Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private We'll Learn the Hard Way Then



Location: Coruscant Jedi Temple, Training Hall
Equipment: Skinsuit, Rusty Green Jumpsuit, Left Bracer, Plastoid Shingaurds, Mix and Match Harness
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Tools: Fusioncutter
Ship: Skiptown with 'Skid'
Tags: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

The topic of Briana's padawan had come up in a recent chain of messages between the two cousins.

A run in turned foul with Mandalorian's that had cost Lily her peace of mind and body. Not helped by the fact the student was throwing herself into unhealthy habits to try and get back to an action ready state for some reason instead of taking the chance to rest and recover.

And plan how she wanted to get back to what she had been prior to her capture.

Something that Lossa wasn't familiar with in any way. Least not in the same sense. She'd had her run in the with Sithling, and been subject to questionable medical practices. But earning the ring of teeth marks on the front and back of her shoulders had been the only noticeable scar from the incident thus far.

And Lossa had pushed herself to be better in some ways about blindly trusting strange people she only just met in the woods.

"Fething kids." A scathing comment directed at no one as she strode through the temple, top half of her jumpsuit tied around her waist by the arms with black hair flashing with each aggravated step forward.

Briana really rubbed off on her in the worst way.

Irritation painting her features in a sharp frown as her steps brought her closer to where Briana had told her she was likely to find the padawan. She could hear the girl already. Even if they'd only met a handful of times, it was hard to forget someone important to Briana.

Her feelings of irritation flourished into anger, casting her emotions through the hall with her pheromones and through the force as an announcement of her presence. The strange blot of other in her force presence amplifying that anger as the doors hissed open.

Eyes cast about until she found Lily and hollered rather than keep her tone civil inside the temple.

"Ey! LIL! You are coming with me for a couple of days." She snapped, setting a hand on her hip while the other pointed to Lily before making the come here motion.

Her tone daring the girl to argue, even if Lossa had to look up to Lily.



Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple, Training Halls
Outfit: Training Gear
Equipment: Training Saber
Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Lily had been spending her days since leaving the Healing Halls of the Jedi Temple pushing her body to the limit. Constant training, she was fighting droids and other Padawans. She was ruthless and pushing them to the edge as well as her own body. Not caring how many she fought at a time, how many blows she took and accepting defeats as often as she was winning. Each match was a step towards mastering her combat skills. However, it was the insane number of hours she was pouring into such training. She was working on barely any sleep, some days skipping sleep entirely and powering through the tiredness that her body felt.

Not only was she focused on training her combat skills but she was doing a lot of reading and Force training, it was slower going and often only conducted when she was too tired to fight but refusing to sleep, but she was learning everything she could about the Force. There was little time she had dedicated to socialising, friendships and bonding with the other Padawans like she had. She needed to be better than she was and she couldn't waste time on friendships. That could come later, when she was the strongest she could be. Right now she needed to focus on fighting the best that she could.

When Lossa entered the training halls looking for Lily, Lily was already a day without sleep and fighting harder than most of the other Padawans around her. Taking on several droids set at the maximum difficulty they could be set at for her. Lily's body was bruised and she was sweaty but the determination on her face was cold and unwavering as she focused everything she had into the fight. When the shouting of her name distracted her, Lily got blasted by a stun shot and another Padawan ended the program before the droids got too eager with the stunning. It took a moment for Lily to shift her mind back to focus from the stunning.

Looking up at who called her, she spotted Lossa, someone who was related to her Master and she was curious what brought her here. Apparently it was something Lily could help her with. While the idea of not training wasn't something Lily was keen on, she wasn't going to refuse a mission to demonstrate her skills either. Walking over to Lossa, "hey, sorry, was intense fight. Urm... You mentioned me coming with you? For a mission I am guessing?"




Location: Coruscant Jedi Temple, Training Hall
Equipment: Skinsuit, Rusty Green Jumpsuit, Left Bracer, Plastoid Shingaurds, Mix and Match Harness
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Tools: Fusioncutter
Ship: Skiptown with 'Skid'
Tags: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

Lily had been pushing herself just as she'd been told. The combat training drones floating around sending Stun bolts at an already exhausted padawan. Lossa had seen that look before. The way the body rebelled against your will. The way it felt like you were pushing through water to get yourself to move.

