Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What? Another Art Shop?!

Victor Blood

The Galactic Empire will arise anew
[member="Sitara Qin"]
Type of Graphic: Avatar, Signature
Size: Normal
Colors: War theme for Signature
Images: This on left of sig, this for avatar, This in background of Sig
Animated?: Here on right of signature
Border?: Yes, orange for Avatar
Text: "The Galactic Empire will arise once more" in sig
Anything Else?: None
Type of Graphic: Signature
Size: Normal
Colours: War Themed, Aircraft flying, blasts being sent in any direction
Images: This on the left in front of the backround
Animated?: Yes please
Border?: Red
Text: N/A
Anything Else?: None

Hellion Quel

Warrior from a Broken Home
Sorry to bother you again, but I was hoping to make two more quick requests

Type of Graphic: Avatar and Unique Tag
Colours: Similar to the signature you made me, however if you're feeling creative don't let me stop you with my whites and greys :D
  • Avatar: Hellion
  • Tag: Lightsaber (Change blade colour to Orange), Symbol, Character (change blade colour to orange) (if needed for substance/ doesn't clash with other two images... use as much as you need... eyes are the big part of that image for me if you do use it)
Animated?: No, that's alright
  • Avatar: Yes, black border
  • Tag: At your discretion
  • Avatar: None
  • Tag: "Resolve of the Force"
Anything Else?: Nothing that comes to mind. Thank you so much ahead of time

[member="Sintara Qin"]
[member="Sitara Qin"]
Type of Graphic: Avatar and Signature
Size: Normal Size
Colors: Uh, Rebel theme
Images: For Avatar, This for signature
Animated?: No, sorry :p
Border?: Yes, Blue!
Text: I strive for liberty and freedom
Anything Else?: If possible, for the avatar can you change the skin color to a slight pink and red?
Comment for changes/edits!​

[member="Ryn Duskhaven"] — Really isn't working for me. I'm getting the error message below. Do you mind uploading it to imgur? : )

[member="Victor Blood"]


[member="Kran Meelan"] — I'm sorry, but the image you gave me is kinda really tiny. Is there a larger one I can work with? : )

[member="Hellion Quel"]


[member="Aera Cowler"] — A little confused by your request. Which picture for avatar? : ) And which image do you want recoloured?
[member="Sitara Qin"]
Ughh, your killing me :p
Type of Graphic: Avatar and Signature
Size: Normal Size
Colors: Uh, Rebel theme
Images: For the Avatar, This for signature
Animated?: No, sorry :p
Border?: Yes, Blue!
Text: I strive for Freedom
Anything Else?: If possible, for the picture of the signature can you change the skin color to a pink and red?
Type of Graphic: Avatar and Signature
Size: Large, for both
Colors: Defiantly darker colors, horror mood lighting sort lol
Anything of Raven from New 52
This image added for Signature:

Animated: Yes
Border: Yes; any dark colors
Text: Name "Salaza", and "The Bird of the Goddess is my name. Eating my wings to make me tame."

Anything Else: Anything else you think should be added to give a more horror effect, once you see enough of New 52 Raven look you'll see what I mean lol.
[member="Sitara Qin"]

Request - Avatar
Not really worried about colors or text - Just something bright as the image depicts that - it's a midteens Mira. We discussed going forward into the adult years and I'll work more closely on that with you.

Image is here - Here

Thanks for your hard work.
Comment for changes!​

[member="Ryn Duskhaven"] — Still awaiting that avatar image. :p

[member="Kran Meelan"]

[member="Aera Cowler"]




[member="Mira Gyndar"]

[member="Victor Blood"] , [member="Amethon Tzimiskes"] — Glad you guys like 'em. <3

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