Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private What Color Is Your Cult


Ignorant? Iris blinked slowly before stepping back. Her attempt for peace was the wrong way to go about it, that's what she'd realized. As Darth Strosius Darth Strosius hissed out Jedi, the only thing she could think of was the hate she'd felt from Sith before. Was he a Sith? She couldn't tell, she wouldn't assume. But she knew this was a powerkeg waiting to go off. "I'm just here to help people be happy. That's all I can do as I am." Still, Iris tried not to blow this up. She kept a calm smile, turned her gaze towards the people close by. Figuring out how to avoid dragging them into a possible fight as best she could.

"There's no reason to fight."
Prophet of Bogan
His hand still clasped around his lightsaber lessened slightly as Iris Arani Iris Arani spoke, with him casting a glance around at the crowd himself. There was no guarantee that the populace were friendly to the Sith, so revealing himself and starting trouble may just get them both on the bad side of whatever guards still remained. Slowly and reluctantly, Alisteri allowed his hand to pull back from his weapon.

He also took a small step away and did his best to relax and look slightly less like he was ready to pounce on the Jedi at any given moment. "And why? Why come here to entertain a people that were your order's enemies not long ago? For what purpose do you seek to bring happiness?" He cocked his head to the side slightly as he spoke. "Looking to recruit?"


"They weren't my enemies." An honest and simple truth. But even as Darth Strosius Darth Strosius seemed to relax, she didn't. The colors still told a different story. One like he was going to strike out at her as soon as the chance was given. "Are you here to recruit?" She didn't answer, even though it was a no. Part of her felt like he wouldn't believe it. Domxite reached out, the gem within her lightsaber calming her mind. If only long enough to keep her from trying to run.
Prophet of Bogan
There was another cock of his head at her first response, almost as if he were looking surprised in a sarcastic manner, but he said nothing. Perhaps Iris Arani Iris Arani wasn't lying and hadn't been a Jedi at the time, or hadn't fought in the war at all. It only changes her own guilt though, not the guilt of her ilk. Alisteri didn't allow it to affect his opinion either way. "No, I was looking for people willing to improve their home." There was a pause as he considered how much to tell, but his mission had already failed so there was only so much point in bothering to hide his intentions any longer.

"People that would try to restore a bit of the Sith Empire, in some form or another, to help bring order and stability back to this place. Maybe even establish enough of a presence to fight off the New Imperials and the Crusaders." Lofty dreams of course, but they were better than being content with seeing the remnants of the Empire suffer and fall to warlord and enemy alike. "But these people need outside help before they can help anyone else."


"Rebuild.. The Sith Empire?" The disbelief was obvious in her voice. Disbelief and panic. Darth Strosius Darth Strosius was a Sith. There was no more denying it. Her hand settled onto the hilt of her blade, instinct alone bidding she hold a weapon now. "I think you should leave. There is no love for the Empire here."
Prophet of Bogan
Alisteri's gaze narrowed and he resisted the urge to scoff, idly rolling his eyes at her response as if he were unconcerned. "And you believe your order has any more than I? Lest you forget, these people suffer without the order of the empire. An order brought down by Jedi and traitors alike." He gestured to the crowd with a nod of his head. "You think they're better off like this? Alone and destitute simply because their rulers were Sith? For all the preaching of you about happiness, you stand in the way of it now."

He looked back at Iris Arani Iris Arani , a burning hatred in his eyes. "As you always have, Jedi offer only a fist to those that need a hand."


She couldn't see his face, but the colors were no lie. The anger, rage he felt. Inwardly she shivered. She didn't want to be here, talking to Darth Strosius Darth Strosius . Not any longer. She didn't know where all this anger could come from. It didn't make sense. He was no older than her, right? Was this just what it meant to be Sith? "They deserve to be happy." That was the only point she stood for, and the only one she got behind now. She didn't know the history of the planet. Of what it was like under Sith rule. What the Jedi did.

