Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What game are you currently playing?

Bioshock Series: Played 1 and 2, and going to be getting 3 soon =) I highly recommend the series for the plot. Game play can be intense, not because it's difficult, but because when you're running out of ammo, you really pay attention to what you use and when xD 2 was better for the difficulty because you couldn't just OP the sh*t out of the Big Daddies until much later in the game. As for the Big Sisters, holy sh*t! >.> I used up everything the first fight and ended up using my drill to kill her because I ran out of everything xP Great acting, and awesome plot in my opinion =)

Civilization V: I like the game =) Always enjoyed the civ games.
Diablo 3 - PS3

I've got probably 30 hours or so, unsure... but it is an excellent game. Some don't care for the console version, but playing a Monk on it is awesome. (The only class worth playing on console IMO.)
Mount & Blade: Warband - According to Steam, I've put more than 2,000 hours into it in a little over two years... yikes. :eek:

Total War: Rome 2 - Not as bad as everyone says, though I imagine veterans of Total War would think it lackluster. I for one enjoy it. Sparta's totally badass! :cool:

Guild Wars 2 - Not a hardcore fan, though I enjoy it very much. The free-to-play makes it worth every öre. <--- That's "penny", in Swedish. :p

I've also played alot of Dragon's Dogma on Xbox, as well as Xcom: Enemy Within. Good stuff. :D

The Hound

Currently I'm replaying Skyrim on PC. It feels like a new game but still Skyrim with the mods I am using. More like like I am playing a "completed" Skyrim it feels amazing <3
right at the moment I am bouncing around between games if I believe my steam account I have ~223 hours on xcom enemy unknown, and I got the enemy within expansion, about 14 hours on Marvel Heroes, 1192 hours on stronghold kingdoms (not sure how I managed that) years on wow and I have no idea how much time into swtor but I have 2 lvl 29 chars and several 19-25 chars
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst (Steam version). About 4 hours in the story, longer in Free Battle and Online, though I can't seem to hold a battle online... my name is heatman722 on Steam and I recommend this game simply for the first boss battle the Hero way.
I would have
Hours in? Almost 22 years.
Recent achievements unlocked? Bachelor's Degree! Full time employment! One year anniversary with boyfriend!
Trophies Won :
Upcoming Sig Lord for the SWRP CHAOS Boards!
Participant trophy for Little League, circa 1995
Champion of the Pee Wee Pokemon Bowling team! #TEAM BEEDRILL! circa 1997.

but, Im actually going to try Star Wars Squadrons, if my Beta pass still works. And occasionally platy WoW, Im a Panda.
Replaying Mass Effect 3. Got a save where all the ME2 crew died except Kasumi, just to see what happens when you completely fail at life in ME2. :p

Extended ending of course and considering getting the completely changed ending mod. Star brat...must die.
Shadow of the Colossus on PS3, HD Classic. I'm about three hours into the game and I've defeated 13 of the 16 colossi. I recommend that everyone plays the game, it's simply beautiful.

Kila Cadau

Mando Rally Master (With a metal kneecap)
Minecraft: I'm a creative-mode player, mostly. On survival I never make it past about an hour. xD

KOTOR: Currently trying to break into the Vulkar base properly. I think I'm on my third character.

Lord of the Rings Online: Thirty or so hours in, maybe. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who likes Lord of the Rings (and has read the books, otherwise you'll be so, so, so confused)

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