hand with it. And right now her loyalties were with the Red Ravens and all that called themselves their allies. That meant her enemies were the Jedi, more specifically the man that seemed to match her in tenacity, at least. That was one thing they had in common, regardless of alignment. And one thing she could attempt to exploit.

At least Cryax had begun instigating some sort of distraction in the form of firing his slugthrower relentlessly. The bullets would be more difficult to block with a saber, if possible at all, than your average blaster bolt, a strategy she could commend. And it seemed to have the desired effect, as one of the projectiles struck home. That was the opening she'd been waiting for, and so she once more wove her way between the Jedi and Cryax, feet planted and orange blade raised in a guard. Should this plan of defense fail she would have to determine another strategy to at the very least slow him down marginally more.

Less skilled she might have been, but what she lacked in all around finesse she made up for in improvisation and sheer stubbornness. Whether he liked it or not, Cryax would be a hard-won target if she had anything to say about it. "I don't think you quite understand how this works." No other commentary, just that one simple statement. She might have been cocky, sure, but that wasn't a facet of her personality so easily lost. After all, she'd managed to at least hold her own against a Gen'Dai, so perhaps that altered her perception of her abilities in some light. A challenge was something she'd come seeking, regardless of the fact that she might just manage to get in over her head. It wasn't the first time, and it most certainly wouldn't be the last.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
Location: Kachiro City - Objective A ( Or One)


Allies: [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] [member="Sabena Shai"] [member="Veino Garn"]

Enemies: The Stupid Smelly Sith! :p [member="James Mathison"] [member="Darth Vidar"]

Directly Engaging: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]


There were those magic words. The minx would turn herself in. Huzzah!

"Done!" That's when Kira brought out from the folds of her robes a pair of AEL TerentAttack Cuffs the owner of Akure had given her a year back. They were made from the un-alchemized tailings and leftover edges of the terentatek hides, which resists Force powers, courtesy of very ancient alchemy.

When turned into leather cuffs around braided durasteel cable, specially treated terentatek hide retains its resistance to the Force, and that resistance carries over to the lock embedded within the leather. A Force-user will find the cuffs very difficult or impossible to unlock or break using the Force. Force-enhanced feats of strength will generally result in the Sith or Jedi cutting their own hands off as the durasteel cable core comes into play. A lightsabre can cut the cuffs on simple contact, but not accurately, as very accurate feats of Force-guided sabre use would require a better sense of the cuffs.

In short, to get out of these handcuffs, one requires the key. Shocking.

Or get Sol to let you out butwewon'tmentionanymore.

A flick of her thumb would flip open the cuffs, and the tiny blonde with the bloody nose would trek on over to Anja.

"You are hereby under the custody of the Jedi Order, overseen by me, Jedi Master Kira Liadain. You have certain rights, but for now, safety is paramount." she told the woman as she would move behind Anja to place the cuffs on her arms at her back.

"Yours. And mine." a nod was shot back to Sol.

"And his. Especially his." enter more snark.
Objective: Beat up a Sith
Enemies: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Allries: [member="Kira Liadain"] | [member="Sabena Shai"]
Location: Kachiro City

Soliael would walk over the two women, his armor shaking slightly.

His lightsaber would deactivate, though he kept it in his hands just to ensure that he could bloack any attack coming his way. He frowned slightly, his lips pressing tightly against one another. He didn't like the idea of taking prisoners, never had. In his book it was easier to kill someone and leave their cops rather than take them back and have to guard and worry about them until the end of times, even if you knew them, it was easier to end them.

Yet Kira wasn't like that.

Kira would want to keep this woman alive, talk to her, speak to her, perhaps even try to bring her to the light.

He had no choice but to respect that wish.

“You.” Soliael pointed over to a group of Republic Soldiers, each one dressed in heavy armor and carrying several rifles. They stopped dead in their tracks, once again listening to him rather than those that were actually their commanders, something that still amused him. “Take this woman off world immediately.”

The Order was spoken in strong words, and the soldiers slowly surrounded Anja.
Location: Kachiro City
Objective: Objective A, get captured n' stuff.
Allies: :(
Enemies: [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] | [member="Kira Liadain"] | [member="Sabena Shai"]

"Foolish girl, you'll surely --", the voice cut off as the cuffs were placed around her, it was numbing as if she was dumped in a bath filled with ice. For once there was some clarity -- not panic. Her vibroblade dropped to the ground without a bounce.

"Him?", she wondered. Unfortunately she didn't realize who he was with that helmet on; especially not now with her force cut off. The enigmatic benchwarmer. A cold sigh exhaled her lips as she continued to feel like her magic was being leeched out, it was already useless but it felt draining; withdrawal. As she pondered, the soldiers were already surrounding her and prepared to take her off world.

Her face was rather devoid of any expression. "Is this how it is?", truly it was a curious thing to be treated without hostility. She on the other hand would purge an entire world to rid it of anyone deemed a threat to her cause. Why were they so sparing?

Her milky eyes rolled their way to him. The glance locked onto him like a target. No words were -said- but none had to be, this would not be the end.
Location: Inside Kachiro City, seeking a chip (building)
Objective: Objective A
Allies: [member="Faye Terrik"], [member="Khan Ra"], [member="Shuduc Macar"], [member="Darth Valtryx"]
Enemies: [member="Corvus Raaf"], [member="Kira Liadain"], [member="Soliael Devin Talith"], [member="Meric Nadun"], [member="Anastasia Rade"]

The four snipers and the one injured one began laying down heavy fire, keeping the enemy pinned down. Occasionally a stray shot from the enemy hit close by the two Sith, but it wasn't enough to deter them. From all the Republic troops and few Wookies guarding the building, she assumed there was something in there important enough to warrant the force opposing them. Activating her lightsaber, she jumped into the fray. Her lightsaber swung manically back and forth, batting away shots, managing to redirect two back at their casters. She caught a glimpse of one trooper struggling with reloading his weapon and massing all the anger inside her, unleashed a torrent of Sith Lightning that engulfed him, sending the deadly energy throughout his body, killing him instantly.

The more they pressed on, the more the enemy backpedaled giving up precious ground they so desperately needed to keep. Soon fear began to show in the troopers body language as they forced shots without properly aiming, while a couple of the Republic soldiers, perceiving this was a lost cause, broke and ran. A Wookie, trying to rally what troops remained, bellowed a war cry and charged the line and was cut down at once by the converging fire of the snipers. It was only a matter of time that this building would spill its secrets to them.

Charging a Republic soldier, Darth Venefica snarled as she dodged to her right to avoid a blaster shot, then slid on her knees, driving the hot crimson blade up into the soldier's stomach. Her black eyes gleamed with delight when she felt his death in the Force. Leaping to her feet, she doubled her efforts and reached the building's front door. A lone trooper stood inside, his fear sating her appetite through the Force. Feeding off his fear, Darth Venefica invaded his mind, moved a few of his worse nightmares around using the technique Mind Shard, and passed his convulsing body as it crashed to the building's floor. Saliva dripped from his gaping mouth, as his body and mind were racked with horrifying pain.


Location: Inside Kachiro City
Controller: Darth Venefica
Forces: Nightshade Squadron- 85 transferred to [member="Faye Terrik"], 5 transferred to [member="Khan Ra"], 2 taking Jedi prisoner back to HQ
Objective: Capture Kachiro
Opponents: Republic, Jedi, Wookies, Not trees

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