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[member="Faith Organa"]

The Free Worlds Coalition

As far as most matters were concerned, the head of Rendili Stardrive supposed that among the various powers in play in the galaxy for the time being that the Free World Coalition was probably the best one for her homeworld to fall under. It was done entirely peacefully too, at least from what she had heard from the Arch Provost and other political offices. Certainly, compared to the Sith occupation, when they had to tip toe the line to avoid being placed under a Tyrant's control or even being wiped out, anything was a step up. Still, it might turn out she no longer could afford to be lazy herself and continue her attitude of just keeping the status quo.

That wasn't a bad thing though, Camellia even found herself grinning as her tail flicked behind her while she glossed over the monthly report on her desk. How long had it been she had found herself even a little bit interested in the ongoing activities of the galaxy's major players, let alone to actually design a quality new starship. All the market sanctions on companies had dulled her enthusiasm. Yet, now that Rendili was within the Free World Coalition's sphere of influence she found herself tempted to at least come up with something in appreciation of their lack of discrimination to the Croa race as well as putting some spirit back in her engineers.

It was something to look into with the impending arrival of Faith Organa of Alderaan. Camellia had expected a representative to check in on the planet and take stock of her company, however, she hadn't thought someone with her standing would be the one to come. It also shocked the Croa woman greatly that in all her time with the Republic, and prior dealings with the Mandalorian Draco, she had never met Faith Organa considering her relation to those entities. Then again, with much of her time being restrained with the Sith dominion perhaps she just simply hadn't had enough time to find the freedom to do so.

Regardless, she intended to be as forthcoming and presentable as possible. Alderaan, like Rendili, held phrik deposits and an extensive and illustrious history behind the planet. It was a world that had endured even more hardship, being the focus of several battles between the Sith and Republic among others, not to mention devastation from the Vong. It was a world of great influence, and by record respectable honor. Sighing to herself, Camellia hoped she left a good impression, not simply for the sake of her world's standing in the Coalition, but also for the sake of creating a bond with someone she hoped to find capable as an ally.

As such she brushed her Rendili Planetary Defense Force officer's uniform while she glanced at the window, ensuring it lacked creases as she viewed the array of Hammerhead Frigates, Republic class Star Destroyer, and Centurion Battlecruiser that made up the RPDF's naval bulk. Since her grandfather's time, Rendili Stardrive's own security fleet essentially supplemented the Planet's own Defense Force, making it seem slightly more impressive than the average world's armada. The scattering of vessels maintaining traffic order, watching incoming hyperspace entries, and safeguarding the imposing figure of the shipyards that have sat above Rendili since the original Hyperworks company, it was a sight that not only felt intimidating to those who thought of ill intentions, but the feeling of security that the world was well looked after.

And perhaps it was her bias, but the Rendili woman also believed the sight was a beautiful one, the red and white colors of her homeworld since long ago, it felt bold and brave. However, she supposed those who preferred other hues and less vibrant paints for a starship might not hold the same opinion. All the same, Camellia felt certain the large yards and PDF's diligence would be seen as something positive by her guest at the very least. With the monthly report set aside, there was nothing else on her docket before Lady Organa arrived, so as she twitched her ears Camellia sat down and waited for her aide to send her a call once Faith's ship entered the system.
Once again she was making a tour of the space that fell under the protection of the Coalition. So many meetings, so many trade agreements, and so many different beds to sleep in. She missed her own.

Where were they headed today, yes Rendili to meet with company executives and government officials. She pulled out another gown designed for negotiations and diplomacy. She smoothed it out ensuring she looked like the Queen of Alderaan and not the beach bum that she longed to be right now.

The gangplank dropped on the ship and Faith with her aide, Ana Lindsey walked down followed by two Alderaani Royal Guard. She immediately spied a young woman dressed smartly in her uniform will colors that caught the eye.

She looked at Ana hoping she would have the name of who was approaching, Ana shrugged her shoulders she thought her name was [member="Camellia Swift"] but rather than embarrass Faith with the wrong name they would let it play out organically.

