Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private What Are You Doing The Rest of Your Life?

Iko blinked at how harsh Casteel Mer'taal Casteel Mer'taal seemed to be. But he was used to dealing with harsh men. His dad had been one. It was part of why Iko was always trying to be so outgoing. He didn't want to be anything like his father. And from how it was going, he didn't want anything to be like Casteel. Of course, he didn't understand that much about the stranger. Right now, it was just a teenager seeing someone who seemed strict and mean which isn't something that Iko would normally ever like...but he didn't really have any power right now as he turned his attention over towards the hole where Casteel had managed to get a hole in one.

"...You remind me of my dad. Thought he knew best. He didn't date anyone. He ended up dying. Alone. I hope that doesn't happen to you Mr. You're Makai's friend. I don't want Makai to be sad."

And as kids and teenagers sometimes do, Iko just came out with that rather morbid line. His eyes unflinching as he stared out ahead of him. He wasn't fully over the incident himself, as the young boy scratched and picked at his finger to try and distract himself from the thought. Did he mean it when he said he hoped the same fate wouldn't befall Casteel? Technically. Iko would never say something like that without meaning it. But for now, he wasn't exactly making a great impression.

"...Makai. How much longer do we have to do this? My hands are getting sore."

A lie. Iko never normally lied. But Gravgolf was one of the most mind numbing things he had ever experienced. He would rather watch fashion shows for the rest of his life than do any more of this. It was just a lot of talking about stuff he didn't understand. People trying to say stuff by saying another thing. None of it made sense to him. He knew he'd have to understand it eventually...but not yet. No.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Casteel Mer'taal Casteel Mer'taal

"We probably need to get ready, if any one of us are late there will be hell to pay. So Iko, we can call it quits and head back to the cottage."

Collecting their things, they headed back. As they walked back, it was a game of 'who had the worst father' between Iko and Casteel. Apparently no one wanted the 'vitriol from his mother's womb', which frankly Makai didn't understand because he had only been half paying attention. Something to do because his father was worse for living with his mother.

Iko countered that his father was worse because he died alone, crushed and burned to death. Makai was thankful he was behind the two men as they talked, his eyebrow raising. Not the most...pleasant, topic to have right before one got married but at least he was entertained. Topic was still in full debate as they reached the guest cottage, Makai ignoring both and sitting at the desk and getting to work before he needed to get ready.

Gifts for all women in his life ; he would have Thirty-Seven deliver them shortly, quickly finishing the notes that accompanied each. It was just a small gesture of appreciation for all five, knowing today was a perfect day to relay his love and gratitude.

First, for Ellie, a pair of earrings made from the same seafah jewels that comprised her engagement ring and his wedding band. A nice touch that his jeweler managed to pull off with the right cuts and steady hand. It wasn't the only surprise he had for her, but the other would be delivered in person once they were on their honeymoon.

Ellie, I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together. I never thought this day would day would come, yet here we are, staring down our next adventure. As we tackle the unknowns and the familiar, the highs and lows hand-in-hand, know I'll always love you. That's never been in doubt. All my love, M.

Second, to his own mother, which when he saw her message he was greatly surprised she had shown. The woman had rarely left Ceto after her accident, her last foray into the galaxy had been attending his university graduation. Makai had personally commissioned a beautiful ring that was supposed to be reminiscent of kelp and the ocean.

Ma, thank you for coming. I know things haven't always been easy between us but I hope this marks a new chapter in our relationship. I love you and I know Myra does as well. Looking forward to spending more time together in the future, don't forget about your favorite son just because he's married. Love, Tadpole.

Third, to Persephone. Another ring he had commissioned based off ZikZok designs that his jeweler assured him were popular with young girls. Ivanroe himself mentioned it was becoming a trend, a fashion accessory for both boys and girls and like to have multiple rings. As always, Makai knew if it was ZikZok popular, it would be a hit.

