Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Well it isn't an Ice cream Social

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
This world and this beast was something needed to be protected, Sawa was scouting around the base and allowing herself to listen to the communications. When the time was coming that they would be testing things and the sith wanted a great amount of these dngerous creatures. Slowly she was moving about now with a small team as the grinding of the doors came to her ears and she looked over. The blackened scales of the beast, the large sides of it while it moved towards the open field to test and even she was feeling tht fear in the pit of her stomach now... It was a massive beast and only seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. "This is going to be quite the sight to behold."

Tricia Kalamack

Sleeps all day.... yawns all night
"You will have my power." Tricia hovered there looking at the immense size of the beast, it might not be fully grown and still a baby by exogorth standards but it was a scary sight to behold as she crossed her legs and sat there for a moment. Letting all of it come to her moment and enjoyment. She closed her eyes and started to focus on the one who would test the beast and the one controlling it letting her mind and energy go across all of them.
Balaya felt it, the surge of energy and rush of power while she was breathign in and out with a small grin... meditating and focusing on all of it. She was letting her mind slip into the creatures and focusing on controlling it fully here and now while she moved with it... the large body slithering and bounding over as she focused on the organs... on the body and dust started to kick up all around her. The air was thick with it before a screech came from the beast adding to the dust and wind while it moved forward slowly under its own power now, the darkside feeding in and pulsing all around. "It is time." She din't look at the sith master who was prepared to test the creature she just had the creature there floating a few feet off the ground while the darkside pulsed throughout its body making it grow larger with the dark power.

[member="Amelia Rivers"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]
[member="Kana Truden"]
[member="Darth Tsolan"]
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
[member="Nick Gamastar"]
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
[member="Taeli Rae"]
@Silara Ventai
[member="Ratih Lah"]
[member="Mordecai Zambrano"]
As Alexandra started to leave, Tsolan waited for her, falling instep at her side. "Miss Ophelia, I'll be ready to aid you in choosing your pet whenever you wish." With that, he finally took his leave. Away from this creature and away from the work. In truth, one of the first things he planned to do was take a shower and get the gunk of cutting those blister pods, off of him.
A bare of the teeth, the Sith Lord growled as he separated from the group. The force quickened to him, siphoned from the energy that the monster was feeding upon, power pulled from the intertidal current. He would need it now and he wouldn't pull his punches, not for this beast. He was not a Sith that was one for sorcery and alchemy and transmutation. He had barely gained the ability to produce electricity, a talent he could not grasp, and couldn't even fathom the likes of resurgence and beast control that Balaya now showed. Gabriel was a monster of physical prowess, every force power conjured to aid him in this endeavor to move and to distract and to set upon disarray. And that's what was needed now. A lord of physical monstrosity, something to match the enormous monster that now hovered before him.

The power of the force seeped from his flesh, his very person, and practically impacted the ground beneath as he began running, exerting a physical pressure against all that approached. His jog was that of a light pace. He withheld the sabers for now. They would do little, he thought, gazing out with Shatterpoint. With the exception of the graft points, he realized, to which he likely wouldn't touch. Those were vulnerabilities that could send everything tumbling to the floor, a note later given to [member="Darth Praelior"]. A tough hide, he would test this beasts ability to swat at an angry fly. And suddenly, Gabriel was very angry, a trait leashed and released at will. With arms moving in pace and sith dagger held in right hand, he practically invited the monster to attack, to bare it's tongue and teeth against him.

He would get as near as he could before calling upon the force, discerning what this monsters instincts would be at first glance.

Kyla Foy

She looked over towards the creature. She was able to feel the dark side of the force resting deep within the creatures, many kind of signatures from different kind of sith that had given their force for the sith alchemy. She was calm. The testing was not on her this day, which meant she was her for another few days. She took a few steps back glancing over the creature feeling and seeing through the force that the creature was only becoming more and more powerful, "Wow, that creature...will kill every single ship within the galaxy." She had told slowly, while continuing her observations.