Faith smiled and turned, "Thank you so much for meeting us. I am Faith Organa of Alderaan, this is my aide Ana." Faith hoped that the young woman would just introduce herself, she hoped.
[member="Faith Organa"]

Eyeing the Alderaani vessel as she stepped into the hangar and watched its approach, the head of Rendili Stardrive immediately found herself questioning whether it was atypical of their design philosophy or if the style were something specific to diplomatic craft or Lady Organa herself. She knew some of their work, in part from her dealings with Draco who was rather infatuated with the ancient Alderaan frigate in particular at the time, however, the Croa woman readily confessed she hadn't paid attention to any recent starships the planet might have put forward. The curiosity sent some shivers down her spine as she moved to stand ready as the Alderaan vessel touched down within the hangar.

Once the ramp opened, Camellia put forth her best smile. Working with politicians and business associates was her forte right after management. She hadn't earned contracts by simply putting forth the best designs her company could after all. If it were always a simple matter of quality or need then business could be done so much more easily. As the party from Alderaan exited their ship, the Rendili woman made sure to step forward to meet them halfway. She was aware that in terms of social standing, Alderaan was slightly more aristocratic and that Ms. Organa herself held a rather high position on her homeworld. Due respect for such a position was clearly needed for a first time encounter.

As such when the Alderaan group gave their welcome, Camellia slid a hand over her chest and gave a proper bow as she gave her own greeting, tail swaying behind her. "It's an honor to finally meet you Lady Organa, the same for your aide as well. I am Camellia Swift of Rendili, current head of Rendili Stardrive. I've heard much about you, and regret not having found a chance to meet your person back when we both worked under the Republic. I am pleased to be able to make your acquaintance now." If Alderaan itself had some air of procedure specific to it, the Rendili woman was unaware of it. She hoped her manners and intent to show respect at least were conveyed by her actions. Nonetheless, standing back up as she waved toward the nearest hall, Camellia was ready to get their talks underway. "If you'll follow me, we can hold our discussions in a conference room to your liking, unless you'd prefer my office."
Faith had been looking over the manifest of items that Rendili Stardrives offered. It was a well diversified company with it's offerings.

Alderaan could use some additional droids for mining purposes, and maybe a special one designed for Draco to pick up his socks. Yes Faith was still hung up on the socks thing. She smiled, "Ms. Swift a pleasure." Tilting her head slightly, "You were part of the Republic"

It was a long time ago but still Faith was curious, "In what way did you serve the Republic if you don't mind my asking" She tried to remember if she had ever heard the name before Camilla Swift it wasn't at the moment bringing up any memory but perhaps something she said would.

They walked along casually the impression of being relaxed seemed to flow all around. This meeting was to ensure Rendili and Ms. Swifts company were taken care of as part of the Coalition.

@camilla swift
[member="Faith Organa"]

As she led her guest through the hall and turbolift to an appropriate conference room to conduct their meeting, Camellia had wondered what would be the topic of their first conversation. However, the Rendili woman would admit she was taken aback that it was a question about her prior services to the Republic that came up. It wasn't such that it was an uncomfortable subject so much as it was simply unexpected given the time and the former government's collapse. Still, as she looked back at the Alderaan representative, Camellia gave a soft smile as she answered promptly. "That was sadly a while ago before the Sith occupied Rendili. I suppose it would be best I served as both a contractor and naval support officer. I generally tried to fill gaps I could see in the Republic naval roster or aimed to create superior ships of the line. I made sure to avoid falling into competition with companies who specifically designed certain ship classes for the Republic already. The Centurion for example, I made as the Republic lacked an Interdictor craft period, and a carrier in that tonnage. The Republic Class Star Destroyer was HMS capable to counteract enemy gravity well traps as well as to be the most dangerous ship of the line in its tonnage once again. You can probably see that we avoided fighters altogether since other shipwrights were outperforming us. Also due to the military agreements, our Hammerhead frigates went from being superior craft to just above average, though that still makes them generally better than what most yards cough up. I suppose our company got its break way ahead of the competition after we managed to score the Noblesse contract under the approval of various senators. We designed a heavy destroyer capable of utterly countering the Sith's Darkblade design at the time, only for ships to deviate from the Darkblade's signature weaponry."

