Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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 What do you think of Starlin Rand?

Starlin is almost a year old now (well, sort of - he was technically first created on April 5, but then I chickened out and deleted him, only to remake him on May 3) and while he's one of my favorite characters to write, I've yet to ask people what they thought of him.

So here's one of those things where I ask you your opinion on my writing of this character and your feelings regarding the character himself. I'm not gonna put any threads up here for you to read or examples of posts, I'm not going to yak about writing or talk about what I think of him, I just want to know how you, readers and people I have written with before, see Starlin Rand. Even if you think he sucks and is one of my worst characters, at least tell me why you think that, lol. I can take it, I promise.
Starlin is one of your best characters! Maybe THE best!

His character progression has been visible, noticeable, going from a kid of the street on the verge of a severe drug problem to becoming a Jedi sorcerer's apprentice. He struggled early on, and it was obvious he was very layered and nuanced and very adaptable, given ALL the weirdness associated with anything Syd.

It's been one of my favorite experiences to write with you so far, and you are only getting better as time goes on, with you own established lore and such.

Keep it up!

I see him as a person halfway between idealism and pragmatism. Not as starry eyed as he was when he first started, his experiences have him wrestling with his perception of what a good Jedi is, and the reality of who and what trained him, making him a very interesting parallel to Laertia. But he really stands on his own two feet as a character, and is shown to be mortal and flawed. It's a great mix.
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Elle Mors

Usually, especially when I'm, like, reading my own writing, the characters I see on the screen act in a way that I don't usually associate with the way normal, real, people would act in whatever situation they're in. I've only been in a position to really notice the character during the Csilla Annihilation thread, so my perspective is a bit narrow, but from what I've seen of Starlin you write him a lot more believably than I typically see, like from a circumstance - > action/reaction context. That, and I like that we get to peer into the going-ons of his mind sometimes, with a little narrative cheek from time to time. If you were trying to write someone with a certain foundational personality shaped by the things that happens to them, I think you're doing pretty great.

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