Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What a desolate place this is

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
Lilla accepted his courteous offer and walked ahead of him. The Force was not screaming any warning signs at her right now and so she felt comfortable enough to turn her back on the man.

She was no slicer but she suspected the gang needed the techno-expert to circumvent some safe or secure area. She hoped the nav-comms were not similarly protected.

As she headed to where she suspected the bridge was — the ship was not so large after all — she considered the answers given and questions asked in equal measure.

“Just...?” She let the word hang, as if trying it on for size. “If you’d said you were just a Jedi or just a Sith, I would have a measure of the response. For you see, it’s nothing personal…” LIlla wrinkled her nose at this last statement. “Actually it is personal. In the sense that it’s about you. For you see, I may be new at the whole Jedi thing, but I know what I know. And the Jedi teachings are clear about the use of the dark side of the Force. And understanding wasn’t part of any text I read. Sworn enemies was, however.”

“But I’ll not hold it against you at this very minute. Rather it’s a stumbling block in terms of me reaching any kind of ‘end’ with you, other than an abrupt one. If you catch my drift.”

She smiled, in hopefully a reassuring way.

“Now, who am I?” The easiest questions were always the toughest it seemed. There was the entirely honest version — which might take a week to explain fully, or the condensed response.

“I am a Jedi. Or rather, I’m a Padawan, so strictly speaking not a Jedi officially. Not until I become a Knight. But, for all intents and purposes, a Jedi from your perspective. Or anyone’s perspective really, just not so much back at the Academy. More of a would-be Jedi. And I am called Lilla, Lilla Syrin.”

And then she took his hand, and performed a slight bow at the same time.

It was a good job she went for the abbreviated version!

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

As they walked towards the ship, Connor glanced behind to see the gang seemingly resign to their fate and crouch onto the ground, getting comfortable. The poor soul sucked up by the Force vortex groaned as he half crawled/half dragged himself up out of his stooper.

This girl could talk, that was for sure. An endearing quality that was trying to convince Connor of everything he knew before and had been a part of. How the Jedi would take to his recent escapades would be interesting.

”A pleasure, Lilla Syrin."

He said with a gentle shake of the hand, he went back to following her to the bridge – blast doors already open allowed them clear passage straight through from the rear to the front and the cockpit.

”I know all about the Jedi and Sith codes, what the preach and how we are supposed to conform." He switched his balance to counter the slight angle the ship was at between the rocks. ”And it might pay for you, just for a second, to look outwards from that single tracked view to see a much wider picture; those who don’t conform to either of those but are just as important in keeping them together."

He moved a hanging wire from their way.

”The old, symbiotic relationship. So what are you doing here? This some covert Jedi operation? It’s been a while since I’ve seen one masquerading as a Tusken Raider."

[member="Lilla Syrin"]

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
Lilla kept moving. The quicker they spoke to her colleagues and received back-up, the happier she’d be. She not only had the gang members to contend with, but the enigma that was Connor Harrison too.

Conform,” she said. She had a habit of repeating words others had spoken that, it seemed, intrigued her. As if airing them would in some way aid her understanding — or at the very least, confirm her intrigue at the word or praise.

“I’m not sure I conform. Do I behave in the way that I am supposed to? Hmmm. Or do I adhere.” She put extra emphasis on the last word of her sentence. “Do I support a belief?”

“The former suggests blind allegiance — actually it suggests following a way of doing that may or may not agree with your own thoughts. Like laws. Many comply because they fear consequences. Some fall into line because it’s beneficial to be law-abiding in a social network. And others do it because its the right thing to do — and would act that way even if it wasn’t a law.”

“Do you see the distinction? I see myself as adhering. I behaved this was even before I found the Jedi — or rather they found me. I have simply found a place, an organisation, a group of like-minded individuals that I can resonate with.”

“Don’t you love these sort of debates?” Clearly Lilla did.

“And I don’t preach. People choose to behave the way they do. I uphold the law. I keep the peace. I defend the weak. But I don’t try to convert anyone. In my experience, limited though that is, it is dark siders that look to convince me I’m wrong and that I should change my way of thinking. They tend to tell me they’re good and I’m intolerant to them.”

