Akio Kahoshi
Peace through Order
The Moon.
Jaxton Ravos said:'Murica.
It is over 8 times as large as the Dominican Republic however.
Curupira Hawk said:Croatia
I speak Croatian and English. Studied German for eight years but since it was very traumatic, I blocked it. Now I'm studying Italian and very slowly picking up words from Turkish.
Antarctica?Zurx Tua said:Terra Australis
Football?Thane said:Hi. I'm Thane. I'm also from America, the North one, where we have real football.
I speak American, English, and am fluent in sarcasm.
YES I love you.Gobar Nass said:US California representing!
Dark Onyx said:I am born in raised in Las Vegas Nevada.
I speak Itallian, Russian, and English.