Realizing she was starting to over explain far too many things, the Croa woman coughed sheepishly while her tail sway when she stepped in front of the conference room door and keyed it open for her guests. "Aside from that I actively served in my homeworld's Planetary Defense Fleet so I have some military training and experience. So on occasion I would come on as a support officer in naval operations, I believe prior to the Sith conquest of Rendili the battles I participated in were over Zeltros, Manaan, and I forget, but it was a Sith world during one of the Republic's rare offensive operations." Offering seats to Lady Organa and her aide, Camellia beamed as she sat across from them politely and hoped she hadnt rambled too much for the Alderaanian's liking. "If I recall were you once Alderaan's representative in the senate? I usually avoided politics unless it involved contracts or market fluctuations, but I know a few worlds generally stood prominently during discussions that made the news."
Manaan there it was again, "I have been working with the Council on Manaan to convince them of joining the Coalition." Manaan had been well she wouldn't think about it. She carried enough guilt about it already.

The past was in the past she needed to let it go.

"I was the Senator from Alderaan" Faith smiled at [member="Camellia Swift"] she left off that she was Minister of Intelligence.

"Anyhow, let's talk about Rendili Stardrive, and how the Coalition can help." Faith didn't mind the rambling to her it was just talking finding out where they each stood. "Do you have anything in particular in mind?" What was the plan, the idea, was Faith the shopper, or Camellia.
[member="Faith Organa"]

It had been a long time since the battle at Manaan that the Rendili woman remembered, but she was well aware that there had been more than the one she had participated in. Camellia also knew that every one of those battles fought there had gone poorly for the Republic as well, although if there was any further controversy other than that that had befallen the watery world she was unaware of them. Regardless, hearing that the Free World Coalition was attempting negotiations to bring the kolto planet into their fold was a promising one. The healing resource was valuable and to control Manaan meant controlling the trafficking of the substance to a degree. Aside from Bacta, Kolto was the only major option for healing the wounded with great success, although the Coalition didn't sound like the sort to get involved in war anytime soon.

Hearing that she was right in recalling her guest's previous standing as a Senator also helped put the Croa woman at ease as she hoped such common ground as their once shared affiliation would make their acquaintance more comfortable. "If you're asking what Rendili wants from its newfound home within the coalition I'm afraid I can't speak for the entire populace. Undoubtedly the ArchProvost is putting together a poll of the planet to see what specific trade rights and social standing to push for. I already have an idea of the trade routes and economic market conditions that will probably be put forth to put our planet on a favorable position. Like Alderaan we also have phrik mines, which certainly makes the world valuable in construction and military fielding with how useful that metal is. I doubt any would disagree with that much. Personally though, from my own position as the head of Rendili Stardrive. I'd love nothing more than to have the Coalition acquire the contracts for all the vessels that formerly were under agreement to the Republic. Its a waste of good design work, and I certainly think the Centurion and Republic SD will be welcome among the Coalition's Defense Forces since not every world can be as fortunate as ours to be able to field shipyards capable of meeting a entire navy's needs. The rest of the Republic's former contracts can undoubtedly be useful at some point under the right spotlight. Aside from that. . . . .I want to offer whatever support you and the coalition as a whole might require. Rendili has influence among the Inner Rim, so if you like the ArchProvost can always provide diplomatic letters or envoys to aid in expanding peacefully. Many of the soldiers in Rendili's Planetary Defense Forces are veterans as well, if the security of the Coalition is at stake and a call for arms is put out, feel free to give us a call. We may not field the level of ferocity Mandalorians do, but compared to the majority of planets, Rendili's forces are experienced between the Sith's Occupation attack and the battles they once fought for the Republic. I can at least gaurentee that the quality of our planetary navy even competes with the best, I can assure you."
Well that was a lot to take in.

