Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What Are You Reading?


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Just wrapped up with another marathon read through of the Dresden Files. That series never gets old, and it's the best procrastination aide ever invented. Who needs to worry about editing and deadlines, amirite?

Next up is Son of the Black Sword by Larry Correia. For such a controversial author to end up on everyone's Best of 2015 lists is unheard of. He did alright by the MHI series, so I reckon it's worth a go.

Jacota Fiik

This just isn't my day...
I tracked down a copy of Jedi Search to start reading about Jacen and Jaina Solo. I'm ridiculously behind on the Expanded Universe (now Legends) books. I've only read the Thrawn Trilogy (because it's sort of required reading at this point) and a few fringe books here and there. So I picked up the Jedi Academy Trilogy and I, Jedi at this local used book store to get into it properly and I'm excited to delve into everything.

Other than that, I'm slowly working my way through A Dance with Dragons. George R.R. Martin has never been a writer I could blow through in one go and I've been slowly chewing through that for the past few months thanks to having no free time after buying it what with a stage show of Clue: The Musical I was in and a bunch of gigs I'm still under NDA for.

If comics count then I'll also list that I'm reading Saga, Ms. Marvel, Rocket Girl, and The Skullkickers. I would love to be super into comics like I was last year, but it's the time thing again.


I'm reading The Satanic Verses by Salmon Rushdie-- or rather, I'm listening to an audiobook version. These days I consume my leisure reading in audio form, since I spend way too much time staring at PDFs during my school readings.

I've been meaning to give it a go ever since I saw Rushdie speak in New York a few years ago. Half way through!
On Killing by David Grossman. Its an interesting read. But full of false assumptions from a man that's never been there done that.

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