Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Well met!

Our Silky Lord Satin! Welcome! It is impossible to read your post without reading it in the words of Uther the Light bringer. Which come to think of it looks a lot like [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] ...

*Conspiracy intensifies*

Thank you both for your responses! I am Lord Satin, the master of hell garments. You need not fear me, for now... Likely never... Anyway!

Right, I'll write up a nice sheet. I'll try not to make a terrible edgelord of a character (something I've become adept at avoiding) while maintaining some of that sweet Sith mental torture stuff... And the horned mask... And the overly-excessive robes (robes are a necessity for sorcerers)... And the lightning!

In all seriousness, I think I'll manage. Sith are a bit tough to write without going absolutely overboard, but I think there should be some good area in between mad fanaticism and deceitful cunning. I'll get on with writing and hopefully find a master soon! I'm assuming Korriban is abandoned by now, right? As is the Sith race?
[member="Lord Satin"] Korriban is actually in neutral territory! (It recently got freed from Silver Jedi control by the Sith Order- after having a civilian city bombarded by the Jedi, but that's a whole other story). I don't know anything about the sith race, as it exists on Chaos, someone else might be better able to help you there.

And if you want some great thoughts on writing a sith [member="Tirdarius"] has a great series of write ups.

Here is the first one!

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