Sorel Crieff
Ready are you? What know you of ready?

Voss was a planet located within the Voss system of the Outer Rim Territories. Sorel could not claim to be an expert on the planet, she was something of a space nomad, but she’d spent enough time at the Academy to know her way around, and she knew a lot more than someone who had never visited the place before.
So she stood at the hangar, awaiting a ship to land. Her Master had encouranged her to be proactive in welcoming newcomers – given she was in a similar position not so long ago, and would have appreciated a friendly face. Sorel could not help but agree with her Master’s opinion. So here she was.
As she waited, she tried to remember as many facts about the place as she could. The Voss were said to be great lovers of art who had developed a distinct style had been in existence for thousands of years circa 3653 BBY. Their architecture followed this distinctive style. The capital of the planet was Voss-Ka. And the two native sentient species of Voss — the Voss and the Gormak — were often at war with each other. Then she considered the fact that she would not have been remotely interested in this sort of information. She suspected the new arrival would be more keen to find out about expectations of a Jedi, training, that sort of thing. So she relaxed and looked up at the sky. The new Jedi was due any moment now.