Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Well.... It kinda just happened.

Sorry for those who have been waiting on me. I had a bit of a serious health scare. Some of you already know I live in a high stress environment. I don't want your pity and I don't want your "well if you think that's stress wait until you hear about me doing blah blah blah." good for you. Glad you can handle all of that. But I went to bed on my own matress and when I woke up i was in the hospital. They said my body shut down from stress and i am on orders to go easy.

So I'll try to start slowly moving along once more but.... Yeah. It's going to be just that. Slow.

Now back to happy posting.
[member="Briga Tiin"]

Awwww, thanks, I didn't know I had a fan :3

[member="Darth Prazutis"]
[member="Anija Betna"]
[member="Claire Organa"]
[member="Kyros Fen"]
[member="Miss Blonde"]
[member="The Black Hat"]

Thanks all of yall, I missed you too. Trying to get the muse moving again and we will see what happens. :) I look forward to hearing the updates. I heard something about the OS splitting.... that was wowzah.

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