Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Well met!

Good day!

I am Lord Satin, a fairly new individual to the world of literary works. However I do possess, dare I say, certain skills, when it comes to writing. I'm not completely incompetent.

I've been writing for about two years now, but the interest always existed within me. I'm an utterly shameful artist and simply cannot draw a damned thing, but that's beside the point. My love of the Star Wars universe has existed ever since I was a young man. Well, I still am relatively young, but that doesn't mean I haven't aged.

I am currently a member of another writing forum, one I shan't name, lest I'd accidentally advertise it. I intend to write both here and there, and I'm mainly here to help calm my craving for a good Star Wars RP site. In fact, I had no idea this place existed 'till a few moments ago! A nice find, I'd say!

However, before I do indeed delve deep into the world you've created, I have a few questions I'd like to ask. I assist new members at my home site, so I'm aware of how annoyingly complex questions can be, therefore I will attempt to keep them short.

How does the site hold in size? How many unique active members would you say it possesses?
Are there any extraordinary rules? Something apart from the obvious (no godmodding, advertising, spamming or unnecessary posts)?
Are there world-changing opportunities on this forum? As in, can our actions dramatically affect the world you've built when reasonable?

I ask so that I know what to expect. I've been on many writing forums in the past, and I hate to see them die before my eyes. This doesn't look like a dying site by any means, but I just want to make sure.

Sorry for the overly professional approach. I'm not normally like this, but joining a new community can be challenging at times. I look forward to writing with you, fellow enthusiasts! If anyone's got a good RP brewing, I'd be delighted to join.
[member="Lord Satin"] Welcome to Chaos!

How does the site hold in size? How many unique active members would you say it possesses?
Are there any extraordinary rules? Something apart from the obvious (no godmodding, advertising, spamming or unnecessary posts)?
Are there world-changing opportunities on this forum? As in, can our actions dramatically affect the world you've built when reasonable?
There are over 11,000 unique members on this site. How many of them are *active* at a given time? Couldn't say. But it's a lot of writers and a lot of activity.

Mainly what you've said, but also that this board has a PG-13 rating to keep it accessible to a wide range of people. We are set about 850 years AFTER the events of the movies, so no canon characters can show up, as well. The rules themselves can be found on the top of the forum. There are special rules for special things like Dominions and creating new tech, but those are there for people to experience more things and keep it balanced- you can learn those as you get used to the site. It is definitely easy to RP without being involved in that stuff.

You can *definitely* influence board events. Not every thread, or even every character will, but influencing things is very possible.
[member="Lord Satin"]

Adding to what [member="Irajah Ven"] mentioned, we also have a Factory and Codex system, where you can create new technologies, planets, NPCs, Corporations - the galaxy is your oyster, provided you're willing to put in the work in a literary respect, and don't submit anything too outlandish. Might be worth browsing through, see what you can find!

Anyway, welcome to the Chaos :)
Hey there! Welcome to the board. ^_^

The number of "members" is a little inflated, since most of those are character accounts. Active at any given time, we tend to have about 100-200~ unique writers, IIRC. "Affecting board canon" is super important here. Everything affects canon if you do your research...even things you never intended to affect canon. On top of that, we have staff-run events every few months that dictate the course of the board's plotlines. We've had something like three or four galactic apocalypses in the last three years alone.

Feel free to ask as many questions as you like. That's what we're here for. :D

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Forsooth, thou'rt brazen in vaunting thine arts. Methinks t'wilt turn against thee shouldst thou deign to bestow thy literary largess upon our humble conclave. Though one speaketh with the tongue of angels, who shall hear him? For ours is a common tongue, that we may the more readily share fellowship with all and sundry.

Just busting your chops. Welcome aboard dude.
Nice. Thank you all for your advice.

I've read through the rules, and everything seems relatively normal. Nothing out of the ordinary. However, I would like to ask an additional question regarding factions, battles, and the way they generally function. My home forum does host such events, but they tend to be messy and unorganized, which is mainly why I ask.

So say I created a minor faction, and say it clashed with another in a fight over territory. I imagine the combatants would prepare their established military forces, bring in an RP judge and fight it out? I'm guessing it goes like that, right?