Lilla shrugged. “All I know is that pain, anger, hatred are negative emotions. And given they’re the way to access the dark side, I won’t be changing my allegiance any time soon. And I’m happy to be in a minority of one in the galaxy if I have to be in that regard. I don’t expect dark siders to embrace me as an ally, given our fundamental difference of position. So why do so many expect me to take them as allies?”

“There, that’s a good point for you to take over our little chat, yes? Oh, and yes, a covert operation based on local intelligence. In truth, local law enforcement could have handled this one. Unless the contents of this ship are more than meets the eye. You know, lots of Sith holocrons or something.”

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

Connor had actually stopped looking around the cockpit to focus on Lilla. She didn’t stop for breath! Ping-ponging from one point to the next; one idea to the other; one link to another. A few times he saw a place to interject, but she didn’t pause.

It was actually nice to see someone with enthusiasm and passion for a subject. When she offered to hand over the conversation, he nearly missed the beat as it was out of the blue.

”Er, right…" he processed all her words. ”Well, yes, you speak sense, which is good. I approve of sense, and yes, I do enjoy a good debate, but that usually means both parties having a say?"

He gave her a look and sly smile to show he was only teasing, before switching sides to look around the consoles. Looking for what, he had no idea. He was just being nosy and keeping busy.

”I am no dark sider, I can tell you that now. Yes I use their practice, but also that of the light. I’ve found it hard to favour one over the other, so why not harness both for balance, right? I have seen both sides of the Force and it’s both peaceful and corrupt. If I can find that middle ground where I can serve the galaxy and remove the factors that threaten to plunge us into eternal darkness, then I’m there."

Now he was getting into the debate.

”Am I preaching now? It sounds like it, but I’m not. I won’t lie about my ethics or who I am to anyone, for anything. I’m just me, and that’s the most important factor to hold onto. Don’t let anyone or anything mould you or convince you otherwise." The pain of his losses was enough of a reminder. ”It’s not worth it when you reach a point you feel you’ve lost your humanity."

And like that, it had become glum. Connor looked up to Lilla and shrugged.

”It’s been a while since I’ve mingled socially, you’ll have to forgive me. Do you know what you’re looking for anyway? Need I remind you you’ve got…." he glanced through the cockpit back towards the gang….or at least where they HAD been. ”…well, you HAD suspects to bring in. Hm. Smooth work there."

[member="Lilla Syrin"]

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
Lilla listened and realised she was distracted. "Right...comms."

She wasn't familiar with every ship in the galaxy, nor with every language, but she knew enough to get by. So at the third attempt, she found what she was looking for and was quickly patched in to a Jedi channel, when she called in the find.

Relieved help was on its way, Lilla edged towards the exit from the bridge. Pointing in that direction too, she said, "Probably a good idea to head back outside. It wouldn't do to have to explain why I need replacement cuffs, would it?"

"Anyhow, to carry on our chat."

She took a deep breath, as if she were about to launch into a diatribe. "Balance. That's a great concept. Light and dark. In balance. But what if you could be the balance by yourself? Except balance means a blend of good and bad doesn't it? Otherwise you'd be all good - yes?"

"Like being a vegetarian or a carnivore. A vegetarian that eats some meat? I'd say they're no longer a vegetarian, wouldn't you?"

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

Connor did the noble thing; leading the way and extending his hand for Lilla to follow through the sparse, spooky and oddly-angled ship.

”Nice way to put it. And, yes, let's say I was nothing but vegetarian all my life, but I always wanted to eat meat." What was he talking about? ”So the urge gets stronger and I get fed up with other vegetarians trying to preach about how meat is bad and veggies are good, and eventually I throw Wampa steaks and Ronto burgers all over the place and become a raging carnivore."

The warm Tatooine suns welcomed the pair back into the Wastes, and the peaceful sound of nothing but their voices.

