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Wetwork (Dominion Tier 2 Dom of Mirial and Krayiss 2)

Post 3/20

Screaming through space, heading towards the surface of Krayiss II

Jack gave the drop master a thumbs up "Alright, sink us."

The drop master closed and sealed the door, the pod jerked up and begin to move along the rails in the ceiling and then for a brief moment everything went quiet, gravity disappeared, there was a slight clunk as the pod disconnected. The pod was light with a dull red light and then the main engine fired, filling the pod with noise, the pod started shacking violently and the G forces started piling up loose bits of dirt and paint flew off people's boots and stuck to the ceiling, loose restraints started banging on the wall. Then the pod started heating up, and shaking even more violently, sweat started forming on Jack's head and dripping down his face.

The retro rockets fired starting to slow the pod, barely, it was mere seconds before the fuel ran out, the next set kicked in, doing the same thing, and again three more time. *SLAM* the pod crashed into the roof of the building, shaking everything and everyone around, before breaking through and firing the repulser breaks and coming to a stop, two more floors down.

[member="Abraxas"] | [member="Alyson Halle"] | [member="Grace Darkson"]
I stomp the ground, and snort, to alert you that you are in my breeding territory. I then look at this poo @owazza Rhinoceruses don't play games. They fucking charge your ass. Nostrils flaring, I lower my head. My horn, like some phallic symbol of my potent virility, is the last thing you see as skulls collide and mine remains the victor. You are now a bloody red ragdoll suspended in the air on my mighty horn.
Post 3/20

Abraxas felt his body pressed against the inside of the pod, even through his suit, the G force alone shook him to the bones. The heat inside the cabin was building up, so much so that he felt a discomfort inside his bodyglove. A large amount of moisture was building up, more so than the former Sith liked. It was almost as if he were swimming in a pool of his own perspiration. Then suddenly, he felt the sheer trauma of the impact as the pod slammed into the building. His head jerked forward and slammed back against the wall, giving Abraxas quite a bit of whiplash.

But it didn't end there, soon feeling the pod itself fall further into he structure they had crashed inside of.

[member="Jack Anderson"] | [member="Alyson Halle"] | [member="Grace Darkson"]
@A Rhinoceros


Owazza's craft had crashed some distance out from the city. The shots from the Mando vessel had broken through the unshielded hull and shattered what little the ship had by was of flight controls. Owazza had found himself crashing down to Mirial below in a ball of flame. It was only by the luck of the gods that the wookie had managed to slow the ship's descent with the emergency controls long enough to slow it down. The fighter had crashed into the wilds of Mirial, a twisted heap of metal and electronics.

Cut and bruised, Owazza had pulled himself free from the wreck, only to find himself stranded out on the open plains many miles from the capital. He only had enough moment to regain his bearings before a rather large rhinoceros, a creature not native to this world, charged his position.

With his leg wounded, Owazza was forced to make due. He pitched a roll, sliding just below the charging animal's horn and headbutting the creature hard enough to daze himself along the way. Wounded, but not beaten, Owazza slowly rose to his feet, his head thundering with a terrible ache from the impact.

"<Hey karkhead,>" Owazza snarled as he reached into his pouch for a bag of shell-covered chocolates. "<You don't want to charge me,>" the chocolates were opened and held out to the beast. "<You wish to feast. I will nor harm you or your bitches. I am only stranded here, as you seem to be.>"
Alyson remained seated as the doors closed, she saw that [member="Grace Darkson"] sat in front of her. Alyson gave her an acknowledging nod as to acknowledge her presence, she had been a great help on Merides and recognizing her was the least that she could do.

The experience of dropping being dropped was at first confusing, then exhilarating. She felt no weight pushing down on her, she felt weightless, it was simultaneously unsettling and exciting, it was indescribable. This experience quickly turned into an unpleasant one, with the capsule becoming extremely hot, she sweated profusely through the suit, but she dared not remove her helmet. The pod shook with an extreme severity and it was extremely uncomfortable to sit in, it felt like a jackhammer hitting against the side of the pod on all sides.

