Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private What Are You Doing The Rest of Your Life?



Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell | Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell | Thessa Kai Thessa Kai | Iko Vel Iko Vel | Casteel Mer'taal Casteel Mer'taal | Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell



Wedding Day, Pre-Dawn


The pin pad to the door blinked red and made a rather rude beep. Brows furrowed, Makai typed in his code again, ERROR message greeting him. Hands went to his hips, staring up at the massive castle-like structure at Arkuhn Farm. He had just left an hour ago, the sun not even over the horizon, who was even awake to lock him out? And why?

Not dwelling on the anomaly, Makai jogged over the expansive grounds, figuring he would just try the side kitchen door. Not a big deal. Reaching the door, personal keycode to the ‘farmhouse’ was entered, waiting for that familiar click over.


“Son of a..”

Hands on his hips, being locked out felt a little different when one was standing outside clad in nothing but pastel blue running shorts in the pre-dawn hours. Comm in hand, he debated who to bother to let him inside, who would be the least perturbed about venturing down to ground level. His father had long been awake, question was if the old salvager was even paying attention to his comm. Doubtful. Rue would come do it, but he questioned the wisdom of waking up a pre-teen to open the door, and he knew for a fact the girl would not be quiet about it.

Debating his merits of asking his father again, the side door opened. Yet he was not greeted by one of the faces he expected. Instead it was Thirty-Seven.

“Thirty-Seven, what are you doing down here?”

[ Good Morning Sir. ] Thirty-Seven seemed way too happy, less matter of fact than normal. Something was going on. As Makai tried to enter, the droid immediately barred him from entering the space, exiting the home with a travel caf-cup in hand and some type of pastry wrapped in a napkin. [ You have been barred from entering Sir.]

“I’m sorry, what?”

[ Sir, this is not a time to have a malfunction with your hearing. You have been barred from entering. Mistress Arceneau has made your usual cup of caf in consolation. ]

Carefully taking the caf cup, Makai took a sip and made a face. He then took the pastry, almost as if in some sort of standoff with his personal droid.

“Mistress Arceneau did not make this. Ellie wouldn’t even send this out, seems like a certain protocol droid might have instead.”

[ Mistress Arceneau does not have notes on your caf consumption. ] An admission of guilt. [ Schematics of caf aside Sir, you’ve been barred from entering until the ceremony is over. You will be staying with Master Iko Vel and Mister Casteel Mer’taal in the north garden cottage. ]

With a blank expression, Makai sighed. He wasn’t quite sure who had decided it wasn’t wise to re-enter the home, although he was fairly certain Thirty-Seven might be the culprit. Or his soon-to-be bride, it was a toss up.

“Lead the way, Thirty-Seven”

Wedding Day, 10AM

Thirty-Seven had certainly been the one to kick him out the house, that was evident when they reached the cottage and he found all of his things inside. Why was beyond him. In the pre-dawn Ellie was barely awake, let alone getting ready for an event that took place closer to sunset. Yet he wasn’t arguing.

Instead, Makai pulled out every set of golf clubs he owned to have an impromptu ‘bachelor’ party with Iko Vel Iko Vel and Casteel Mer'taal Casteel Mer'taal . The half-Galan had been meticulously cutting and fertilizing a small patch of grass to make a ‘green’ at the top of a massive field. The pasture was being rotated out, and since no nerfs were in danger of getting hit, it was now his personal driving range.

A bucket of neon-colored golf balls made it easier to see as they did their best to out do one another on distance.

He paused to help Iko, adjusting the boys arm.

“Alright, head down until impact, then you can look and see where its headed, okay?”

Makai stepped back to give the teenager room, attention turning to Casteel. He hadn’t seen the man since they spent too much time together in a deep underground bunker on Empress Teta. Good times. It was good they ran into one another ; Makai had a proposal for the blonde banker.

First, the niceties.

“How’s it been Castie? Hows business?You’re getting hammered hard and not in the good way.” A small pause. “Did your family fare well? I saw Anaxes held strong, looks like Coruscant got a brunt of it but still.”