The frustration of knowing what you were versus what you were accomplishing in the moment.

The way the eyes looked outwardly so intense and focused while also being several light-years away in the same glance.

Lossa could commend the effort of training. She could even applaud the wrangling of another student to operate the drones in lieu of a master overseeing her training. But that was where the admiration came to an abrupt end.

The ability to focus on more than one task showcased clearly by her interruption. The inability to split her attention because of lack of proper rest made apparent when a Stun bolt found its target.

Lossa knew the signs well of what a body without care did. She'd seen it staring back from the mirror more than once.

Which was what brought her here in the first place.

Lily approached after gathering her senses. Hesitation to stop training grinding on the already tender nerve Lossa had brought with her as the Zeltron nodded sharply. For as much as Briana influenced the student, it seemed the brash confidence hadn't stuck yet given Lily's reaction.

Which worked perfectly for Lossa.

"Yep. Pretty serious one too. We'll be taking my ship, and you should bring a couple changes of clothes. Not just robes either. Gotta look like civilians. And a tooth brush." A grin appearing on her as she looked Lily up and down with a shake of her head. "Mm. Hopefully you'll be handy for it. You look like a bantha after a rancor caught hold of it."

There was a deliberate cutting tone to her words to spurn the padawan. Poking to see what kind of reaction she could get.

She turned with a wave of her hand, walking to the exit with a call of instructions over her shoulder before she made the door.

"Landing pad. Chunky looking freighter. You've got thirty-five minutes to get there before I let Briana know you didn't make it for the mission." Thankful her face was hidden as the chit-eating grin appeared on her face.

Hopefully keeping Lily from messaging her master about Lossa coming to snag her if she had played it right.

Seeing someone in a state she had been in hadn't pleased her. That it still happened in the galaxy to people that didn't deserve it only further irritated the Zeltron. Feeling helpless and wanting to return to feeling like yourself was always something that rode you in those times.

But the drive to push yourself was as destructive as it was helpful. And sometimes you needed a more bull-headed being to make it clear.

She didn't have the responsibility of coddling or trying to train Lily like Briana did. Her musings running wild as she stepped through the halls and looked around. She didn't have her Thermal paint on hand, and while the opportunity to leave a mark were there, she didn't want to bother with it today.

Instead focusing on keeping the familiar visgae of Romi Jade Romi Jade and her ways of teaching in mind.

She had thoroughly loathed every second of instruction beneath her. But it was effective and certainly had a way of burning itself into the brain. And fear of repetition was an alarming motivator at keeping the less productive efforts away.

Stepping outside, she glanced back to the temple with a grin. Moving ahead to the open loading ramp as crates were finished loading and a ledger handed to her with a destination plugged into the recievers section detailing what went there.

Which was everything given she had already planned out the 'mission' this thoroughly.

"Skid! Get the ship ready! Taking off as soon as our guest arrives." She smacked the communication panel in the cargo pod, getting an affirmative chirp from the droid as she stepped back down the ramp and leaned again the landing leg with an eye on a timer before sending the text she had prepared as she spotted Lily headed her way to Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren .

Stealing your padawan. I'll bring her back in one piece. ❤️ ❤️



Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple, Training Halls
Outfit: Casual Outfit
Equipment: Training Saber
Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

"Just an intense training session, a quick shower and I will be fine. I promise." Lily stated, she then rushed to her room. Showering and changing into more casual attire, packing some other items of clothing and the toothbrush mentioned by Lossa. She chucked a few other things in and then rushed to the ship's location.

She had managed to alert Briana in a quick message that she was going away on the mission with Lossa but did not mention what the mission entailed, her focus was on making sure her Master didn't worry that she was vanishing before facing the council, nor was she getting herself kidnapped. Though, she wondered if there was some kind of kidnapping angle with the forced running around that Lossa was sending her on. Arriving a minute early on the ship, Lily panted hard and felt a stitch in her side since her cardio was not where it had been before her capture.

"I'm here. On time. Where we going?" Lily asked panting somewhat still but looking more refreshed after her shower.

Lily looked around for a place to sit down to talk about the mission and what Lily was needing to prove in order to support Lossa.