The landing was worse than the transit, the ship was abruptly stopped giving her whiplash and incapacitating her for a few seconds. Upon regaining her bearings her neck hurt quite badly, and her wrist became dislocated. Before releasing her harness she pushed her wrist back into place, it went back in with an unsettling crack and despite a large pain initially, she was able to move through it regaining function of her wrist. She then released her harness. She looked to the others to see how they were doing, hopefully better than her.

[member="Jack Anderson"]

[Wrong character [member="Alyson Halle"]]
Causstik's platoon moved onto his position and with a wave of his hand he ordered his men to move out. For this hunt he wanted to be alone. Causstik went down the opposite hallway from his band of warriors. As he stalked the halls of the Mandalorian temple Causstik spotted two Mandalorians moving towards him. He took aim with his rocket and fired. The Mandalorians erupted in a ball of flame as the napalm missile absorbed them. Their cries of agony rang out through the halls and Causstik basked in their screams. He laughed, his voice like raking leaves. Five more Mandalorians rounded the hall and Causstik charged forth. He smiled as the Mandalorians fired, their blast pinging uselessly off his shields. Causstik fell upon them and raised his wrist. His jet pack propelled himself in to the air as he unleashed a torrent of flame from his flamethrowers. Taking three of the Mandalorians immediately.
Post 8

As the drop pod plummeted down to the hard surface below, Grace pressed her eyes shut, trying hard to ignore the terror running through her brain. The capsule's heat sunk into her, filling her mind with the memories of a child, the explosion, the heat of re-entry, and of course, the crash. She's had more fun in collapsing temples, and those always were difficult to survive.

As the vehicle landed, she felt her hip explode in pain. Everything went black as they crashed through the ceiling, and another floor or two. When she could open her eyes, her mind could tell only that her hip was on fire, the joint messed up horribly. She let out a scream of pain, her teeth grinding together as she released the harness. Two hands grabbed her hip as tears began to leak from the sides of her eyes. Pressing down, she let out a low growl, the pain burning through her like wildfire. She slammed the joint back into place.

Were she able to think coherently, she should have been glad she hadn't broken any bones. As it was, the woman only stood, a deactivated lightsaber in her hand as she walked out, the leg injury ignored in her rage. There were enemies outside, and she gave them a twisted smile as she charged, the crimson blade in her hand igniting.
I look at the fur-covered one "Swiggity Swooty, I'm Coming For That Booty!". These are the only words I say as I stand up on my hind legs my horn pointing at the sky water starts to fall "Im so tired all these sjw's keep messing with me". I cast Lvl. 3 Eroticism. You turn into a real beautiful woman. I steal yo soul and cast Lightning Lvl. 1,000,000 Your body explodes into a fine bloody mist, because you are only a Lvl. 2 Druid. [member="Owazza"]
Kentarch was on the hotline when a Quara with a terrible accent. "What da heck is an 'EL High-Powered Rocket Launchero?'" Kentarch shouted over the comms. Kark this. He gave up the comms as sirens announced the defeat of the Mandalorians.


Rebel forces came flooding into the capital area, waving flags and toppling over the last bastions of resistance. "Looks like the party got ahead of me." Now came the fun part, administration and paperwork.

Owazza stared at the hallucinating rhino with something akin to amusement. The wookie had taken a fair few steps back to observe the beast as the high settled in. The chocolates that Owazza had provided were filled with a certain herb known across the inner rim for its hallucinogenic effects. Now, this creature was enraptured. A high akin to that of powerful spice addled its brain, and the galaxy's natural drug pumped through its veins. The rhino would not be coming down anytime soon.

As the beast roared its challenge at the treeline and pawed down at the earth, the warlord made his move. Snarling, Owazza pulled himself up onto the beast's leathery back, one meaty hand clamping down on the nape of the monster's neck.

