Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private What Color Is Your Cult


Desert worlds weren't the kind of places Iris had been to often. It was hot, for sure, but.. A lot like her old home. Or at least Florrum was. A slum city where people lived together in relative peace, thankful for one another. Barely able to survive but happy. Or at least the colors said as much. Most kept to themselves as she passed through the town in her Jedi robe. Actually, that might be why people often left her be. Jedi robes, lightsaber. Wasn't the most inviting.

Maybe she could fix that. She smiled softly as she found a spot just enough out of the way for people to get around her, but close enough to catch attention. And started painting. A large canvas was put out, large enough for multiple people. Paints were put out so that could very well happen. And sure enough, not a couple minutes in as Iris started to paint others joined. Children, mostly, enjoying the game it was to paint their own things on the giant white sheet.

Iris smiled. This was already turning out to be a good day.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Florrum, a name that at one time was gathered alongside many other planets under the banner of the Sith Empire. It was a world that Alisteri had yet to visit until recently, due to it being relatively far from the wars that brought the Sith reign to an end. Given the state of it, he wished that he had came sooner. The fall of the Empire had been felt across most of the galaxy, but it greatest affected those that once swore allegiance to it. The sight of slum cities, of children and families scraping by in poverty made his stomach churn.

The winds that swept across the arid plains provided some relief to the heat, allowing for some comfort amidst the glaring sun. He idly pulled his red cloak tighter around himself as he slowly made his way down the street. His lightsaber was tucked away in his cloak, hidden from prying eyes. Visiting worlds such as this one was always a risk when one was so open about their allegiances, best to keep quiet and reserved until in friendly company. That had been his experience thus far, anyway.

The masked man's stride paused as a pair of children rushed in front of him, giggling as they went. A small smile cropped up under his mask as he curiously followed them with his gaze, spotting their destination immediately. A large canvas of sorts, one already adorned with the beginnings of artwork, stood out in the otherwise bleak area.

How curious. With little else to occupy his time, he strode forward to inspect what had been drawn thus far.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


As more people came, Iris took a step back. Making room, letting others take over and paint whatever it was they wanted to paint. More children, even some adults. People having fun. Others came around too. Not just to paint. Food, drink. Within moments a full on party had started, filling the air with soft music and colors that only Iris's eyes could see. All until a more dim shade caught her attention. Someone strange here, just like her.

Her gaze shifted to Darth Strosius Darth Strosius , her smile bright as ever. She lifted up a paintbrush, offering it out. "Here."
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Alisteri did his best to stay back from the main crowd, content to simply watch and be left to his own devices. The inhabitants had a different idea however. As more and more people were drawn to the canvas, a party even forming after some time, the Sith was gradually pushed closer to the painters than he had intended. Soon enough he wasn't all that far away from the main action, but his peace wasn't truly disturbed until someone caught his eye. Or, more specifically, her attire caught his eye.

The telltale robes of a Jedi, all the way on Florrum. Alisteri barely registered what such attire meant before the woman in question returned his gaze and offered him a brush. There was silence before he answered, contemplating a response that didn't invite a brawl in the middle of the crowd. "...Thank you but I am not one for the arts. I prefer to simply admire and observe."

His tense hands stayed hidden beneath his cloak, one of them grasping the hilt of his hidden weapon tightly in anticipation. "You don't seem to be from around here."

Iris Arani Iris Arani


"I'm not going to hurt you."

She couldn't tell much about Darth Strosius Darth Strosius , but the colors didn't lie. He was nervous about her. Like many of the others there. She kept the kind smile, but pulled the brush away. The last thing Iris was going to do was try and force something on a stranger they didn't want to do. She just wanted to help brighten the man's colors a bit. Her gaze turned back to the people there, smiling, laughing.

"No, but I know places like this. People just need a good reason to smile."
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Despite her words, or because of them in this case, his eyes narrowed suspiciously as she spoke. Iris Arani Iris Arani 's words and tone were calming indeed, but her apparent alignment kept his shoulders and hands tense and ready to lash out at a moment's notice. Something about her gaze unsettled Alisteri as well, as if she could see something about him that he couldn't. A childish and supernatural assumption, but one that remained.

"You aren't wrong." The masked man finally replied as he glanced at the canvas as it began to transform into a proper piece of art. "Although I feel inclined to question your good will. Most would hardly go out of their way for such a small, insignificant place."
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
"Too true." He nodded in agreement, deciding that the crowd of painters was a more welcoming sight than the ever-present smile on Iris Arani Iris Arani 's face. Alisteri ensured that he still had a good view of her in his peripheral vision though, in order to keep track of her. He did his best not to take a step back when she leaned in closer, pretending not to notice even as he tensed up. "I came here to see the damage, and to hopefully find people willing and able to rebuild what's been lost."