Balaya could feel it and there it was, the roar came from the beast as it faced down the sith lord and his anger was like a wash of heat on it. Slowly the body touched the ground as its head reeled up before it was looking down and mouth opened revealing rows of razor sharp wookiee sized teeth. The first reaction was for the beast to simply swallow him to come down and chomp but that was simple and the wriggling masses of the worms the Hydra queen brought for them were there. The worms spilled out shifting around as they slowly roared on their own spewing tiny balls of plasma towards the sith and the ground. Its large size a fourth of what it would become in the end but still a massive hundred twenty five meters across and high.
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Truth be told, he was glad this thing didn't just move to chomp him into bits, taking the most obvious route would have been...disappointing. Instead, it laid upon the footing of more creative steps, taking the path of imagination and ingenuity, taking advantage of it's own uniqueness. Any exogorth could eat it's foe, very few could tenderize them with shots of plasma from grafted worms within the mouth. Nevertheless, it was a good thing Gabriel was difficult to surprise, lest he be left standing slack eyed and guffawed as his body is dissolved by bile plasma from within. Instead, force speed was summoned to the aid of his own physical capabilities, as his body turned from solid object into blur. The plasma bounced and splashed, landing far enough away from him, due to his sudden force exhilaration, that he needn't worry about recovery afterwards, not yet anyway. Puddles of green and puddle of yellow steamed and ate at the foundation of the floor they landed upon.

In the same fluid movement, his left hand swung across his body, lightsabers pulled from the metal back plate and ignited. Little red typhoons of unfathomable speed and spontaneity, they leaped from his grasp and found their way heading to the worms within the mouth. With the aid of telekenesis, he would pull them back. Either after striking exposed innards or striking tough hide of a mouth closed in anticipation.

Kyla Foy

[member="Darth Tsolan"]

Ophelia wanted to head outside of the room and go for her training, but then she was stopped by Tsolan, hearing that aid about her pet. She giggled and said, "Okay, mister mister~ I will now go train by myself!", She hopped away out of the room to do her jedi training all by herself or at least so she had thought.
[[90 posts lets keep it up, also a preview of what there is so far]]


She could feel it, as the sith was moving it flashed across its vision the body slowly picking up the vibrations from him moving.. is was like looking at ripples in still water for a moment as the worm reeled its head back and roared again with the tongues coming out but prehensile movement allowing them to move and bend themselves to be out of the creatures massive maw but also snarl. They were not spi9tting plasma yet as the saber came at them biting into the flesh before they reeled back and the small scales they had only worked so hard to protect them... They weren't mature like the others and able to resist saber blades yet but it went back into the larger worms mouth, spitting some bile up that sizzled from its stomachs and digestive tract. Being its size and without real spincters to seal it in a slick coating was in its mouth to protect it from its own bile. The nightmare child reeled higher almost like a predator making itself larger then anything before it seemed to be flying again and came down towards the ground with its mouth closed and head able to burrow into the ground leaving a large hole while the ground shook.


Image Credit: http://es.warframe.w...igthumbnail.jpg
Name: Nightmare Child

Designation: Non-sentient
Homeworld: Widek
Language: None
Average height of adults:
  • 2000m long
  • 500m wide
  • 500m tall
Skin color: Pale white covered in Ebony black
Hair color: None
Breathes: Does not breathe gathering ambient energy

