Not sure if someone else posted this thing (I'm sure someone did), but I'd like to see more shenanigans between the Jedi and the NFUs of the faction -- and I don't just means doms/invasions/etc. I mean adventures, explorations, goofing off and spraypainting the high brass's doors!
Quite a few people have stated that we lack cohesion, and I think one way to fix that is to put together a few threads where there isn't fighting or any of the usual Republic Mumbo Jumbo.
We need threads where our characters could actually have fun. We need characters where we could be like Indiana Jones, or Lara Croft; we need threads where a bunch of us could be like Joe Dirt or Dumb and Dumber (alright, well, maybe not that far). We need threads where it's not always serious, or ever serious; we need threads where there's no real enemies. Conflict/rising climax? Yes. But nothing that is completely life-changing or dramatic. Because I think that might help -- no drama.
I mean, drama is good. But only in moderation.
Exploration threads, where a group of NFUs and Jedi, lower-ranking ones even, can explore stuff -- for instance, if y'all want we could go to Monastery and explore the caves that my Blind Ones live in. They haven't gotten as much exposure as I would have liked. (Yes that is shameless promoting, why do you ask?) Or maybe we explore ruins of a long-lost Sith/Jedi/Gree civilization just for the heck of it.
Or maybe some bored cadets and Padawans/high brass and Masters (or Knights) could get together and share stories. It sounds boring in theory, but trust me -- if written well, everyone could have fun with it.
But basically I think a good idea would be to have threads where there's nothing at stake, not really. Where it's no long-term, life-or-death situation; where if we don't do everything we plan to do, a planet won't be lost or a city destroyed.
Anyone else running in my lane? Or am I lone-wolfing it tonight?