"Well, one thing that is a certainty Coalition Forces are what can be contributed by each planet within the Coalition. We don't have a single massive fleet, or military I wish [member="Draco Vereen"] had come with me he is much better versed in military matters. We come to the aide of each other [member="Camellia Swift"] it one falls we all fall so we cannot afford to not watch out for each other."

Faith was quiet for a minute, "As for acquiring the contracts perhaps what we should do is have a meeting of the Council to determine what we can do to help with that. We want Rendili to do well, to have a robust economy. So tell me about the ships that were under the Republic Contract." There might be others within the Coalition who could benefit from the contracts.
[member="Faith Organa"]

That was how the Rendili woman figured the defense of the Free World Coalition worked. Still, a lot of world's either skimped on their planetary defenses because they relied on the defense of a larger galactic government. . . or such defenses were outlawed by said government to exert control. So Camellia didn't feel her statement sounded off, if there was an attack on the Free World Coalition and the people of her homeworld had fully committed to participating in it, then lending aid seemed logical and beneficial even. The mention of a certain Mandalorian though made the Croa woman's ears twitch as she grinned at the mention of the former contracts as well.

"Well Mandalorians are exceptionally gifted when it comes to combat, and I would agree Mr. Vereen has a particularly good eye for things. Onto the former contracts though, I'll try to keep to the relevant ones," Moving to activate the conference rooms built in holo displays while she prepared the data for Lady Organa to take a closer look at later if she so desired, Camellia took a breathe while she waited for the first ship to come up. "The Centurion Battlecruiser sits at 1,200 Meters in length, carries nine full squadrons of fighters, boasts a Gravity Well Generator, and maintains enough firepower to go toe to toe with other ships in its tonnage. It makes an excellent command craft and carrier, and is superb for sensitive operations along the spacelanes. The Republic Class Star Destroyer on the other hand is a 1,250 meter long light destroyer, designed as a ship of the line to fill multiple roles. RSD's are armed with all heavy weaponry and have three squadrons as support. They also use multiple Rendili Proton-8 reactors, pushing its already above average shields and firepower power output above other vessels its size. I can assure you I still haven't seen a compact reactor capable of the same energy output as a Star Destroyer while maintaining stability, I proudly boast Rendili sits among the top in the field. Moving on though, the Hammer Cruiser is a 315 Meter frigate, with firepower comparable to a light cruiser. It isn't as boldly impressive as it was at the height of the Sith-Republic war a few years ago, but it's still above average and an excellent ship of the line. The Rendili Atmospheric Entry Transport (RAET) is a standard, although heavily armored, dropship similar to the LAAT line, performing the same role with a touch more armaments aboard. We also sell police shuttles and private transports, but they were never Republic exclusive. The Noblesse Heavy Destroyer is a 1700 meter long vessel, carrying anti-concussion field generators, four Proton-8 reactors, four fighter squadrons, and the most advanced railgun system ever produced in the modern era. I outright guarantee you that, it was specifically designed to repel Mass Driver and Hypervelocity Gun bearing warships, and its railgun system is the most energy and cost efficient and far more powerful than its counterparts. Aside from these ships though, I apologize that none stand out from their competition. You can see the rest in their entirety at your leisure in the database I can send you. I believe even our 'standard' work is enough to sate most planets without the same capabilities Rendili has."
[member="Camellia Swift"]

"Yes mandalorians are quite the experts in the art of war. They've lived it all their lives and Draco lived it for a long time. I value his knowledge." She did value her husbands knowledge of ships and weapons it was certainly better than her own. Which was just enough to be dangerous.

"My goodness" Faith listened carefully as Camellia described each of the ships for some reason Faith began to recognize these ships. They were a different design from the one Gir had shown her that he was so proud of.

"How many crew does it take to operate each ship?" Faith was thinking about border patrols and protecting the Coalition boundaries. Not that she feared any of their neighbors but there were others like the Sith who had no love of the Alderaani people and would not waste any time raiding them. But there were also rumors that the Mandalorians were going to begin raiding again.

