Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Welcome to the Obsidians

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
At least the neophyte was admitting he had room to work. Being fine, that was something else, but still… Roderick nodded as he holstered his weapon. “We have a few datacrons and holocrons in the main facility on Roon. The Masters will let you in, the ‘crons can only teach that which you’re ready for, so you won’t be straining yourself, or over working.” Which was good. No deaths of newbies on his watch. But really, if they were in the main library on Roon, that wasn’t his watch.

“Mental defenses… Yeah, we can do that. Not everyone’s going to be shooting, after all, there are the damned mentalists. And I’ll be forward with ya, I ain’t one for makin’ the hits like that. Prefer to shoot and use the weapons. A Master from Net Taozin can help you improve in the mental defense, but I can definitely get yer feet wet.”

Stepping back, Roderick looked at [member="Draco Vereen"], allowing the student to get ready, however he felt he needed to, that was then that Roderick started speaking, saying nothing and everything for a moment, trying to discuss weapons, and counting the steps of disassembling one of BlasTech’s rifles, and that was when he began to push, his words changing from the steps of the rifle to the fact that three men had just burst into the room. With that, Roderick did toss Draco a rifle, this bit was true, but were the men? Rodercik was still ducking for cover, pistol at the ready.
If this was just adequate Illusions I was surprised. They weren’t anything special, but they were life like. I had been expecting something else, but the best way to test an illusion is to sense its Force presence. I didn’t have that much time though, despite having expanded my awareness to cover the ten meters I could currently handle. Their entry confused me, but I couldn’t quite place them. Still had the blaster and that would come in handy if they were real. I considered taking a second to get a bead on their presence, but I wasn’t entirely sure. So one stun bolt to the chest wasn’t going to hurt anything, and that would allow me time to gauge whether they were real or not. I was pretty sure they weren’t a threat, but that was all logic and conjecture. Using the Force I reached out for them, gauging them.

[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
The way Roderick operated, it wasn’t a matter of tricking his opponent into believing that there was actually something better to do. He was a bruiser, which was how he worked. So taking a person and redirecting their attention away from him, in the heat of battle? That was about the best that he’d get for illusions. Resting behind the barrier, really just a bit of training gear and mats stacked up, Roderick reached out to [member="Draco Vereen"] and modified the illusion, not much, but now the intruders were spreading out and taking up firing positions.

And then the blasters started going off. Even Roderick got up and took shots, before dodging and ducking, at the correct moments. Full immersion.
Given the second of time, I could feel them, they certainly had a presence in the Force. I reached out and touched one with the Force, tyring to get a feel for it. My sense was roaring, but I had the feeling there was little danger. But that could be a number of things. It could be that they were simply not dangerous to me, or that they meant no real or lasting harm. I just couldn’t exactly place what it was that I was feeling. But Roderick was reacting to them, so the must need some kind of pounding. I started snapping off bolts at them as they moved into firing positions, trying my best to drop one, or something to them.

Then I stopped. Focus. Center. Find their center. It should be right where they were, moving with them. Calm. Focus. Is there something off here? There was, but I hadn’t placed what it was just yet. I jumped back with Roderick behind the gear wrack. I needed a moment to come to grips with what was up, and figure it out.

[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Roderick himself was not used to illusions taking this long. His Force signature was extended to the illusion and he was doing his best to make it not seem that way. Neophytes and not users were easier to trick than most.

But here he was hoping [member="Draco Vereen"] would catch on. He came for cover and was centering himself. Good. That was what he was hoping fo . He'd show what needed to be shown after, if Draco couldn't do it on his own.
It took me a moment, but once the immediate threat was gone, I was able to focus, adjusting, seeking the weave of energy. I found it in them. It was there, but it linked back to Roderick, emanating from him like a spider web of deceit. It was a fair illusion. One that had taken me a fair few seconds to discover. But I was new, and I didn’t expect to be able to defeat such illusions instantly. But knowing they were illusions, and stopping them were different things. I reached out with the Force, attempting to sever his connection between one Illusion and himself. If I was successful it would dissipate and I could work on the next ones. But he was a master and I was brand new. I didn’t expect to be able to, but I was going to try anyway.

