Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Welp, Hello everyone.

[member="Invicta Jos"] You can always make a character sub-account as well, you aren't tied to your writer name. A lot of people do use their writer account as their main character, but you don't need to.

Also, in my experience, playing a low-mid tier character is waaaay more enjoyable then being super awesome Jedi/Sith warrior. Being super-awesome-about-as-competently-evil-as-a-seventies-villain-twirling-their-mustache Sith Emperor #4123 is so overdone.
[member="Invicta Jos"]

Don't worry powerful is fine. You'll find all types here. I've had powerful ones, fat ones, well dressed ones, weak ones and beardless ones.

Make the character and have at it. My advice is to browse the faction directory on the far right there, and take your time looking through them.

Stephanie Swail

[member="Invicta Jos"] Welcome to the site - hope you have fun out there and shout if you need help at any time. :)


Well-Known Member
[member="Marina DeVoe"] that would be fun! I've been hanging out at a few smaller places but nothing is as hopping as this joint. It's really amazing how large this place is


Well-Known Member

[member="Invicta Jos"] , Greetings and welcome ......and as you might notice i do have a particular fondness for a particular canon char. At any case be looking forward to be meet your acquaintance soon. And at any rate if yah need any help or assistance with anything be more than will help yah out .

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Yea, tell me about it, [member="Katarine Ryiah"] !

It took me weeks to figure my way about. I kept loosing where I posted and was a pain tracking them down. That is until I learned to tag and use notifications..and follow topics.
Now I only get lost most times, not all the :p

Seriously, we've got to write together. You were so elusive and were hard to pin down on your board for me to corner you into writing with me. A lot of the old gang is around in various I have to tell you that..hehe. :)


Kat, you disappear again? :(

Damn!... just when I almost had my claws into you.... Hmpf!... :angry: Grrr....

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