Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Wet Bandits (Darkwire Bank Heist as told by two Hobos)


"Morg, hold up, you see that over there?" Hurry stops Morg with his arm looking towards something or someone.
"No, Hurry, what's the matter?" Morg looks around bewildered, his hobo eyes scanning wide.
"Morg, that's-"


  1. No more than three lines. One line may be dialogue followed by a description, like the above.​
  2. The last line is cut off so that the next poster can pick up from where you last left off.​
  3. Your post is telling the story of how Darkwire was involved in a crazy bank heist. You can mention your characters conducting certain actions during the heist or mention someone else's character if they've already been introduced. Don't play nice, have the hobos bickering over who's right or wrong ;)
  4. If you have it, donate 100 UCks to this NPC account for every post. The last person to post at the end of the thread (either by the thread dying or reaching a natural conclusion) gets the whole pot to do with as they wish!​
  5. Enjoy the creative exercise :p (Optionally Enforced, like laws on Corpos)
"...The possibilities of money." Hurry grabs Morg by the shoulder, bringing him close and whispering, "We could get more money with the help of these people, what's the saying? Ah yes, two heads are better than one."

Morg finally begins to see the possibilities, but he still has one final, burning question. "How do we know to trust these people?"

"Well, we can..."
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"No more... Wait, what- law?!" Hurry asked as he turned towards Morg and slapped him on the upper arm. "When's the last time you ever saw a real cop around these parts, Morg? Ya dumbass."

"Hey, you never know." Morg shrugged. "Been hearing lots of stuff about this weirdo in spandex, running around stopping crime and all."

"Morg, that's the dumbest thing I have ever heard. What? Does he just go around..."
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"Now you're just seeing things, the real action is that guy with the glow stick wacking those guys off the roof!"

"I don't like the look of him. Feel like I've seen'em before. Come on, let's go around back, get a better angle." They start walking over towards the brand new opening in the bank, trying to go unnoticed with possibly some casual whistling and looking around.

"Alright Morg, go-"
"Alright Morg, go-" The sound of gunshots echoed through the streets accompanied by a loud bang from the point where the two 'temporarly unoccupied' men had observed the heist. "Down!"

"Go down?" Morg questioned his friend before he was pulled down onto the ground by his friend who pointed the men in black entering the scene.

"Darkwire!" A nasaly voice, pale-skinned man called out from behind his vehicle and into the bank. "We can do this the easy way, or our way. We are not afraid to..."
"...tear this whole building down to get what we want!" The men in black coats were waving blasters as they strode into the building.

"Come on, Hurry! We're missing the fun!" Morg exclaimed, grabbing his partner in crime and tugging him roughly in the direction of the bank.

Hurry was nearly pulled off his feet as he scrambled to catch up. "Morg, waaait! We haven't..."
"...sound?" Hurry asked, but Morg was too far ahead to hear so Hurry ran to catch up.

By the time he succeeded, Morg was already entering the bank; unmasked, and unarmed. "Hey, who're these guys?!" The Darkwire man at the door snarled behind his mask.

Pausing with a shocked look on his face, Morg realized his error. "Oh, us? We're..."
"...The employees! We are the employees." They don't look anything like employees, but they could just wave it off a bad day.

Hurry opened his mouth but decided to close it. Wise. The darkwire man raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"...Yes, yes! I know this looks terribly suspicious,"—that's an understatement—"but we swear it's true! We, just, uhhh..." Hurry looks at Morg.

"We just had a bad..."
"please... We're -" Morg began, but was cut short by Hurry who chimed in confidently:

"We know how to open the Vault!" His partner in crime exclaimed. It was either a flash of brilliance or madness.

The Darkwire Agent looked at them, eyes sparkling equal parts greed and suspicion: "Are you..."
"Morg, hold up, you see that over there?" Hurry stops Morg with his arm looking towards something or someone.
"No, Hurry, what's the matter?" Morg looks around bewildered, his hobo eyes scanning wide.
"Morg, that's-"

"-our ticket in."
Hurry points. Then he groans and slaps Morg a couple times with the back of his hand, pointing again.
"What, a guy in a fishbowl helmet?" Morg looks just as bewildered, but now his lips open incredulously. "How's that supposed to work?"
"Come on, Morg, open your eyes to the possibilities-"

"-The possibilities of money."
Hurry grabs Morg by the shoulder, bringing him close and whispering, "We could get more money with the help of these people, what's the saying? Ah yes, two heads are better than one."
Morg finally begins to see the possibilities, but he still has one final, burning question. "How do we know to trust these people?"
"Well, we can-"

"-Trust they won't call the cops."
Hurry chuckled. Spinning his friend around in time to see a blond messing with a datapad-looking thing in the alley. "Looks like the techy showed up."
"She might be calling the law." Morg hissed as Hurry pointed to the bum leg and the mask. A nod as Hurry rubbed his hands together.
"No more-"

"-Wait, what- law?!"
Hurry asked as he turned towards Morg and slapped him on the upper arm. "When's the last time you ever saw a real cop around these parts, Morg? Ya dumbass."
"Hey, you never know." Morg shrugged. "Been hearing lots of stuff about this weirdo in spandex, running around stopping crime and all."
"Morg, that's the dumbest thing I have ever heard. What? Does he just go around-"

"-pissing in corpsec's caf like that dumbass Ithorian around the block, the one doing the distraction?"