The Arkuhn Farm
Interacting with: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Iko Vel Iko Vel

Casteel had already been awake the last hour, having to deal with the situation on Anaxas in light of the war. He was on his second cup of caf, and it was evident that there had been plenty to review as his typically perfectly comb back hair was ruffled and mused after being carded through by his fingers.

A deadpan, glacial stare would float over Makai's direction. Why he wanted to play gravgolf of all things this early in the morning was unbecoming; however, as the man was close to his nuptials, Casteel figured that it at least required his participation as a proper gentleman should.

Yet it was the question regarding the status of his family on Anaxas that seemed to draw the resting e'chuta face away from the banker, and instead, a rare, well satisfied smile would curl over his perfect patrician features. There was a certain glitter in those icy blue eyes, as he commented, "I'm fine, the Alliance held onto Anaxas, so my interests there are getting settled."

He brought his cup of caf to take a sip, only to pause with notable pleasure, "My family, on the other hand, are deliciously suffering their woes that the great Imperial rule that they so desired did not take the Great Anaxas. Alas, such woe." the relish he took in their anger was telling.

"Also why are you here? Do you not have a suite in the main building?" he lofted a dark brow as if to say, did you already get kicked out.

Was this the sport rich people played? Maybe it wasn't too late for him to go back to the Order. Of course, that was a joke but at the same time, Gravgolf wasn't Iko's type of sport. Trying his hardest to just whack the ball with no focus on his form or swing. Pure power was the way to do in his eyes. Which obviously wasn't going to work that well, as he missed swing, after swing, after swing...Though he did try to keep his ears open for the conversations that Makai and the stranger were going on about. Something about Imperial rule? Anaxas? Iko wasn't too knowledgeable in his intergalactic Geography, but he was slowly but surely trying to get better at it.

For now however he was just going to keep himself quiet. This wasn't the kind of conversation he could butt his way into, and nor did he want to. Though as he started to lose focus on what he was doing, and trying to keep focus on the conversation, Iko didn't realise his grip was slipping on the golf club until it was too late...and whilst he hadn't send a single ball down the green, with a sudden woosh through the air alongside an amount of strength that had been indirectly assisted by the Force, the club Iko had been using went soaring through the sky and landed with a thud, embedding itself straight into the dirt.

The young lad stared off in the distance to his club...before turning his attention to Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell and Casteel Mer'taal Casteel Mer'taal , pointing off towards his golf club as he had a nervous little grin on his face. Wow. Great first impression. He was already making a fool of himself.

"...Do I win? I got mine the furthest."
"Nice to hear they are suffering."

Makai chuckled, watching Iko Vel Iko Vel try his hand at a drive and....losing the club in the field. At the very least, it was sticking straight up. Wasn't the first time he had seen something like this happen, but normally it was a result of anger and a large stream of curses. It looked like Iko was actually attempting to play versus having a fit. Maybe some professional lessons would be in order.

"Thats great, next time let's get the ball that far and the club in your hand. Keep trying, uh...and retrieve my club in a minute if you can."

His club in hand, Makai rolled over a bright orange golf ball and lined it up for a shot, finally addressing Casteel Mer'taal Casteel Mer'taal . He was surprised the banker acted as if it was early morning, the sun had been out for hours at this point. Although judging by his hair looking as if was actually touched and not a helmet, perhaps Castie had a long night with Anaxas concerns.

"I do. We spent the night together, woke up, went for my typical run and denied re-entry. Didn't even get the chance to say good morning or have breakfast. Not sure why, I mean, she isn't getting ready yet. We've got ages, there's no way its going to take her from six in the morning to near sunset."

Clearly, he was a little upset at the disrupted routine. It was perhaps a bit foolish but he knew reality was knocking on their door ; there was going to be an increasing amount of time apart with the Centrality project 'ending' in the sense they were no longer needed day-to-day there. It was going to be back what it was like before they were engaged, which he wasn't looking forward to.