Location: Coruscant Jedi Temple, Training Hall
Equipment: Skinsuit, Rusty Green Jumpsuit, Left Bracer, Plastoid Shingaurds, Mix and Match Harness
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Tools: Fusioncutter
Ship: Skiptown with 'Skid'
Tags: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

Lily appeared in time to hear the repulsor fields warm up. The ship humming as directional jets whirled in preflight checks as the automated systems aboard began the final steps before take off.

"Good on time. We're headed to pantolomin." She nodded to the cargo bay that had a myriad of different crates and smaller boxes inside that seemed entirely too messy for what the dock crews usually did.

"Trade League caught some transmissions originating around the core that were headed for Sith space. Got a fix on the source and while the chit-heads are negotiating instead of fething doin-" She cut herself off, still playing on the irritation she felt about Lily pushing herself as a facade for it being pointed at politics. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to steady her mood as a chirp came through the cargo bay and prompted her on.

"The two are negotiating how to handle it since it affects both groups. League has started tangling with the Sith, and, well. The galaxy as a whole don't exactly want them gaining a foothold. So." She ushered Lily up the ramp, making her maneuver around cramped cargo that jutted out in different places and made one contort themselves to get through to the entry hatch of the main ship in the rear of the container.

"In the meantime, I'm jumping the gun and seeing if I can't get ahead of any more leaks or whatever they are sending out." A shake of her head as she continued the briefing she had fabricated.

"I don't like how long it takes stuffy nosed chit-heads to decide things." Scratching her scalp as she threw in a tidbit from her own personal experience. "And it seemed a good chance to get you away from the hovering doctors. And yes, I've heard about your situation."

Her bracer lit up, and she cast a glance at the notification. Briana had already messaged her back and seemed out of sorts. She's get back to her cousin in a bit, but she wasn't done just yet getting Lily aboard.

Stealing your padawan. I'll bring her back in one piece. ❤️ ❤️
Seen ✔️

I... okay...??? Where, exactly??? ... Whatever. Just make sure she takes it easy and don't do anything I would do.

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Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple, Training Halls
Outfit: Casual Outfit
Equipment: Training Saber
Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

"Pantolomin." Lily nodded her head, she hadn't heard much about the planet but she was keen to explore more of the galaxy and this was a chance to step outside of Coruscant so she was happy to take it.

Nodding her head, Lily paid close attention to what Lossa had to say about the mission. It seemed nothing complex but did seem very important. If the Sith were involved then it was definitely something that needed to be handled swiftly but there was a slight worry in Lily since she didn't want to cause more issues for the Jedi. "Urm. Is it okay that I help with this one? Just I don't want to cause more issues like with the Mandalorians." Lily confessed as she had been wanting to ensure that things were not stirred up again.

It seemed that Lossa did not have a lot of patience for the politics of the Galactic Alliance or just the politicians in general. It was curious since Jedi were meant to be patient and understanding people but from what she heard, several did not demonstrate it when surrounded by certain types. Senators tended to trigger a lot of frustrations in people. "I am sure that the matter will be dealt with as quickly as possible. Things are tricky to fully analyse and assess, especially when attempting to prevent more wars occurring." Lily understood that more after her incident than she had before.

"How long till we arrive?" Lily asked curious as to how much time she would have to put her items away, stored safely.




Location: Coruscant Jedi Temple, Training Hall
Equipment: Skinsuit, Rusty Green Jumpsuit, Left Bracer, Plastoid Shingaurds, Mix and Match Harness
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Tools: Fusioncutter
Ship: Skiptown with 'Skid'
Tags: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

"I know we only have a couple meetings between us. But you are under Bri. And that means I can trust you. Which is a slim list concerning the Alliance." A not so subtle glare to the temple as they came into the ship.

The spine of the vessel offered a surprising amount of amenities. A large gathering area for communal dining, a decently sized screen for holo-shows. Large fridge unit and gear lockers for quick access things.

Further in and pointing to one of the rooms along the way to the flight cabin, Lossa stopped and opened the door.

"Besides that. I was strictly told to keep it to observation. So we have to act like we are regular people. You and I fit the bill better than the Alliance Matriarch or her equally impressive pupil. So we won't be causing issues unless something goes absolutely sideways." A clear gesture to Valery and Briana without saying their names. Gesturing into the cabin, comfortably situated as the Minimech Skid chirped and gave what was the equivalent of a bow before headed out to the flight cabin.

