Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What caused you to start rping in Star Wars genre?


Disney's Princess
Been a fan since I was a kid. Growing up a hot-blooded American Consumer, I read the Young Jedi Knights series as it was being published. Played Kotor and modded it often. Stuff like that. I think it was In 2005 or 2006, I started working with a group of guys who did D&D Sunday Night Games. They taught me how to RP with people as a group and we had some of the best tabletop-pizza-nights ever. Then came college and we split to go to different Universities. I wanted to keep that Game Night feel alive so I went online to find digital RP's we could all do from a distance. It didn't work out. But it did lead me to finding a cool StarWars board in 2008. From there I followed the people trail of connections and drama all over the internet. Touching upon just about a billion SW fan sites and RP forums. Most were just backwater hidey-holes, ERP dictatorships, or liberal fantasy wastelands. Everyone knew each other, but that didn't make it any better. 9 years of internationally acclaimed ups-and-downs made for one hell of a jaded SW web community. But at least we could always find something to queen about. It wasn't Sunday Night D&D... But it was close if you were drunk enough.

Then somebody from the craftshop mentioned that some dumb sucker was building his own website over here. The rest is history. :D :p
hmm after reading through the thread I find it brings back some serious memories as I try to remember exactly when I first got into star wars RPG .... and frankly I am not sure, my first game was actually battletech which is more of a "giant robots" war game that I got started on in the 80's after that I think I migrated to robotech from palladium, but one of the other rpg's my friends and I did was the old west end games D6 star wars, in fact one of my friends ran a couple sessions of that game a couple months ago over a chat program we use. I was playing a wanna be jedi and tried to open myself up to the force on tatooine which was a kind of bad mistake ... I didn't have the abilities to judge the "alignment" of a force node I found, which turned out to be strong in the dark side. so I am force sensitive avtively opening myself up to force influences ... in a dark side node, yep a "woke up" a dark side spirit, which earned me a couple dark side points, on a positive note the spirit was training me which was good, the bad news was he kept reying to trick me into doing things that encourage corruption.
of course the encounter with the first living dark sider was hilarious in hind sight. so I am working on trying to atone and purge myself of the dark side energies when I realize I should go to some space station to help out this hutt to keep him from getting framed or something. So my buddies and I fly up to the station and dock and board we are wandering around and notice this guy chopping up the people on the station that seemed like an uncool thing for him to do so we took a few pot shots at him, he pulls the whole light saber deflection thing so one of my friends shot the controls so this blast door between us closes. Said force user (the bad guy) tries to use the force to open up the blast doors, he gets them part way open .... and fumbled his telekinesis check ... and the door slammed shut again on his foot.
So here we are standing looking at a blast door with some toes sticking out of it on our side .... so I took my lightsaber and took a swipe at the foot, and off go the toes... (well it turns out I inflicted a serious wound on the guy cause I just lopped off 1/3 or so of his foot (ouch)) so I thought about it and said I will try to stab through the blast door and hit the guys body. well it turns out I did in fact I did such an awesome job of stabbing through the door, that I stuck my lightsabre right through his heart. (oops) the gm was using a new style d6 sheet after the foot incident he was basically mortally wounded, before I stabbed him in the chest, well it turns out the heart shot did mortal plus damage, it would have basically killed him if he was not wounded as it was he was mortally mortally wounded and I threw him like 4 hits off the top of the condition chart so he wasn't just dead he was really really dead.


MySpace. Back when MySpace was cool and new, I accidentally discovered an RP looking for fangeoups. My first RPG was Ace Combat. A member of that RP group invited me to a major Gundam site back when that too was still popular, and ever since, I have been roleplaying. Nine years and counting.

It's a pity there is only one soul on earth I know personally in the "outernet" that has Role Played. None of my daily crowd is into this kinda stuff. I'm also hugely an inner geek, never been the one to hang out in, all due respect of course, geeky crowds. I was part of the mall crew, and for a little part of the music scene... God, yes, I know, please don't remind me, lol.... Those were the days of old. I'm too old to look like a karking walking rainbow of death.

Dugur Sazrod

My immense love for all things Star Wars for as far back as I can remember, the desire to whiteout all those scenarios I'd imagined as a child playing with action figures, apparently I'm not a half bad writer (per judgement of former English teachers), and oh yeah..... Star Wars.

Oram Thorne

Darth Nox // Dark Noble
Originally i started out with regular pen and paper 20 years ago (and yes I am that old >.<), and then some day I came across a SW RP site (SW Combine), which at that point was in its beginning stages with lot of PBP and PBM rps for doing all kinds of things which had me hooked on SW. Along the years I have been on several boards and has even run a few myself with the help and in coorporation with others with lesser og greater levels of success..
Meet a guy in yahoo chat who was cute...


Talked to him and then he said, sorry have to go.... have an rp game I need to do.
And I was like.. what is that?!
He goes, "It's a game, based off starwars."
I go "Starwars?... what is that?"
He goes.... *pause* "You want to come and find out?"

He was cute so i said yes :p .... and thus my introduction to Star Wars and tabletop WEG systems. It's how I created Tici, my first character ever!

... that was back in High school.


My best friend wouldn't stop pestering me about it on the bus home from school.

First it had been Habbo Hotel.

Then Runescape.