Persie, thank you for being patience with us as Myra and I learn to be sudden parents to a loud, opinionated, smart, and funny fourteen year old girl. Don't forget to be yourself while you're busy trying to be the perfect fashionista. - Makky

Fourth, a necklace to Rue. Makai knew she wouldn't quite appreciate the gesture just yet, but the youngest Arceneau also had a lifetime of business galas, expos, social parties, garden parties, and high society events to attend. Her time being able to avoid them was quickly closing and as such, perhaps she would appreciate the item coming from him.

Rue, this isn't your thing. However, I included two tickets behind home plate for a gravball game later in the season. Just you and me, taking everyone last time was a disaster. - Makky

Finally, a pair of emerald earrings to Danger that would arrived in a hand-carved stone box. It was a call back to the very first gift he got her, a beautiful multi-gem green bracelet when he was but a little boy. The note was simple, but nothing else was needed.

Thank you for everything. Love, Makai.

"Opinionated and overly bossy?"

Judah snorted at his own joke. He could make out someone that was most likely Makai but the group was headed back up to the cottage. On their small tour he was leading them to the solarium where the wedding ceremony would occur. They had a small bit of time but factor in any holoimages that needed to be taken, introductions between Thessa and everyone else, and any other small things that were needed to be done time would slip away very, very quickly.

"Me? I'm okay. Hanging in there." There was clearly more, but now wasn't a time to discuss it. He imagined they would have some time to speak after the ceremony or tomorrow morning before departing. Moments before a wedding ceremony wasn't open invitation to deep dive into his problems. "How about you?"

Judah steered her on another path, leading them out towards the steel-and-glass solarium. It was more of a peagravel path, lined with stone arches and a more natural setting of flowers and rocks. He had spent days hanging lights from trees, over the paths, and basically anywhere he thought looked appropriate. It had been a lot of late-night tweaking and he was excited to see the final results tonight.

As they approached the Solarium, it was busy, packed even. Especially for such a small, intimate wedding. The final touches were being put on now, sprays of white roses and peonies all but coated the solarium at this point. They were early, but that was wise for him, needing to take his place with the bride once she arrived. Judah could have went to her suite, but he wasn't going to intrude on the moment with her and Danger.

It was emotional day. Judah shouldn't be walking her down the aisle, but her own father. He was honored to step in but the circumstances were not how he wanted to get to this point.

"Not long now. Uh...thanks for coming out. I know it isn't easy for you to make it out this way."
"Opinionated and overly bossy?"

"Hey," a playful light smack against his arm, the small smile never leaving her face.

A look of concern in her eyes at his next response but she didn't pry. Not now in the midst of the bustling wedding guests and those scrambling to find their seats in the Solarium. And she was unsure of what her place was with him in all this. And the last thing she wanted to do was bring further hurt into his life. Part of the reason why she stayed out of his hair as much as she did. Over the years to give him the space he needed to heal that no amounts of apologies could undo.

And perhaps to give herself the space to heal.

"I'm okay," she responded, for a moment looking as if there was more she wanted to say.

But now was not the time.

"I'm stronger than I look," reaching out she brushed a piece of lint off Judah's shoulder. "Not even torture from Daxton Bane would've kept me from missing our son's wedding." Stepping in for one last light squeeze, she quickly stepped back. "Thanks for the tour. For...everything. I'll find a seat. I'm good, really. Go do what you need to do."

As the day passed, there were plenty of tears, chuckles, and commentary. Thirty-Seven's arrival sparked curiosity in all the Arceneau and Dashiell women. Needless to say, as soon as they opened up the presents, more tears and joyful titters were spilled by Danger and Myra, while Persie gushed, and Rue was far more excited about the tickets - not surprised.

Danger would smile, the Arceneau matriarch slipping on the earrings that matched the bracelet Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell had given her almost two decades ago. How time sure flies, she mused, taking a deep, filling breath.

Snapshots. That's what she told Myra throughout the day; take mental snapshots so you don't forget. Sure, the droids will make sure to take plenty of pictures, but there was a difference when it came from one's own perspective.

Dressed in a becoming emerald dress, the Widow ushered Persie and Rue to their places at the Solarium. Judah would meet up with Myra for when he would walk her down the aisle, making sure that Makai wasn't getting any sneaking glances -- apparently Thirty-Seven had taken it upon himself to ensure that the groom wouldn't have a chance at that. Much to her and Myra's amusement, he had been locked out of the home and designated to stay with Casteel and Iko.