She had yet to have talks with the Iron Empire too. Some of these ships might prove to be useful.
[member="Faith Organa"]

Camellia was well aware of the exploits of the Mandalorians. She had run into many in her occupation, usually in regards to technology development, though there were a few who purchased personal ship from the Rendili yards. Many had also seemed to make their rounds in the inner rim when the Sith were in their heyday as well. Perhaps that had to do with a Mandalorian Sith sitting on the council at the time. Regardless, if the Alderaan representative was acquainted with Draco Vereen then at least there was someone she knew she could question to enlighten herself more about the Coalition probably.

Back to the discussion though, the Rendili woman tapped her display to bring up the numbers for the Lady Organa as she shared a few. "Well the Hammerhead Cruisers can run with just 115 crew, but optimally run with 300. The Centurion operates with a crew of 20,000 to 31,000, while the Republic Star Destroyer only requires at minimum 2,000 with an ideal crew of 8,000. Both the Centurion and RSD can carry onboard companies of 8,000 Infantry and supporting equipment. The Noblesse crew is similar to the Centurion's with 18,000 at the lowest and 35,000 at most. We honestly can cut the crew count on the Centurion if you desired it. At the time, the design was necessary to rush out of our Voss shipyards to support the Republic in its failing defenses. However, if you know Draco perhaps he's mentioned something like this, Rendili Stardrive has two fields of design I can most certainly say stands above other shipwrights in. Reactor Technology, and sub-system organization."

Taking a breathe, Camellia twitched her ears as she hoped to not lose the other woman in her explanation. "So you're not confused ahead of time, slave circuitry has nothing to do with the enslavement of sentient beings. Slave Circuitry refers to the process of integrating a system into another. For example, if a ship were to slave its life support systems to its engines then both systems would draw power at the same time and be run through the ship in such a manner to reduce where they diverge. In such a manner the maintenance of both systems can be done with the time and manpower it would take for one, and the power needed to run both efficiently is also reduced. However, it also means that if the slaved systems were hit at once, they'd both go down together. Although, for an enemy to target specific subsystems though would require knowledge of a vessel's layout and the ability to penetrate deep enough through a ship's shields and armor to begin with. Basically what all I'm saying amounts to is is that we can apply slave circuitry to any ships you desire to lower the necessary manpower to crew them, and I can ensure we would slave together reasonable systems, although if you desired an extreme effort we could achieve something like the Katana Fleet."
Faith listened carefully not wishing to miss a detail but at the same time she was trying to compartmentalize what Alderaan might need, and what the Coalition might need.

"I need ships that can patrol the Coalition border. I my mind they need a couple of different types, one for speed that allows them to move quickly, another for weaponry in case someone were to try and attack us." She wasn't concerned about the ships that used the lanes to pass through or go to go the planets that they had deals with, it was those that might raid or attack.

"What you describe sound more than adequate to do the job." Faith wondered if they had enough skilled citizens to staff such ships. That would be something to fin dout.

She noticed that Camellia seemed to talk about Draco in a familiar way, "Do you know [member="Draco Vereen"]?" She asked trying to be innocent while looking inquisitive. She really had never met a lot of people who knew Draco before she met him. So what would Miss [member="Camellia Swift"] have to say about Draco?
[member="Faith Organa"]

To patrol the border of Corellian local space specifically she assumed, rather than the system or sector. Regardless of whichever it was, her answer was mostly the same for the Alderaanian women. "While the best option may change if you're considering local space versus sector patrol, I could definitely recommend the Hammerhead Cruisers for either role. They are multipurpose ships with more firepower than the average frigate without sacrificing their speed or manueverability. With an onboard squadron as support they can maintain planetary defense and system patrols equally well. SInce their main guns are long ranged, they can also engage enemies at the point of contact with less risk than other choices. Regardless, it would be best to include a Centurion among the system's defenses, as it can be deployed where pirate activity is tracked to set up ambushes with its gravity well, and since its a venerable carrier it can act as a command center for the entire patrol, sending squadrons to different areas of the system to scout for intrusion. For a purely firepower perspective the Republic Star Destroyer is best, though its less versatile. I'd also recommend the Vainglorious class as a corvette since it can handle single pirate frigates on its own fairly well as a corvette."