”I eat so much meat, I start to see it everywhere and soon I want to become such a respected carnivore that I start to preach myself - become the very thing I loathed - and forcing others to share my views. But when you eat and eat and eat without balance, what happens? You feel ill. Sluggish. Sick. I became sick of being a carnivore and missed some of those veggies. Now I'm without anyone trying to force ideas on me, but I'm trying to be neither veggie or carnivore. To eat what I want, in balance, so I'm content and others are."

He shook his head and laughed.

”What the Force was that conversation? I think that is the most ridiculous analogy I've ever been part of. Thank you Lilla!"

The mood felt a lot lighter.

”So whose cuffs did you lose? Silver Jedi? Galactic Alliance? CSA?"

[member="Lilla Syrin"]

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
Lilla smiled at Connor’s explanation — and she thought she was able to ramble on!

“I suspect the thank you part at the end was a way of concluding the conversation — but I think you’ll find I’m a little more tenacious than that. You see, I like the analogy — and you’re right, an omnivore would be entirely balanced, and in the case of human anatomy, would allow for healthy living.”

“But to a vegetarian, such a practice would not be considered balanced in the least. A vegetarian does not need to eat meat and would see ‘balance’ as a weak argument for such actions. And the carnivore would not take offence but would probably see the omnivore as weak.”

“And I agree, it is not for a vegetarian to preach to an omnivore. We all make life decisions and all I do is live by my values. But someone who treats animals inhumanely, to continue the analogy, is not to be tolerated. For a vegetarian that is.”

“I would not attack anyone just for eating meat. But I can’t share a meal with them and won’t stand by and watch them butcher either.”

Oh, and they’re Republic Remnant cuffs by the way. And I haven’t lost them yet. And to conclude the analogy, which flavour of veggie were you?”

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

Connor was lost half-way through Lilla's long-winded and rather descriptive chatter. So much so he found himself looking both at her and then down to the ground, watching his steps out in the sandy canyon but also trying to keep up with the notions pinging around.

”What fl..." came a bemused reply, ”....okay, look, I have no idea where we are going with this, but I wish I hadn't stoked the fire of your veggie embers. All I can say is I'll eat meat and veggies but you won't see me killing the animals from where it comes from, ok?"

He shook his head a little at the young Jedi.

Yet her Order struck a note - the fact he hadn't heard of them before was interesting.

”The Republic Remnant? Care to shed some light onto where they have come from? I haven't heard of their actions or movements. Are you some sort of splinter cell or rebellion rising from the ashes?"

[member="Lilla Syrin"]

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
Lilla laughed softly. “My master sometimes engages my little ramblings – but I have learned to understand when he’s had enough. Debate can be useful at times, and others? It’s just an excuse to hear the sound of your own voice.”

She glanced around, glad to see none of the men had made a run for it. In this climate and cuffed as they were, it would be foolhardy to take the risk. If the desert didn’t get you, the Tuskens would. Or a Krayt. Or any other of a dozen creatures that would see you as a meal.

“And you’re right – something of a phoenix by all accounts, albeit just a fledgling right now. I have heard of the old Republic, but didn’t witness any of their acts first hand. Not here…” She waved a hand expansively as if to demonstrate.

“But it seems enough wanted to see the ideals of the Republic come to the fore again, so it set up out in Wild Space. From little seedlings, maybe a fine old forest will emerge. Apologies for mixing the metaphors.”

“Anyhow, they have a Jedi Order – and it is a government that believes in the support of and alliance with light-sided entities. Which fits my personal view, as we have already established.” She offered Connor a cheeky smile.

“So not a rebellion as such, given there is nothing to rebel against – other than injustice and cruelty. Rather I hope it’s the start of a movement – away from the dark and, dare I say it, away from the middle ground that straddles both sides.”

“So, are you freelance now, or do you wear any particular colours?”

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

Connor glanced past Lilla and noticed the men had stuck together and sought shade under one of the cool brown pillars of rock, so at least they had common sense and not complete idiots. He turned his attention back to the Republic Jedi as she spoke, intrigued with what she was saying.

For too long it had been a stagnant world out there, where the balance was tipping more to the Dark Side; forces East and West putting pressure on the Core. Jedi movements came and went. He’d seen may try to better the others, and fail. And that was their biggest problem; collaboration.