A swing and the neon orange ball went sailing high.

"Castie, I want to set you up on a date with my friend, Lady Adalee Thorne Adalee Thorne of House Thorne on Lorrd. She's set to lead House Thorne. Well educated, insufferable, a stickler for duty, polished. I think you would be a good match. Ellie and I can chaperone if you kids are worried about rumors regarding your purity."
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Interacting with: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell & Iko Vel Iko Vel

Casteel had been in the middle of another caf sip when the boy Judah was fostering sent his club flying into the green. It landed with a loud thump, prompting a flat blink at the action. Having faced countless interactions with high society, the young executive maintained a neutral expression. However, the brief flicker of his ice-blue eyes toward Makai spoke volumes.

"I'll send you the contact details of Sergio Tsva," Casteel said, referencing the highly regarded Grav Golf instructor known for tutoring the elite's progeny. It was a simple solution to an inconvenient mishap.

he continued, addressing Makai's abrupt expulsion from the main house. "They are in preparation mode. Your presence is not welcomed while they conduct their final review of the whole affair." This was entirely normal. Most gentlemen spent such time with their close friends, smoking and drinking in preparation for the final event.

Yet it was Makai's recommendation to set him up on a blind date that furrowed the dark slash of Casteel's brows, his aristocratic features hardening at such a ghastly suggestion.

he replied curtly, his voice clipped with aristocratic precision. "I can procure my own arrangements for a match." The implication that Makai would meddle in his affairs was unacceptable. Casteel adhered to a specific, strict guideline regarding who his eventual match would be. While Companions were still respected in the Mid Rim and Outer Rim, there were more than a handful of Core World families that considered Casteel no more than an escort for payment.

Not wrong, but it got him and his bank exactly where he wanted to be.

Iko was getting ready to head off and get his golf club when Makai asked him to, but the comment about dating caught Iko by surprise. He wasn't too knowledgeable about dating, but...was this how it worked for fancy people? they got suggested dates by other people? Iko and Persie just met by random. Maybe it was fate. Maybe it was the Force. Maybe it had been a big coincidence but for some reason, he felt like he had to say some kind of comment about it. And wouldn't be too bad for a child to say something about dating, compared to someone like Makai meddling in them. Of course, he wouldn't realise that himself.

"...Why'da a match 'ave to matter? Makai is askin' for you to date 'er. Not play a game against 'er. Dates can be really fun! I've 'ad a few with Persie. Plus you never know! It could be fun! Even if you two don't end up likin' each other that way, it's a new experience, ain't it?...Though if you're scared of datin' 'cause you haven't done it before, I can give you tips! Or Makai can! 'E knows a lot about datin'!...I think. 'Cause 'es gettin' married and everythin'...which you already know...erh...I should go get the club! Bye!"

With that, Iko ran as fast as his legs could carry him down the green, to go and grab his club back out of the ground. It was going to take a few hearty tugs to get it up and out of the mud and earth but eventually he managed to do it. Holding the club aloft his head like it was some kind of sword, Iko then proceeded to run all the way back, swinging the golf club back and forth, still treating it like a sword. Slowly but surely, he had started to act like a regular teenager with a hyperactive imagination would, as he finally got back to Makai and Casteel.


Casteel Mer'taal Casteel Mer'taal Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
Makai was not very surprised that Casteel Mer'taal Casteel Mer'taal was not taking him seriously. The blonde bastard had never regarded him as someone who was capable of navigating the waters of high society. Castie probably thought he picked a country bumpkin, which was not the case in the slightest.

The half-Galan smiled at Iko Vel Iko Vel for jumping in and providing some insight, even if that insight came in the form of a teenage boy using a golf club as a sword.

Makai motioned Iko on back, to join them in conversation.

"Come on Iko. I need you to witness this, Casteel will never admit I was right later on."

First though, he had to give a little insights for the teenager. No doubt Castie would roll his eyes, which Makai considered an improvement from when they first met.