  • Massive with a thick hide: The sheer size of the Nightmare Child has created thick plates, using the dragons armor like hide as an example it is thick armor and able to resist most weapons short of turbolasers and heavy ship based weapon.
  • Able to survive in vacuum: The Nightmare Child is able to travel through space itself the sections between its armored scales slightly opening to absorb ambient radiation and energy in space to nourish it.
  • Blister pods within body: Grafted from leviathans and used to adsorb sustenance from the souls of those it devours along with knowledge and vague thoughts.
  • Chryslide Sacks: Designed to transport and grow sithspawn, the green sacks can be sealed with creatures inside and used to travel in vacuum transporting the creatures until needed to be released.
  • Repulsor lift organs: Grafted from the stardragon and designed so that it can lift itself off from the ground and land. The organs give the Nightmare Child an advantage but it cannot chase and go after others in aerial combat.
  • Able to travel through hyperspace: The nightmare child is able to travel and make hyperspace jumps to transport itself to follow its master or search for good.
  • Large Tongues: Three large five hundred meter tongues are grafted into the mouth able to latch onto and grab other things as they pull in and eat for themselves other things.
  • Slow moving in space (Sublight speed of 17): The beasts ability to travel under its own power is proportional to its mass and it moves at the speed of a capital command ship.
  • Slow in hyperspace (Hyperdrive rating of 10): With its ability to move through space and fly its weight from world to world it can jump to hyperspace, the large size matching that of older model ships and it slowly progresses through hyperspace to its targets.
  • Purely Darkside being and vulnerable to force light: The beast is a large product of sith alchemy crafted from sithspawn and other creatures then shaped with the blood of force users. The aura the creature has cannot be masked from the senses of others.
  • Basic brain function: The creature is borderline nearing intelligence somewhat. It can make hyperspace jumps to find food or when directed by a controller... but it will not be creating complex plans or learning in its single minded path of destruction.
  • Only one of its kind: The Nightmare Child is a singular being created and the power of the exogorth to reproduce asexually has been altered. With its new biology it is sterile even to itself.
  • Uncontrollable without Beastmaster or Amulet:The creature is powerful and a powerful force of destruction. Only the strongest beastmasters can and should try to command it or with Balaya's amulat linking her and the beast attempt to use it. Even with hr amulat the beast is not generally happy wanting to destroy everything around.
  • Requires large amounts of food:The beasts movements make it a large tool of destruction and weapon of the one sith, it cannot be fed normally and must feed regularly be it from ambient energy in space, force energy more specifically the darkside like many sithspawn or ingesting metal, people, rock extracting slowly what is required from it.
  • Can go into hibernation if starved or alone for to long: Like several sithspawn the child is able to hibernate extending its life when not hunting or destroying around the galaxy.
  • Something to do with the problems of space radiation and atmospheric reentry heat - maybe reentry interferes with its senses, so it's blind and deaf for a while after it lands: The child is built to be strong and powerful, able to sense the vibrations from smaller creatures but transfer from space to groundside and vice versa is trying. Its body can take the strain but the soft sections under the heavily armored scales act as nerves sending more pain and sensations to its receptors then normal. This makes it go almost into a system shock where it cannot feel vibrations or hear its masters until it calms down.
  • Weakened Points: The connections between the grafted parts, the sacks, the blister pods, the tongues are weaker and dangerous points of contact that can be severed.
  • Tongues could rip out if it grabs something too big: The tongues are strong but the grafting process is not perfect, they can only grasp certain things to pull it in that don't resist to much. The connections between them and the grafting can be torn under strain severing the worms from the body.
  • Gets confused and lashes out irrationally if multiple beastmasters are competing for its control: Self explanatory, the beast is only able to be controlled by a powerful master and if more then one try and control it they will cancel each other out and control over it will be lost.
  • Slow digestion: The creature has eight stomach throughout its body filled with a highly caustic stomach acid made to break down everything it eats and internal teeth that compact and compress into small asteroids of crystal and metal.
  • Chill of Space: The massive creature holds grafted parts, while the base the worm was and is made to survive in space the others are not. The processes of the alchemy has created an inferno that burns and increases the metabolism of the creature to offset the chill of space. Inside its body namely its stomachs and large throat it burns stronger prepared to incinerate and liquify what it can for the stomachs to digest and feed it.
Distinctions: There is only one creature like this in existence, three smaller worm tongues, can fly under its own power, immense size, rows of teeth, armored scales, eight stomachs
Average Lifespan: Unknown
Races: There is none other like it, an amalgamation of creatures organs, looks and abilities grafted into one of the strongest and largest creatures in the galaxy. Generated and molded with the darkside and copious amount of force user blood as they gave their lives to allow for its glory to be created. Rows of teeth and smaller worm like tongues that can attack and eat.
Diet: Ships, asteroids, debris, living creatures, ambient force energy, radiation, ice, nebula gas, intersteller plankton, colossus wasps
Communication: Darkside Telepathic Link
Culture: The need for a culture would imply the creature has more to its mind then the most basic of instincts. The most original of thoughts and impulses, it needs to feed and destroy. It wants to kill and wipe out all it can find when pointed in a direction by its sith masters. It does not care about art, nature, preservation or the spoken languages of a planet. Its only goal when unleashed and summoned is the complete and utter destruction of everything in its path and tearing apart whatever its master sends it after.
Technology level: The Creature does not use technology, though it feeds on ships and metal
General behavior:

The nightmare child is a patient thing, able to live and hibernate in vacuum of space for long periods of time. If it goes to a world it can burrow through the earth like it is an asteroid and attack as commanded by a darkside master. Then with its organs it can leave the world returning to space and moving through hyperspace along with the fleet.

