Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What Do You Think Of The Character Above You?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Hey, I'll have you know that all those detours were because of either some FO generated gravity well traps that forced me out of a jump or...or... sigh..pilot error.
Ok, OK, so YES pilot error. I did refund their fare you know. :(

Maybe you should try and mend at least one of those broken hearts. It could salvage what little rep you had when you first started out, no? :huh:
Heh so the star pilot does have a few mishaps. Tsk tsk.

Ouch Ms DeVoe, you hurt me, I'll have you know I have a great reputation with everyone I meet...okay that was a lie, but I'm not looking to mend any broken hearts, that's not how it works. Just like you don't take people across the Galaxy for free.

Plus I don't do well with apologizing.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Uhm... actually I do. You know, take people across the galaxy for free. Well more often than actually booking a flight. But yes, I do occasionally take on a fare...maybe two so far. But all my flights so far have been for humanitarian reasons.
I'm a pacifist and don't believe in violence. As such, my ship and I are never armed. I may not be a physical fighter, but I do my best in getting aid to helpless people caught in the battlefront. And most times that I do take on a full shipload of passengers, they are refugees that I evacuated from said battlefronts. :D

What do you do to serve the better of man and his kind? :D

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