The platinum blonde was carefully adjusting his cuffs when Danger ambled up beside him, pressing a gentle hand in greeting along his biscep. Casteel swiveled his head, giving a faint smile, before bowing and reaching for the same hand to kiss the back of it.

"You are a marvel to gaze upon, Danger," his aristocratic tenor would prompt a chuckle from the auburn maned woman, shaking her head. Casteel and his desire for constant attention to detail and propriety.

Looking at his tuxedo, Casteel was not a sight for sore eyes either. Tall, handsome, with a gravitatas that would pull the gaze at the level of confidence and cool authority. He had been the perfect companion. If the rift had continued, Casteel had been a musing option as a partner for Myra; they at least were good friends and Danger trusted him impeccably.

"So when shall we have a similar ceremony for you?" She asked, curious, prompting a slight twitch of a jaw from the Anaxi. "In good time, on my own terms. Makai has it in his mind to try and pawn me off. " His icy blue gaze would swivel at the decorations and the intimate setting, as the guests would take their seats.

"Perhaps, a bit in trepedation that I just might speak now mid-the ceremony, hmm?" He shone her a most devious grin, a rare one indeed, one to which Danger snorted and laughed.

"Are you sure you want that death wish, Casteel? Reckon Myra can still be a crack shot even with that dress."

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Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Thessa Kai Thessa Kai Iko Vel Iko Vel

The anxious fluttery excited feeling tickled Myra's stomach. She was standing in front of a large full-length oval mirror, staring at her reflection. The dress was perfect, her hair styled in a half part and in a soft upward twist, held in place with several hair pins. She had a simple veil, with just enough make up to enhance her delicate features and bring out the lovely grey hues of her eyes.

This was it. In just a little bit, she will finally be Mrs. Myra Elspeth Arceneau-Kuhn Dashiell.

The mouthful made her give a silly giggle, knowing that she'd shorten it after practicing several hundreds of times to make it look as pretty as can be. The light from the setting sun would glint against the seafah gem earings Makai had given to her. They matched perfectly with her engagement ring. Thinking of the Dashiell made her face glow, and she took a deep breath. Judah was set to arrive shortly, but it was surreal to think that Makai and her would about to begin a new and glorious chapter in their lives.

There had been a lot of emotions on the road that got them here, but looking back, it had been exactly what they needed. Perhaps, in that way, Myra could appreciate the hard work both Makai and she were doing to make sure nothing like their miscommunication ever happened again.
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This was it.

Makai had gotten dressed in a simple black tux, but opted for a few playful accents like his socks and cufflinks, adding a small touch of his personality to his wedding day. Vows had been written well in advance, the small book slipped into an inner breast pocket. He gently patted himself down, ring was in his pocket ready to go.

Casteel and Iko had abandoned him long ago, thankfully. He had finished getting dressed in peaceful silence before ambling up towards the solarium. Not having been allowed to see the venue all day, it looked perfect, much like what he and Ellie had spoke about. White flowers draping the entire space, a simple arch at the end of aisle was the needed touch to define the space as a wedding venue.

Guests settled, the officiant, a local village elder, was waiting for him at the end of the aisle.

Makai walked down on his own, there had been thoughts of Persephone of standing up as his 'best man' but in the end, they wanted to keep it simple as possible. The day was about pledging their love in front of their closest friends and family, not putting on some crazy show that wasn't either of them.

As the half-Galan walked down the aisle, he spotted his mother, incredibly surprised she came. It was still a shock. Considering it was his wedding and he didn't care if he was breaking protocol, Makai stopped his journey towards the flower arch to kiss his mother on the cheek, giving her hand a small squeeze as he did so.

"Thanks for coming Mom. We'll catch up later?"

Releasing her hand, Makai continued his short walk, taking his place beside the officiant and waiting, eyes fixed on the solarium entrance.