Lossa grimaced as Lily spoke on the proper way of things, scratching her scalp with a sigh.

"It'll get done proper yeah. Just. I can't stand the back and forth of figuring out who's more hurt by what and who should have the rights to do this or that." She shrugged before wagging a finger to Lily. "This counts as a joint operation on paper. A cooperation between the Trade League and the Alliance. At least that's what I told my people."

She scuffed a boot without looking at Lily before adding on more under her breath.

"In an email. After I'd left.But-" She made a point of adding on. "We are only there to observe. We don't touch the lightsabers. We don't intervene."

When the question of time arrived, she frowned, visibly counting on her fingers before narrowing her eyes and bobbing her head a little, silently mouthing numbers. The ship lurching upwards as Lossa remained in place.

"About five days. Four if we burn hard. Six and some change slow. It's technically in system just... hop, skip, an a sublight jaunt."



Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple, Training Halls
Outfit: Casual Outfit
Equipment: Training Saber
Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Lily was surprised that Lossa didn't trust many within the Jedi Order, she hadn't met anyone that she felt that she couldn't trust. She not trust everyone right away but they all seemed good and capable people that were worthy of at least giving a chance. Perhaps it was Lily being naïve or just being unaware of the people that Lossa had encountered that she found trustworthy or reliable.

"Well, I am honoured that you trust me Lossa, it means a lot and I will do my best to make sure your trust in me is rewarded." Lily responded, touched to be one of the few that Lossa trusted, even if it was more due to Lily's connection to her Master than her actions that demonstrated a worthiness. It was a step in the direction that Lily wanted. "Observational works for me. Hopefully no one will know that I am Echani nobility if we need to go under the radar." Lily was unsure how observant others were with Echani, she felt that each one was as unique and different as any other race, but people like Ko and Collette had mistaken her for other Echani previously and it made her aware how similar they all looked.

She set her things aside in a small corner of the area that had been provided, to ensure that Lily was not in the way for Lossa and that she did not cause any issues with the ship or mission. "Is... Is this the way you normally operate within the Trade League?" Lily wasn't sure this was convention approach to missions for the Galactic Alliance but she had no idea how the Trade League did operate, so it could be standard for people to ask forgiveness than permission when it came to missions.

Lily looked around, she had 6 days to kill on this ship, "is there a training area on the ship? I would love to finish my training for the day, got to keep myself prepped for the mission." She wasn't going to rest or settle in the time and make the use of the fact they were on mission to get some more intensive training done when Briana couldn't find out and berate her for not settling down and allowing herself time to heal.



Location: Interior of the Skiptown
Equipment: Skinsuit, Rusty Green Jumpsuit, Left Bracer, Plastoid Shingaurds, Mix and Match Harness
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Tools: Fusioncutter
Ship: Skiptown with 'Skid'
Tags: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

"Well, I am honoured that you trust me Lossa, it means a lot and I will do my best to make sure your trust in me is rewarded."

Lossa squinted at the stiff formality in the girl's words. The Zeltron realizing she'd spent too much time in the Outer Rim if such phrasing and words made her feel uneasy rather than pleased. Watching her set her things down before frowning and pointing a finger to the girl.

Trying her best for a moment to express her request without being rude. Then the next tidbit made Lily's formal expression contextualized for the lacking formality Lossa had.

"Observational works for me. Hopefully no one will know that I am Echani nobility if we need to go under the radar."

"Ah. Noble. Mm. Feth." A singular curse let loose as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Makes a bit of sense why Briana would be your master. But, we should be good with a bit of creative makeup."

A defeated sigh escaping as if Lossa were actually thinking about the mission ahead. Instead simply wondering how easy a task of making the young woman rest would be.

"Is... Is this the way you normally operate within the Trade League?"

The question bringing a grin to Lossa's face as she gave up on relaxing the pain behind her eyes.

"Surprisingly. Yes. I'm their favorite wild card." Giving a thumbs up as she let the grin grow a bit more. "I do actually communicate with my team when I need to though. Last time they made me act as bait in this thing. Loaded up with... something. Had a day of it trying to not get blown up."

Her grin never failing even as she seemed to rethink her position in that last space battle.

"The Skiptown can hold her own though. Plenty of prickly guns on her." Proudly explaining as Lily posed her question.