A wide hand slapped the animal's flank.

"<Onward beast!>" Owazza shouted. "<To civilization! The battle has not yet ended!>" With a kick of his feet, Owazza urged the wild creature off toward the direction of the capital city.
Post 4/20

Surface of Krayiss II​

Like any other landing it was rough, but this one was really bad, up in his top ten, although this was his first time going through a building. He must have been knocked out briefly as on of the dark siders [member="Grace Darkson"] was already out of the pod and squaring off against a few 'Mandos already in the room, Jack put his helmet on and pulled the ancient Dee-Cee off his back and quite literally jumped from the pod.

" [member="Abraxas"] you're with me, [member="Alyson Halle"] you and yours go with Grace, find Taloirn, bring him back alive."

Jack tapped the side of his helmet to communicate with the ship "You dropped us in the building, adjust target zone and send down the first wave."

Time for the fun part, he open fire on the closest 'Mando and did nothing but burn the paint, they must have been wearing proper Beskar armour so thinking fast he pulled his Verpine shatter gun, a beautiful pistol, and put a powerful shot from it through the iconic T shaped visor, dropping him, or her, the armour was too bulky to tell.
My eyes started to blur what is happening to me, why am I here? I feel a light pat on my butt a rumble in my belly begins then gas releases from my ass. The one covered in fur jumped on my back I heel up knocking him off my back. My breathe is now heavy "Im gonna kiss you right in the mouth boy!" [member="Owazza"]

Arken Lussk

Thrills, Chills, and Kills
Post: [06/20]

Arken was still in the center of the Mirialan city. It felt like time had slowed down as he and his automated companion charged for the communications building. Antennas and other sensors peppered the rooftop and the plan he'd concocted seemed like the most viable out of his pair of ideas. He couldn't fight and he would only hold Jarvis back from relinquishing his full destructive potential. With that in mind, he'd try to do something he was good at: tinker.

"We need to get to the top, or the main control panel." Arken panted, sending his body forward in heaving strides.

"Query: What are you planning, master?"

He wiped some sweat out of his eyes, flashing him a wry grin. "You'll see."

Owazza found himself launched from the back of the beast in the middle of the road that led to the capital city. Speeders passed by overhead as Owazza stared up at his attacker, his eyes narrowing with quiet disappointment. He had been hoping to tame the beast as he often had the creatures of Kashyyyk. On that world, the beasts of the upper canopy would often form bonds with those that chose to feed them. The ones that were given the special herbs tended to be that much more docile.

Unfortunately, the rhino creature did not seem to have that sort of behavior. It turned about, its mindless eyes bouncing in every direction as it struggled to understand...well, anything. Owazza pushed up to his feet as the beast made some vague grunting noises in his direection, and lifted his shoulders in a slight shrug.

"<I am sorry creature. It seems you are not what I thought you were.>" Owazza slowly walked around the monster's side, and threw himself upon its back once more. This time, a firm claw was pressed to the back of its skull, and the flag that brandished the emblem of the Dominion was unfurled. Owazza held it up to the sky as he kicked the creature forward once again. The warlord would not be falling this time.

Alyson was quite disheartened to find that her guards had died on the way down. She couldnt explain it too much, but it seems their necks had snapped on the way down. Even more suprising was the fact that it seemed [member="Grace Darkson"] had blown the door straight off its hinges and flung it across the room, leaving a blood splatter behind the door after it rammed into the wall leaving the concrete walls dented and cracked. The men watched in fear as Grace walked out of the door, some stood their ground, but obviously afraid, the others started bolting for the door. Alyson charged in to meed the ones that stayed.

She chopped one through the torso in the charge before teh rest of them were able to react. By then Alyson would just have to hope that Grace's rage would take care of the problem before she got herself shot, if everything went well the ones likely to shoot at Alyson would be killed in Grace's rage, otherwise she would have a blaster scar on her side, all she could do at this point was hope.