"So a match is important at our ages." Makai motioned between himself and Casteel, "because you're supposed to be looking for a spouse. In many circles, it is still scandalous to get divorced, so you've got to make sure you've got the right one. Then add in the fact your chosen partner needs to fit. Spoiler alert, Castie does not think I do."

Chuckling, he continued.

"Castie, I would never set you up with someone who I didn't think was a potential long term partner. I thought we were friends now?"

Well, probably just more friendly.

"Iko is right. One date won't hurt you. There's nothing to be scared of. You're acting like me, I didn't want to reunite with Ellie and look at us now. You won't know until you at least meet Lady Thorne."
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The Arkuhn Farm - main arrival area

Iced-azure eyes looked around as she stepped off the transport from the landingpad. The fields reminded her of her time with the Allen's for those six years she'd been missing before she'd known she needed to be found. Everything else, was of course, much larger than their humble abode. But it was the same feeling. And the smells of fresh turned turf. Though many machines lay quiet, most likely off for the big day. It was hard to believe her son was about to be married.

And she was very proud of the young man he'd turned into.

She wore a long, dark navy dress. Dark hair with streaks of blue that had gotten lighter over the years was bound back in an intricate braid. The scar across her right brow faded but still there. Not only her body but much of her mind had been given a chance to heal. She'd gotten help and done a lot of work on Ceto. Many of her memories with Judah and Makai remained foggy from the accident long ago but she'd learned to accept WHO she was now. And learned to appreciate the new memories.

She had her own small flight school she'd started and when not running that or spending time with Makai, she spent much of her time beneath or inside the belly of a ship, tinkering and learning. She'd found it good for her soul. Good for her mind.

Others dressed in finery bustled about. Many carrying flowers and other odds and ends she assumed was being prepared for the big day. Or just from those who lived or worked here. The retired rebel freedom fighter paused and craned her neck. Unsure of where to go.
Judah was half-dressed, wearing his black dress pants and shiny dress shoes, but stayed in his undershirt otherwise. He didn't want any mishaps if he ate or drank or stepped out for a smoke. At this point, there wasn't much for him to do besides stay out of the way. He had checked on the women and it was clear he wasn't needed until it was time for pictures or the actual walking down the aisle.

Idly, he was scrolling through work messages when a text popped in. It was sent in a small group ; just himself, Makai, and his ex-wife.

(( Hey, I've landed. Where to now? ))

Thessa. Judah didn't know when she was coming so he hadn't been looking for her, otherwise he would have put Makai and Iko on transport arrival duty. He quickly left his suite, starting down the cobblestone path towards the landing pads. Today he had to stay to one side ; flowers and candles and chairs were still being carrying into the solarium area, the final touches for the ceremony in full swing.

Squinting his eyes, he could see the half-Galan waiting in a long navy dress, looking down the path for him.

"Thessa, hello" He called out as he got closer, hurried in pace so she wouldn't be standing out for long looking lost. "Its nice to see you again. Your flight was well?"

Ceto was a long distance to Orron III. Judah knew that well, Salacia Consolidated still kept their headquarters on the planet, enjoying the quiet despite the distance from everything else. Regional headquarters were useful waypoints in that regard.

"Who are you inclined to hang out with? The women, or our boy? He's been kicked out of the main house, hell, I'm surprised I haven't been...I've been laying low."
Thessa closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around him in a warm hug. The awkwardness she'd felt around him when he'd first found her again had faded with time. At least on her end. Releasing him, she took a half step back to get a better look at him.

"You look well. Thanks for meeting me. This place is beautiful. And flight was fine."

And she meant all of it.

"The women?" A small snort at Judah's choice of words. "I hope I don't blow your cover." A wink like times long gone. Arm would hook easily into his own. "Makai will find me when he's ready. Do you have time to give me a tour? And is it just me or are you in as much disbelief about our son being married as I am? Makes me feel...old."