His gaze swept over the crowd for a moment before sighing. "These people need more help than I, or anyone that I can find, can provide though. So my mission is...rendered null and void."
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
"That they do, but I can't provide what they require." He had been hoping for Florrum to be more intact than the planets that had been on the frontlines of the war, but evidently they weren't that much better off in comparison. "I was hoping for assistance of my own, but I can't ask for what they cannot give." It was disheartening, in all manners.

Finally Alisteri looked back at Iris Arani Iris Arani and nodded. "I do thank you though, for helping to lift the spirits of these people."



Iris nodded slowly. She understood more than she'd like to admit on what Darth Strosius Darth Strosius meant. The kind of help she'd love to give these people she couldn't either. Maybe it was the same was as him. Her gaze lingered on the crowd, her smile there but dimmer now as she retreated to her own thoughts. Was this truly enough? She was a Jedi, shouldn't she be able to help more?

".. It's not enough, but it's a start, I think."
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
There was a small nod in response, and it was the only one that he gave for a long moment as he looked over the assembled crowd and their festivities. It had been many weeks, even months and years, since he had seen a party of any sort. Let alone one put on by and for the common people. Were it not for the Jedi and the knowledge of the current state of affairs, Alisteri might have even considered joining in with them himself.

"Well we all have to start somewhere." He glanced back at Iris Arani Iris Arani , the only sign of it being a slight tilt of his head, as he spoke. "Why don't you go on and enjoy the fun then? I doubt you'd care for me to sour the mood any more."


"No one said you were souring the mood." Iris blinked. As much as she was in her own head again, Darth Strosius Darth Strosius 's words pulled her out of it again. Was he putting himself down? She frowned slightly, watching him. "You're allowed to have fun too, regardless of what your master tells you." She had no more details than that. What master, the reasons behind it, none of it was truly known. But the Padawan always had some knowledge she shouldn't.

The frown turned back to a smile as she again held out a brush. "Paint. I promise it'll make you feel better."
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
His gaze narrowed in a slight annoyance as his attempt at dismissal was denied, but they opened wide at her comment about a master. His master. What did she just say? Alisteri idly felt his hand gripping the hilt of his lightsaber underneath his cloak, taking a moment to pause as he realized how close he had been to pulling it out without even realizing it. Something about Iris Arani Iris Arani made his fight or flight response activate evidently.

The masked man reflexively pulled back slightly as the held out a brush again, as if some part of him was worried that she would be brandishing a weapon. "...You are a persistent one aren't you?"


"You don't seem like a bad person." She didn't answer Darth Strosius Darth Strosius 's question. More, she was studying him. The dim colors around him hadn't concerned her at first, but how he reacted put her on edge. His colors darkened. Was he going to attack her? What was it he was reaching towards? All at once the peaceful painter was replaced by the dutiful Padawan, her worry about those behind her renewed.

"I'll leave you be. Apologies."
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
There was a small pause at her statement, with him tilting his head slightly as if he expected her to be joking or telling a punchline. When she didn't follow up with any sort of remark that would indicate such, he instead looked back at the crowd. Alisteri's gaze was quick to shift back to Iris Arani Iris Arani at the mention of leaving though. "Wait."

There was no way he was just going to let a Jedi walk free and rampant among the populace of a Sith world. Well, previous Sith world anyway. "You've piqued my curiosity traveler. Tell me what you wish to paint."
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Another slight tilt of his head showed his interest in her response, his mask betraying no emotion as he spoke. "Oh?" His gaze flickered around for a moment in search of whatever could have inspired Iris Arani Iris Arani to begin painting, but he found nothing. "And pray tell, if you don't mind me asking, what colors do you see then?" Although he did his best to disguise it, he was equal parts curious and suspicious.


"Mm. The Force, I guess, would be the best way to describe it." Right. Iris was well aware people couldn't see her world of colors, but often enough she forgot that she had to explain just what that meant. "Emotions. Life, death. That and more leaves.. Colors in the Force. I'm not sure how else to explain it. Your shades are dark, for example." There was no reason to lie, and Darth Strosius Darth Strosius hadn't tried to attack her. Maybe they could talk this out after all?

"You have a lot of hate."
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
The masked man noticeably perked up at the mention of the Force, surprised and caught off guard by her. Alisteri hoped that she was lying about her apparent sight, or at the very least that he had been subtle in his emotions and intentions. Hopefully she can't tell that- He froze when Iris Arani Iris Arani said that his shades were dark, his eyes widening and his hand twitching before curling around the hilt of his sabre. It more of a reaction than anything else. As he opened his mouth to try and lie or somehow persuade her that her vision was mistaken, she spoke again and caused him to take a small step back in surprise.

There was a minute of silence and stillness before the Sith finally responded, tension having returned to his shoulders. When he spoke again his voice was low, whispered as to not attract attention. "...That I do. I suppose there's only so much point in pretending that I'm ignorant of you then?" His gaze narrowed slightly. "Jedi." The word was hissed and whispered, like some foul curse. "Come to Florrum to see the results of your order's work hm? Gloat a little maybe?"

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