”Well, you have my best wishes Lilla Syrin and the Republic movement. I saw the Republic from which your phoenix rose in action, and it was a mighty machine in the scheme of things. It had strong leaders, powerful warriors and cunning tacticians. But, alas, it wasn’t the enemy who brought it down. It was those inside the ranks vying for control who tipped the balance and caused its collapse."

He raised his brow and shook his head a little.

”A shame. But obviously their time had come. They were weak, and did not survive. Your Remnant? I hope they find a way to help counter the scales of war and pushing back the Dark Side.”

He was tempted to pursue her Remnant and see just how great this phoenix was. There would be time. However, she threw a curve ball. With her comment, he looked down at his…unique attire.

”I would say freelance currently, still trying to find a place myself I can call my own. But it would be boring if we all looked the same. Besides, this gives a more…wizardry feel to things, right? Master of the Force, and all that?"

[member="Lilla Syrin"]

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
“Judge not, lest you be judged. I think that’s how the ancient saying goes. I reserve judgement on people under just about any circumstances. Identifying someone has broken the law, that’s not a judgement call — at least most of the time. Seeing genocide or oppression of the weak? I hardly count that as opinion.”

“No, I would no more judge you choice of attire as to your moral fortitude. Your deeds, however, are fair game. You have transgressed no laws that I am aware of, so see no need for hostilities between us.”

“And we have a common foe in the dark side. But the enemy of my enemy is not automatically my friend. And I mean that in a philosophical way, not on a personal level.”

“For differences are what make the galaxy go around. If we eliminated the dark side tomorrow, we would simply recalibrate — and those who are seemed as middle ground today would suddenly become the extremists. We live in a fickle society — not that any of this is new, it has no doubt been this way since time began.”

“And no, I don’t believe we can eradicate the dark side. But we can balance it out with the light. And I presume that, in you own way, that’s what you are doing. Same destination, different paths.”

“And to return to the subject of your…costume, I have no issues with it. Under the disguise I tend to wear traditional Jedi garb. Not for any other reason than it’s practical and identifies me for who I am and what I stand for.”

Lilla glanced around, sure she could hear the distant sound of an engine.

“So, why come here? Why didn’t the sound of the Krayt Dragon keep you away?"

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

For a second, the girl was making sense. He found himself slowly nodding; she was getting it right, and making it very clear as to their intentions. Connor was not here to enforce the will of any code; not the Jedi, Sith, Mando, Tusken, whatever. Each being aided the other, in peace or war. Without one, the other would soon collapse, fail or crumble.

Yet, in amazement, she sucker punched him with a comment about his...

”Costume?" He looked down at himself, and ran a hand over his embroidered tunic. ”Says the one doing a really bad cosplay as a Tusken. This isn't a costume, this is a mixture of both Light and Dark. Fabrics from all sides of the galaxy. Parts Force imbued and some not. This is me."

With a sly look tot he Jedi as the engine echoed through the canyon, Connor walked a little further away from the wrecked ship.

”I'm always drawn to interesting things. The fake sound of the dragon drew me in first, then I clocked this convoy and noted they weren't moving like traditional Tuskens, so I had to find out what was going on. Glad I did now." He looked up as the box-like shape of a craft came into view. ”And when you've taken down a Krayt Dragon itself and lived to tell the tale, you don't get frightened by the thought of one. I'll teach you one day. Maybe."

He pointed to the ship.

”That your ride?"

[member="Lilla Syrin"]

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
Lilla nodded as Connor shared his kind words. She would do what was the right thing to do even without any support — but it never hurt for someone to wish you well.

“The past is the past. My understanding is that the ideology remains but the personnel have moved on. If there is any analysis to be done, it would be to better understand how people got into positions of power that allowed their abuse — and make sure there are checks in place to stop any repetition.”

“And if not the Remnant, someone will oppose the Sith effectively. Balance. The Force, I suspect, does a perfectly good job of maintaining that all by itself. Not day by day — but decade by decade. The pendulum swings one way, then another, but the axis remains dead centre. That’s my observation.”