Lily looked around, she had 6 days to kill on this ship, "is there a training area on the ship? I would love to finish my training for the day, got to keep myself prepped for the mission."

A wicked edge forming on her smile.

"There is a bit of equipment in the hold yeah. The uh. The dock crew got a bit excited about packing though and have it all buried. I'll help you get it uncovered." Lossa kept smiling, clearing the doorway and hollering down the corridor. An affirming beep all she needed as she led the way back down to the rear of the ship and back into the cargo filled container.

"We'll get these crates out of the way." Lossa let the arms of her suit fall down, tying them around her waist as the skinsuit gleamed.

Various cargo containers filled the hold, some mostly filled with air and bulky safety packing to keep the minimal number of items inside safe while others required team lifts being so heavy. Lossa had a healthy idea of which crates and boxes they were, even just at a glance.

Working the freight lines long enough to identify the favorite packaging options of different items over others as she pointed Lily to a crate just at 23kg to move from the middle to the front. Something most would need assistance with to test the waters with how much the padawan would require to tire her out.

All the while Lossa began stacking lighter crates off to the back of the hold with a watchful eye on Lily.



Outfit: Casual Attire
Equipment: Training Saber
Location: Skiptown
Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Lily nodded her head, "
yeah, though most humanoids that aren't Echani are unlikely to notice me as a noble. We all look very similar, so I could get away with passing off as someone else." It wasn't something she was comfortable with, Lily was a poor liar but she knew it would be crucial to the mission and she needed to keep a cover going and that would involve in pretending to be someone she wasn't. Though she wasn't exactly dressed as a member of nobility so that could lend it in her favour.

Favourite wild card seemed to be a crazy thought to Lily. She hated the idea of being a wild card, there needed to be some order, something reliable in a person, why else would you trust them to do anything?

Why the name Skiptown?" Lily asked curiously. It seemed an unusual name for a ship, one that Lily was curious on the meaning behind, there were some ships with names that had a deep connection to the owner and others that held no meaning. She wondered if Lossa had any feelings towards the name.

Hearing that the equipment was buried, Lily sighed, she wasn't keen on moving things to get to her training but she was too focused on restoring her strength and surpassing where she had been. Especially since it would involve her doing even more exercise and pushing her body further than she had pushed it with just the training. However, she realised this could be a chance to see how far along she had come. Lifting the boxes and carrying weight that she had been struggling when she first recovered. Hoping to see her natural strength returning.

Lily unzipped her jacket and removed it, letting it hang over a chair. Her form fitting, low cut vest top now on show. It allowed Lossa a chance to see the muscular figure that Lily was getting in her arms once more, as Lily selecting one of the heavier boxes and lifted it up slowly. She grunted to herself as she felt the aches in her body of it still being sore and not fully recovered but Lily pushed through the pain once more and shifted the box out of the way. She was holding a confident smile, not letting on the pain she felt.

What's in these boxes?" Lily asked, unsure what could be in them to make them so heavy as she placed the heavy box down and moved to grab another heavy one. Still determined to shift everything to train.



Location: Interior of the Skiptown
Equipment: Skinsuit, Rusty Green Jumpsuit, Left Bracer, Plastoid Shingaurds, Mix and Match Harness
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Tools: Fusioncutter
Ship: Skiptown with 'Skid'
Tags: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

It seemed an unpleasant explanation about seeming similar to others of her species. Echani wasn't a group Lossa was particularly familiar with, but she had an angle of understanding behind the explanation.

"I can understand that. Then again. I think there's always a certain group that thinks one group all looks the same. Though, I haven't dealt with a lot of Echani, and-" A nod to Lily as she grinned. "How many Zeltron's do you know?"

She wasn't trying to dismiss the feeling as much as empathize. She wasn't great with explanations. At other times it felt like she explained too well.

The question of her ship's name came up, and Lossa couldn't help but chuckle. Arms stretching as she breathed deep and grinned like the Loth Cat that caught the rat.

"No deep meaning really. It doesn't really roll off the tongue like some names, but-" Rubbing her nose and tossing a look back to Lily. "I don't have to repeat myself when I tell someone to get to the Skiptown."

A playful shrug at finally being asked about it. It had honestly been nothing more than a choice of inexperience. But she was still happy with it for now.