Only what she was doing now.

"Do you plan to make them fight a war again?"
Prophet of Bogan
"They deserve to be safe." The counter was subtle and surprisingly calm, as if Alisteri had simmered down some. His tone had at least, his mood remained fairly unchanged even if it was a bit restrained by the fact that he didn't intend to start a fight at the moment. The keywords being, 'this moment' of course. The question made him noticeably pause and shift in his stance slightly as he pondered what she was asking. He judged his own response carefully before he spoke again, looking from Iris Arani Iris Arani to the crowd and then to the sky.

"If you're asking about me leading a charge of riled up remnants and civilians to try and reclaim the empire's land from their current occupiers, then no. Any fight I would ask of them would be in their defense. The powers in this region would not tolerate such independence, especially under the rule of a Sith or in an attempt at a new Sith Empire, for long. Eventually the enemy would descend upon this world and I would prepare them to fight back with everything at their disposal."


"They have no enemies. Not like that." Bandits, slavers, pirates. Yeah, Iris knew those would probably be the kind of trials these people would have to face. But they weren't going to be targets of the Alliance or the Crusade. They couldn't be. Empire or not, they weren't the Sith who hounded war and spread anguish across the stars. Or, so she'd been told. She'd met many Sith since she started her path to be a Jedi, but they were always angry. Violent.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius was angry, but he wasn't violent. The colors continued to tinge like he would be, but an attack never came. "They can live a life of peace. Why not let them?"
Prophet of Bogan
There was small shift in his demeanor at that, an almost amused tilt of his head as the faceless gaze of his mask returned to Iris Arani Iris Arani . "Such an easy thing to say from someone in your position. Not all of us are so lucky as to have the backing of half the galaxy." Alisteri had seen what happens to people left alone, with no allies or higher authority to rely on. They would get overwhelmed, corrupted, conquered, or perhaps all of the above. It had happened to the Sith Empire after all, in the end they stood alone against the tide of war. And as such they were consumed by it.

"Peace can only be achieved through strength. Through a willingness to fight back against that which would disturb it." The Sith code idly rang out in the back of his mind, of the lie of peace. The lie of a Jedi. "The Tingel Arm will not be left alone. Those seeking to establish their own domain will come. The Imperials, the Crusaders, whoever else. And these people will have to merely lie back and hope their new rulers will be kind. Or else...."

With that he lifted a hand from his cloak, curling his fingers into a fist. "The reality of the galaxy is either fight and be strong, or stand behind those that do it for you. Were it not for the enemies of the Sith, and the corrupt cowards that claim lordship of our order, these people would have their peace."


There was something to be said about conviction. When one believed firmly in their path, the hearts of the uncertain could be swayed. Iris listened, but she didn't respond. How could she? Darth Strosius Darth Strosius was right. Everything he said, it was right. People who couldn't fight for themselves needed someone kind to fight for them. But.. Could they really have had peace with the Sith ruling? Simply looking to her encounters with the Maw and she refused to believe it. Yet he was a Sith, and.. She could believe him.

She didn't like this.

"It's not just strength that's needed. Compassion." That was the only point she could cling to, and even that was just faulty at best.

"So long as people are kind, peace can last."
Prophet of Bogan
Her response did cause him a moment of thought, with him raising his head as if he almost respected her words. Almost. "Compassion. Peace. These things are fleeting and rare." Were it not for the slightly somber tone that accompanied it, such a statement would sound completely dismissive.

"People are...fluid. Attitudes and intents change by the day, perhaps even the hour, but actions and consequences remain the same. Structure and order ensure that all can have a chance to succeed and be safe, provided that all contribute their fair share. Strength can bring about the peace you speak of, and it can keep it that way as well."

Alisteri paused, eyeing Iris Arani Iris Arani for a moment before speaking again. "What are you willing to give for peace, Jedi? Or, more accurately...." His head tilted to the side slightly. "What are you willing to take for it?"

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