A small, tentative grin up at him as a line of droids warbled and beeped at them to move from their path as they hauled trays of food on by.
Judah had promised himself and others after his little mid-life outburst, he would do better. It wasn't easy and he quickly found out if he attacked the problem head-on in a large manner it didn't work. It worked for his company, but it didn't work for Judah the person. Small, little 'bite sized' chunks was how he had to approach the situations in his personal life.

Thessa Kai Thessa Kai was one of those 'bite sized' chunks. He hadn't always had the best relationship with his ex-wife after everything. There was a determination to do better, to be better. He just had to remind himself that he could only really handle one small chunk at at time. It was better than not trying at all, that much he knew.

He hugged her tight, after all, Thessa was the mother to his only child. There would always be a relationship in place between them in some capacity.

"Thank you, I'm doing better."
Judah knew she had zero idea what happened, but they would get there. No sense in bringing up his recent issues and ruining a perfectly good day. "You look good yourself, its been awhile. Everything has been fine with the business?...Speaking of, I'm fostering a teenage boy, Iko Vel Iko Vel .Do you think you can give him flying lessons? I'll pay well, of course."

"Doubtful I will be kicked out completely, I'm walking the bride down the aisle."

Arm linked in hers and they started to walk. Judah figured a small tour of the beautiful grounds and surrounding farmland wouldn't hurt. It would also give them a chance to talk without interruption. Myra had never met his ex-wife and he expected at least a small conversation there. Since most of the paths were paved or pea gravel, walking would be easy.

"I am not sure we are old, maybe the kids are just entirely too young. is sobering to think we have a child old enough to be someone's husband now. Seems not so long ago that I first got to hold him, our squalling little Tadpole. How are you feeling? Ready to be someone's mother-in-law."

Judah said it like a curse, grinning.
"We just had our first graduating class last week. The business side is going OKAY. You know it's never been my strength but I have some help for that." The whole experience of starting Young Fliers gave her an appreciation for all Judah did. Was able to do. She'd much rather be in the cockpit or in the belly of a ship. Getting her hands dirty and blistered.

But with the accident and her age, though her limp had improved significantly, her body was starting to force her to slow down. And she was grateful to lean just a tiny bit on Judah - at least until the stiffness in her leg got walked out.

A quick shake of her head as she took her eyes away from the fountains and city walls they passed. A sideways look at her ex-husband. And even though she inherited half his company money, she'd never used it on herself. She barely touched it. It all either went back to Makai or she'd paid things back after starting her company. She'd given some to the Allens and her parents and family still on the war-torn Gala.

But otherwise, it was important she provide for herself.

"You will pay the normal price and perhaps with even a family discount," a bright grin up at him as her face tilted and the mid-morning sun caught some of the scales on her face. "Mother-in-law sounds easy after some of the things we've been through." It was a quiet, thoughtful comment as she looked away from his face and toward the grounds.

"Do ever miss it? Back when we were fighter pilots. When we thought we could take on the whole world so easily?"
"Hmm, no I'll pay the full amount. We can argue about that later."

Judah was aware mother-in-law's had a horrible reputation on the sons side. Thessas own mother? They still had a great relationship. It just seemed different when it came to mothers and their grown sons. Knowing Myra the way he did, Judah wasn't anticipating any problems. Danger on the other hand...well, Thessa has always been a sore subject.

"Do I miss it? Not at all. Becoming a fighter pilot and the fallout gave me a horrible droid phobia that I'm still not over. At the time, it was my only escape off Saleucami and being poor."

A small pause as they walked, they were drawing near the kitchen herb gardens now. Makai had been forced to a guest cottage on the other side of their current location and he was slowly wandering in that direction.

"However... I saw my Flight Instructor and decided she was hot enough to steal away from her fiance, so that wasn't all bad. I really had to lay on the Dashiell charm. Trapped her by getting her pregnant."

Judah laughed a little. He was trying to turn a new leaf over. Part of that was relaxing a little. To try to be a little more open with the relationships already established in his life.

"Got a cool kid out of the deal, would have went insane without him. Oh, and a ex-wife, she seems alright."

