Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What do you guys wanna see from Chaos in 2024????????????

I know I am new to chaos, so I may not get to much of a say, and I don't know if this has been done before, But I would like to see more galactic events, like invasions, or stuff from other galaxy's that we as players can fight, or work with to bring Chaos
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Something that we can do with the Underworld Credits other than collect points.

I know they were used for banners and stuff in the past, but having something that these can be applied to so then its just not a potential wasted mechanic that could be used.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The map update sounded so cool and you sounded excited for it at one time.
Blue Hawks returning as stated above.
Events could return but I know they were hard to organize vs the participation.
SOmethings in the factory brought back, altered or changed.
I am not really doing much around these days so the only thing I can think that influences me is maybe a way to turn off the UC notifications.

There might be one already and I missed it.
If you want to use UCs, there's nothing stopping anyone from using them with the bounty system or to start using them to start buying items from user storefronts again, like we did in the beginning. I know at one point people were trying to run a stock market.

Anyways, I guess if there was anything I'd like to see from Chaos, maybe bring back rebellions, with some updated ruleset mechanics to reflect the current state of the board?

I think I saw one of the admins posted to ask members about what kind of new codex/factory templates they would like to see, that'd be neat.

Members of the month fell to the wayside, but I enjoyed seeing users being highlighted for their efforts.

Maybe a board-wide event that brings in tech/species that are banned/not utilized? Or the ability to use banned tech, like in the case of annihilation threads. Rakatan or celestial tech would be fun to play around with.
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Board events only if they don't rely on a select few people having to DM stuff. Just a prompt setting a certain event, problem or situation up and having the site respond to it as they will. Maybe the ideas can be made by the admins and MFO's for the best reach and people on the site take it from there.

Updates to the map-game can be fun too. Some rule changes, maybe a new type of thread to play into the map game.

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