"I'm stronger than I look," reaching out she brushed a piece of lint off Judah's shoulder. "Not even torture from Daxton Bane would've kept me from missing our son's wedding." Stepping in for one last light squeeze, she quickly stepped back. "Thanks for the tour. For...everything. I'll find a seat. I'm good, really. Go do what you need to do."

"Funny story about that.... I'll tell you at the reception."

In his wildest dreams Judah never expected Daxton Bane would have came to him and asked for a vessel. And paid him for it. Judah still thought it surreal, he in fact donated the credits to an anti-slavery foundation after not knowing what to do. He thankfully hadn't heard a single peep from the Sith since, and the old salvager wanted to ensure the sadistic bastard left his family alone.

Leaving Thessa once seated, Judah left to stand near one of the stone arches that lead to the solarium. It was a small distance away so he could collect Myra privately, give her a few words of encouragement before leading her to the solarium. He had seen her once today and she seemed in good spirits, but as the moment drew closer, he knew nerves could sometimes creep in.

In his own black tux, he adjusted the bowtie to ensure it was straight.

Ever fashionable, Persephone had her own little feminine take on a tux, personally designed for her by the one and only Chi Chuchi Chi Chuchi .The teenage fashionista had fallen in love with it ; she loved dresses too but this was perfect since at the time, she was supposed to be standing up there with Makky. Plans changed and that was more than fine with her, allowing her a chance to observe the ceremony in a more relaxed manner than standing up and being on her best behavior.

Plus, she had a boyfriend now and what better way to take in a romantic wedding than holding his hand while watching?

Soft music played as they waited, and Persie looked around at all the flowers and candles set up. She had seen how busy the droids and workers had been and it showed, looking magical. Almost fairy-tale like on a small scale. In her wildest dreams she never thought she would even be able to be around something so fancy.

Eyes caught Makky kissing someone's cheek...his Mama? They kind of looked a like. Persie ain't never seen her before. Shoulders shrugged and she squeezed Iko's hand, whispering.

"Yous look nice. Good choice."

High praise from a fashionista.

The entire conversation and walk with Makai and Casteel had been strange. Arguing about who's father was the worst. It wasn't exactly a conversation he wanted to have had, he didn't exactly want to feel pity for a man who had ruined Iko's self confidence. So why had he been doing that? The young lad had no clue. This entire day felt strange for Iko. It was meant to be a day of happiness but he didn't know how it was meant to be happy. Marriage was something that confused him but he was going to do his best to be happy for Makai. After all, Makai was one of the people that had helped to give him a new path in life that he was eternally grateful for.

The decorations seemed nice at the very least, but Iko didn't totally understand the point of candles and flowers. Why not just use regular lights? And what was the interest in flowers? They were pretty but they didn't last forever. Love was meant to love forever though, so why would you include flowers to celebrate that? Maybe it was just something he couldn't fully understand himself but if girls liked it, then he supposed he should try and pay attention to the flowers, trying to make mental notes out of the specific types of flowers, whilst glancing at the one he had totally not taken from a vase...Up until he heard a familiar voice, glancing over to Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell as she snapped him out of his daydreaming, glancing down at his

"Oh. Thanks. You look great as well. I...Erh...grabbed for this for you. It kinda...matches your colour?"

With that, Iko held out the flower he had taken towards Persie, giving her an awkward smile. When he was purposefully trying to be romantic, it was hard. It was always easier for him to say or do something romantic when he wasn't focusing on it...but this time, he was too busy feeling like he had to be romantic. It was a wedding. You had to make your girlfriend seem special, right?

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
A curious loft of her driftwood-brows at Judah's comment before he left her. She sat in the front, a set of seats reserved for family of the groom. And as her eyes tracked her son walking down the aisle, she felt a warmth of pride spread along her chest. Everytime she saw him, he seemed older. Wiser than perhaps Judah and her had ever been at that age.

A squeeze of her hand back to him even as she stopped and fussed over her. The ring she'd just gotten on proud display over one of her fingers. She wanted to quickly shoo him away. This was his big day.