Making her recommendations, Camellia certainly had thought about recruiting crews herself. Part of her simply assumed a galactic government could handle such endeavors, not withstanding the mention of mandalorians implied to her that the Coalition had some willing military citizens at least. When the certain mandalorian was brought up again, the Croa woman happily assented. "Mr. Vereen and I have worked together on a number of occasions. Once before he separated from the Republic, again before the Sith occupied Rendili, and once more after. I believe we worked on shield reactor technology. . .or perhaps he just purchased components we develop for his own research. . .I actually forgot, so many events have transpired. We've stayed on at least amicable terms I believe, his own company has focused on areas of starship design we haven't here so we don't necessarily compete. I certainly consider him ambitious and competent, so if you say you take advice from him on occasion I find no fault with it."
She nodded as [member="Camellia Swift"] gave her advice. She understood completely what she meant about the versatility and the range of the ships. Alderaan's trade was growing and the wealth of the Coalition was without question considering the number of planets and companies within it.

"Well then let's figure out how many we need to do patrols, and I will take your advice regarding the ship types." Since Draco knew her she did not suspect that she would be intentionally seeking to harm the Coalition.

"OH I should tell you, Draco is my husband. So yes when he offers his advice I do listen." She smiled, "sometimes I just do what I think is right even after listening" She looked at the ships again the information.

"The crews of the ships will have to be made up of citizens from the planets in the sector they are patrolling that way everyone gets jobs not just a single planet. I would also like to tour these ships, is that possible?" Faith took note that Camellia was open did not hesitate in her speaking and spoke a great deal of knowledge when she did.
[member="Faith Organa"]

It honestly took a lot for the Croa woman not to double take at the Alderaanian representative's words, and her ears still twitched with her tail despite it. After all, picturing the person in front of her being married to the Mandalorian was rather unexpected. Camellia personally didn't know much about culture of the Mandalorians or of Alderaan nobility, but she would have assumed. . .no she had assumed that they operated on different values and social setups. There was nothing wrong, but it was surprising given that she also didn't picture Mandalorians or Draco in particular to be the family type.

As the business with the ships continued though, the Rendili woman returned her thoughts and nodded at Lady Organa's words. "Certainly, however, I do hold the opinion the Coalition should institute a standard for a Planetary Defense Force's quality. Good starships mean little if crew's are incompetent. Where they come from means little. What matters is that they are trained properly or have prior experience to do the job. We have several of each ship I mentioned here in the yards actually as well. When the Republic collapsed we did do some recovery efforts on abandoned assets to prevent piracy from getting hold of them. So there is a surplus of ready ships that can be shipped out the moment you desire. We can go over the specifics of a patrol's size as we tour if you like and explain a few of the sectors to me in which they'd operate."
Faith seemed to have caught her off guard which for some reason made her smile. Yes it was hard for a lot of people to picture the warrior Draco Vereen married to the peaceful Alderaani Faith but they had their ups and downs. And who better to defend Alderaan than a warrior like Draco.

"Yes let's discuss the patrols as we tour I will find it most useful to have a visual of all things. When I have to imagine it becomes difficult for me say yes let's do this." Faith began to feel better unafraid to admit her weaknesses and have to rely on someone else for their expertise.

"Let's go see the ships and then we can discuss orders, and delivery dates" She wanted to be sure these ships were everything [member="Camellia Swift"] said they were. Credits didn't come easy and Faith was not one to spend them freely without thought.
[member="Faith Organa"]

Standing up, Camellia happily waved to her guests from Alderaan as she mentally planned out the tour. It would be simplest to start with the smaller Hammerheads, not only because it would be faster to traverse its layout but also because of its iconic nature in galactic history. The Republic Star Destroyer and Centurion could also be kept brief by just guiding Lady Organa through its major sections she supposed. To be honest though, walking so much she worried they would run out of time by the end or her visitors would lose interest simply hearing her drone on about the specifics of the system designs between long gaps down the halls as they went to each subsystem. Still, the Rendili woman was excited for the task, hoping to sell the Free World Coalition on at leas the major vessels Rendili Stardrive had developed. Maybe even getting the opportunity to try and market a new design in the process.