Around 4 or five years ago, I started on chat sites which were big promoters of rp. There I generally became the lonesome man who defended those me met, or the leader of factions who's name was either loved or hated by anyone who heard it. Then, I got bored, the sites died down rp wise and I needed something new. Being a large star wars fan, I hopped around looking for a good site. I know very few people as knowledgeable about SW as I am, (Not yet sure if that's good or bad) so when I found several times when I would slam my head into my desk thinking "There is no way I can survive here without throttling every idiot." This led me to chaos where people seemed to know what they were talking about, and it soon became apparent that these people did their research, and that I was in for a challenge. So, I joined and here I am, in my first Star Wars RP site... first forum based site as well.
Got stuck at my aunt's house one spring break and only had Jedi Academy 2 to play. THat got me into wanting to research sith then I googled Sith code and stumbled through some sites till I found something called the Dark Sith Order, then fast forward 7 years and I found SWRP :D
I grew up on the Star Wars movies. My mother showed me the original trilogy, absolutely loved it, started buying little me Star Wars toys ('dat lego). Eventually watched Episode I, which little me still enjoyed. Hit pre-teen and played Knights of the Old Republic one and two. Then started reading the comics. Then the books. Now here I am. Making my own stories, I guess.
In Primary school, back in 2003, it was a rainy day and the only option during a rainy day was either: A. Stay in the lunch hall and be bored out of your mind for the reminder of your break or B. Skip lunch so you were first in line for the library, so you could play on the computers for the hour. I was one of the smart kids who used to sneak in a sandwich and eat it whilst a teacher wasn't looking.

So, there I was playing one of these silly flash games when I looked up and saw two guys, Kevin and Dante, on this other 'game'. That was what I thought it was before I logged on. Anyway, so I jumped on this thing called Habbo and spent my lunch time with my friends flirting with pixels because you know, that is what male children do lol. For personal reasons, I ended up leaving that school and the place I grew up in for somewhere else, losing all contact with my old friends. So when I came back home, I logged back on Habbo to see if they were on there, but they weren't, which was sad. I decided to stick around anyway because I enjoyed the chatroom, having been an avid used of the Lycos chatrooms back in the early 00s.

I don't remember how but I stumbled onto the RPG floor of Habbo back in 2005 as Futureben2005. I tended to make a new "futureben" and whatever year it was on the end until 2006. So, here I was on this RPG floor and I saw this populated room for Pokemon and I loved Pokemon, so I went in. Before I knew it, I was involved in this community where you could pretend to be your favorite Pokemon and then try and avoid getting caught by a trainer or be a trainer and try and accumulate as many PC Pokemon as possible. In the end really, it was who could get someone to pass over a rare piece of 'furni' in exchange for rights.

I got into Star Wars roleplay in 2006/2007 when a friend on my friends list invited me to a room, where he was planning to create a faction of Shadow Jedi who were going to fight the Jedi and Sith. That was how Vilox was born. I quit Habbo between 2007 and 2009 because of school and Runescape. I got tired of Runescape and I moved area again, losing touch with the majority of my irl friends, so I came back to Habbo and I was pretty much stuck there roleplaying the same character, Vilox (later Vilox Pazela) until February this year. Now I'm in this wonderful community :)

On Habbo, I'm one of the "old generation" vampire roleplayers, having roleplayed in "V'RP" since 2006 - 2014 and whenever a Resident Evil or Avatar RP (not the giant smurfs) I was actively involved in as well.

Back in 1998, the question was brought up in the middle of sex with an old girlfriend. She knew I was a hardcore Star Trek fan and wanted me to try something new and delve into Star Wars for a bit and give it a shot. So I did. It wasn't long after I talk to an old in real life friend under the character name Jeseth Cloak that helped me pick out a character name and directed me to a website to start my roleplaying life. The website was owned at the time by another in real life friend under the name of Nupraptor. SWFans.Net was born.

@[member="Ashin Varanin"]
I role play on another PbP website too. That website takes place during the middle ages though and I wanted to join a sci-fi website similar to it as well. After much searching, I finally came upon this place. Given I am a MASSIVE fan of Star Wars, I just had to join!
I've been into RPG's all my life, mostly Fantasy stuff, e.g. 'Baldur's Gate I + II', 'Icewind Dale I + II', 'Planescape: Torment'... the golden era of CRPG's. They were among the very first games I ever played for myself without help from my older brother, meaning I could actually understand the story and character by myself without him just telling me. I have a childhood friend who is really into table-top roleplaying, and so naturally I've tried it out a couple times. Not really my cup of tea - non-British, you see... that's a joke. Growing up, I only ever gave a damn about the story of games if they were set in a fantastical setting, i.e. Science Fiction (Star Wars, mostly) or Fantasy (High or Dark). While I may have broadened my view since, the Lord of the Rings-trilogy remains my all-time favourite movies.

As to how I got into Forum RP, that's an easy one to answer: @[member="Jyn Sol"].
Wow, I haven't posted in this thread?

So... I have always love writing and thus, RPing. I have been in post-by-post RPs for about... five years, maybe? Yeah, I guess so. But only about a year or two ago, I was really convinced, that Star Wars is boring. I had that feeling because of watching the Original Trilogy films. (for the sake of my sanity, I'm not going to start and argument here) But then, my sister wanted to watch all the films. She started from the Prequel Trilogy and so, I watched them with her and my younger brother. It turned out Star Wars isn't actually so boring, so I started looking for a great forum for RPing. And then I found Chaos.

Boom, RPing in Star Wars genre started. :D

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