"I love you and I'm proud of you," she whispered against his cheek with a quick, light kiss of her aqua-lips and a nod of her head at his question before he made it to the front. She could tell others with curious glances were putting two and two together about who she was. Even as the attention in the hall kept shifting to the back. Anticipating the entrance of the bride.

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Thessa Kai Thessa Kai Iko Vel Iko Vel

El-Three escorted Myra from her suite, her small hand held within his phrik one, as the young heiress carefully ambled her way over towards the decorated and lighted archway where the old Salvager stood. Myra's face was barely obscured by her veil, so one would be able to still see the delicate features of the young woman underneath the white tull.

Wide grey eyes would sparkle with joy and excitement, the young woman coming to a stop in front of Judah, who once again, couldn't help but feel the moisture rise up in his eyes.

"You are looking handsome there, Judah," Myra would murmur, flashing a wide grin. Already the flutters in her belly were flying wildly.

[ Mister Dashiell, I hand over Mistress Arceneau to you. ] El-Three would chime, carefully placing Myra's hand out towards Judah's outstretched one.

"No one is more beautiful today, than you," Judah would murmur, giving Myra a small squeeze of her hand.


Myra turned to Judah and nodded.



With the bride having made her way down the aisle and up front, attention shifted from the back of the solarium back to the front, the ceremony was to begin.

The officiant, only known collectively in the village as Mrs. Mitz, adjusted her glasses. She gave an uncharacteristically warm smile to the couple before opening her leather-bound book, clearing her throat slightly.

“Welcome friends and family of Myra and Makai. This special occasion marks the beginning of their life together as a married couple. It is our privilege and great joy to witness this union and celebrate their mutual love, respect and commitment.”

Mrs. Mitz paused like a school teacher, looking to see if her small audience was paying attention.

“Myra and Makai, you have chosen each other as partners to co-write your story as married individuals. We are all happy to see you take this step together. To start our ceremony today, I’ve been asked to read a short passage that symbolizes their relationship.”

Another adjustment of glasses, a quiet page turn.

“Love is a temporary madness, it erupts like volcanoes and the subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have entwined together that is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of eternal passion. That is just being ‘in love’ which any fool can do. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and fortunate accident. Those that truly love, have roots that grow towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossoms have fallen from their branches, they find they are one tree and not two.”

Mrs.Mitz turned another page, face stoic as she addressed the audience as a whole once again.

“That is what we are here to witness, the entangled roots of these two individuals that are about to join together as one united tree. They will reach for the stars together, weathering the same storms, growing together year after year. Some rings will be thick and healthy, others thinner, reminders of the years where things won’t always go as planned.”

Another page flip, glasses adjusted once more.

“Because real love is sharing a life together. Any fool can fall in love. Real love is what comes next, after the fall is over.”

Mrs. Mitz addressed the crowd once more, looking between the couple in front of her. It was questionable if she could even see past Myra and Makai.

“Knowing this, we stand here today and hold you up in happiness. In a couple weeks, maybe a couple months, maybe even years, real life is going to creep back in. You will need each other to face those challenges. You will need each other as partners, as equals. You must be fiercely honest and fiercely committed to one another, real love demands both. Knowing this, it is time to declare yourselves to one another.”

A small pause.

“The couple has written their own vows and will recite them to one another now.”

Up first, Makai fished the thin little book with the vows out of his breast pocket. He turned to address their family and friends, chuckling a little.

“I'm going to apologize in advance, this is going to be horribly sappy.”

Opening the book, he turned his attention back to Ellie with a boyish smile.

“When we first met, everything changed, as if a part of me had been waiting for you to show up. It was like our souls clicked, as if they had found each other again. After that first meeting, life was never the same for me.

We became inseparable best friends from that moment on.

Blue was no longer my favorite color, instead it became the stormy-grey of your eyes. My favorite activity quickly became anything with you at my side. I didn't want any day to pass without you in it, because somehow it didn't feel complete.

Years later it suddenly hit me why a day didn't feel complete without you. I realized I was head over heels, hopelessly in love.

The kind of love we have is one where we are best friends, but could never be ‘just friends’. We have the kind of love that makes me question reality. The kind of love that people search a lifetime for and never find. This is the kind of love that doesn't feel real, yet it has to be, because everytime I look at you I fall in love all over again.”

