No, because then we get the lightsaber-resistant bikini...
2. Keep your posts constructive and on the topic your post is in.
You've often said that the forum effectively polices itself, particularly with regards to the Factions, Ranks etc. This surely fits in the same category. I understand why it's there, but it strikes me as un-needed.
9. Committing or promoting any type of illegal activity is prohibited.
Except ICly, because we obviously have our crime syndicates etc. Perhaps this should be amended to 'IRL illegal activity' or something along those lines?
15. These rules are subject to change without notice.
Surely 'without consultation'? Without notice means you can change them on whim, and we can break them before they've been formally established.
- Characters who use the Force must undergo training from a master.
This is a great rule, but not always the case: indeed, the RPJs have often cited that you don't need a Master or Teacher to advance in rank as a Force User, so your training can easily be conducted by yourself (or via an NPC). I can't be sure if this is obsolete or simply not enforced.
- The Character account requesting must have 50 posts or more. Writer profiles are exempt.
I know this one is used to save staff time and effort, but it's resulted in new Character profiles spamming the Water Cooler forum instead of putting time and effort into writing IC posts - to me, that seems as though it is simply imposing an arbitrary limit that is easily reached with a little posting game spam. Is that really what we're aiming for here?