The beast requires a powerful beast master to control or a strong sith amulet binding it to the wearer for them to have mastery over it. Without the amulet it will function with the basics of intelligence, the need to eat and search for a mate that does not exist. Its hunger and wanting for destruction, to consume everything in its path.

The creatures need to eat large amounts of food to keep up with its large size and it does just that. Living in space and feeding upon anything it can find to fuel itself. The massive nature of it brings it into conflict with several of the larger space borne creatures and it is not kind to them. Fighting colossus wasps and its original kind.

Crafted from the mind of Balaya and built for the One Sith. The Nightmare Child is a being of proportions to rival Darth Hauntrusses pet worm she crafted the size of a command ship. Balaya started with the massive space worm and through alchemical engineering added in the organs of the stardragons allowing for repulsor effects and the beasts brain to allow for traveling. One of the more dangerous things is the lack of availability of the worm in battles across the One Siths campaign.

The Beasts hunters guild was contacted for their services, being able to capture as advertized any creature that is not intelligent at least. The Stardragon was a no go but with the power of a special apprentice the being was caught and harvested its organs being alchemically grafted into the worm along with blister pods from a leviathan that will allow it to absorb knowledge and rip the souls from those it captures in space. The massive beast being able to if they are not noticing swallow most decently sized starships.

When they came and found the beast on Ashera grafting it together and infusing it with the darkside energies Balaya used as many sith as she could to empower the spell and pour their energies into it to make it grow larger then either of its single species combined. Val'ryss creating her worm with lesser power to larger sizes to attack and decimate Alderaan's university and palace. The comparison's between them being how dangerous this could become being easier to move and control for the one sith.

The creature was expanded and built stronger, sections of its body grafted and altered, using the magics of strong masters who could empower it, using the blood of captured slaves or enemies who were force sensitive and would serve the cause properly. Their blood being used to empower and strengthen the alchemy while their sacrifice towards the rituals could allow much of the power to seep through every fiber and muscle of the creature. The One Siths massive war beast growing larger and larger as its time went on with the darkside.

More testing came with it as slowly and slowly Balaya worked with the creature having more sith apprentices, knights and masters join in. Their focus, their power and their connection to the darkside adding to the ritual and magics being used to shape and form the creature. As the parts were grafted upon it the connections were coated in a thick sheen of the blood of innocents and force sensitives. Shaping and molding it as slowly and slowly the magics twisted the creature more and more to her liking.

Then came the time to test it and as the massive worm was tested against a powerful sith master named Rev. Slowly as it built itself up she was having a time, with work and her power over the creature... Balaya used this moment and time as well to push her influence. Used it to allow her to exert her power over the creature, it would serve her whim and on her amulet as the grafted armored plates worked. Slowly leaving sections of it exposed from one direction but it would be hard to get in to attack it.

The massive size of the beast has created more and more to it, it digests and eats everything it can in space to keep its strength up, from asteroids for the minerals to intersteller plankton in nebulas. Everything is fair game and it goes through the slick caustic bile that coats the interior of the worms mouth into the stomachs that burn like an inferno slowly melting everything down to be absorbed and whatever remains in the end is a solid mass of metal, rock and undigestable parts is can excrete into space.

Development Thread:
Notable Player-Characters: War Beast
Intent: To create a deadly sithspawn that can show the might of the One Sith much like the Akure showed the might of the Sith Empire and Sparkle the power of the lords of shadow.
A dagger sheathed in fluid movement, the sabers came flying back to their master, clinging to the fingers that now clenched around them, twirling twice more each to resolve their inertia without jarring the wielder. Screams from within the monster resonated against the environment around it as it lifted from the ground and plunged deep within. Gabriel reached out, the reconnaissance completed by the force would serve as a boon to the man. Every vibration, every twist and twirl, it was but sonar to the sensitive Sith Lord who had learned to develop depth perception through the force when it was so violently ripped from his skull. He began running, tracking the monster, looking to not be eaten by the thing as it cleared it's head from the ground beneath. With the aid of force sensing, his legs, and Shatterpoint, he would not allow this thing to become his weakness. He would not take the path that led to his own consumption, he would survive this and beat it back, just long enough to avail the weaknesses for the Sith Lord at the Helm.