Makai paused here, his voice breaking,thick with emotion. Tears had started to fall as he struggled to get through the rest, quickly wiping his eyes in order to continue.

“You are the sunshine on my brightest days and my comfort on the darkest ones. The biggest supporter in everything I do. I’m glad we found each other, love found us when we needed it the most.

Ellie Arceneau, It's always been you. You're everything that makes the universe whole.

So from this day forward, know that forever will never be long enough, but I vow to make the most of every moment with you.”

Vow book closed, wiping errant tears once again as he finished.


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Thessa Kai Thessa Kai Iko Vel Iko Vel

Every second that passed was a struggle not to cry; of course, by the time the local elder finished and Makai went on to read his incredibly sappy, wonderful, and oh Bastati, how adorable he looked as he did his best to choke through what he wrote in his vows made crying inevitable.

It was a good thing El-Three had taken measures to ensure Myra had waterproof makeup on, setting the foundation with powder to prevent streaks when she inevitably started crying.

With red-rimmed eyes blinking rapidly to clear her blurry vision, Myra reached out her hand to clasp Makai's free one in between, reciting his vows and giving it a squeeze of encouragement.

"I love you," she mouthed quietly, just as he finished, watching him close the small black book and giving a small crying laugh at it all.

Myra had chosen to be surprised by what Makai wrote even though he had offered to let her read it beforehand. It had been well worth it to hear him recite them along with the rest of their family for the first time. It had also hilariously painted the rather idiotic, aggravating, chaotic, but passionately loving road that finally got them to where they were now.

Where Makai's vows painted that wonderful road, Myra's were an affirmation and recommitment to what she had been doing her best to accomplish ever since they finally managed to reconnect and clear up their misunderstandings.

Mrs. Mitz gave an encouraging smile, and turned to Myra. It was her turn now. Choosing to continue to hold Makai's hand, with a shuddering breath and a wobbly smile, the heiress began.

"... Okay," Myra took a breath, steadying herself as Makai's beloved face became blurry again. Of course, she would tear up again before even starting!

"Makai... I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not, to agree to disagree on Skylar Quick's song lyrics, and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it h-home."

Her voice cracked, and she had to tighten her grip against Makai's hand.

"I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever. I promise to never forget that this is a once-in-a-lifetime love. And to always know in the deepest part of my soul that no matter what challenges might carry us apart, we will always find our way back to each other."


Honestly, watching the entire ordeal was rather nauseating.

Casteel maintained his persona of cool, charismatic charm, watching the vow exchange with glacial eyes that barely reflected the minor aggravation of losing a potential marriage partner to Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell . Once again, he gave an internal sigh. He had intended for the whole affair to take time to perfectly cultivate the Little Dove once he got rid of the wretched fool Myra had entangled herself with prior to Makai's prodigal son's return. It had been his plan to gently and rationally provide the reason why bridging their Companion agreement to one of betrothal would serve both of their best interests.

Unfortunately, Casteel had not considered that the lovesick childhood best friend Myra, who had been bemoaning his loss and aggravation over social media activities, would take the initiative after six years to make an appearance, much less to put his stake in the game.

It would be a fallacy that the Anaxi now swore would not be condoned a second time.

More's the pity; alas, it seemed that now he would have to permanently have to deal with the absurd matrimonial antics of the besotted fools.

Never mind that tiny warmth in his heart that took in the delightful, glowing charm Myra in her wedding dress provoked. At the very least, a gentleman did not covet another man's wife.

And he certainly wasn't his father.

Judah had taken his spot next to Thessa Kai Thessa Kai once he had walked Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell down the aisle. He was proud to have kept his promise not to let either one of them trip, that the entire venture had gone off without a hitch.

He was amused that only Makai would chose to have a ceremonial speech that involved the mention of volcanoes. Yet, as he listened, it seemed perfect for the pair. The old salvager was mildly impressed his son had put this amount of effort into his vows, matching Myra's re-commitment to one another in her own vows. Maybe he had been wrong, perhaps his son had been thinking this out for some time.