"Nah, Hurry, I mean classy like. Utility belts — wait, what distraction?"
"See? Smells like it, don't it?"

"Smells like what? I don't smell anything."
He said this turning to Morg and pointing.
"What the devil is...?"

"-Hurry? Hey Hurry?" Morg nudges Hurry, surprised to be nearly knocking the man over.
"I'm watching her." He points but then sighs and moves his arm. "That little blonde minx, with pink highlights, look at 'er slippin' through the crowd like it ain't there."
Morg stops squinting and shakes his head. "Now you're just seeing things, the real action is..."

"-that guy with the glow stick wacking those guys off the roof!"

"I don't like the look of him. Feel like I've seen'em before. Come on, let's go around back, get a better angle." They start walking over towards the brand new opening in the bank, trying to go unnoticed with possibly some casual whistling and looking around.
"Alright Morg, go-"

The sound of gunshots echoed through the streets accompanied by a loud bang from the point where the two 'temporarily unoccupied' men had observed the heist. "Down!"
"Go down?" Morg questioned his friend before he was pulled down onto the ground by his friend who pointed the men in black entering the scene.
"Darkwire!" A nasally voice, pale-skinned man called out from behind his vehicle and into the bank. "We can do this the easy way, or our way. We are not afraid to-"

"-tear this whole building down to get what we want!"
The men in black coats were waving blasters as they strode into the building.
"Come on, Hurry! We're missing the fun!" Morg exclaimed, grabbing his partner in crime and tugging him roughly in the direction of the bank.
Hurry was nearly pulled off his feet as he scrambled to catch up. "Morg, waaait! We haven't..."

"What, put on deodorant? I'm going in."Morg shouted back his partner and continued on.
Lifting an arm to sniff anyway, his eyes crossed and he tripped over something in his path.
"What was that-"

Hurry asked, but Morg was too far ahead to hear so Hurry ran to catch up.
By the time he succeeded, Morg was already entering the bank; unmasked, and unarmed. "Hey, who're these guys?!" The Darkwire man at the door snarled behind his mask.
Pausing with a shocked look on his face, Morg realized his error. "Oh, us? We're-"

"-The employees! We are the employees."
They don't look anything like employees, but they could just wave it off a bad day.
Hurry opened his mouth but decided to close it. Wise. The darkwire man raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"
"...Yes, yes! I know this looks terribly suspicious,"—that's an understatement—"but we swear it's true! We, just, uhhh..." Hurry looks at Morg.
"We just had a bad-"

"...trip to the cleaners. They forgot to clean our suits."
Hurry tried to bluff.
The Darkwire Operative narrowed his eyes and looked like he was about to order them to the floor when Morg stepped into the conversation:
"Yeah, you see, what happened was..."

"They got bleach all over them. They hadn't forgotten to clean them but ruined them. Let us in so we can order new uniforms."

Morg held out his hands in a pleading manner and looked up at the guard.

"-We're -"
Morg began, but was cut short by Hurry who chimed in confidently:
"We know how to open the Vault!" His partner in crime exclaimed. It was either a flash of brilliance or madness.
The Darkwire Agent looked at them, eyes sparkling equal parts greed and suspicion: "Are you-"

"-betraying the bank? Well, saves us the trouble, we were just going to cut the whole damn thing apart."
The Darkwire agent points to a redhead kid, who comes up behind the two hobos posing as disheveled bank employees, and starts pushing them roughly deeper into the bank.
"Don't get any funny ideas," The kid says as he expertly rifles through their pockets for anything potentially valuable or useful like bank IDs, but instead he finds...
…Crumpled up tissue papers, a crowbar, gloves, random bits of paper, some hair, an old photo of the two, an empty wallet, an entire toolkit, a water bottle…

At this point, if an entire country came out he would not be surprised.

Gaping, the kid stares at the two. “How did you fit in so much stuff?”

Hurry and Morg look at each other. “Well, we…”
"...can't afford a speeder. We just gotta carry everything with us." Hurry said hesitantly.

Morg jabbed him in the ribs. "Yeah, see, uh... We didn't want anybody tracing it back to us, so we just thought we'd take what we could carry. But you guys are here!"

The redheaded youth looked back and forth between the two men, then frowned. Hefting the crowbar, he pointed at the two men. "Time to work, fellas. Hope you..."

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