His feet clacked against the ground, his left handed saber held in front of him, his right behind him and rigid, as anticipated the final moment, the final click on the clock before his true exertion would send him flung from the reach of the monster.

[member="Darth Praelior"]

She could feel it, the beast under the earth as the scales did more then she thought their shape, their direction protecting the softer skin underneath while interlocking to provide protect around it. Smaller finer pricks on the armor to pick up vibrations in the distance as its beak and head pushed aside the earth for them to glide through it all. e rocks and earth coming into some of its mouth while it ate letting the bile and heat of its stomachs break down the minerals for food and more. It could feel the man above and it was like a prickling of hair along the length of the body. It could feel the vibrations and moved slowly shifting its direction as it came closer to the surface pushing the earth up like a hill to impede while circling around and rising up from the earth to look down. The wriggling worms inside sending another volley of plasma while her control on it was squeezing to enforce herself.
Risk. Sometimes it was important for risk to be incurred in order to determine the truth of things. Such was the case for this experiment, this show of power, an obligation he had undertaken to truly understand the power of the baby exorgoth, well on it's way to development. So when it stood up from the earth, cutting the Sith Lord off, just as he anticipated, he didn't move towards it or away from it. The tongue's shot out from the mouth, the plasma followed in volleys and Gabriel lifted his hands, a barrier forming before him. Typically, his mastery of the skill allowed him to use it without gesticulation. But the hand signal strengthened the power, allowing him to exert physical presence behind the barrier. The plasma came down upon him, splashing in giant puddles of sickly colors and smells that would cause most men to gag. It bounced against his barrier, washing over it like a cruiser through an automated wash, dripping down it and pooling against the ground. It slowly seeped into the earth below as Gabriel jumped back, mentally fatigued for just that moment. He made a mental note to not do that again, thanking Bogan that he wasn't facing a full sized version. It would have likely cut right through the barrier otherwise.

He spun the sabers back and forth, semi taunting the monster as he began running forward, leaping over the puddles of bile and pursuing the monster, intent on seeing it's ability to combat force telekinenesis in it's monstrous forms. Wave or repulse, the Sith Lord hadn't decided. But what he had decided is that he would need to hold the power back. Last time he used the force wave, the power cut several standing mechanized units in half. That sort of result wasn't what they were looking for, not today.

[member="Darth Praelior"]

The beast felt the vibrations and came down, curling and its tails out of the ground while the large hole was in the earth and the sith master rushing using telekinesis... Balaya's mind was racing and she wasn't sure if he was that powerful or crazy... or could it be both. She had never seen one who could lift such a beast or push it back but that didn't mean it couldn't be done. You didn't need to see something to believe it could happen in this case you believed it could be done and planned accordingly. She was guessing the sheer mass of the creature would prevent such a feat from most other force users so here as he prepared for the impact of the attack and it reeled back thrashing back and forth while its tail struck a mountain making a landslide.
He was most definitely a mixture of crazy and power, a heaping serving of both, mixed with a dose of arrogance that could knock down the beast by itself. But it was a confidence built upon hundreds of years of study and torment and anger and pain, things locked up tight and studied. Through the years, his powers had manifested in ways that some would consider unbelievable. The ability to knock down buildings and cities with telekinesis, to destroy buildings from within with kinetite, or to dictate entire schemes with the simple implementation of Shatterpoint. It wasn't enough to just know these things or understand how they worked, but it was enough to have to done them, to have utilized them, throughout his life. Beyond the use of force speed, these were the powers he most often called to his assistance, little dolls put on the shelf and worn down from the constant play. And of course, some dolls were bigger than others.

He was close enough, he thought, as the force energy amassed in him, it's own nexus. The energy was hazel and black and blue, swirls and typhoons that kissed him upon the skin and cut shallow scratches against the face. As the landslide came towards him, his right hand jutted out, now free of the lightsaber that found itself extinguished once more against his back plate, and he released it. A puddle turned into an ocean in the palm of his hand as the force wave emitted from him with the power of nuclear fallout, a pyroclastic cloud that descended from the apex of his person in all directions, a transculent wave of force telekinesis that halted the landslide in one simple sweeping gesture. And it didn't stop there, it passed the scree and drove straight out in all directions, looking to knock the beast over with the pure heinous potency of the power. Some would have to rub their eyes, the nostalgia of Abeloth long passed but conjured here in this arena, to test this beast with true potential.