Reaching for Thessa's hand, he gave it a small squeeze and a brief smile. Hard to believe they were old enough to have a son who was getting married. He certainly didn't feel that old, nor did his ex-wife even look that old that they had a child that was grown. With the wedding, Judah personally hoped to mark a new chapter in life. His ex-wife came, he had a daughter in law now, it was an entire new dynamic for the salvager. Maybe that's what was needed in his life.
'Thank yous'

Persephone mouthed the words so they wouldn't interrupt the ceremony. She kept the flower in one hand and a tight grip on Iko Vel Iko Vel 's hand with her other as the ceremony got underway. Being a young, teenage girl with a crush, she naturally thought the ceremony was romantic. The words Makky and My-rah said to one another was like being straight out of a holodrama for her. Stuff she only saw on her teen dramas such as Dantooine's Creek.

Dark blue eyes went over to Iko and she squeezed his hand, wondering if he found this as dreamy and romantic as she did. Maybe not? Boys were different, weird. Even My-rah had told her boys were weird when she asked for relationship advice. So maybe Iko wasn't even thinking at all, or if he was, it was probably about forging and smithing.
I wonder what's for Lunch...

Iko blinked to himself as he stared off ahead of him, mostly in his own world. It wasn't that he didn't like the ceremony. It was just...Iko didn't get it. Myra and Makai obviously knew they loved each other. Why did they need a big ceremony like this to tell them that? He didn't need anyone to tell him he liked Persie. Maybe not to the same extent of Makai and Myra...but that was 'cause he was still young! Yeah. He was sure that if he was Makai's age, he'd feel the same way as he did about Persie! Or even more. Yeah.

Though he was snapped out of his thoughts as Persie squeezed his hand, and he looked down at her hand for a moment, wondering if he did something wrong before looking back at Persephone, giving her an awkward smile, before resting his head against her shoulder. That was affectionate...right? Iko wasn't sure. This entire wedding was making him far more sensitive to his actions compared to normal.

Makai brought Ellie's hand to his lips and kissed it after her vows, giving a watery smile in return to her. He didn't let her hand go, instead lacing his fingers through hers. Were they supposed to be focus on the ceremony and probably not touch? Sure, but this was his wedding and Makai didn't care in this moment about correct procedure. If it was up to him, he would have leaned in and kissed her, but that would have been a line too far right in the middle of their vows.

Iced topaz didn't leave stormy grey as the next portion of the ceremony got underway.

"Makai, repeat after me." Mrs.Mitz motioned for the half-Galan to remove Myra's wedding ring from his pocket. "I give you this ring as a symbol of my promise to love you forever. With it, I promise to honor, cherish, and love you the rest of our days, regardless of what triumphs or challenges we face together."

Repeating after Mrs.Mitz, he slid the ring he and Ellie designed together onto her ring finger, perfectly fitting with her engagement ring. With the ring on her finger, they were close now, nearly wed and tied together for the rest of their lives.

Mrs.Mitz adjusted her glasses and turned to Myra.

"Myra, repeat after me..."


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Iko Vel Iko Vel Thessa Kai Thessa Kai

"Myra, repeat after me..."

This was it.

"I give you this ring," Mrs. Mitz began, Myra repeating the words with a wobble.

"I give you this ring," Don't faint, don't faint, don't faint. Was the chant in the back of her head as Myra slid the ring into Makai's left ring finger. "As a symbol of my promise to love you forever."

They both had goofy, silly, wobbly smiles and red-rimmed eyes. It was such a silly, adorable moment.

"With it, I promise to honor, cherish, and love you the rest of our days," another deep breath and a bob of the heiress's throat, "regardless of what triumphs or challenges we face together."

Another, "I love you," was added to that, with a few sniffles and daws in the background. Casteel of course, could only take a deep, steadying breath at the sheer amount of obnoxious sweetness the whole ordeal gave. Honestly, he had been very tempted to make a remark when the woman had asked if there was anyone who would object to their marriage.

Alas, like the gentleman he was, he did not. Mores the pity.


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