Judah nudged her gently as they walked, mindful of her limp and gait.

"For all the pain... I'd do it again." A small shrug. "I would ask if you miss it but I know you do. You lived for that life."
"However... I saw my Flight Instructor and decided she was hot enough to steal away from her fiance, so that wasn't all bad. I really had to lay on the Dashiell charm. Trapped her by getting her pregnant."

She laughed. An easy carefree sound that could easily be taken for granted but didn't come often enough. She elbowed him lightly back. "Yeah he's a pretty cool kid. Thoughtful and kind. Smart which he probably got from his dad." Iced-azure gaze wandered over the garden, giving herself a moment to let the smells of mint, parsley, chives, and wild nimi berries tickle her nose.

"I'd do it again, too," she said quietly. Finding herself a little envious that he could remember everything. Even the painful parts. Head shook at his response. "And no, I don't miss it. Maybe there was an old part of me that would've but that part is long gone. Sometimes, change is good and healthy."

Walking in amiable silence for a few moments, she asked. "Tell me more about Myra. I've tried not to pry. Do you think they're a good match?"
" Thessa Kai Thessa Kai does not miss being a hot shot pilot? I think another level of hell has frozen over."

She was a little different now. Most of the core personality was there but a difference too, a result of all she had been through. It wasn't necessarily bad, just something he noted the more they interacted. The road to healing was long, the physical scars may have faded but the emotional and mental ones always took the longest. At least, he idly noted, things were getting better. For the both of them.

"Oh, thankfully you didn't pry. I've got several earfuls from Makai about digging into their relationship. They....can be, how do I say it....protective, of the details of their relationship. If I'm being honest, they've always been a little secretive, even as teenagers."

He had been told, on no uncertain terms, several times that he was not to meant to understand a few things about the pair. That clarity wasn't coming and don't expect to ask for it. His most recent mistake had been their propensity to rise early and spend time together. Judah had now learned to keep his mouth shut and eyes open, observing from afar.

"Myra has been his best friend since they were young. As in, can't keep 'em apart type best friends. You've heard her mentioned I'm sure, although our son calls her Ellie and not Myra, just in case you're remembering anything when you talked to him last."

Judah let his free hand brush against a row of leaning, waving flowers as they walked, the cobblestone paths artfully landscape and lined, even as they continued away from the kitchen gardens and into the flower gardens and reflecting pools. Further in the distance, the rolling fields were quiet today, although he could make out a few droids in between the rows.

"Myra is very smart, very determined. She's also extremely, fiercely in love with Makai. On one hand they seem unhealthily obsessed with one another but on the next they possess a level of emotional depth and maturity that only a couple married a decade would have. While they had a rough patch, things seem better for them now. Less emotional."

A small pause as he spoke, looking at Thessa.

"I think they are a good match, we've all lived together these last few weeks and I've been watching. I don't think we have anything to worry about."

If there was anything Casteel excelled at, it was leveling a cutting, icy glare with all the pomp and circumstance of a well-bred high noble. With a single glance, he could deliver the cut direct, and in this instance, he flickered that chilling gaze in Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell 's direction.

Granted, it didn't have quite the same effect when his platinum blonde hair was disheveled and not slicked back as usual.

"Clearly, you do not devote the proper amount of time to your betrothed if you are more concerned about my prospects for a match," his clipped, aristocratic voice carved out, emphasizing that Makai would do best to focus on his own nuptials.

"Perhaps I should be more inclined to focus on yours and give Myra a more suitable candidate for her review." Himself, for example. Of course, he half-meant it. As aggravating as it was to deal with Makai, he knew that as Myra's best friend, he had to make an effort. However, Makai was testing his patience with this nonsense of setting him up on a blind date.

It did not help matters when Iko Vel Iko Vel added his own thoughts. What would a mere boy of fourteen know? Clearly, he had a need to be educated according to proper standards. Casteel made a mental note to send Judah a list of proper tutors to teach the Galactic Standard of manners when dealing with members of noble standing.

