Pirate Prince
Nobody has complained to me yet about my tendency to involve Nimdok's eight year old daughter Miri in every thread I possibly can (and I've only heard it mentioned once, not because she's a child but because she's a recurring NPC with the potential to "steal the show" from the main PCs in any given thread. Well, that wasn't the exact quote -
once praised me for using my NPCs as mere "set dressing" at a time when I didn't even know that using NPCs too much could ever be considered an issue), but now's your chance to give your opinion. What do you think of Miri, or my use of NPCs in general? Do I do it too much? Is it painfully obvious that I'm used to having control over all characters in a story, and simply can't give up the novel format? Does this dress make me look fat?
If your reaction to this thread/poll is "Who is Miri?" then I will take that as a sign that I'm doing just fine. If your reaction is "Why are you even asking this question, just do whatever you want and don't let other people's opinions affect your decisions" then you are probably having more fun than me and I congratulate you, you're an inspiration to us all. Unfortunately, I like to know other people's opinions and want to improve my writing, so eh.

If your reaction to this thread/poll is "Who is Miri?" then I will take that as a sign that I'm doing just fine. If your reaction is "Why are you even asking this question, just do whatever you want and don't let other people's opinions affect your decisions" then you are probably having more fun than me and I congratulate you, you're an inspiration to us all. Unfortunately, I like to know other people's opinions and want to improve my writing, so eh.
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