[member="Grace Darkson"]

Arken Lussk

Thrills, Chills, and Kills
Post: [07/20]

They made it to the doors in record time. Jarvis was a gentlemen, kindly kicking down the locked doors with a force unfathomable by human standards. Arken made a laugh, drawing his blaster pistol before entering the building. His companion's spotlight flickered on, throwing a white blob across the walls of the comm building.

"There," Arken jabbed his finger at a computer console. A lone body slumped forward against the keys, dark crimson stuck to nearly each and every one of them. As the young man cautiously drew nearer, the stench of burning flesh invaded his nostrils with a revolting wave.

He coughed, gagging once or twice before he turned to his companion once against. Jarvis merely acted immediately, clamping forward to grab the man pockmarked with blaster wounds before promptly dumping his carcass on the ground.

Arken nodded in thanks, tentatively easing himself into the scorched chair. A few fingertip taps against keys dried over with blood and he was in. The system booted.

Smiling to himself, he leaned back and cracked his fingers. Time to get to work.
Causstik landed and the remaining Mandalorians charged. Causstik clicked a button on his gauntlets and his gloves sprouted phrik claws. The first Mandalorian struck with an over head blow and Causstik grabbed the blade with his phrik plated hand. He yanked the blade and the Mandalorian jumped forward to keep ahold of the hilt. Causstik punched the Mandalorian with his spare fist and he felt the phrik blades dig deeply into the Mandos gut. He ripped the blades free disemboweling the warrior and turned to deal with the other. The other Mandalorian had begun to run and Causstik charged after him. He fired a stun net from his wrist launcher and the Mandalorian fell to the ground. Causstik approached the human, then he bent low and slid his blades into the man's spine. He removed the Mando's helmet and slowly slid his blades across the man's scalp. "A fine trophy for the Score keeper!" Causstik exclaimed as he tucked the scalp into his belt.
Music played from holo-net broadcasts, hordes of people took to the streets to topple what few Mandolarian holdouts that still existed.

"Okay Okay. I would like to welcome everyone to the Dominion." Kentarch said to several locals who came forward as the leadership of the planet, he was now in charge of annexing the planet. "Now I respect everyone of you, but when filling out your official citizenship and annexation papers don't write 'ok' in the section that states don't write within this box." Kentarch said shaking his head. How did he get stuck doing this?

One of the Dominion officials stepped forward to speak to Kentarch. "Sir the mayor of the city wants to celebrate, a local tradition, some drink of bantha swill thats chugged after a great victory." Kentarch felt his stomach churn.
Post 9


Blind rage was all Grace could feel as she swung, the crimson blade flashing through the first man's neck. He toppled, and she glared at the next man, who fired a blaster bolt. The shot, if she had let it stay on course, would have burned a hole through her armor and into her lung. As it flew, she flicked her wrist, sending her blade into the bolt's path and letting the shot fly back at the unfortunate mandalorian. It burned into the durasteel armor. She let out a near-inhuman growl, charging the closest remaining man. He took one look at the woman and turned tail to run.

"Y̨E͟S! F̕LĘE̛!͏" Her voice was different than normal. Distorted. Inhuman. it sounded as if another was talking along with her, the sounds melting into one voice as she raced for another enemy who had leveled his weapon at [member="Alyson Halle"]. "N̷̨͠O͡͡.̨̧͡" She raised her hand, digging into his brain with the force. Every nightmare, every horrid memory, she drug them up. A terrible, pitiable scream to from from him as he sank to his knees. She walked to him, sinking the blade into the back of his neck. Looking to the few remaining, she gave a wicked smile.
Something smells little fishy.​
Holonet news reveals tainted truths.​
Mirial and Krayiss.​
*sniff sniff*​
" Is something burning??!"
Dr. Zalec asked himself.​
He was cooking while watching the local news feed.​
Too many wounded reported in.​
Cries of pain stampede the Universe.​
Why oh... Oh Why. Why!​

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