Finishing his caf, he set the cup aside. It was his turn to swing.

"I will decline your offer," he told Makai pointedly, indicating that the matter was settled. He took his position, his tall, broad figure settling into place. Hands curled around the club, and his chiselled, aristocratic face focused on the distant flag.

With a perfect crack, he swung. The ball sailed high in a beautiful arc, landing just a couple of feet from the flag before rolling into the cup.

A rare, pleased smile graced the Anaxai's lips, and he gave a pointed, self-satisfied smirk to Makai.

"A hole in one," he declared, as if to say, see, I can do just fine on my own.


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Thessa Kai Thessa Kai Iko Vel Iko Vel

It was curious, that for such a small and intimate wedding, there were still things to be concerned about. As it was, Danger was the one who was making sure all things were finalized for the day, while ensuring that El-Seven would see to any of Myra's immediate needs, filtering information on a need to know basis.

They let the bride sleep in, so when she awoke, it was no surprise that she was confused regarding Makai's absence. That, however, was clarified once Thirty-Seven came in to bring in a cup of caf for the heiress. A need for Makai and his groom party get things settled before the ceremony and make sure things are in place. Myra was still confused, but by the time Danger came in, there was little sense in the matter to argue. Not like she couldn't go looking for him herself.

Well, that's what Myra initially thought, but it seemed that Danger and El-Three were not keeping her out of their sight.

Resigning herself that she would have to wait to see Makai until the ceremony, she settled in to all the pomp and circumstance required for the day. Although, it was nice to be given breakfast in bed, sipping on a fruity mimosa and having Skylar Quick playing her best love songs on the holo music player.

"How you feelin' darlin'?" Her mama's voice would coo from Myra's right, enjoying the pedicure she was receiving to paint her toes a pretty pink color.

"Relaxed actually," El-Three had ensured that he had all the appropriate aromatherapy oils misting into the suite. "This is nice." It was a level of being pampered Myra rarely allowed herself to take.

"Mmhmm, good. We'll get you some food in your belly shortly. Last thing you need is worrin' about and not realizin' you need to eat. " Danger settled herself down on a comfortable chair, watching the attendants see to her daughter. She was practically glowing. A soft smile would grace her lips.

"If only Alric could see you now. I'm sure he'd be so proud and happy for you."

A soft, wobbly smile and a pair of misty grey eyes would shine over at Danger's direction. "I know mama, I know."
Persephone was in the middle of a dilemma. Obviously she couldn't join her boyfriend, cause then he was with Makai and the pretty blonde bastard. Yet she couldn't join My-rah and her Mama, it seemed like a lot of personal things going on there. Plus, grown woman talk. Although Persephone wasn't stupid when it came to certain....realities,ain't no one talkin' about that in front of a fourteen year old girl.

So, she was resigned to be in a suite with Rue, both seated next to one another as their hair and nails were done. It wasn't bad, the pampering, its just the conversation with Rue was lacking. Who knew a four year gap made such a difference?!

"Rue, y'know, this pamperin' is nice, right?"

The little redhead looked skeptical. More tomboy and rough and tumble than frilly dresses and getting her nails done. "I...I guess?"

"Right. So's we need to make the case that we need this pamperin' bi-weekly. I mean, if Makky and My-rah can do this today, what's stoppin' them from any other time?"

"It is their wedding. Maybe that's why? Makky said its special."

"A wedding is once. Twice if yous kill off the first one. I can't go my entire life only gettin' this done twice Rue!"
"Oh Ellie," that rang a bell. A thoughtful, quiet look. "It sounds like we're lucky to have her become part of the family. I'm glad he found someone to keep up with him. These days he's reminding me too much of how I used to be."

There was a brief twinkle in her pale eyes.

Thessa peered into the distance and thought for a moment she saw someone who looked like Makai with a few other boys. She couldn't be sure, though. It was rather far off. With a light squeeze, she released Judah's arm. "But how are you with life? With everything else besides getting an earful from our son for prying into his business?"

Another twitch of her aqua lips.

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