"If we head to Hangar C18 we can find a recently refueled Hammerhead a week away from deployment. We can tour it quickly given its size, and then we can visit the rest in any order you prefer so long as you're up to walking most of the day. I also might like the opportunity to show you the Paladin class we're bringing back. Like the Hammerhead and the Centurion its from the old era, when one could say Rendili Hyperworks was at its heyday in the galaxy. Although its not off the line yet so I wouldn't push the extra tour on you since we've spoken about the other ships only so far."
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Faith nodded here she was the student learning more about ships than she thought she'd ever need. But need it she did. She didn't know about construction, or abilities and those were both important as these ships would patrol the edges of Coalition space.

"Not a problem I just like to get an idea from looking at them the size, and if I need to ask other questions. I don't want to be...caught off guard to not have answer. Even though I'm sure you could answer any question. It's a matter of I guess my pride." She smiled.

"Tell me again about capabilities, speed, armament.." She wanted to try and memorize it.
[member="Faith Organa"]

As she opened up the connector tube that lead out to the Hammerhead Cruiser docked in the berth, Camellia simply nodded in assent to the representative of Alderaan as she guided the way inside. While Lady Organa's words meant she would be having a very long day, the head of Rendili Stardrive found comfort in the fact that among the Free World Coalition's leadership were individuals who sought to inform themselves as fully as they could. It left the Croa woman feeling much more confidant in her decision to make the recommendations she had. She could have tried to push everything in the company's catalog, but then she would have had to defend recommending starships that might not match the competition.

Once inside the frigate sized ship, Camellia guided her guests toward the bridge as she elaborated on the vessel's classifications for them. "The Hammerhead Class Cruiser we're aboard now is a 315 Meter long frigate class warship. It is a multipurpose vessel that can perform a variety of roles. It is armed with Three Dual Heavy Long Range Turbolaser Turrets and One Dual Heavy Long Range Ion Cannon along the front of the head of the ship. As such it can be a long ranged siege/support fire vessel in fleet formations, and its firepower in close range is even more terrifying. The fact the main guns are turrets and not affixed cannons give them a greater field of fire as well." Once inside the bridge, Camellia would point out the viewports to indicate the turrets locations outside, indicating a monitor as well that would pan over to the ship's outside for a better view as she spoke about the armaments. "It is also armed with four turbolaser and four ion cannon batteries along the starboard and port sides, giving it hefty broadside power. Actually most vessels the Hammerhead's size only have the accumulated firepower of the broadside batteries, but Rendili's Hammerhead class boasts its main heavy guns as well. We worked hard during the Sith and Republic War to create a light cruiser that had just enough of an edge above the competition at the time, though some frigates have started coming close nowadays. I know the Mandalorians have a few that are technically better, but are unable to be mass produced like our Hammerhead. . . .if you follow me from here I'll show you to the engine room and hangar bay to give you a clear view on the rest of the system capabilities."
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Faith took in each detail that Camellia told her about she knew she wouldn't remember everything there were just too many things to remember. She looked out the view from the bridge the ship seemed huge from inside. "You say that the hull is very strong?" She knew it had to be a certain level of durability but it amazed her at how much could be put together in a small space and that what separated the crew from the cold of space was not very big.

It was amazing too. She turned and followed Camellia she wanted to make sure that the crews of the ships were safe. Draco commanded ships she had met him on a ship he was very....much a Knight Errant.

She wanted to feel as safe on this ship as she did Draco's. The air was warm but it seemed so empty, "it seems so quiet here" it was unnerving. She tried to keep her mouth closed rather than open in awe the whole time she moved about in the tour. She needed only to see this ship really if she could feel that it was safe she could see her way forward and know the people were safe.

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