And then she chuckled. “There’s nothing wrong with what you’re wearing. Express yourself and don whatever attire works for you. You’re a Master of the Force. Who’s going to argue with you anyway?”

"And as for my ride? Someone has to get these Bantha back home - so I suspect that'll be me."

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

The ship made a couple of circles above and decided to set down just on the outskirts; maybe the crashed craft gave them a hint this wasn’t a good place for ships to navigate. Connor squinted up as the pair watched it bank and descend.

”Oh, may people would, will and have argued with me. There’s much more to make a Master than just a rank title." He returned his gaze to Lilla. ”From the bravado you’ve shown, the fact you’re without support – officially, anyway – I would say you’re a Padawan in their rank, but the way you act and talk shines that of a Knight. So keep on your path. Force knows the Light needs Jedi like you to keep that balance right."

Connor walked over to the group of criminals, looking bored but eager to get away from this nightmare. He signalled them to stand with a wave of his hand and stood back so he could make sure they continued to play ball.

”Well, Lilla Syrin," he tucked a hand into his belt pouch and pulled one of his communicator chips and tossed it up and over to her. ”If there’s one thing I take from meetings like this, is that they don’t happen for no reason. Should you need my help again either personally or with the Remnant, please give me a shout."

He would stay where he was until she made it out of the canyon, for he had the trek back the other way up and out to the lip.

”And maybe one day after I’ve shown you how to take down a Krayt, I’ll introduce you to the wonder of the galaxy that is Blue Milk."

[member="Lilla Syrin"]

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
“Arguing is good — up to a point. At least in my opinion. It means people care — and they want you to listen to them. They’re interested in your point of view and want to share their thoughts with you."

“Which is a rose-tinted view of an argument, I know, but it’s rarely far from the truth.”

“And thanks for the kind words. I’m just doing my job and doing my best. If I can make a difference, even a small difference? It’ll be worth it. The rank? It means little to me other than a sign-post on the path, telling me how far I’ve traveled. And given the path is never ending, how many kilometres I’ve covered is of limited value, surely?”

Lilla caught the comms chip and stared at it for a second before pocketing it. Fate, and by definition the Force, rarely worked in an entirely logical and linear fashion. A chance meeting perhaps — but maybe Conor would play a role in her development? Or maybe the other way around? Or maybe they’d never meet again?

Something in Lilla’s mind said that was unlikely. It was nothing tangible, or based on any fact or logic — but it seemed the right conclusion to draw.

“Now taking down a Krayt, that I’d be interested to see. But blue milk? Hmmm. That scares me a little, I don’t mind sharing.”

The Republic troopers came into view now and she indicted the gang members with a nod of her head. As they were led away, she turned back to Connor.

“Looks like a good-bye for now. For now. I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other again — but without the fancy dress. And before your ego bruises any more, I meant me.” She laughed a soft laugh and headed to the Banthas before tying them into a train and then jumping on to the lead one. “I’m guessing you have a lift out of here?”

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

Connor stood his ground as the Republic troopers came in to take away their catch of the day. It had been a while since he had seen a fit and efficient fighting force on the side of good. These troopers looked the part, but not imposing, which was good. He moved to help Lilla up on the Bantha, but as his comment of calling her a girl went down like a lead balloon, he thought twice about helping and stood back.

He looked up at her on the mount and walked forward to be seen out of the sun.

”It’s a wonderful drink. Refreshing with a nice sweet taste. You won’t want to share if you try some, trust me."

With a turn of the head and an indication to the higher ground, Connor had his ride.

”Yep. My ship is up top over there. I climbed down and followed your trail in, so I’ll just head back up that way and then…" And then, go where? He never had a firm answer. ”...I’ll find some more trouble to get into for the meanwhile in my costume."

He smiled and pulled his cloak around with a little flamboyance.

”A Tusken Jedi and a Wizard. I’ve seen stranger things in combination."

Connor gave a little wink, a smile, and lowered his head to see her on her way. He had a feeling they would meet again – maybe. Where? When? He didn’t know. She had a lot of good thoughts and a sensible head on those shoulders.

But, boy, could she talk.

[member="Lilla Syrin"]

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