Edit: I absolutely adore Shakespearean English. Thanks for that.
[member="Fabula Caromed"] thank you, I stand corrected!

I decided to do some digging, and there's still more than 4000 unique "Writer" accounts (which should, in theory, be only one per unique writer). However, how many of those are accounts created and never used, or created just to drop some spam on the board? No idea.

That said, we definitely have *a lot* of active writers at any given time :)
[member="Lord Satin"]

That one's easy: Minor Factions can't hold territory. They can certainly fight over it to bother another faction, but they'd not be able to hold onto it without becoming a Major Faction. But yes, otherwise it's expected that the two groups fight it out in a civil manner. The RPJs step in to arbitrate should there be a disagreement, or if somebody does something stupid and overpowered (as you'd expect).
[member="Tirdarius"] And that's why people love your character.

FTR: if you try to murder me I will..... basically SASS YOU SO HARD


And *then* probably get murdered.
[member="Irajah Ven"]

I'm amused at the whole try to murder thing. Let's be honest, if you're going to kill someone, at least do it right. Wouldn't want to be impolite and just leave you maimed or something...
[member="Irajah Ven"]

Sorry for bothering, but I just realized that I am in need of more advice.

My home site does have a Water Cooler, a place we use to advertise our ideas, form groups, etc.. That's all good, I understand how that works. However, I have a Sith Sorcerer (I know it isn't the proper name, but I'm not extremely educated on EU lore) character in the works, and I understand that he must undergo IC training in order to officially become Sith. How would I go about finding a master?

From what I understand, someone who is in possession of a Sith Lord is meant to train/teach my lesser character as their apprentice by means of in-character threads, yes? And while we're at it, can a lesser character eventually, through great feats and achievements, gain enough renown to become relevant in world events? Suppose that ties in with some of my previous questions.

Thanks for any potential answer! I hope to have great success!
[member="Lord Satin"]

If you want to play a sith, there are a couple of ways you can go about finding a master to offer you in character training, and to promote you to knight when they think you are ready.
-You can post in the Looking For Group forum, and hope someone picks you up.
-You can join a faction (you may want to try The Sith Order, which is minor, or the First Order, which is major) that has a lot of sith characters. There, you can request a master (who, btw, can be of either Knight or Master/Lord, rank, just so long as it's not another apprentice).
-You can also do your own threads, learning piecemeal- something from one sith in one thread, another sith in another thread, and when you think your character is ready, submit your thread list to an RPJ for review. This is probably the more difficult route to go, but is a good fall back for if there are issues finding a teacher.

As for your second question, sure! There are some characters that are very well known, IC, because they are important (or BECAME important) in one way or another. There are some characters who are very well known and have a lot of influence within their faction. Some struggling to become famous. And some (like Irajah here) who will likely *never* be important, in a galactic sense, because it's not something the character seeks. How your character impacts the board and the stories here is largely related to your activity and how you get them involved. There's no single path to notoriety, but things you can do that are generally good ideas anyway:
-If you are in a faction, get involved! Do Dominions, Invasions, Faction threads, etc. Network your character and make friends and/or allies.
-If you are not in a faction, still work on making friends/allies. These are people you'll be able to call on and can call on you in a pinch.
-Write your character consistently- this is both in a keep threads going (don't ghost on people if it can be avoided, although it happens to all of us) and also from a characterization stand point. Give your character traits and goals that are consistent and follow through!
-Your character can be memorable without being the "Most Unique Evah" or "Edgy McEdgelord" or whatever. The things you do, the stories you tell, will weight out much more than the collection of traits you decide the character has at the beginning (though these give you a starting point of course!)
-Tell good stories. These can be serious or fun or funny! They can be tragic or low key. But the more people are interested in reading and writing with you, the more impact you will have on the other characters and even the galaxy around you.
-Be a good sport. Don't godmod, powergame, etc. Lose sometimes! Fail sometimes! It will make the winning sweeter and also show others that you will be fair and balanced, which is always desirable in a writing partner.


If you aren't doing that last one, why bother?

One more caveat- If you focus on writing good stories, being even handed, writing with different people and being involved, you won't really have to worry about if you are making an impact- You *will* make an impact.

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