The scree was caught in the wave as well, jagged rocks and pebbles pulverized by the pure force of his energy, as it raced towards the monster with ill intent. Blinding and disarray, these were the tools at his disposal.

[member="Darth Praelior"]
Taeli smiled as she watched the demonstration from her master's side. Her master seemed particularly pleased by how powerful the Nightmare Child was, even as it continued to grow in both size and power. The Sith Lord testing it was a fascinating mixture of outlandish tactics and sheer power in the dark side, she could understand why he was chosen to test the beast in this way. He seemed to have a rare Force power as well, if what her senses were telling her as he seemed to know where the Nightmare Child's few weak points were.

"Everything seems to be working out smoothly, master," Taeli said. "The bonding worked excellently, and the beast is beyond even our wildest expectations. Clearly it will be a true behemoth that will make our enemies quake in their boots."
[member="Reverance"] [member="Taeli Rae"]

The worm was rocking, even Balaya gasped in surprise as she worked to keep her attention on it but it was in need of food while her energy slipped out and back into her head. She had lost the full connection with the surprise of the sith master being able to repulse it and move it. The Nightmare child roaring and reeling back as it seemed to calm down enough to start eating the mountain that had fallen bringing it all in. Her head didn't move but she spoke to her apprentice. "It shall and with that display I am looking forward to seeing this master in battle. Not many things can lift such a beast." She rose and held her hand out while speaking, letting it mull a little almost. "Rest and eat, we need to get you full so you can grow my pet."
The sabers sung vibrating whispers as the Sith Lord watched the monster begins its consumption, turning away from Gabriel to find sustenance. He was happy with the results, the monster was clearly a resource that needed nourishment but would return value in the droves. The red beams sung their last song before he extinguished them and manually placed him on his back, checking the sheath to make sure his Sith dagger was on his person. With the limp arm held to his side, he called the armor weave Sith robe to his hand and equipped himself, an action far more difficult than he would have suspected. He needed to cool his use of the force, a gun meant to fire one shot needed slow reloading, and he could feel an ache deep inside of him. Rest, he would need rest.

Walking slowly, he approached [member="Darth Praelior"] and those who surrounded her, watching her as she worked. He glanced back to the beast. "It's got a deceptive speed to it. And the tongues, that was a good bit of surprise." He said as he turned back to the monster of a women, big as she was powerful. Even kneeling, she towered above him. "But those grafting points. The pods, the tongues, the sacks. They're a structural weakness, I purposely avoided the connection points in that little fight. We'll just have to hope that the enemy doesn't have as keen of an eye for weaknesses..." He said as he looked back over to the nightmare child, consuming the mountain of the landslide. "Or just kill 'em before they figure it out."

Balaya gave a nod of her head to that, the grafting points were strong it would take work or at least some skill to get them but it was connecting flesh. It would also be stronger which could prove a difficult task but she would have tos ee as the beast grows up. Infusions with the darkside pushing it further and further along as she looked at him. "A wonderful test and I will have to hope, the grafting will hold for a time but I suspected it would be weaker. A byproduct of crafting as it were and you surprised me as well. I have not seen many masters who would try much less succeed at moving such a beast. It surprised me and it enough to break the connection which could prove another dangerous weaknesses of the creature." She stood there looking out over the platform and crossed her arms while the worms slick black scales gleamed matching the black shine in her eyes. "You have all done well in creating this beast now revel in its power."
"Mmm...I wasn't entirely sure that would work...But I don't suspect you'll be facing that level from the republic, not from just one." He spoke as he looked back to Balaya, acknowledging the compliment for what it was. An observation of power, and that was truly all it was. In this condition, there was plenty around to help should force wave not work. Nevertheless, he was pleased to make an impression, both physically against the nightmare child and socially. He gave a compliant nod as she spoke of those involved in the development, lifting his hood. "You did well [member="Darth Praelior"], I'm sure the Dark Lord will be pleased with the outcome." With that, he left the development area, in search of an area for rest. He did his best to shield the consequences from view, a hand shaken from overuse of muscle. Despite the nature of force wave being primarily within the scope of energy dispersal, it took a lot out of the body. A means to an end, an necessary sacrifice.

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