Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What caused you to start rping in Star Wars genre?

Hi Farscape.

Star Wars Galaxies was my entry to RP. Best star wars game I ever played. I was somewhat well known on the Euro Chimera server, serving as a diplomat for various factions and being a known guild hopper xD

One of my latest characters there was an Ithorian who served an advanced Imperial Guild as a lawyer and Ambassador to Foreign Affairs (basically dealt with any other guilds, players who were not imperial and or human)
A dear friend of mine, whom I consider an older sibling, introduced me to the Star Wars chat rooms on Talk City when I was about fifteen years old. I already loved Star Wars. From there, I went on my first SW forum. That was all fifteen years ago, and I've been doing it ever since. :D
Well, back when I was eleven (almost twelve)...
I loved writing (still do). It was everything to me. And I didn't have the best school life at the time (bullies and a lack of friends), so I spent a lot of time alone. Home wasn't to much better, as I've never fit in to well with my fam. Writing was a way to escape from all of it, ya know? And one day I got tired of just writing it all in my head, and looked around. Eventually I found a site that seemed amazing. I joined and jumped right in.
At first I was one of the weakest writers there. Getting 5 sentences in one post was difficult, and my grammar sucked. As time went on, I got better. My writing improved, and I could kick out 4 paragraph posts pretty easily. The site went to the dogs not to long ago, and I left. As much as I loved that place, it just wasn't somewhere I wanted to write at anymore. Not to long ago I found this place and fell in love.
So here I am.
Rebellious Vanguard
I was just looking for a new RP scene. Actually, I was looking to try and find a Mass Effect RP site, but stumbled upon this nice little place.....AND FELL IN LOVE WITH IT!!
I started writing back when I was 10, counting up to 11 years now since I'm 21 =) Honestly, I don't remember when I found a Star Wars RP, but I do remember that I loved the first one I went to before it got deleted by a crazy lady admin. Lost two very good characters from that site T.T Since then, the Star Wars scene has been nice off and on, and I was able to find this one this past late year =) I'm enjoying myself so far, even though I haven't posted all that much xP Honestly, my writing skills are sloppy.
I was lured by a friend of mine from a previous forum that I roleplayed on (some 15-16 years ago) that was fantasy based. We discovered that we each had a mutual love for Star Wars and so we started searching for a forum based around that genre. The site that we found used to be HUGE and extremely active, but about a year or two back it started to lose activity and since has grinded to a halt. I believe that there are only a few active members left now... RL had pulled me away during that time. Marriage and a kid can do that.

The itch came back a few weeks ago and because of the death of that forum, I did a google search and found this lovely place. The community seems great, active, and not lacking in members... now to just get myself active in some threads.


This is my first board, I have been a Star Wars fan since I was five years old, my friend was roleplaying on Habbo and told me about Star Wars Roleplaying, I searched Star Wars RP Boards and the rest is history...
I started doing SW RP before SWTOR launch, but did not end up getting the game until much later after launch. I had not thought about it again until I started playing SWTOR and have been looking a while for a good place to RP. I finally realized that to find something like Chaos, I would have to look outside of the SWTOR community.
I was writing on a vampire the Masquerade board. Two of the people I wrote with introduced me to a gaming sight based on the Star War galaxy. I then made Garith Darkhold. *tires to remember how long ago that was* I think it could have been either in 2004 or 2005.
I started to roleplay in the yahoo chatrooms, anime/whateverhaveyou, stuff. I think that was around 10, or 11. Either way, it was a bunch of crap. XD

Eventually I wandered from yahoo, to a chatroom styled forum (cause that's how RP was done back in the day) and somehow landed into Gaia where I piddled around for a while. Decided to leave the RP scene around...15 ... I think? For a variety of reasons...but mostly because I was growing bored with dragons, elves, and long roadtrips. Instead, I chose to lose myself in books, and wrote solo for a while.

Then a friend of mine introduced me to the Star Wars books. I was pretty skeptical at first, because I was never much a fan of sci-fi, and all I really knew about Star Wars was from the movies. But, I like to try new things at least once, and decided to give it a chance. The book was 'The Rise of Darth Vader' and I was completely hooked. Started reading as much as I could, and even got the radio dramas to listen to. (which are amazing, by the way)

Eventually, just reading wasn't enough for me, and I found a Starwars/ forum, where I got my foot in the door. Unfortunately the place shut down. I hopped around for a while, and here I am. Still loving it.

Atlas Kane

I joined this site after I accidentally found out about Star Wars RPing websites. I always wanted to get into RPing but I never really found anything that I wanted to participate in, until this happened: I was watching a couple of Star Wars dueling videos when I came across a description of a video that said the Sith in it was using Vapaad, which sounded completely nonsensical since Vapaad draws upon the Dark Side energy of your foes, so then I set out to find some Dark Sider who used Vapaad in canon. Didn't find anyone but then I found a couple in a Fanon Wiki, which I didn't even know was Fanon at first, but after a bit of reading I went to the main page I realized it was Fanon for a RP site. That's when my search for a good Star Wars RP site started, then I ended up here.
Me and my friends used to play on Habbo and I found a Star Wars roleplay on there around early 2008. Stuck with that as a Jedi Initiate who knew nothing outside of the movies, or how to even type correctly. Then found their forum and stayed until I had been introduced to this by @[member="Suhr"].
I started RPing due to wasting far too much time in my teenage years on Gundam-related fansites, mainly the (both loooong defunct) Gundam Project and Gundam Watch communities. This ultimately led into RP in most things I'm a fan of, including Star Wars.

As for this place in particular, that is entirely the fault of my buddy @[member="Theophenes"]. He casually mentioned joining the place while we were playing some board game or another and now here I am.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
For me it happened a long time ago.
In a galaxy pretty close to this one.
And a state on the other side of the country I'm in.

Anyway, I was always a fan of Star Wars (thanks, Dad), and around 13, my cousin and I were doing Star Wars inspired D20, and MUD games. From there, I joined a now-dead Imperial-inspired multi-platform RPG. Everyone had characters, but some of us had platforms, mine was X-Wing Alliance, until I moved into the D20 platform. A Force-Sensitive Imperial Wraith Squadron...thing. Once that disbanded, around 10 years ago, I fell into free-writing with some of the other players, to continue the story. College made us grow apart, I fell into Role-playing in other fandoms, and finally brought myself back to Star Wars.


The Mind Behind
My dad was big into tabletop games, and tried introducing my brother and I to them. My mom was.. less than supportive of D&D, so we ended up playing Wizard's Star Wars d20 system (still do, actually). I decided that playing with only my bro and cousins wasn't as interesting (I can kinda read people; it's easy to predict them after not very long), so I went in search of a wider pool. I started out on a clone wars reenactment (sort of) called SW Renaissance, but it tanked before I finished my first roleplay. This is my second board.

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