Corvus Raaf
It wasn't just hat he lunged at her, it was the power behind hit. Parrying in the inner circle was always risky but she had little choice. She used her saber to deflect the blow and her shoto as back up, the two blades travelling in parallel, two violet blurs sweeping a crimson one aside.
But her focus was too much on his primary attack. Too late she realised his long and powerful leg was bearing down on her own. On the basis the blade carried the greater risk, this took most of her attention still, and her clumsy effort to jump over his leg meant he clipped her ankles and she landed awkwardly. Again. And the landing sent a jarring sensation up her body and her broken rib flared in pain, causing her to wince involuntarily.
This time she kept her feet but was back on her heels and he definitely had the upper hand. She needed to gain the initiative and so waited for his next move. He'd shown some impressive moves - and now it was time for her to show a few of her own.
But her focus was too much on his primary attack. Too late she realised his long and powerful leg was bearing down on her own. On the basis the blade carried the greater risk, this took most of her attention still, and her clumsy effort to jump over his leg meant he clipped her ankles and she landed awkwardly. Again. And the landing sent a jarring sensation up her body and her broken rib flared in pain, causing her to wince involuntarily.
This time she kept her feet but was back on her heels and he definitely had the upper hand. She needed to gain the initiative and so waited for his next move. He'd shown some impressive moves - and now it was time for her to show a few of her own.