[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Roderick was approaching this knowing that [member="Draco Vereen"] was a new comer to the Force, or at least these bits of its uses. He was holding the illusions only so much that it didn’t drain his stamina. Simple illusions for this bit of training, just enough to change the way Draco thought about it all, really. When the neophyte slowed his breathing and took a step back to look at everything, this was good, though, learning and improvisation.

When he could feel Draco pressing on the way he was controlling the illusions, he made the remaining illusions fire faster. They were only so good in that they hopefully caused someone to falter and dive for cover. When the initial fear was gone, Roderick’s style of illusions were going to collapse.
I knew they were illusion now. The initial shock and surprise was over. While I did not have the capability to dissipate the illusions, I could tell they weren’t real anymore, but they were very convincing Illusions. He had even taken the time to prick my danger sense and make me feel as though I was in genuine danger and was facing real threats. If that was what he was capable of then I shudder to think what an Illusionist was truly capable of. Even still with enough training and focus I could overcome them. I could at least realize for myself that they were not real creatures, that they themselves were not dangerous. Now what was left was to figure out how to rapidly determine the difference between real and false illusions. I stood up, looking at Roderick. “That was good. Certainly more complex then I had thought I would be looking for. If you don’t mind I’d like to borrow one of those Holocrons so I can study abroad as it were. My duties in the Military and my company keep me moving. I would love to be able to study this in transit and when I have the time.” I asked him, explaining my reasoning. It was simple and standard. I wasn’t asking for an artifact, just a learner’s holocron.

[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
There, it did seem like the lesson was coming to a close. Roderick grinned at [member="Draco Vereen"] because he was a go-getter. This was something that the trainer definitely looked for in his students. He wanted Force users in Net Bha’lir who would do their own problem solving. With the Net Zillo and Net Taozin as their comrades, Bha’lir sometimes got shafted into only being meat shields, but they were so much more. He nodded at the Mando.

“We can definitely hook you up with one of our training holocrons. We’ve got Masters creating ones that can be taken on loan from the center on Roon. The more… extensive holocrons are kept on lockdown at our main facility, but the smaller ones can be taken out.” Taking a second to look at a datapad, Roderick sent a quick, and simple, message over to the main citadel that would clear Draco to grab some of the standard Neophyte holocrons for use during his travels.

It wouldn’t do anyone else much good as the datacrons and holocrons that could be removed were focused for neophyte lessons, which didn’t grant that much information. Surely not enough to be dangerous. "Is there anything else I can help you with here? We can always set up other lesson times."
I nodded, excellent. I could continue training, and could return when I had progressed a bit and my schedule allowed. "Yes, I'll be back, maybe next week we can go again." I told Roderick, knowing that even weekly sessions would be strenuous on my work schedule. I had so many projects coming to a close in the next few weeks that required my supervision, but I would be back, ready to train again and continue progressing towards becoming a Knight. Having only recently discovered my abilities I felt that I was doing alright, keeping things moving along fairly quickly.

I’ll grab one of the small training Holocrons and be back here when the wars permit me back.” I told him in closing, reaching out to shake his hand. “Thank you for training me. I know it is not the easiest thing, and I am certainly older than is normal.”

[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Roderick was not trying to get out of training at all. To the contrary he was hoping to give [member="Draco Vereen"] enough time to collect himself, process what he learned and that when the man came back, he would be ready for another step, or to show his instructor something else he had learned, from another instructor or the holocrons. "I'll keep this slot open for your instruction. I tend to spend more time training than actually fighting nowadays, so I'm in envy of you, Neophyte Vereen." And this was something Roderick truly meant. "Don't be afraid to take lessons or learn what you can from anyone who will offer. The Obsidian Order is unique in that we're a conglomerate of ideas. Use that knowledge."

When the trainee spoke about his age, Roderick nodded to the door. Their time here was done. "Age is not any concern of mine." He said, slapping the student on the back. "Besides, you can't take the younger students out for a social drink to get to know them as a person..." And with that, Roderick would be hoping to drag Draco off screen and to a drink to share war stories.

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