Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Game What are you doing IC

Faith is the heroism of the intellect.
Let's see...

  • Listening to a Celestial tell her story.
  • Waiting for the chance to tell a Mandalorian "WRONG!"
  • Checking out a crime scene.
  • Waiting for a pregnant Jedi to tell who father is (not that he cares, it's her business)
  • Falling out of the sky (like Tony Stark in The Avengers)
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.
1. Helping Defend Tython
2. Making it rain on a Mandalorian, a Padawan, and a Knight.
3. Finding a crime scene
4. Talking to some more Jedi
5. Preparing for the next "Cooking with Caltin" episode.

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