"The fancy names and such are for the big, pretty warships if you ask me." Silent for a moment as she frowned.

"Also I'm chit at naming things. My droids called Skid because I heard him spin wheels once." A sigh as the comm system chirped and whirred, an irritated droid voicing its dismay at its name.

"Yeah. I know. I know. You are still my favorite though." She hollered back before Lily commented on the boxes. The black hair splayed like a curtain as she squinted at the box. Noting Lily had definitely been working out given the muscle she was sporting.

"Took a job as part of the cover to deliver merchandise to the planet. I think that stuff is a manufacturing plants stuff. I'd have to look at the tags." Her eyes fixated on the large gathering of further heavy boxes and crates hiding the equipment.

"Don't strain yourself getting them out of the way. You do have time."



Outfit: Casual Attire
Equipment: Training Saber
Location: Skiptown
Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

I don't think I have met one besides yourself." Lily confessed, she was not well versed in the other races outside of those her mother had interacted with as a nobility that was affiliated with the Eshan government. Zeltrons were not one of those that her mother had entertained, at least not one that Lily could remember being a species that had been guests to their home. It could be that she had been too young to remember them, but Lily felt sure she hadn't really had any contact with them.

There seemed to be no meaning behind the name and that was interesting and made the ship unique and fun. The droid named Skid did not seem to appreciate the name it had which was awkward but Lossa didn't seem to care too much at what the droid seemed to have to say on the matter. It was not Lily's place to comment since it could be a name that the droid liked but wasn't pleased with its origins.

As she focused on lifting the boxes, she heard the potential packages that were within, she was curious about why someone would take items like this for a job. Especially why a Jedi would take such things but Lossa was clearly interested in the job and Lily was more than happy to just focus on moving the items so she could train. She didn't feel it was her place to pry since she didn't really want people prying on how she was feeling and coping with things recently.

Faster these are moved the sooner I can train." Lily stated firmly, she was refusing slow down as she lifted the next heavy box.



Location: Interior of the Skiptown
Equipment: Skinsuit, Rusty Green Jumpsuit, Left Bracer, Plastoid Shingaurds, Mix and Match Harness
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Tools: Fusioncutter
Ship: Skiptown with 'Skid'
Tags: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

Names aside, Lily seemed to content with the matter. Rose colored eyes watching the padawan briefly as she continued lifting boxes with a fervor.

Emotional currents were nothing new to Lossa, and reading the room had usually been her forte.

But sometimes part of that business meant learning when to be quiet. Instead of filling the air, Lossa simply allowed the girl to keep moving boxes. Taking a break when a heavier box presented itself and ushering the other over to help her.

"There is a time to ask for help though. Or rest." Offering quietly. Watching her approach before pointing out where they would set it down.

Out of the way and just a bit closer to completing their task.

"Not here to pry. Or say you shouldn't be pushing to be better." Lossa nodded to signal when to start lifting as they side shuffled to square up the crate with the next one.

"But you can't expect a viewport to seal when the pieces aren't put back together. Can you?" The crate gave a creak when they set it down, Lossa more than content to lean against it and pull her fingers back in a slow rhythm, popping the knuckles as she went.



Outfit: Casual Attire
Equipment: Training Saber
Location: Skiptown
Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Sure, if you need to rest or take a break then you can do that. I just.... I need to train." Lily's mind was a whirlwind of emotions and there was a fixation on training. That training her body as much as possible, as hard as possible would solve everything. She didn't even care about the damage it would do to her body since that could heal. Her mind needed to solve the issues in her head through dedicated training. That would make everything else make sense and she would feel stronger and able to handle anything else thrown at her.

Lifting the box with Lossa, she looked at the fellow Jedi, "
I took it easy before. Not pushing myself to the max and ended up captured." Lily stated firmly as she carried the box, using her strength to ease the burden on Lossa as they moved. "I do that again then nothing will change with the war now approaching. So, I need to train harder, work my body harder and get prepared to face the oncoming threat and not be the weakling I was before." She was refusing to be some damsel in distress again, she refused to need saving because she got herself captured.

I'm fine, everything is fixed. Just tender at times but fades fast enough." It wasn't a lie more a denial of the truth. She truly didn't see it as a big deal and was happy to continue pushing her body pass her limit.


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